Cuck Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Jun 13, 2024


Chapter 14

I spent a few minutes on the floor, letting it soak in. Did I really want Harry and Josh to be boyfriends and to be their servant? There was some truth in all of it. I knew I wasn't ever going to be a masculine kind of guy, and that being submissive to those kinds of men felt natural to me. And I knew that Harry didn't love seeing me being fully submissive and degraded. It didn't turn him on. That made sense to me. He couldn't respect me or see me as an equal when he saw the things I let alpha men do to me. That I wanted them to do to me.

At the same time I could see how much energy and passion he had around Josh. How they kissed and fucked. And the same with the peachy assed bottom from a week ago. Harry loved being with different guys and he seemed at his best around a sexy guy like Josh who he could fuck, and enjoy time with, and respect as an equal.

I knew when Nathan was making me say it that I didn't fully believe it. But now I'd said it out loud, I was struggling to find a reason why it wasn't true. I knew Josh was right about one thing. My relationship with Harry had already changed forever. I was happy about that because he saw me more completely now. He knew exactly who I was. What I was. It was never going to be a fully equal relationship again, because he knew I didn't want that. On some levels at least I wanted to be submissive, because that's who I am.

Could I be a servant to him and another guy though? I couldn't see how that would work. I wanted the close connection with Harry and I knew I would always be resistant and resentful seeing him with someone like Josh. I just couldn't imagine Josh becoming the guy who was his best friend and the person he would confide in, and for me to lose that position. It was too much for my brain.

I glanced at the clock and realised it was just after 12 and Harry said they would be back for lunch at 1. I needed to move quickly to get to the shops and buy some things in.

I raced into the bathroom and took a shower to get the smell of Nathan and Ty's feet, sweat and piss drips off me before going out, then threw some clothes on and headed out to the shops. It was a ten minute walk to the decent supermarket, and after I got all the stuff I needed for a cold lunch, there was a big queue at the checkout. I knew I was running out of time, but I figured that since it was them that sent Nathan round, they'd probably be understanding.

I got back a little before 1 and managed to get the shopping all packed away in the fridge and cupboards, before I heard the door and their voices as they got back to the apartment.

"Wow, look at how tidy this place looks. You're getting your cuck boyfriend well trained sexy", Josh said, enthusiastically.

"I know! Let's take a look".

Josh turned to me, emerging from the kitchen. "Why don't you strip naked and just kneel here by the door while we go inspect" he said. He said it like it was an order though, not a request. I wondered if Harry would intervene, but he didn't, so I obeyed Josh, stripped so that all I was wearing was my cage, and knelt on the stone floor.

"Good boy" Josh said, putting his hand under my chin and pointing my face up to his.

"You should always be naked in the apartment. We need to be able to check you're still caged, and it help us all remember your place, cuck"

He walked off to join Harry in wandering through the rooms.

They wandered into the kitchen and back to the hall area by the door where I was kneeling.

"No lunch ready though" Harry said, teasing me.

"I'm sorry Sir, but Nathan and..." I started, but Josh cut me off slapping me across the face.

"We don't want excuses bitch. Harry gave you a clear instruction and you let him down. Apologise to your man"

I watched Harry's face contort slightly.

"Leave him babe. He did good, its fine."

Josh made a murmuring kind of noise like he wasn't happy, but he conceded to Harry and headed across to the sofa.

Harry touched my face tenderly, looking down at me, still on my knees.

"You did a really good job cleaning baby. You can go make us lunch now while we relax".

I watched him walk across to the sofa, grab Josh by the hand and lead him through to the bedroom. The door partially closed so I couldn't see them but could still hear them.

"Hey, he's even tidied up our bed for us" I heard Harry say.

"Maybe we need to get it a bit messy again then" Josh replied, and I could soon hear the sounds of them stripping off, kissing and falling back together onto the bed. My dick strained in the cage, and a big part of me wished it was me about to get fucked, but I knew that wasn't what Harry wanted right now, and I tried to focus on what he wanted me to do. I got up and started to prepare some plates of cheese and hams and bread and olives, ready for when the men had finished building up their appetite.

After I heard them both shoot their loads, then relax in bed for a little bit, they then headed through and we all sat for lunch. They both came through fully naked, so it felt less weird that I was sitting naked at the table with them. After lunch, Josh had to get away to an appointment in the afternoon, but him and Harry made plans that we'd be heading out tonight, to enjoy our last night in town.

After Josh left, it felt like Harry relaxed a little. He took my hand and led me through to the bedroom and we lay together on the bed. We were both sleepy after lunch and I fell asleep with him spooning me, relaxing into his warm body as the anxieties of the morning faded away in his arms.

We probably napped for half an hour or more, before some noise from outside woke us up and we gradually returned to fully awake. Harry started to stroke the side of my face and my neck.

"I'm really proud of you and how you're dealing with this" he said.

It sent a warm feeling through me to hear him say it, and I wriggled backwards a little to be closer into him.

"I worry though that I'm just in the way" I said, quietly. We were still spooning and I was facing away so I didn't have to see his look when I said it. I was scared it would confirm what I was thinking.

Harry sat up on his elbows and turned me to face him.

"You're my sexy, sexy boyfriend. I don't in any way think that" he told me.

I searched in his eyes for the truth.

"I'm treating you differently because I know more now about what works for you, and what you like and need. But I love you the same as before".

I nodded and half smiled. I was struggling to accept what he was saying.

"Baby, I think you're so brave being honest and exploring yourself. And also giving me the freedom to explore my sexuality and what I want. I didn't expect this a week ago, but I think it's kind of awesome. I think it can make us stronger. But is it still what you want?"

There was so much in my head.

"I think so" I said. "It makes me very horny. I'm just scared of losing you, and losing us".

He touched the side of my face again like earlier in the hall.

"You're not losing me baby. It's still us, but we're just letting ourselves have more freedom".

I smiled, a bit more confidently.

"You're so sexy when you get dominant with me. It makes me crazy"

"Yeah? How much do you wanna suck my dick right now?"

My little dick strained in the cage. "So much Sir. I'd take it so deep and be such a good hole for you. You can fuck it as hard as you want and dump your load deep down my throat."

Harry laughed. "Fuck, this cage gets you so desperate. I fucking love when you want my dick this badly"

"Please can I suck your dick Sir?" I begged.

He nodded. "Lick my balls first. I'll move you onto my dick when I'm ready".

I quickly shuffled down the bed and between his legs, just like this morning. I arched my back up so he could see my ass, and went to work on his balls.

Harry looked at his phone while I licked at his sack. I was thinking vividly about the balls full of cum that my tongue was lapping across, and imaging getting that thick cum squirting deep inside me. He slowly jerked his dick, and once or twice reached down to slap my face to let me know he hadn't forgotten me. When he was ready, he put his phone down, lifted me by my hair and slid my mouth down on his rock hard dick, holding my head with both hands so he could manoeuvre me up and down his shaft. From the noises he was making, I knew I was making him feel good.

"Beg me for a mouthful" he said after a while, grinning down at me and lifting me off his dick, moving his hand back onto it to continue stroking himself.

"Please Sir, I want to take your load so much. Please dump your hot seed in my mouth and let me swallow it all down"

He leaned forward and held my mouth open, then spat in it, and then slapped me twice on my left cheek.

"Good boy. That's your mouthful. Now go fetch me some juice. I'm saving this cumload for later. Maybe for Josh, or maybe some other sexy boy that wants it".

I felt gutted not to get to take his cum, but the feeling of wanting to please him was greater, so I didn't say anything, and went to fetch what he ordered.

The rest of the afternoon we headed out for a walk and grabbed some food, and everything seemed very normal with us. It made me feel so much more confident feeling that when we spent time like this together we could still chat and laugh together. It really felt like nothing had changed.

We got dressed up in tight outfits for the evening, ready for a last hot party. I thought about asking Harry if he could unlock me before we went out, but then remembered Josh still had the keys, so it would have been pointless anyway. It didn't seem to make too much of an obvious bulge in the shorts I was wearing, so I figured it was ok. When I went to the toilets, I wouldn't be able to use the urinals though. I'd just need to use the cubicles, but I could do that.

We met up with Josh close to the club around 10pm, and outside it had got a bit cooler so we'd put light jackets on for the walk across. As soon as we got in though, it was seriously hot in there, and there was a long line for the cloakroom.

I offered to wait with all our jackets which they both quickly accepted and passed them to me, leaving me in the line. About 15 minutes later I got them handed in and went over to where they were already dancing together.

"Do you guys want drinks?" I asked, and they both nodded, so I went across to the bar to fetch three beers.

I took them to a table near to the dance floor and waited there, catching their eye to let them know I'd got them. They both came across and took a swig of beer. Harry kissed me on the cheek and thanked me, then they went back onto the dance floor. I could see a group of four or five guys dancing near Harry and Josh, and there was some eye contact between various of them.

As I drank my beer and kept an eye on the other beers, I watched as gradually one then two, then three of the other group peeled their tops off and tucked them into their waist bands. The guys were all in amazing shape.

I looked around the room and just enjoyed soaking it in for a few minutes. The music beating through me, the lights flashing everywhere, and the hundreds of hot guys all around. It was a crazy horny atmosphere.

I glanced back and Josh had now taken his top off. The light reflected off his sweaty torso and he looked even sexier than normal. I had no doubt why Harry was so into him. I could see Harry smiling ear to ear, having an awesome time and loving the attention he was deservedly getting.

Harry wandered back across to the table and Josh followed. They sat for a minute and drank more of their beers and I watched Harry take his top off and put it down on the stool next to me. He was looking so fit, I felt so in awe.

Harry was talking to me, shouting almost to be heard. He was telling me how fun it was and how hot that group of guys was. He told me after these beers were finished, I should come join them.

I watched Harry down the last of his beer and he shouted he was going back to dance. I knew I could have downed my beer and go to join him, but it was so hot just watching him dancing up against those shirtless guys, the way his face lit up when they were flirting with him. I could see he was in the mood for fucking tonight, and not with me and maybe not with Josh either.

Josh went back over and joined the group, and it seemed that he and Harry had now fully engaged with the five guys dancing together. I watched Josh talking into the ear of one of the guys and pointing across to me. That guy grabbed his mate and the two of them walked across in my direction. I started to worry what he might have said to them.

"Hey" one of them shouted as he reached the table. "Your mate says you can look after these beers for us while we're dancing".

Having been bracing myself for worse, this was kind of a relief.

"Sure man" I said, giving him a thumbs up, then feeling kind of stupid for making the gesture. They smiled and headed back to the dance floor

I could see over their shoulder Harry's shirtless body pressing tight against this other muscular guy who was pushing his ass backwards for Harry to grind against to the music. I saw Harry turn and start deep kissing with Josh on the dance floor, then soon after, the guy he was grinding with, grabbed him and started to deep kiss with him.

The guys who left their beers before came back after another ten minutes and sat down with me to take another few swigs. These two still had their tos on and I figured were maybe less chiselled than their mates who were shirtless.

"Looks like your mates have pulled for tonight" one of them said, and took a gulp of his beer.

"Yeah, all looks pretty hot" I said, not really thinking about what I was saying.

He gave me a slightly funny look.

"So what's the deal with them. Are they like an open couple or something?" one of them asked.

"They're a pretty fucking hot couple" the other added.

"It's complicated" I said, trying to navigate the question. "I guess they kind of are a couple now" I concluded.

"So what are you? Just a mate?" the first one asked.

I nodded gently. "Yeah, I guess".

"Lucky boy..." the second one said, "...getting to tag along with those studs on holiday" he said, looking across again at them.

They were clearly telling me I wasn't in the same league looks wise as Harry and Josh. In fairness these guys were not in the same league as their shirtless mates on the dance floor. I was kind of hoping they'd finish their beers and just give me some space again. Suddenly from behind me though, I felt a hand slap me on the shoulder.

"Alright boys" came Josh's voice. "So looks like you've met the cuck then."

I looked round at him, shocked, and at the confused faces of the other guys. I kind of wanted the ground to open up. I could imagine exactly where this was going to go.

Thanks for reading this far. If you liked it, or if you have your own ideas for what you want to happen next, i'd love to hear. My email address is and my twitter is @realsub_bristol

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Next: Chapter 15

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