
By Diego de Anda

Published on May 16, 2016


This is my first attempt at writing a story, please be kind.

This story containssexual situations between two males. If material of This nature offends youthen you should not read this story. If you are under 18 years of ageyou are probably not legally allowed to read this Story. This storyis purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead,or to events that may have occurred, is purely Coincidental. The authorclaims all copyrights in this story and no duplication orpublication of this story is allowed (except by the web sites to which it hasbeen posted) without the consent of the author.

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"Lose the shorts andshirt and make yourself comfortable" he said as he kicked off his shoes andsocks. After I was naked except for my underwear I crawled up on the bed andwatched him light the candles that were in his room. He turned on a speakerthat was on his dresser and electronic music quietly exited from it. Hedefinitely knew how to create atmosphere.

"Turn around and get onyour stomach. Ass up boy" he growled. I did not need to be told twice. Once inposition I felt his warm tongue on my puckered hole. The sheer sensation alonecaused sparks to run in waves all over my body. I couldn't but moan.Thankfully, I had the bright idea to clean myself out before heading out to thebar, so as to avoid unwanted things, if it got to a situation like this. Withhis expert tongue probing my hole, he got it to open as he worked his wayfurther into me. I continued to moan into the spread and had to grip it so Icould maintain my position. Several times he rubbed his beard on my cheeks andhole making me shudder with no abandon. I wanted to cum then and there.

After about 10 minutesof him basically making out with my hole, I felt him move away and reach forhis nightstand drawer. I heard a click and something cool on my hole. Themixture of coolness and the head radiating from me caused shivers along myspine. He began to slowly insert his index finger into my hole, stopping to addmore lube. After a few minutes of Philip working my hole and massaging mycheeks he was fully able to insert his finger in me, only stopping when he hitsomething inside me that made see stars, weakened my knees and caused aguttural moan to escape my lips.

Philip chuckled, "That'syour prostate, boy, It's what makes fucking feel good". I simply nodded. Hecontinued to work the long finger into me. "Ready for a second finger", he said,It was more of a statement than a question. He added more lube to my holebefore pressing two fingers into me. My hole made little resistance and happilyswallowed both fingers. He twisted and flexed his fingers causing me to yelpout. He removed both fingers and decided to reposition me so that we were in a69 position. I hungrily took his dick into my mouth and feverishly worked itwith my tongue and he worked my hole with the same amount of passion.

Philip unceremoniouslypulled his dick out of my mouth. With me on my back, he moved a pillow underme, elevating my ass for him. He placed each leg on either side of as he lubedup his dick. He ran the head of his dick up along my crack, driving me crazy. Ibit my lower lip.

"Are you ready" he saidlooking into my eyes. I had waited for this moment since I first learned howgood it felt to finger myself.

I slowly nodded my head."Please...please fuck me, sir. I need you inside me", I said. Not sure wherethose words came from. I was more than ready for this. My entire body was readyto receive him.

"Let me know if I'mhurting you or if something feels off" Philip added with concern in his voice.After I failed to respond to him, he added "Did you hear what I said?". Iquickly nodded my head to show him that I heard him and was ready. He lined uphis dick with my puckered hole and slowly pressed in. My hole must of beenhungry for him since it quickly engulfed half his penis. I moaned from thepressure and feeling of fullness that I felt in my hole. "You got this boy, youcan do it. Just let it slide slowly. Slowly. Just like that" he cooed in myear.

He began to withdraw hislength from my hole, which drew protests from me. Hearing my protests, heresponded "Just opening you up boy. Don't worry I'll fill you soon enough". Hebegan to work his dick back into my hole. My instincts told me to clench but Itold myself to push out instead and that caused Philip's whole dick to slideright in. A small yelp escaped my lips. Not so much from any pain but from thesudden and full invasion of my hole.

I noticed two things inthat moment: I felt so full from his entire penis now lodged in my hole and thefact that his pubes tickled my ass. He stayed fully inside me without movingfor several seconds without doing anything. He pinched my nipples eliciting amoan from me. As my hole accommodated to his penis he began to pump in and outof my hole. The sheer sensation and electric sparks that emanated from holecaused me to moan continuously.

"God, your hole feels sotight and warm. Loving how it grips my dick just right" he said looking into myeyes and perhaps even my hole. He picked up his pace, elevating my hips tomatch his thrusts. He repeatedly, slammed into my prostate causing a steadystream of precum to build. The only sounds that I heard were the softelectronic music playing, an occasional grunt coming from Philip, my moans, andthe sound of his balls slapping my taint.

He suddenly stopped andpulled out of my hole. The sudden lack of fullness caused me to react suddenly."what `s wrong?" I worriedly said, expecting that I wasn't as clean as possibleand perhaps had an accident.

"Nothing's wrong" hetenderly said. "I just don't want to cum yet. If that's okay with you" he addedat the last moment. He fisted his dick, a light sheen of sweat covered hisforehead and chest. "Turn around, boy" he said. I'm not sure what about himcalling me boy made me harder than possible. I turned around presenting my holeto him. He added a little more lube to my hole before sliding right in. By nowmy hole offered very little resistance and hungrily welcome his dick.

He picked up his pacedand slammed his dick into me. Several times he withdrew his full length minusthe head and slammed into me. The sensation of wanting to pee broke me from myspell. "Squeeze your hole when I pull out and open when I go in" he said. I didmy best to follow his orders. After a few thrusts he grunted in approval. Igripped the sheets, causing my fingers to turn white. I attempted my best tomeet each of his thrust by keeping my ass firmly up and my chest low to thebed. I freed one hand to grab at his waist and attempt to pull him furtherinside.

He grabbed my hair andused it as leverage to continue assaulting my hole. "You like that boy?" Philipsaid, slapping my ass hard when he said boy. The sting of the slap only servedto turn me on even more. He slapped my butt cheeks two more times and then letgo of my hair, pushing me back down on the bed.

Beads of sweats drippedonto my back. He lowered himself until his chest touched my back mixing hissweat with mine. He lightly bit my neck as he continued to thrust. The constantsteady assault of my prostate and Philip kissing and biting my neck slowly builtup my orgasm. I hit the point of no return and felt my balls retract up beforefiring off. The cum left my balls and went up my shaft at record speeds beforefiring 6 spurts into my underwear.

I had never experienceda hands free orgasm but knew from Ryan that they were rare but not unusual andeven more so from getting fucked. How lucky was I to cum hands free my firsttime. As my hole and dick continued to pulsate in rhythm, Philip picked up thepace on his assault. My vision was white and was oblivious to everything else.

"I'm close, baby. Soclose" Philip grunted as he continue to build up his orgasm.

"Fuck me, sir. Pleasefuck me harder. Cum inside me and make me yours.", I said as I came back frommy explosive orgasm. Leveraging my chest on the bed. I freed my hands to pullPhilip in. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" he punctuated the still air with eachthrust. "Here it comes, boy" he roared. I felt his dick enlarge, if possible,and fire off eight spurts into my hole. Coating the walls of my hole with hiscum.

He slowly dropped downand continued to slowly thrust his still hard dick into me. Soon his whole bodyengulfed me as he continued to slowly pump my hole. We remained in thatposition until his dick deflated enough to pop out of my hole with a squelchingPlop! He got off me and lied next to me, drenched in sweat. I movedaround to face him and clean his dick off. His dick and pubes were covered inthick white cum. I hungrily cleaned off his dick until it was shiny with spit.Once his dick became too tender for my ministrations did he pull me up intochest.

We laid in silence forthe next 10 minutes. The only sounds heard were our labored, heavy breathingreturning to normal and the soft electronic music playing. Philip was coveredin a thin sheen of sweat and it matted his chest and stomach hair to his torso.I worked my way down his chest licking up his sweat. A small pool of sweat hadgathered at his sternum and I greedily sucked it up, it tasted salty and sweet.When I reached his navel area, I nuzzled it with my chest, wanting to keep hisscent and sweat on me for as long as possible.

"Wanna smoke?" Philipsaid finally breaking the silence. Too engrossed in savoring his scent Iabsentmindedly nodded. He reached with his free hand into his bedside dresserand pulled out a small wooden box. The box contained a blue pipe with greenswirls, some rolling papers, several small canisters with weed, and a greenlighter. I watched a he broke off a few pieces of a large nugget of weed, grindedthem down and packed his bowl. He offered the pipe to me first and I hesitantlytook it.

"What's wrong? It's notlaced if that what you're thinking" he said with a serious face.

"Oh, no" I said. "I wasjust curious as to why you passed it me first without taking a hit yourself". Iwas turning beet red. I took two hits before passing it back to him.

"That's properetiquette" he said, exhaling the smoke out. We passed the pipe back and forthuntil it was all gone. "Do you want more?" Philip asked reaching for the woodenbox on his dresser. I nodded no. He placed the pipe and lighter back in thebox.

"I take that you loveman smells" he said. He caught me sniffing me his armpits. I hadn't noticedthat I was doing it until he mentioned it. "If you want a taste, all you gottado is ask" he said raising his arm over his head. I tentatively licked hisarmpit. The same salty and sweet taste filled my mouth. Philip moaned inappreciation. Happy to hear him moan I dove into his pit with much gusto. Savoringhis pit hair which retained most of the moisture and taste. After thoroughlyworshipping his left armpit, I made my way across his chest stopping at hisnipples, playfully biting each one, until I reached his right armpit. I lickedit cleaned with the same amount of passion that I gave to the left armpit.

"Well, that explains whyyou left the bar tonight like a bat out hell" a deep, baritone voice said. Theshock of hearing an unexpected voice in the room caused me to fall off the bedand hit the tile floor with a loud thud. "Sorry bud didn't mean to scare you"he said helping me get back on the bed. As he helped me get back on the bed, heslipped a finger inside me, causing me to jump up.

This is my first chapterin a short story has some basis in reality. For now I foresee only about fourto six chapters. But I'm open to writing more if there is a positive response.Thanks for reading

Don't forget to e-mail me with comments/concerns/critiques.

Next: Chapter 3

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