Csi Nick and Greg

By RobGnVA80

Published on Nov 17, 2011


A note from the Author: if you are enjoying this story, please let me know! I also welcome your input of course. I would like to know that people are reading it! Thanks, Rob.

This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to CBS and or Universal Studios. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

This is about the CSIs Greg Sanders and Nick Stokes but will tangentially involve several other characters from the show. I'm not sure exactly where this is going to go (aside from the obvious, a romance between Nick and Greg). I may jump around in time somewhat (e.g., flashbacks), and I'll try to stick more or less to the themes of the series and reference a few episodes, but no promises... it's obviously a parallel reality, though even on the show those two seem very friendly.



Who is holding on to whom here? http://imageshack.us/f/199/1534304.jpg/

Um, wow http://imstars.aufeminin.com/stars/fan/george-eads/george-eads-20060920-162476.jpg

TV show scene sidebar: There's an episode about an arson where Nick dumps out a huge pile of matchbooks and asks Greg to find the one that coincides with this one match from the crime scene (so 'matching' the way the match was torn out). As Nick walks out he pats Greg in his usual manner and says (I swear) "Thanks, Doll." Greg gets this odd look on his face. I turned on captions and they said that Nick said "Thanks, Dell." What? He's never called him 'Dell' where does that come from? The computer? That's a stretch. It sounded like 'doll' to me.

Bios of the main characters can be found in previous chapters.

Special guest actor (not the fictional character; though of course this actor has been fictionalized, and in fact I play a little fast and loose with his timeline) this episode. Same disclaimer applies.

Nick and Greg, Chapter Six

Monday morning did indeed arrive, and the bright Vegas sun came streaming in through a crack between the blind and window frame of Nick's bedroom.

"Wake up, sunshine!" Nick caressed Greg's cheek. "Wow you don't have much of a beard do you?"

"No, thanks for noticing." Greg growled.

"Someone is not a morning person! I like your pretty-boy face. You know we're back to our normal night shift this week."

"I know." Greg opened his eyes slowly. "And that reminds me, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What is it Greggo?" Nick ran his had down over Greg's naked flank under the covers.

"Well, it's probably really premature, and presumptuous of me to even hope that..." The tech paused.

"Greg... it's fine whatever you want to say."

"I mean, I just had this amazing weekend with you, and in a way I wish it would never end, but we have work, and I'm sure you have a routine, and I would not want to... you know..." Greg blurted it all out very fast, then looked away.

"G, spit it out."

The tech sighed. "I don't want you to ever feel like I'm inflicting myself on you, or trying to monopolize your time. I don't want to ever be here with you if you don't want me to be here."

"Aw Greg. I hope I haven't given you that feeling, cause I have loved every minute with you. I hope you're not trying to tell me something..."

"No! Absolutely not. I just want to try to be sure that it stays that way. Like I am sure you have a gym schedule, and I don't want to take you away from that, and I don't want you to think I am expecting to sleep with you every night-unless you want to of course." Greg looked up shyly.

Nick just smiled back at him for a long moment. "You are so sweet and considerate, dude. And you're thinking ahead better than me. I have to admit, I don't even know when you usually sleep, during the day or in the evening right before work?"

"I don't sleep well during the day, but since we end up pulling so many doubles into the morning, it's kind of moot anyway."

Nick pulled Greg to him and he felt the tech shivering. "Greg please don't be nervous. It'll all work out I promise. I am not about to blow you off."

"I-I just don't want to be a clingy... you know."

Nick kissed his lover on the neck. "If I remember, I'm the one who usually has his hands all over you. In fact, I remember a few times I would be looking over your shoulder at the lab and you would get kind of defensive and kept trying to get me to back off."

"You know why? You were making me crazy."

"Actually, I was doing it partly to tease you. And you always smell nice."

Greg smiled. "It's easier to smell nice when you are in a lab all day."

"Still, don't worry. If it makes you feel better, I think one of my favorite times of the weekend was when we were... dancing together."

"Wow, really?" Greg pulled Nick back so he could look him in the eyes.

"Yes, really." Nick grinned. "It was different but... nice, and maybe partly cause it was unexpected. Believe it or not, I can be a romantic. And this is great too, just being here close to you."

"Damn. I just feel like at some point I am going to wake up and all this was a dream."

"It's not a dream babe, it's real. And I am not going to let you go." Nick pulled Greg close to him in a tight hug. The he whispered in Greg's ear, "Do you have any idea how special you are?"

"Stop it." Greg whispered hoarsely.

"No." Nick started to lick Greg's ear.

Greg wriggled a little in Nick's embrace and giggled. "That tickles, man."

"Good. I love making you laugh. But seriously." Nick stopped and held Greg's shoulders.

Greg looked up shyly at his hot lover. "What?"

"I--I forgot what I was going to say. Greg, man, just trust me. Now more than ever I feel so close to you, and I... I really care for you."

"I just don't..."

"Shut up. I'll tell you if you ever are imposing on me. But a schedule is a good idea. Want to go to the gym with me?"

"Oh hell no, and get intimidated by you doing weights?"

"You said you do kickboxing, that's pretty intense."

"And you knew I was lying. I do cardio. Ellipse, running. Weights scare me."

"Yeah I knew you were a big nerdy liar. It's all good. But you know doing some weight training is good for you. But no pressure. Greggo, you are shaking again." He pulled the slim tech to him and gently rubbed his back. "Are you sure you're okay? Where's my cocky Einstein? Where's that Greg I know with the sexy confidant walk and cute smile and some deduction that blows us away?"

"I'm just, I dunno, scared." Greg clung to the strong CSI. "This is all so new, and happened so fast."

"I would never, ever hurt you. And if you remember I am the one who kissed you the other night. "

Greg felt his eyes tearing up and his body shaking. He hated himself for being such a wimp.

"Shhh Greggo, its okay."

"You must think I'm some pathetic... gay guy. All the Manson music and porn was a farce."

"Baby, you are the smartest, cutest guy I know. So just shut up okay?" Nick gently kissed his lover and Greg responded, pulling the muscular CSI into a passionate embrace.

"Oh man..." Greg moaned

"If you want I will kiss you in the middle of the lab to let everyone know..."

"God, I would never ask you to do that."

"I know, that's why I volunteered. Come here." Nick grinned, pulled Greg to him, both just in their underwear. It was not a sexual embrace at all (well maybe somewhat sexual). Greg kept shivering for a while till Nick's body warmed him and they just cuddled together. Then things started to get a little heated...

"Greg Sanders, delivery! Please come to the front desk." The receptionist's page rang throughout the lab.


Grissom walked into the break room to hand out assignments. Only Catherine and Sara were there. "Ohhkay. I know Warrick is out, but where is Nick?"

He said he had some DNA results to go over with Greg, and he would be right here." Catherine volunteered.

"Speaking of Greg, guess who got a dozen roses delivered a few minutes ago?" Sara grinned. "Do you know how expensive it is to get flowers delivered at midnight even in Vegas? Someone has got a new honey."

"You mean 'a' honey, period. Greg is mostly talk, though I'd be happy for him... Hodges, what do you want now?" Catherine demanded, her attention switching to the door and making no attempt to hide her dislike for the annoying, ass-kissing trace technician, who had obviously been listening in on their conversation as he lurked there.

"Uhh, sorry, I didn't mean to intrude but I have the trace on the fake ears for the Trekker case."

"I'll be right there, Hodges; now go."

After the door closed, Catherine and Sara leaned in close.

"Any idea who it could be?" Sara whispered. "When a girl sends a guy flowers, that's... wow."

"A-hem!" Grissom raised his eyebrows.

"Nicky, they're beautiful, but you didn't have to-"

"But I wanted to dude, just to let you know how much I enjoyed the weekend, and to make you show off a little bit that someone has the hots for you."

"I don't know what else to say. No one has ever sent me flowers before." Greg smiled, feeling himself turning red.

"Won't be the last time, Einstein." Nick grinned.

"Now I know how it feels..."

Grissom walked in to the DNA lab and found Nick having a quiet conversation with Greg Sanders. Their heads were very close together, and both were smiling-grinning even. He overheard Greg saying "Now I know how it feels..."

'This got serious fast. Though it's all conjecture, no evidence. Just body language, roses, and... hello, a bruise.' The supervisor thought. "Well, there's Nick" Grissom said sarcastically. "We had a meeting."

"Oh, sorry Grissom. "I was... just going over something with Greg."

"So I see." Grissom's glance fell on Greg's neck and the tech reflexively pulled his collar higher to try to conceal the hickey. But Grissom went on with hardly a pause. "We have a 419 at the Bellagio; suspicious circumstances. Why don't you take this one, and since we're short-handed with Warrick out, and DNA is slow right now, take Greg along; it will be good experience for him since he seems determined to be a field CSI. Just watch out for him okay? Give him a spare vest and keep him out of... trouble." Grissom glanced back and forth between the two of them.

"Oh man I get to go out in the field!?" Greg was trying without much success to hide his enthusiasm.

"It's not as exciting as it sounds Greggo. Though there is a body. Are you sure you're ready for this?" Nick gave Greg a serious look.

Greg took a deep breath and settled himself. "Yes, I'll be okay, I promise to be on my best behavior." He nodded, partly as if to reassure himself.

Grissom looked over his glasses. "Greg, assist Nick, but do ONLY what he tells you, walk only where he tells you, otherwise stand out of the way. You understand about corrupting a possible crime scene."

"Got it!" Greg saluted.

"Oh and Brass is tied up across town, so he'll join you but it might be a little while. There are already uniforms on the scene. And Greg, nice flowers." He nodded towards the dozen roses next to Greg's main microscope. "Don't let them infect the lab." Then Grissom actually smiled... a little.

If Greg could have turned as red as those deep burgundy roses, he would have.

"Look it's romance boy and the wrangler." Hodges said with his usual sarcasm as he passed Greg and Nick in the hall; Greg was struggling with his borrowed vest, which was too tight for him. Then Hodges sniffed; it was difficult to eliminate the smell of the roses; apparently Sanders had practically rolled in them. 'Definitely Nick's cologne.' But hadn't he smelled it on Greg the other day...? 'Surely not those two. Greg maybe, but Nick Stokes... and with Greg? Ew.' Hodges shook his head as if trying to get the image out of his mind. On his way back to trace he ran into Catherine. "So, CSI Willows, did you get any more out of our resident DNA lab rat about his amorous encounters of last week? And I heard he got a dozen roses right at the beginning of his shift."

"Wouldn't you like to know, and yes he did, and nice ones, not the cheap ones. Believe me, I know. And I heard there was a card." She leaned in and smirked. "Why don't you get your own life, Hodges?"

"I'll have you know I have a very active social life outside of work. But back to my question, I just happened to realize that when Mister Sanders was in last week looking a bit frazzled and disheveled, he was reeking of cologne that CSI Stokes wears." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

By now they had reached the trace lab and Catherine threw down her folder. "What, you're suggesting Nick... and Greg!? Oh come on." She tossed her hair. "I think Greg may have a little wild boy in him, but Nick, he's a Texas frat boy. They don't come straighter than him."

"But you see how he always has his hands on Greg. Patting him on the shoulder, the head, the chest."

"You are crazy Hodges. Nick treats Greg like his little brother. It's cute. I think Greg looks up to him. And that's probably where your super sensitive nose picked up the cologne. Nicky is patting Greg on the shoulder sometimes at work, encouraging him. Maybe you don't know it, but under his cocky attitude, Greg is a sensitive guy."

"If you say so."

"I do. Now please get back to work on the Trekkie case. There were not only the ears but the uniform fibers. And you can't fool me about how long the imager takes."

"TrekKER" Hodges muttered under his breath. But he could not get a salacious image of Greg Sanders and Nick Stokes... together... naked... doing unspeakable things... out of his mind. 'Could they really be...? How did that work exactly? Greg has to be the girl.'

While Catherine was thinking... 'Grissom did want me to leave Nick alone over the weekend, and Nick and Greg were just out having a beer together... wow Nicky and Greg?' As unlikely as it seemed, the idea of the hunky cowboy and the funny but cute lab tech together kind of made her smile. She considered finding out the florist and doing a little off-duty sleuthing. But both Nicky and Greg were friends, and-as unlikely as it seemed-if they were hooking up, they deserved a little privacy. Though under department protocols... all the more reason to leave it alone, discourage that worm Hodges, and leave it up to Grissom. But Catherine allowed herself another little smile. 'I bet those two would be hot as hell together. But Nick's kind of conservative as far as the kinky stuff, and Greg's the wanna-be wild boy. Recipe for inferno!'

Nick and Greg arrived at a palatial penthouse suite on an upper floor of the Bellagio. Greg felt nervous and important and scared all at the same time in his field vest. He kept his head down and followed Nick like a shadow.

There were a couple of uniforms waiting for them in the living area. One approached them. "The body's in the tub, young guy. Name according to the roommate is Jason Kells; looks like suicide. His buddy's over there in the bedroom, Brady King. Says he found him like that and called 911. Coroner is already in the bathroom. Here are their wallets, just IDs and cash. Brady played coy when I asked how he was paying for the room. IDs look fake to me but a pretty professional job. The room was reserved by a third party, a woman, on her credit card."

"Thanks." Nick nodded to the cop, then said to Greg over his shoulder. "Stay behind me whenever you can. We want to avoid disturbing the scene as much as possible in case it turns out to not be what it seems. Unfortunately the door handle is probably already a mess but we'll want to get prints where we can, so don't touch anything."

A young handsome guy with shaggy dark hair was sitting on the large bed, still in wet bloody clothes, huddled in a blanket. He looked up at Nick and Greg for a moment with red-rimmed eyes, then back at the floor. Greg thought there was something familiar about him. As they went into a foyer that led to two bathrooms, Nick gave Greg a quizzical look. Gregg wiggled his eyebrows.

In the bathroom, the assistant coroner David Phillips was with the body. In the oversized Jacuzzi tub was a blond youth, probably in his early 20's, partially dressed. His wrists were slashed, the water full of blood. One arm was draped out over the floor, where more blood had dripped. It looked like a suicide.

They went in and Greg recoiled at the sight.

"Super Dave! What's the story?" Nick asked casually.

"Hey guys. Liver temp is 96; I'd say he can't have been dead more than two hours, but the water temperature could throw it off. The roommate discovered the body half an hour ago. Cause of death appears to be exsanguination, but there are some disturbing other signs."

Nick knelt down to look more closely. "The cuts to the wrists are longitudinal, but there's no blood splatter on the hand draped outside the tub. Cutting those arteries would have spurt all over the hands. The cuts seem awfully neat too."

"And something else. Look at these bruises on the neck. It looks like he could have been choked. Of course there could be other wounds; we won't know till we get him back for autopsy. You might be able to get prints off the neck too."

"Hmm, choked to unconsciousness, put in the tub and wrists cut to make it look like a suicide? I'll have to take a closer look at the rest of the suite but I didn't see any signs of a struggle. Everything seemed in order. And setting him up like this would take some time; either the killer did not know there was a roommate or he didn't think he would be back for awhile."

Suddenly Greg remembered where he's seen the guy sitting on the bed. "Nick, can I talk to you?"

"What is it Greg?" Nick couldn't help letting a little annoyance creep into his tone. Greg was just supposed to be observing and assisting.

Greg cocked his head to the other bathroom; they went inside and closed the door most of the way, careful not to touch the handle. "That young guy sitting on the bed, he's a celebrity."

"Really? From what? He didn't look familiar to me. And he apparently didn't say anything about it to the uniforms, though I guess that kind of explains how two guys in their 20's are in a penthouse at the Bellagio, unless they are dealing. Usually though celebrities can't wait to tell you they are, unless they have something to hide..." Nick's voice trailed off.

"Yeah. Two handsome young guys, one bed."

"Who is he?"

End of Part 6. Actually this dragged on and on, but I finally decided better to get something out rather than keep my few readers waiting. So who's the mystery guest?

Next: Chapter 7

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