
By Diego de Anda

Published on May 11, 2016


This is my first attemptat writing a story, please be kind.

This story contains sexual situations betweentwo males. If material of This nature offends you then you should not readthis story. If you are under 18 years of age you are probably notlegally allowed to read this Story. This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that mayhave occurred, is purely Coincidental. The author claims all copyrightsin this story and no duplication or publication of this story isallowed (except by the web sites to which it has been posted) without theconsent of the author.

If you have any comments/concerns/ requests/ orjust wanna talk please feel free to e-mail me at

Despite the fact that itwas almost 10pm the night was still warm. Heat radiated off the sidewalks andbuildings, making the streets feel warmer than it really was. I stepped off thetrain and made my down the street. The streetlights illuminated my way down tothe bar. Ryan had told me about a bar that catered to rougher type of men whoenjoyed the company of other men. After debating going to this bar, the starsand moon aligned so that I could check out this bar.

My parents had left townfor the week and I was able to convince my brother to let me borrow his ID toget into the bar. My brother and I could pass for twins, well with differentstyled hair and if I permanently wore glasses. Of course, I had to bribe himwith some weed and booze, or rather money to get weed and booze. Oh and for himnot tell the `rents that I had borrowed his ID to get into a bar. Surprisingly,he didn't ask any questions when I asked to borrow his ID. He simply statedwhat his demands were and after some bartering he agreed to the price of 2grams and enough for a six pack.

When I left our homeearlier tonight to get to the bar. He had already settled in our living roomwith his bong, his six pack, and his latest video games. He had recently movedback home after graduating and had yet made any efforts to find a "real" job.Despite the fact that he was currently working as a communication specialist,read social media expert, the `rents still hassled him. But I digress.

He graciously let metake two bong hits before I had to run to get the train into the city. I hadspent the greater part of the day planning this foray into the city and Iwanted everything to be perfect. As I walked out of the house, my brotheryelled at me to "Make positive conscious decisions and/or wear a condom".

So here I was, I was twoblocks from the bar and to say I was nervous was an understatement. I hadshowered but due to the heat and my nervousness I was sweating from every placeimaginable and unimaginable. Ryan had warned me before going that I shouldforego wearing any deodorant or cologne, "Go natural, they will love it" hetold during one of our last chats.

I had met Ryan threemonths ago on an online chat room for guys questioning their sexuality. Wherethey could chat with other guys anonymously and figure things out. Perhaps evenmeet outside the chatroom and do stuff. Thankfully Ryan now lived about 600miles away and therefore the possibility was highly unlikely. Don't get mewrong talking to Ryan was fun and I had embraced my sexuality thanks to him,but we just weren't compatible. Two bottoms don't make a top!

I checked the addressand location on my phone and realized I was just less than a block away fromthe bar. The bar, Cuff, was now in the basement of a former department store.The building was converted into offices. According to Ryan the entrance to thebar was down the side alley and down some steps. Unlike some of the gay barsthat were in my vicinity that catered to the twinkish types and their admirers,this bar catered to older men. Rougher men, with tattoos and piercings,assortment of body types, and body hair galore. Yup, my kind of place.

Ryan had roughly givenme the layout of the place. The bar had a main area with small tables, If youwalked down a small hallway there were bathrooms which at any given time therewas some action going on. He had heard rumours that there was a backroom thatheld special events once a month. The kind of events that were clothing free,had slings in dark corners, and perhaps a well placed mattress or twointerspersed. Sadly, tonight was not one of those nights. At least notaccording to their calendar.

I stopped across thestreet from Cuff to check myself in the reflection of the glass windows nextdoor. As it was a warm summer night, I had worn a nice blue tank top thataccentuated my budding muscular arms, a nice tuft of armpit hair, and thebeginnings of nice furry chest. Both my dad and brother had a moderately hairychest so I knew there was hope for me. For now, I settled for spare hairs alongmy chest and a nice treasure trail beginning at my navel and joining my auburncolored pubes. I wore some cutoff jeans that made my butt look bigger andshowed off my calves. I had bought splurged on some designer underwear with someof the Christmas money I got: black with neon stripes and assless for easyaccess. Thanks nana.

After giving myself aonce over and decided that it was now or never. I walked the rest of the divideand made my way down the steps into the bar. As I got closer to the bar, Ifully expected to be stopped and turned away from the bar because I wasunderage. Or worse to have my brother's ID taken away and having the copscalled.

As I opened the door, Irealized that there was no bouncer ID'ing people. A breath of relief washedover me. Without a fuss I made my way to the bar and ordered myself a PBR. Thebartender asked for my ID which I fished out of my wallet and gave to him. Hegave me a quick once over and glanced back to the ID. After several tense momentsin which I did my best to hide my nervousness, he shrugged and gave me back myID and beer.

I made my way into anopen seat along the booth that run along one side of the bar. Settling in onone of the seats I had the chance to take in the sights and sounds of the bar.More people were starting to show up and the bar was starting to crowd up abit. And the crowd! Talk about a buffet. Men of many shapes, sizes, and colors.Several couples were openly making out and groping each other which gave me hopeof perhaps finding someone tonight. The resident DJ was playing remixes of punkrock songs. This was definitely not your typical gay bar.

I was working on mysecond beer when a very handsome, mid 30's, bearded gentleman asked if the seatnext to me was taken. Too shy to answer I nodded my head and looked down at myfeet at the fear of him seeing the lust in my eyes. I spent the next 20 minutesstealing glances. He wore a plain black button up shirt with the sleeves rolledup and blue jeans. However he had a body that filled said shirt and jeansnicely. He had a beefy build, something akin to that of a rugby player. He wasthick and muscular but did not look like roided gym rat. His rolled up sleevesshowed strong, muscular, hairy arms. All of this was wrapped up in a nice oliveskin tone with a nice filled in beard. I couldn't help but saying a silentprayer to God for putting this fine specimen of a man next to me.

As I scoped him out andslowly began to openly look at him, I noticed that he did as well. After 20minutes of scoping each other up. He spoke up,

"Never seen you before,is this your first time" he said in nice baritone voice. If he hadn't made meprecum for the last 20 minutes. His voice did the trick.

"Yes sir, first time. Agood friend of mine told me about this place. And I thought I'd check it out,"I managed to answer before looking down at my feet. My face flushed withexcitement and nervousness.

He smirked. " So whatbrings you here?", he said with a big emphasis on here.

I thought about it for asecond before answering, " Full disclosure, curiosity. Maybe the atmosphere. Noplans really". We stared at each other for what felt like hours but what wasreally seconds. The bar was crowded to capacity and with the people and the fogmachine, the bar was starting to get warmer. Beads of sweat ran down my backinto my crack, making my hole itch. However I think my hole twitched from morethan just the sweat.

"I'm Philip" he saidstretching out his meaty paw of a hand. I shook his hand, "Nice to meet youPhilip, I'm Diego". He held onto my hand for a second longer than was probablypolite. We looked into each other's eyes. I sensed the lust in his eyes too.Who would make the first move was up to either one of us. I was really hopingit would be him.

Philip ordered usanother round of beers as we got to know each other. He had just turned 36 twoweeks ago. He worked at a nonprofit organization as their development director,which was a fancy title for asking people for money to fund the organizationwhich provided services for low income families. If the spot in my underwearhadn't soaked through my jeans short hearing that probably did. He activelyplayed in an intramural baseball league which explained his build. Mostimportantly he was single. I think we had a winner.

He proceeded to ask mequestions which I attempted to answer as honestly as possible without givingaway too many details that out me. I mean was i supposed to tell him than inreality: I was 17 years old, still in high school, still a closeted virgin, anddidn't even have my learner's permit. Instead I vaguely told him I was inschool, which i hoped he would read as college, lived in the suburbs, andenjoyed volunteering my time at a local animal shelter. I hoped to major inveterinary science when I went to college next year and become a veterinarian.There that made me sound much cooler and older.

We finished our beers,his fourth and my fifth. By then we were much closer than when we started. Icould feel the heating radiating off his body. His natural scent wasintoxicating to me. The semi-erection I had all night had turned into a full onerection. Thankfully my fully erect and leaking 6.5" uncut penis was fullytucked into the waistband of my underwear and was fully restricted by the factthat the underwear was a size too small for me. Totally intentional by the way.

The digital clock in thebar read 12:36 a.m. Two hours had passed since we had started talking. Idecided that it was up to me to initiate something. It was now or never. Ileaned closer to him and gently kissed his lips. He blinked twice and placedhis arms around me and drew me in. I breathed him in and was bathed in hismusky scent and heat. Our tongues met and wrestled for dominance. His beardtickled my neck but I was too nervous to laugh. He tasted of a mixture of beerand spearmint.

After swapping spit andgropes we disengaged ourselves. "Not bad" was all he said. "How would you liketo go back to my place and see where the night takes us" I tried to conceal theexcitement within me but I'm sure my twinkling eyes gave it away. " Unless youhave to be home soon or something" he quickly added.

"Nope" I added. "I'mready to go whenever you are." I said smiling slyly. He downed the rest of hisbeer and waved goodbye to the bartender that had served me earlier. As we leftthe bar, the night had cooled down from earlier but not enough to feel cold. Wemade our way down the street to his house stopping every few minutes to kiss orgrope each other.

After a 15 minute walk,the industrial section of the city turned into residential housing and we foundourselves in a quiet neighborhood. At the end of the block, we turned left andwalked several houses down the street before stopping at a small but neat home.The small front lawn was meticulously kept. He inserted the key into the doorand opened it. I made a mental note of the address and route to get back to thetrain station. In case of emergencies.

"This is home sweethome" he said chuckling. My eyes started adjusting to the darkness when i felthis arms grab me from behind. Instinct made me squirm but his firm but gentlehold made me relax. I turned around, his arms around my waist. I cupped hisface and leaned in for a kiss. For a few lingering minutes we made out liketeenagers. Philip lowered his hands from my waist into the inside of my shortsand cupped my ass cheeks, one in each hand. I undid the button in my shorts togive him better access, taking the initiative he fully palmed each ass cheek inhis hands and groped them. His fingers found my hole and ran a light touch upand down. The sensation made me weak in the knees and for a minute I saw stars.

Fueled by his touch, Iremoved his shirt and proceeded to kiss his chest. I was right about him havinga hairy chest. His black chest hair was heavily concentrated along his pecscurving into a V down his treasure trail before disappearing into the waistbandof his jeans. Stray hairs framed his abs, while they weren't as well defined ashis pecs they were still noticeable. I kissed my way down his chest and ran myfingers on his tan, pert nipples.

Philip shuddered as Igently tweaked his nipples. "Easy boy, my nipples are wired to my dick. Unlessyou want me to cum already..." he said before giving me a big smile.

I dropped to my kneesand began to undo his belt and button on his jeans. He wasn't wearing anyunderwear, how I failed to notice that he was not wearing any underwear wasbeyond me. I pulled down his jeans and freed from their confines Philip's dick,leaving a nice trail of precum in it's wake. His dick and balls were framed bya thick chrome cock ring that made his dick look thicker, not that he neededit. With a 7.5" uncut dick and as thick as my wrist, I was definitely in for achallenge. Several thick veins snaked their way around the shaft of his penisbefore disappearing as they got close to his head. I couldn't help but thinkthat his penis reminded me of a bullet.

I started by tentativelylicking the head of his dick, cleaning off the precum that covered his dick, Ilicked the entire shaft from the balls to his head. He moaned in approval.Placing the head back in my mouth I made my way down his shaft, inch by inch.The thickness of his dick proved to be quite a challenge but I soldiered on.After some effort, I managed to get ¾ of his dick before my gag reflex kickedin. I backed off.

"Work the balls, boy" hesaid in an audible whisper. I inhaled the right side of his inner thigh beforeswitching to his left. From a combination of the heat and his sweat had createdhis unique scent and musk. I moaned to show appreciation for this opportunity.He chuckled. I bathed his balls and taint with my tongue until they were slickwith spit. I had the urge to eat him out as well but before I had the chance todo so he led me back to his dick.

I spent the next 10minutes working my mouth and tongues on his dick until my nose touched hispubes. He sighed a breath of relief. With his dick deep down my throat, Ilooked up to him giving him my best puppy dog eyes. Philip placed a meaty handon each side of my face and slowly retracted his penis from my mouth until onlymy tongue was wrapped around his head. He smiled at me and slammed his fulllength into my mouth. He fucked my face for five minutes without stopping, onlystopping when he felt that he was about to cum. The telltale sign of his ballsretracting up before firing his load. He retracted from my mouth and wiped thespit and throat slime that had built along my mouth and throat.

"Let's take this to mybedroom" he said and he brought me to my feet. I realized my knees were hurtingwhen I stood up. He led me down a hallway and at the end turned right andopened the door. His bedroom was very modest and sparse. It included a queensized bed, a dresser, and a night stand. Several pictures, trinkets, andpersonal effects littered his dresser.

This is my first chapterin a short story has some basis in reality. For now I foresee only about fourto six chapters. But I'm open to writing more if there is a positive response.Thanks for reading

Don't forget to e-mailme with comments/concerns/critiques.

Next: Chapter 2

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