Cubus Contract

By Drake Startrick

Published on Jan 22, 2010


The Cubus Contract

Chapter 1

Grant gazed warily at the teenager in front of him. They'd be fighting in a pretty secluded part of the park but still . . . He just hoped no couples were thinking of taking a romantic stroll down the obscured forest path; they'd be in for an unsavory surprise if they did. That reminded Grant; Sayla still expected to go to the movies in the evening. She'd probably kill him if he ducked out yet again.

Grant shook the thought from the forefront of his mind. He couldn't be thinking about a pushy girl at a time like this. He had to be wary. Alert. This boy was a Challenger. He wanted the power. Wanted it all. And would indeed gain it if Grant did not survive.

"So you're the guy. The bottom-boy 18-year old that forced the one to retreat? You don't look that strong." The boy spit to his side. A gob of white mucous hit a dried leaf on the dirt path. No, maybe it wasn't mucous, Grant considered. They might have just done it before coming. If that was the case . . . Grant gritted his teeth. If that was the case then the boy was fully charged while Grant was only running on his meal from this morning. No time for lunch. The boy had cut him off from any privacy of his own. Was that his plan all along? Grant wondered.

The boy picked up a long branch that had snapped off one of the surrounding trees and fallen on the forest path. In a flash, he was behind Grant, the sharp end of the branch, where it had snapped off from the tree, nudging into the small of Grant's back. "We should start this now," the boy whispered,

"Can I at least get the name of the guy that defeats me?" Grant asked calmy.

"Name's Marlenn," replied the boy, "It's the last name you'll ever learn."

"Well Marlenn," Grant began. He suddenly dropped down parallel to the ground, swung his feet back, and knocked Marlenn's legs out from under him. "You'll have to be quicker than that." Marlenn fell and gave a sharp yelp as his tailbone landed on the hard ridge of a tree root.

While Marlenn was still recovering from his sudden retaliation, Grant squatted down and then pushed up with his legs as hard as he could, propelling himself up into the thick branches of the trees above. He reached out and grabbed hold of a thick branch, swung up and positioned himself so that he had both feet planted firmly on the branch. Grant stood straight up, in perfect balance and looked down through the leaves at the Challenger who called himself Marlenn. He could see that Marlenn was up on his feet again and only just realizing what Grant had done.

Grant saw Marlenn crane his neck upwards and shift his gaze one way, then the other scanning the thick foliage. <Don't get too cocky, Grant. That boy was the fastest one yet.>A voice echoed in Grant's head. <He's right, I didn't even see him move behind us.> agreed a second voice. <Don't worry, I'll be on my guard,>Grant soothed in thought, <But this guy isn't a threat. He has no idea what he's doing.>

This was taking too long for Grant. This guy was fast-he needed to end this fast. "Hey, Marlenn. You coming up or what? The breeze up here is great!" Grant taunted, trying to coax the other boy up into the branches. He doubted Marlenn had better balance. If he had, surmised Grant, the boy would never have fallen so easily when his legs were kicked out.

"Fine!" shouted Marlenn from the dusty path below. Grant watched as the boy kicked off his shoes and dug his fingers and toes into the trunk of the nearest tree. <Better watch out for those fingers,> Grant thought, < Kid's got quite a grip.> Marlen quickly crawled up through the first layer of branches leaving deep indentations trailing behind him in the trunk wherever he dug his digits in. He crawled through several more layers of branches until he finally reached the same level-more or less- as Grant.

Grant was right. Marlenn's body was wobbly as he clung to the tree for balance. "I'm over here!" Grant shouted a few trees away. He stood with on a large branch, legs crossed at the ankles, arms out stretched in a come-get-me gesture. "You gonna just crouch there hugging Mother Nature or are yah gonna kill me already?" Grant smiled. He saw the look in Marlenn's eyes, calculating the distance. And then, the boy did exactly what Grant had wanted him to do.

Just as Grant had predicted, Marlenn leapt, recklessly, off his tree branch and zoomed through the trees, attempting to bridge the gap between himself and his target. As soon as Grant saw Marlenn spring off his branch he ran full speed off his own branch, leapt, and reached for a branch just almost right above him. He had to time it just right, but if his plan worked, this would be the end of the fight.

Marlenn's snarling expression changed to shock as he watched Grat leap to meet him. Grant finally caught the branch, gave a grunt as he swung himself up over the branch . . . and slammed his shoe into the side of Marlenn's head. The perfectly timed collision had the naïve Challenger unconscious long before his careening body started to dip back towards the earth. Grant did another pass over the branch and propelled himself towards the trunk of a nearby tree. As soon as his feet hit the trunk he pushed off again and ricocheting down towards the limp, falling other boy. He reached out with his arms and snagged the unconscious Marlenn just 8 feet before the body would have smashed into the dirt. Grant curled his body, hugging onto Marlenn's shoulders and managed to tumble through the air once before landing painfully on his feet.

Grant propped Marlenn up against a tree. The skin on his face was already starting to turn a deep purple near the area Grant had struck. Grant felt bad for the kid. He felt bad for the kid's contractor too. Chances were they had both been fairly okay people-certainly not power hungry. Citore, who the Challengers always referred to as the One, had corrupted them, infected them with a vengeance that wasn't their own, made them hell bent on lust for power. "Now it's time to purify the two of you," Grant whispered.

There wasn't really a ritual involved. Grant had tried doing it once while saying "I hereby claim the power of the One, and house this force, thus stripping him of might," but it seemed way too formal and was, anyway, unnecessary. In the end, he chose to do this activity silent and solemnly. Taking a deep breath, Grant closed his eyes, leaned forward, and wrapped his arms around the other boy. He repositioned himself until he felt Marlenn's heart beating through his chest on the opposite side of his own. He could feel it. It was like his body had memorized the power's signature. The specific temperature, the void texture-in his mind he could even see the hue of its faint glow. He felt his own spirit cringe at the recognition, and then cautiously reach out and tug at it until the power separated from the soul shard it clung too, invoking it into the contracts Grant held. As always, when this happened, he felt a forceful shift, as the powerless spirit fragment scurried out of the boy's body and zipped off somewhere searching for another of its fragments still with power to connect to. Grant often wondered if any of the defeated soul shards ever managed to find a connection.

Grant opened his eyes and released Marlenn from his embrace. He started walking back down the path calmly at first and then shifted to a brisk run. He needed to feed Now! Because of the Challenger, Grant had missed lunch(as he ran he thought it funny that he still referred to it as lunch) and he would only have a forty-five minute window to do so and get ready before Sayla came knocking at his door for yet another attempt at dragging him out on a `date'.

When Grant got home he was thankful that that his parents still weren't back from his mother's business dinner. Her boss had invited them to talk about a promotion over dinner at a fancy restaurant in town. They would have asked about all the scratches on his face and arms from the branches he leapt through and the leaves he was still brushing out of his hair with his fingers. Grant skipped the stairs and simply jumped up and over the railing to the second floor (which he would have never done if his parents were around) and ran to his room. He shut the door behind him, then locked it for good measure.

"All right guys, come on. Let's do this, I'm starving already." It seemed as though Grant was speaking to the air for there was no one but himself in his room. But then he held out his arms in front of him and the skin began to warp. It burst forth from both arms, a thick, creamy liquid gushing out and started reforming itself into two human shapes before Grant's eyes. When Grant finally felt the wait on his arms lift and he dropped them to his sides, two teenage boys were staring back at him.

But they weren't really teenage boys, Grant knew. They were the source of his abilities and the cause of his current hunger. They were both Incubus: Along with Succubus, they are pseudo-phantom creatures of the world that exist to urge the sex drive and encourage procreation in all established life forms on earth. Most of the time they were discreet about their existence; visiting people in the night when they might pass as dreams. They take pride in their purpose. After fornicating with a barren woman she would suddenly be able to bare children-this being just one of their supposed many secret purposes. But every so often, like with Grant, a `cubus will merge their spirit with a human thus granting them superior abilities and sometimes special powers as well in exchange for a symbiotic relationship that would last until the human host's death. This agreement is known as the Cubus Contract and is incapable of being broken once it is made.

Grant was now suffering from the down-side of the Cubus Contract. The bonding of an incubus to a human didn't just enhance their abilities; it caused a mutation that replaced all the nutritional needs of their body with cum. Sure, Grant could digest normal food if he wanted too-but now it was for the taste alone. He would gain nothing of it, and it would pass through his system without a single nutrient retained. To truly feed now Grant needed cum flowing through him; filling his belly. It was now his breakfast, lunch and dinner and every snack in between. He needed it like a vampire needed blood.

This was all well and fine for the two incubi currently helping him undress and brush the final remaining leaves out of his hair. For a cubus, going thirty-six hours without experiencing an orgasm in their current form meant death-literally. And a non-contracted cubus couldn't change forms until after an orgasm. Grant's mutated need fit Rodden and Hollick's need perfectly.

Hollick, the taller incubus, carried Grant to the bed his parents didn't know they shared every night. He lay Grant down and bent over to bring his lips to Grant's sizeable length while Rodden move to kiss Grant. But before either could, Grant sat up. "We don't have time to make out. Sayla's going to be here and I still need to shower, remember? Just start fucking already."

Grant lifted his ass and squatted a few inches off the bed. Rodden sighed before sliding under Grant and lifting his cock perpendicular to Grant's hole. Grant sat down so swiftly it was like there wasn't anything there-but he felt it inside filling him somewhat. He heard Rodden suck in a sharp breath at the swiftness Grant had slid onto him. Grant then lay down, feeling Rodden's abs rub against his back. He lifted his legs up and presented his penetrated sphincter to Hollick who repositioned himself on his knees, grabbed hold of Grant's legs and slid his cock up into Grant just as easily as Rodden. Grant let out a moan as the two cocks filled him. He squeezed his cheeks together and made the ridges of his hole tug at the two cocks creating a suction. It was like Grant's hole was suckling the incubi's cocks, teasing them to eject their nourishing juices.

Rodden and Hollick groaned at the suction pull Grant's holegave them. They automatically started pumping in and out in short jerking motions, feeling each other's cock massage the other's. When they got into a steady rhythm, Rodden maneuvered his hand over Grant's lap and started tugging on his lengthy shaft. Grant groaned in response and Hollick leaned over, inserting his tongue into Grant's mouth before he closed it again. When their lips met Grant began moaning into Hollick's mouth.

It took only five minutes for all three of the boys to reach climax. Grant came first and when he did he clamped his cheeks down so tightly onto the two cocks jostling inside him that Rodden and Hollick felt like they would be pressed until they merged into one mega-cock. At this feeling they both exploded into the depths of Grant's bowls. It was almost another two minutes before they subsided. When they had finished, Grant's belly had changed from vaguely defined six-pack (he knew he needed to work out more) to a liquidy bulge under tightly stretched skin. It felt so good, for Grant, to be completely full-like when he used to feast at thanksgiving until he couldn't swallows another bite without the idea of puking. But he wouldn't need to worry about working off the weight. He usually burnt the energy over the various activities he involved himself in over the course of the day. And using his enhanced abilities on extreme stunts like he had earlier for the fight burnt through his reservoir even quicker. The fights always left him hungry.

Hollick and Rodden gently pulled out of Grant's hole, and Grant experienced a brief feeling of anxiety over the emptiness. He wanted to feel them in there, rubbing against his prostate for hours and hours. He consoled himself that they would be back inside him later that night-for a late dinner feeding and because that's how the three of them always fell asleep. They went to sleep that way every night since the first. The very first night he had found them and had entered into the contract to help them escape without knowing how the contract would change him-without knowing anything really.

There was, of course, no leakage of sperm when the incubi removed their organs. It had all gone to filling Grant's distended belly. Grant sat up, feeling a little sluggish from the experience-this would last for several more minutes. So Hollick dug one hand under Grant's ass and placed the other on his back and gently lifted him into his arms. Hollick carried Grant to the second floor bathroom with Rodden close behind. Together they heated up the shower and scrubbed the dust and cum off of Grant and washed his hair making sure there were no more twigs or leaves stuck there until he was squeaky clean. The scratches from the branches were also already mostly invisible. As a contractee, Grant benefitted from a faster healing factor. The incubi wiped him down with a towel and took him back to his room to help him get dressed.

By the time he was fully dressed, Grant was wide awake and energized again. And just in time to hear the loud echo of the door being drilled on like it was the big bad wolf on the other side. But Grant knew the only one shouting "Let me in!" on the other side of that door was Sayla. All three of the boys rushed down the stairs, Rodden shouting "Wait! I haven't finished combing your hair!" When they got down stairs Grant reached for the door and then stopped. He spun around and looked behind him. He still had two naked teenage boys with him, Grant realized.

"Guys! What are you doing?" Grant hissed. He held out his arms and whispered "Come on. I have to go!" The two incubi each reached out with a hand and grasped one of Grant's. Suddenly, they were swirling clouds of thick liquid substance again and swiftly melted back into Grant's body. <Your hair is still a mess,> Grant heard Rodden's voice complain inside his head. He ignored Rodden and turned around.

Grant wasn't surprised to see the seventeen-year old red head standing with her hands on her hips, lips pursed, looking highly annoyed. "I was sure you were standing me up again. Do you have any idea how long I've been knocking on this door?" she asked.

"Hi, Sayla," Grant replied.

To Be Continued . . .

Alright, so this was a little fantasy idea. To be honest it's a bit of retalliation against so much vampire/werewolf stories out there in general. And Twilight is making me sick. Plus, I don't know why Cubus aren't used more in fantasy porn. Dninn get used more . . . Anyway, I'm still developing the rules of the Cubus Contract powers and the cast of characters. I haven't really found my footing for an arc for the story yet. I have my back history for what came before this point and a vague idea of what the Challengers will lead to by the end of the first arc. Send me your question, comments, and reviews at I more than welcome discussion about the nature of the Cubus and the Contract. :D

Next: Chapter 2

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