Csi Nick and Greg

By RobGnVA80

Published on Oct 17, 2011


A note from the Author: if you are enjoying this story, please let me know! I also welcome your input of course. I would like to know that people are reading it! Thanks, Rob.

This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to CBS and or Universal Studios. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

This is about the CSIs Greg Sanders and Nick Stokes but will tangentially involve several other characters from the show. I'm not sure exactly where this is going to go (aside from the obvious, a romance between Nick and Greg). I may jump around in time somewhat (e.g., flashbacks), and I'll try to stick more or less to the themes of the series and reference a few episodes, but no promises... it's obviously a parallel reality, though even on the show those two seem very friendly.

Bios of the main characters can be found in previous chapters.

Nick and Greg, Chapter Five

(we continue flashback to when Nick and Greg's relationship is just beginning) ---

"Damn Greg that was so amazing." Nick whispered in the tech's ear when he'd caught his breath. "Next time, I want you to do me." He gently lowered Greg's legs off his shoulders.

Greg just whimpered with pleasure. His dick was trapped between him and Nick, and the CSI was still moving slowly up and down, his semi-hard cock inside Greg and his weight on top of him.

Nick was coming down from his orgasm, nuzzling and gently kissing his lover. Just kissing was so incredible; Greg was amazing at it. Of course Nick had never kissed another guy before, but Greg just seemed to know how to use his lips and his tongue, when to be playful and when to be passionate.

"You have the cutest ears." Nick playfully fondled Greg's soft ears.

"Stop it!" Greg smiled shyly. "I have huge ears."

"And they are really cute."

"They are dorky."

"Dorky... is in the eyes of the beholder." As he spoke, Nick slid his hands over Greg's neck, down his shoulders.

"I'm a mess."

"Wanna take a shower?"

"You mean... together?" Greg raised his eyebrows.

"Well, it's not like I'm gonna see anything I haven't already." Nick winked at him.

"Sure, it could be fun, I've never showered with anyone, like that."

Nick was surprised Greg accepted to readily. He rolled off, Greg's cum making a sticky sucking sound as they separated. Nick then threw the sheets back, grabbed the slim tech by the ankles and dragged him across the bed.

"Woah! Somebody can't wait to get me in the shower!" Greg said with a little laugh. Nick let him go and he got up.

"C'mon cutie." Nick smacked him playfully on the butt.

Once the water was warmed up they climbed in together. Nick could tell Greg was getting a little shy again. Hell, he was too. There was something weirdly vulnerable about this.

Then Greg poured some body wash in his palm and looked expectantly at Nick. "Well, do I get to wash you?"

"You can do whatever you want to me, Greggo." Nick grinned.

"I'll remind you of that later." Greg smeared the creamy wash across Nick's pecs and began to massage it in with both hands. "Damn dude you have such an amazing chest. No wonder you always wear those tight shirts."

Nick closed his eyes and sighed. "Stop it, you're gonna make me blush."

Greg continued to work over his lover, massaging his powerful shoulders, his upper arms, then back to his abs. Nick felt himself getting hard again as Greg's fingers strayed down into his thick pubes. "Something seems to be coming up again. Turn around, Nick."

The CSI obediently turned while Greg got more soap. He worked on Nick's neck, his back, then down to Nick's gorgeous round, muscular ass. He massaged it over and over, his fingers slipping into the crack. "You have such a hot ass, Nick." He mumbled. He was getting hard too.

"Damn that feels good Greg, keep going." Nick whispered.

Greg slipped a soapy finger in deeper, found Nick's little puckered hole and gently rubbed against it.

"Ohhhh wow." Nick moaned.

Encouraged, Greg pushed a little, and his finger slipped in.

"Oh man!" Nick jumped a little.

"Are you okay? Should I take it out?"

"No, it's just... different."

"You never tried putting your finger in there before?"

"Uh, no, have you?" Nick looked over his shoulder.

"Uh, yeah, a few times." Greg took the opportunity to probe deeper. He'd seen his share of gay pornos, and now he knew how good a cock could feel inside him.

"Woah! Wait, what are you-?"

"That's your prostate."

"I know what it is, but I didn't know that it could feel... uhhh... good." Nick moaned.

Greg withdrew his finger and after washing it off, moved up close to Nick, and wrapped his arms around him, his hard cock sliding between Nick's soapy ass cheeks. "Hmm, this feels awesome."

"I bet you want to fuck me right here in the shower, you horn dog."

Greg ground his cock up and down, deeper in the crack. "You betcha."

"Wish we could do it bare."

"Me too, but you know we're both exposed to blood and all other kinds of bodily fluids every day; never know when a glove might break or get a needle puncture. We get tested once a month, but still, I'd never want to risk infecting you."

"Me either, babe." Nick turned around then and took Greg in his arms. 'He's so damn cute.' Nick thought, looking at Greg with his puppy-dog brown eyes, his hair wet and plastered to his head.

They looked each other for a moment before locking into a passionate kiss.

Gil rolled over in his bed and answered the phone. "Grissom."

"Gil, it's Catherine."

"Yes, Catherine? I assume you know it's 8 o'clock on Sunday morning."

"I know, sorry, but it's a mess down here. We had a multi-car pileup, two 419's and the day shift needs help. Should I call Nick?"

"No he hasn't had a whole weekend off in ages. Call Warrick, and if he won't come in, I will."

"You're being awfully nice to Nick lately." Catherine let a little curiosity creep into her voice.

"I think he has better things to do."


"Goodbye Catherine." Grissom hung up. 'Nick Stokes, you owe me.'

"It's my turn to wash you."

"But I didn't even get to your legs!" Greg whined.

"You were having way too much fun with my ass! Now behave, or I may need to spank you!"

"Promise?" Greg grinned.

Nick looked at him with an expression of 'WTF?'

"Jeeze, what a prude!" Greg winked at him.

'Now who's being the shy one?' Nick thought to himself, a little sheepishly. He was surprised at Greg's comment. He remembered his strange discussion with Catherine about Lady Heather and the whole bondage thing. He just didn't get it, and she was shocked he was so prudish. 'Maybe I need to expand my horizons. Hell, I've been sleeping with a guy for the last two days and I am the happiest I think I have ever been.' "First I wash you, smartass, then we'll see about your punishment if you misbehave."

The rest of the shower turned more sensuous than sexual. Nick loved running his soapy hands over the lean tech, feeling him tremble a little under his touch. He rinsed Greg's neck and kissed and sucked on it, driving him crazy. "Oops, I think you are going to need to wear a shirt with a collar for the next few days at work."

"You did not!"

"I couldn't help it, your neck is so nice. It's just a little hickey."

"Friggin' vampire!" But Greg was smiling. He was secretly happy that Nick had marked him. "So are we gonna get dressed and have breakfast? I'm starving. My treat this time."

"You're on, Greggo."

Greg insisted on taking Nick to a nice brunch place he had heard of. They ate their fill, and had a few drinks too. Greg had bloody Marys, Nick Mimosas. It was unlimited drinks, but Greg tried to pace himself while pushing Nick for one more Mimosa. Greg also pointedly wore a collarless shirt, showing off the hickey mark on his neck. It did not escape the attention of their attractive waitress, who gave the pair appraising looks.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Greg Sanders?" Nick asked, his voice just a little slurry after four of the drinks. 'This could become a running joke,' he thought.

"Why yes, yes I am." Greg grinned and raised his drink for a toast. "You promised me something, and I intend to collect."

Nick clinked with Greg and leaned in. "You like my ass don't you, Einstein?" He whispered.

"Hell, you flaunt it all over the lab! With those tight jeans and your sexy little swagger."

"You want my frat-boy, jock ass don't you?" Nick grinned teasingly.

"Oh jeeze, hell yeah I do. I have a hardon now." Greg whispered. "Check!"

They barely got in the door of Nick's place when they were at each other, hungrily kissing and groping. Greg cupped Nick's muscled glutes and squeezed them hard while Nick had his fingers in Greg's hair, holding their heads together in a passionate French kiss.

They started tearing each others' clothes off, stumbling towards the bedroom.

They had their shirts open, Nick was in his briefs, and Greg's pants were around his ankles with Nick's hand in his boxers when they fell on the bed together and burst out laughing, Greg on top of Nick. Then they were looking in each others' eyes and they just smiled at each other.

Nick caressed Greg's back slowly. "Greggo, this has been the best weekend I can remember." The CSI rubbed his thumb over Greg's soft sideburn as he stared into his brown eyes. "I don't know about you, but I could just lie with you like this all day. You are so darn cute. You know even before, well, the kiss, I couldn't keep my hands off you. Maybe in my own way I was kinda flirting with you, if even I didn't realize what I was doing."

Greg looked down shyly. "You know it made me crazy. Every time you would put your hand on my shoulder, I about lost it. I-I just can't believe we are here like this in bed together. Nick, I-"

Before Greg could say any more, Nick pulled Greg down and tenderly kissed him. He massaged Greg's neck and behind his ear. "You know both Warrick and Catherine have made jokes about not dating inside the department. What are we gonna do about that?"

"Well," Greg said with a little laugh, "I doubt anyone would suspect that we would be dating each other."

"You know, if anyone would figure it out, I bet Grissom would."

Greg paused for a minute. "You know, his intuition is almost creepy, I bet he might figure it out, but I also bet he would never tell anyone. He's not a gossip."

"He has given me a couple of odd looks lately. But you are right, he would never say anything to anyone else. But he might do things to try to protect us. We might want to tell him."

"I think if people knew, I doubt Grissom or Catherine or even Warrick would have a problem. They'd be surprised about you."

"What about Archie? I know you guys are friends. Or Hodges."

"Archie has made a couple comments to me suggesting he's straight but okay with gay guys, like he was waiting for me to come out. I guess he was ahead of me on that one. As far as Hodges, I don't give a shit what he thinks."

Nick pulled Greg close to him and sighed, nuzzling his tender neck. "If we did come out we would have to be careful. I bet Ecklie would find some reason to put us on different shifts or something. He seems like a homophobe for sure."



"I'm in-or at least on-the bed with the hottest guy on earth and we are talking about work. I want to snuggle or make out or fuck or something, but not talk about work!"

"Greggo, you are way too sweet. Let's start with snuggling, cause you feel so nice right now. Though all those mimosas you forced down my throat have made me horny and light-headed."

"Can we finish getting down to our underwear at least? I still have my pants around my ankles."

They struggled out of their clothes and somehow they both ended up naked.

Nick ran his hands over Greg's tight smooth chest then wrapped his arms around the lean tech and pulled him in close again. "Hmmm you feel so good. I never even imagined being naked in bed with a guy like this would be so awesome. Well, not just any guy." He rolled on his back pulling Greg on top of him.

They made out for awhile, then Nick said, "I meant what I said before, Greg. I want us to be equals. Plus, I'm... curious."

"You sure you want to?" Greg asked tentatively. "You... you don't have to do it just cause I did."

Nick paused a minute. Greg had taken him like a champ so how could he not offer himself to his lover as willingly? Nick took a deep breath. Greg was his lover. The word made him shiver, but in a good way.

"It's only fair man. You gave yourself to me and I want give to you. It's so amazing being inside you. And you seemed to like...bottoming... so I'm willing to try. Maybe I'll like it too." Nick ran his hands over Greg's sexy smooth chest and smiled. Secretly he was a little nervous, he saw how it had hurt Greg at first. God what was he doing? This was it, letting a guy fuck him was it, finally admitting he was really gay. Of course, it was not just 'any guy,' it was cute Greg, who if anyone was going to be careful and gentle with him, it would be Greg. Nick smiled to himself. He was worried about a guy-skinny nerdy Greg-being gentle with him. He was being a big wuss. And it kind of felt good.

He had made out with Greg, slept with him, and it was the most wonderful feeling. How could he deny it. What would his parents think? He suddenly had this image of taking Greg home to meet the parents and explaining that he was gay and this was his boyfriend. Whew. What would his father say? 'Pancho, you're a good boy, you'll make the right choice.' Nick snuggled up to the smartest, cutest guy he had ever met and thought, 'Thanks, Cisco.'

Meanwhile, Greg had his own jitters. Nick was such a natural stud, he had fucked him so right. Could he hope to match that? In his limited experience with women, sex as always more clumsy and fumbling than hot and sexy like they portrayed it in movies or porn. But Nick had been almost perfect. He made Greg cum mostly just from fucking him.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"I'm... kinda nervous."

"Greg, I think we know each other well enough that it's gonna be okay. You'll do fine. I'm the one that should be nervous, with you sticking that long pole inside me." He grinned and Greg had to smile back.

"Okay, how do you want to do it?"

Nick pushed Greg up, then laid back and raised his powerful legs while opening them wide. "I'm all yours." He grinned.

Greg smiled crookedly, looking down at the hunky CSI suddenly all vulnerable. "Wow. You don't have to tell me twice. Though actually... Why don't you flip on your stomach first and I'll help you relax. You were pretty tight in the shower."

"Uh, okay. But when we do it I want us to be facing so I can see your expression." Nick rolled over.

Greg was treated to a view of that amazing ass. He found the condoms and lube, then gently spread Nick's legs. 'God his legs are heavy, all that muscle.' Then Greg put some lube on his finger and spread Nick's cheeks. There were just a few hairs deep down around his little pink hole. He gently rubbed the little pucker.

"Ohh that's cold man."

"It'll warm up." Greg assured him as he rubbed his finger over it and started to press in just a little.

"Hmmm." Nick sighed, and opened his legs even wider.

Greg was tempted to try rimming Nick, but decided that could wait for later, Nick might freak. Instead he started to move his finger in and out, like he had in the shower. With his other hand he fondled Nick's large tight balls.

Nick made little moaning sounds, so after a minute, Greg started to work in another finger. "Oh, damn, that kinda hurts."

"Sorry, I'll go slower. But you know, what can go out, just as big can go in."

"That's kinda gross, Greg."

"Yeah forget I said that. Definitely not into that." But as he talked, he was working his lubed fingers in and out, slowly opening Nick up. Pretty soon he had both all the way in and was able to work them around. "I think you're ready."

"Cool." Nick flipped over, grabbed a pillow and put it under his hips. He winked at Greg and said, "I remember from last time."

"Aren't you a good student, CSI Stokes."

Greg wrapped and put on plenty of lube. He wasn't as thick as Nick, but his cock had a pretty big head. He moved up to Nick and rubbed the tip of his dick against the CSI's hole. "Ready?"

"Go for it."

He held his cock in one hand and pushed one of Nick's legs up with the other and tried to push in. But Nick was still so tight, and his cock would slip away. "Relax man, don't resist."

"I'm trying dude. Here." He reached under himself and held Greg's throbbing shaft, helping guide it in. Suddenly Greg's cock popped inside him. "Oh shit! Greg stop! Hold off, oh man!" Nick grabbed Greg's slender hips and held him still.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Greg almost wailed.

"No, kiddo, it's okay, don't take it out," Nick gasped, his powerful chest heaving. "It just hurt like hell at first. I'm okay now. Let's just go easy."

"Nick, I..."

"Greggo, no it's cool. Just move a little. Oh, man, it's already... oh, wow... feeling better, somewhere in there. It kinda burns, but it, Oh yeah man... keep doing that." Nick let his head fall back as he felt Greg's long cock slowly pump in him. He wrapped his legs around Greg's waist.

Greg meanwhile tried to ease a little more in with each movement. He looked down at his cock sliding in and out of Nick, and he felt almost like he was some outside observer-except for the incredible pleasure of Nick's tight muscle around his shaft as he moved in and out. At first Nick's cock had gone soft, but now it was starting to grow again. When he was almost all in, and Nick was just lying on his back panting, he had to ask, "Am I doing okay?" He punctuated it by gently grasping his lover's thick, pulsing cock.

"God yes baby that feels amazing." Nick looked up at him then. Greg looked so hot, but he had this look on his face like he was still nervous. He reached up and cupped Greg's pecs. "I can feel you moving inside me, this is incredible." He locked his ankles behind Greg and used his legs to pull the tech every time he thrust in.

Then Greg got all the way in, all eight inches.

"Oh, shit!" Nick moaned, and at first Greg was worried that he had gone in too deep. But then Nick's cock jumped and a dribble of precum oozed out of the tip.

Greg paused, picked it up with a finger and put it in his mouth. "Don't cum yet!"

"Shit, did you just taste me?"

Greg made a few slow deep thrusts, rocking his slim hips forward, making Nick grunt in pain/pleasure. "Yeah." He grinned then. "Nicky, you feel so awesome, I can't believe I'm inside you." He leaned down and kissed Nick, then started to move in and out slowly.

"It's such a wild feeling, I never thought it could be..." Nick whispered. "Oh, man, I'm getting close, go slow...slow... let's make it last." He ran his hands over Greg's chest and tweaked his little nipples. The tech was starting to sweat with his efforts. Nick pulled him down and tried to raise his own legs higher across Greg's back.

Greg could not believe what was happening. He was fucking Nick! He moved his cock in as slow as he could. Well 'fucking' wasn't quite the right word, it was more than fucking... Greg had to stop for a minute. The feeling was incredible, nothing like being inside a woman. Nick's ass was gripping the shaft of his cock as he pumped in and out. And just looking down into the hunky Texan's eyes while Nick's strong fingers dug into his back and his legs were around his waist...

Nick pulled Greg into a kiss, then held his head back. The cute tech's face was flushed, his mouth open, his eyes a little glazed. "Fuck me Einstein!" Nick whispered hoarsely.

Their fingers laced together as Greg slammed his cock deep into Nick and they kissed. Then Greg couldn't help it, he started to fuck Nick faster and harder, pounding him over and over for minutes. He wanted to show Nick that he could be just as much of a man... "Geez, I'm getting close..." He let go of one of Nick's hands so he could stroke the hunky CSI.

"I'm close too..." Nick moaned.

Greg kept thrusting his cock in and out. He felt it building. "Oh god!" He yelped, fucking faster and faster till he felt his cock erupting. He slowed down then, gasping for breath. Then he realized Nick had not cum yet. He leaned down and managed to get the head of Nick's cock in his mouth as he continued to stroke the shaft. His semi-hard cock was still inside Nick.

"Oh yeah, baby, ohhh. I'm gonna cum!" Nick yelled, and tried to push Greg's mouth off him, but the tech held on for at least the first couple spurts, then Nick pushed him back and the next several splattered all over his face and hair.

They just looked at each other for a long moment, chests heaving with the effort of their wild fucking. Then Greg licked his lips. "Not bad, though your precum is sweeter." And they both burst out laughing.

When they settled down to giggles, Nick said, "Greg you were so amazing, I never imagined it would feel like that."

"And you. I got to do the Texas stud."

"I can't believe you, uh..." Nick hesitated. "I tried to warn you."

"I know, but I wanted to do it. You never tasted your own cum?" Greg asked as he eased down onto Nick. Both were soaked with sweat.



"Okay maybe a couple times. I was curious."

"There's hope for you yet. Wanna shower before we get your bed any more nasty?"

They just took a quick shower, both were pretty tired after their session, and just cuddled a little under the water, after Greg got all the cum out of his hair.

Fortunately the bed was not bad, though Nick could not help imagining someone on the CSI team waving a UV light over the sheets and saying, "We have seminal fluids."

They climbed into bed together naked, and pulled each other close.


"What is it Greggo?" Nick prompted softly when he hesitated.

"I hope you don't think this sounds foolish."

"Coming from you, unlikely." The Texan said with a little laugh that made Greg bounce up and down on his strong abs.

Greg raised his head up so he could look Nick in the eyes in the dim light. His right hand splayed over Nick's left pec, feeling his heart beating. "I know this is awfully soon, but... I think... I...I'm uh... I can't say it." He choked out. He laid his head back down.

"Oh man, Greggo." Nick ran his fingers through Greg's soft wavy hair. He kind of liked it like that just natural and not all full of product.

"I'm sorry." Greg whispered. "I must seem like such a desperate girl or something. You know what I want to say."

Nick smiled his cute little smile" Yeah. I've never told anyone I loved them before, except, you know, my parents. But in the last couple of days with you I have felt different than I have ever felt. I have literally had this ache in my chest-"

Greg raised his head. "Man you too? What is up with that?"

Nick smiled and pulled Greg back down onto his chest. "I don't know what it is physiologically, maybe Grissom could tell us. What I do know is I have never felt like this with anyone before, and I want to keep feeling it with you. Greg you are so special. Just holding you here like this makes me so happy, and I hope it makes you happy too. And if that's love, then Greggo, I love you too man."

Greg felt tears starting to come and tried to fight them back.

They woke up together in the afternoon, and decided to go grocery shopping for supplies to make dinner.

Nick pulled on his usual jeans and tight-fitting t-shirt, Greg shorts and a baggy T.

"I don't think I've ever seen you in shorts." Nick said, eyeing the tech.

"I know, my legs are skinny." Greg rolled his eyes.

"Aw, they're cute."

They got to a nearby grocery, having a debate on the way on what to have for dinner, which consisted mainly of "What do you want?" "I dunno, whatever you want." "I asked first, whatever you want!"

At the grocery, they managed to finally make a few decisions, in between horsing around, which included lobbing oranges back and forth.

"I never thought grocery shopping could be fun." Greg said after Nick hilariously bobbled his orange and almost dropped it.

"Yeah this is kinda fun."

"Yeah well the novelty of me will no doubt wear off." Greg said half jokingly.

Nick moved up close to the tech. "Dude, don't say that, it makes it sound like you are down on yourself. If anyone is gonna get bored it's genius Greg with the dumb hick from Texas."

"I can't see that happening any time soon." Greg gave him the puppy-dog look.

Then a middle-aged woman came down the aisle by them and shot the pair a dirty look.

"Geez, do we look that obvious?" Nick said with a smile as Greg made a face at her.

Back at Nick's they made dinner again, then flopped on the sofa together.

"Dinner was great. One day you'll make some guy a great wife." Greg put his arm around Nick.

"Hah hah. Well you helped, genius."

"What do you want to do now?"

"Whatever you want."

"That could be dangerous." Greg smiled.

"Uh-oh." But Nick grinned.

"Nothing kinky, but you might not be comfortable." Greg pulled a flash drive out of his pocket. "It's a song. I have a confession, I like some pop music."

"Oh gawd. This relationship will never work!" Nick laughed. Then when he saw Greg hesitate, he waved his hand. "Go, load it on my iTunes, I have the Mac set up to play through my sound system. It just better not be Celine Dion or Cher."

Greg hopped up, loaded the MP3, and Savage Garden's 'I knew I Loved You' began to play. He walked over to Nick and extended his hand. When the CSI furrowed his brows, Greg said "Please?"


Nick stood and let Greg take him in his arms, and they began slowly dance together.

Greg lowered his head on Nick's strong shoulder. "Oh man, this feels so... right."

Nick had his hands on the small of Greg's back as they swayed slowly back and forth. "I like the lyrics. The song's not bad either."

When the song faded they just held each other, standing in Nick's living room. Finally Nick whispered "I never imagined I'd be slow dancing with a guy. Greg, that was really... nice. You are such a romantic."

"I was kind of nervous about suggesting it." Greg confessed.

"Want to play it again?"

"You betcha." Greg grinned.

"But one of these days I'm going to make you watch football with me."

"Oh if you insist." Greg rolled his eyes.


Later that night they were in bed, just snuggled together, when Greg suddenly said. "Nicky..."


"Do you get the feeling... we're being watched?"

"No, why?" Nick answered with a little laugh.

"I dunno, just a feeling. Sometimes I get a feeling."

Nick frowned. Greg had said that his grandmother had claimed to have psychic powers. He normally dismissed that sort of thing, but there had been a few times over the last several years at work where Greg had seemed to know something before they were actually alerted.

Greg woke up suddenly when he was grabbed roughly from behind. He instinctively struggled and started yelling. "Hey! Let go!! Help!!"

"Greg, I'm sorry!" It was just Nick, but he was holding him so tight, and Greg could feel him breathing hard.

"What's going on, man, you're crushing me."

"I'm so sorry, I... I had a bad dream." Nick loosened his grip and Greg twisted around.

"Want to talk about it?" Greg was alarmed when he saw Nick's face: there was fear in his eyes.

"I-I don't know, it was so real, and it was bad."

"What happened?"

"You were beat up bad, and... you were shot."

"That is bad."

Don't joke man!" Nick slapped him on the chest. You were dying, I was holding you and you were dying, it was awful." Nick looked like he was going to cry.

"Dude it was just a dream, I'm right here." Greg pulled his lover to him and cradled his head, massaging his short hair. "What are the chances of me getting shot anyway, sitting in a lab all day. You're the one who gets guns pointed at him. I worried about you even before we got... close."

"I know, but you want to be a field CSI."

"We'll see how that goes. I know Ecklie is not in favor of it."

Monday came all too soon.

Next: Chapter 6

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