
By Diego de Anda

Published on May 19, 2016


This is my first attemptat writing a story, please be kind.

This story containssexual situations between two males. If material of This nature offends youthen you should not read this story. If you are under 18 years of ageyou are probably not legally allowed to read this Story. This storyis purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead,or to events that may have occurred, is purely Coincidental. The authorclaims all copyrights in this story and no duplication orpublication of this story is allowed (except by the web sites to which it hasbeen posted) without the consent of the author.

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"Well, that explains whyyou left the bar tonight like a bat out hell" a deep, baritone voice said. Theshock of hearing an unexpected voice in the room caused me to fall off the bedand hit the tile floor with a loud thud. "Sorry bud didn't mean to scare you"he said helping me get back on the bed. As he helped me get back on the bed, heslipped a finger inside me, causing me to jump up.

"I'm Rocco, Philip'sroommate and resident bartender at Cuff" Rocco said giving me a small bow. Thetent on his jeans was very noticeable. Judging by it's size and girth he waseither packing a pretty hefty dick or carried a wine bottle in his pants. Nowthat I had the opportunity to take a good look at the Cuff bartender I was ableto fully take him in. At 5'7" he was definitely shorter than Philip or I. Hewas the most muscular out of us three. Every muscle, it seemed was pumped tothe max without it looking obscene or very caricaturesque. His tree trunk armsand legs gave indication that he was very hairy. He wore a black muscle shirtthat was perfectly molded to his chest. A thick thatch of auburn colored hairwas visible from the neckline. His jeans hugged his thighs and calves as if hewas sewn into them.

"Would you care to joinus?" I blurted out before I had a chance to think about what I said. I'm notsure if it was the weed, the moment, my horniness, or a combination of allthree that caused me to blurt out what I said. I quickly looked to Philip togauge his reaction, technically I was "his" and perhaps he was not fond ofsharing. I couldn't read Philip's face as he had chosen the opportunity to takeanother hit when I asked.

"What do you say Philip,got room for one more" Rocco said, massaging his bulge over his pants. "Wealways talked about tag teaming someone..." he added. He was leaning on thedoorway, as if awaiting an invitation into the room and bed, perhaps into ourlittle encounter.

After a prolongedsilence, Philip responded, "What are you waiting for? An invitation?". Philipwas grinning like the Chesire cat. "I opened him up for your mammoth dick. Makehim regret inviting you into his hole" he added with a hearty laugh. I couldn'ttell if Philip was joking or jealous, so I wasn't sure how to take his comment.

"C'mere boy. Get thisdick ready for your hole." Rocco said taking off his muscle shirt andunbuttoning his jeans. I hesitantly made my way over to Rocco, wondering if Ipossibly had bitten more than I could chew. Literally. I was able to takePhilip's dick with sheer willpower and determination. Taking Rocco's would takeskills that I have yet to develop. I pulled down the zipper of Rocco's jeansand slowly lowered them down his thighs and ankles. As I lowered his pants, hisfreed mammoth sized cock smacked me in the cheek with a nice Plop! Itleft a nice trail of precum that connected his dick to my cheek.

Using the steady amountof precum that was leaking from his head, I massaged his shaft with both hands.I placed his large, mushroom head in my mouth and continued to massage hisshaft. Rocco brushed off my hands and shook his head, I took that to mean no hands.I began to work my way down his shaft and only stopped when his hit the back ofthroat. I had managed to half of his dick in my mouth and throat before my gagreflex kicked in. I retreated until only his head remained on my mouth and Imassaged it with my tongue. I pulled completely out and admired his thick,leaking cock covered in my spit. I sucked on his frenulum for a few seconds,eliciting an appreciative moan from Rocco. I swallowed his dick with gusto andmanaged to get another inch down my throat. Only 4 more inches to go.

"C'mon boy, you can dothis" Rocco said placing his hands on the back of my head. He shoved theremaining four inches into my throat making me gag. He held my head down forseveral minutes before letting go. I caught my breath and worked my way downhis cock until my lips touched his auburn pubes. Rocco chuckled at myenthusiasm.

He continued to facefuck, several times spitting on my face. His globs of spit fell on my face andsplattered down my neck and chest. I never thought getting spit on was eroticor sexy but the combination of getting face fucked and spit on had me hard assteel and leaking like a faucet again.

"Get on the bed, on yourback" Rocco said pushing me off his dick. I got on the bed with my head slightlyhanging off the bed. Philip moved in between my legs and started fingering myhole. Philip had not said or done anything since inviting Rocco to join us.Philip managed to work three whole fingers in my hole, spreading them inside meto open my hole up for Rocco's mammoth sized cock.

Rocco sunk his entirelength into my willing mouth and fucked my face without reservations. He eitherdid not hear nor cared about me gagging. Soon enough spit and throat slime randown my face making my vision blurry. I did not dare stop Rocco's assault of mymouth. Mostly because the thinking part of my brain decided to stop working butanother part of me felt that this was where I belonged and his oral assault waswhat I deserved.

Rocco finally pulled outand slowly moved me to a sitting position. "Look at yourself in the mirror" hesaid. A cock crazed, cum hound had clearly taken the reins. My hair wassticking out at different angles, my eyes bloodshot red, throat slime covered myface, and my skin was flushed red. Using his muscle shirt, Rocco wiped off theslime from my face. "A cumslut in the making. I can see it", he added.

"His hole is ready foryou" Philip said, speaking for the first time in 20 minutes. Rocco grabbed a pillowfrom the floor and placed it on the bed, signaling me to rest my lower back onit.

"Get doggie, I want towatch you give head to Philip as I pound you" Rocco said, not as a request fora demand. I laid over the pillow and arched my ass up. I moved closer to Philipto find a position that would allow me to suck on his dick but still meetRocco. Behind me, Rocco spit on my hole and dick several times to lube both up.With the thick load Philip had dropped inside me less that 45 minutes ago, Iwas sure I was more than lubricated but perhaps Rocco wanted to sure that therewas enough lubrication.

Rocco lined up hismushroom cock head with my hole. Just as he had sunk his cock down my throat hedid the same with my hole, only stopping when he hit a wall of resistance. Hewaited a minute before retracting until only his head remained inside of me. Herepeated the same motion, sinking his dick inside me until he hit the samehole. My hole was stretched to the max, attempting to accommodate him, I wonderedwhether I would be able to take his full length.

"Got any poppers?" Roccoasked Philip. Philip nodded and reached for his bedside dresser and pulled outa small non-descript brown bottle. He uncapped it and moved it under my nose.He pinched one nostril and held the small bottle under my free nostril.

"Breath in until I tellyou to stop" Philip said. "One...two...three...four...five. Hold it. Hold it.Let go" Phillip added. He repeated the same motion to the other nostril untilhe had repeated the action twice on each nostril. My head felt light headed andmy entire body tingled from the fumes that I was inhaling. Meanwhile, Rocco hadcontinued to pump my hole, repeating the motion of pulling his dick out untilonly the head remained and then sinking his dick into my hole. With the help ofthe poppers my second hole opened up swallowing up the remaining inches ofRocco's dick.

He sighed when hebottomed out inside me. My hole was struggling to reject Rocco's dick andattempted to keep him inside. Rocco noticed my internal battle and said,"Relax, just relax. Don't fight it. Be a good cumdump for me". He massaged mylower back hoping that would get me to relax. I grabbed Philip's dick and hopedthat sucking on it would distract me enough to let Rocco pound me, as he said.Rocco's dick had definitely opened up my throat, so taking Philip's would be aneasier task. Before I knew it, I had reached Philip's pubes.

"Just suckle it, baby"Philip said stroking my cheek. "I'm gonna cum in your hole again. I just needyou to keep me warm until it's my turn".

"If you want another goat him, be my guest" Rocco added pulling out of my hole. Without his giant dickinside me, my hole felt gaping and empty. I overlooked my shoulder, givingRocco my best puppy dog eyes. His entire body was covered in sweat, droplets ofsweat had been cascading down his chest onto my back since he began his analassault. His dick was covered in Philip's cum, spit, and ass juices. He wasdefinitely churning the load that Philip had deposited earlier.

"Please fuck me sir" Isaid to Rocco before I dove onto Philip's dick. Sucking on like I would bereceiving my last meal. Rocco lined up with dick with my hole and in one swiftmove shoved his entire length inside me. The sudden invasion caused me to yelpa little and I was afraid that would cause me to bite down Philip's dick. Myfears were unfounded. Rocco had found my spot and was repeatedly hitting him.If it wasn't for Philip's dick in my mouth, I would have been babbling andmoaning incoherently.

Rocco grabbed me andlifted me off the bed and with the help of Philip managed to flip me around sothat I was on my back.. Not once did his dick leave my hole. He continued hisassault. Philip grabbed my ankles, one in each hand. And pulled my legs towardhim, giving Rocco full unfiltered access to my hole. He was able to utilize thenew position to dig deeper inside my hole. I'm sure by now he was somewheredeep in my bowels.

Philip squatted on myface and said "Lick boy". I placed my hands on his thick meaty globes. His asscheeks were relatively smooth but there was a fine, sparse dusting of hair. Hiscrack was a dark hairy forest, much like the rest of his body. I tentativelylicked at his puckered hole. I tasted a day's worth of musk and sweat. All ofit had pooled along his crack and I was more than happy to lick it clean, muchlike I did with his balls and armpit.

I ran the flat of mytongue up and down his crack several times, eliciting moans from Philip. Philipmove forward, giving me access to his balls as well. I licked my way from hisballs up to his crack. I spent a few minutes probing his puckered hole tryingto gain access into his hole, finally giving in to my tongue.

Rocco picked up the paceon my hole, gripping my ankles. Philip lost in a wave of ecstasy, managed to becoherent enough to pinch Rocco's nipples. He alternated between pinching andtwisting them, which only caused Rocco to pound my hole harder and faster. Thesound of Rocco's balls slapping my taint echoed in the room. It seemed to drownout anyone's moans.

Rocco let out a lowguttural moan before slamming his dick as far it could go. "Here comes my load,boy. TAKE IT!" Rocco yelled. His dick swelled up inside me and released sevenropes of cum, painting my rectal walls. The cum was too much for my hole tohandle and some pooled around the outside of my hole. Philip moved out of hisway so that Rocco could recover and catch his breath. Rocco placed his fullweight on me, trapping me under him. While I felt smothered, I did not want himto vacate my hole or get off me. Ever.

After a few minutes, heslid his semi-hard dick out of my hole bringing some cum with him. The rivuletof cum ran down my hole connecting with Philip's bed. Philip did not waste theopportunity to slide inside of me. Despite the fact that Philip's dick wasshorter and not as thick as Rocco's, I was able to to feel him inside me, whichreally surprised me. I pulled Rocco's cummy and spent dick toward's my mouthand began to lick every inch of it. Tasting the mixture of Philip and Rocco'sload and my ass juices made me moan like the bitch in heat that I was.

"God" Philip moaned."Nothing beats a beat up cummy hole. Especially one as warm and inviting asyours". His dick slid inside me like a knife cutting butter. He savored eachstroke making it each one nice and slow. Rocco laid down beside me and pulledme closer to make out, perhaps share the remnants of his load on my tongue. Iattempted to multi-task by milking Philip's dick with my ass muscles and makeout with Rocco.

Philip and Rocco spentthe next two hours working my holes. Alternating between my mouth and my hole.They each managed to drop three loads a piece in my hole until they were spent.Rocco managed to make me cum hands free at one point. To say I was lost in ahaze of sexual fervor, was the least. Both sets of lips were puffy and swollenbut I was happy. I tried my best to keep all six of their loads inside me butit was quite the feat. My hole was a sloppy cummy mess and I couldn't have itany other way.

By the time, they hadtheir fill the sun was beginning to rise peaking through the blinds in Philip'sroom. Rocco dipped two fingers in my cummy hole and spooned out a glob of cum.He licked his fingers clean, savoring the cum. He patted my ass before walkingout of Philip's room, carrying his clothes on his arms. He muttered somethingabout "the best ass I've ever had" before he disappeared down the hallway.

As I searched for myclothes, I gave Philip my number in case he wanted to meet up again. I surelydoubted that tonight was just a one time only thing. He told me that I couldusually find him most Friday nights at Cuff. I let myself out and made my wayback to the train station. My digital watch read 7:08am as I walked back to thestation.

The city was alreadyalive with people and cars as people made their way to work or whatever earlySaturday morning errands had taken them out of bed. As I waited for thetrain to take me home, I knew I reeked of cum and sex. And I didn't care. As Iwas looking for my clothes I was unable to find my underwear and chose to gohome commando. I truly hoped no more cum would spill out as I wanted to keep itinside me for as long as possible. Going commando caused the rough texture ofmy jeans shorts to rub against my hole. The pain and discomfort only served asa reminder of a great night.

I was definitely goingback to Cuff next Friday.

This is my first chapterin a short story has some basis in reality. For now I foresee only about fourto six chapters. But I'm open to writing more if there is a positive response.Thanks for reading

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