Csi Nick and Greg

By RobGnVA80

Published on Sep 6, 2011


CSI: Nick and Greg From: RobGnVA80 (at) aol (dot) com

A note from the Author: if you are enjoying this story, please let me know! I also welcome your input of course. I would like to know that people are reading it! Thanks, Rob.

This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to CBS and or Universal Studios. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

This is going to be about the CSIs Greg Sanders and Nick Stokes but will involve several other characters from the show. I'm not sure exactly where this is going to go (aside from the obvious, a romance between Nick and Greg). I may jump around in time somewhat (e.g., flashbacks), and I'll try to stick more or less to the themes of the series and reference a few episodes, but no promises... it's obviously a parallel reality, though even on the show those two seem very friendly.

Bios of the main characters can be found in previous chapters.

Nick and Greg, Chapter Four

(we continue flashback to when Nick and Greg's relationship is just beginning; about a year before Greg is badly beaten in the episode 'Fannysmackin') ---

"Let me get a warm cloth to wipe you off with." Nick crawled out of the bed and walked nude to the bathroom.

Greg watched his muscular ass twitch as he strode away. 'Man you have such a hot ass, Nicky.' He thought to himself with a little smile.

Nick strode back a minute later, his junk in full view. Greg had to struggle not to stare. Nick knelt over him and very gently washed him off with a warm moist cloth.

"Hm, thank you for the nice sponge-bath Nurse Nick." He said with a little smile and squirm... until Nick got down to his still semi-erect cock. His thorough washing made the tech jump uncontrollably, especially when he moved Greg's long dick out of the way to clean his little brown bush.

Nick returned the cloth to the bathroom and slid back into bed with Greg, gently pulling the tech to face him. "How yah doin?"

"I'm okay." Greg said a little shyly. Suddenly he felt self-conscious in bed with his hunky co-worker.

Nick tenderly put his hand on Greg's cheek and the tech flinched a little.

"Greggo, are you sorry we...?"

"No of course not; I'm the one who dragged you into bed. I'm just having these feelings right now that I'm... not used to." His voice broke. He wouldn't meet Nick's gaze.

"I'm glad we're talking about it though. Some guys might just clam up and never let their feelings out. Will you let me hold you?"

Greg just nodded.

Nick pulled Greg against him so Greg's head was on his shoulder and Nick's arms were around him. He felt the tech trembling against him. Nick started to stroke Greg's hair and the tech made a little snuffling sound.

"Greggo are you crying? Are you sure I didn't hurt you?"

"No! I'm just kind of overwhelmed. I'll be all right in a minute, 'kay?"

"Okay Kiddo." This was a little scary. Greg was normally a pretty cocky young guy; only once in awhile would you see a vulnerable side. Nick never thought he'd see Greg cry. But then, he never imagined them making love either. He'd heard that some guys cry after sex...

Meanwhile Greg was overcome with emotion over how wonderful being with Nick was, and no matter what Nick said, this was maybe it, and he'd move on to some chick. Greg couldn't believe the feelings just the last two nights had stirred up in him. Nick running his fingers through his hair was awfully nice though...

When Greg seemed to settle down, Nick said softly, "Greggo, It's about 5 am. Maybe let's sleep a bit more, take a shower, and go have some breakfast and see what we want to do today-that is if you want to do stuff together."

Greg did look up at him then and smile. "That sounds great."

They ended up sleeping snuggled together for a couple more hours before Greg stirred, responding to the light entering the bedroom. Normally both guys kept their bedroom blinds blacked out because of their odd sleeping hours, but for the weekend Nick had raised his slightly.

What they did not realize was a man-the same one who had been observing them before-was photographing them in bed together with a telephoto lens.

"Ready to get up sleepyhead?" Nick rubbed Greg's smooth chest.

"Hmmm... okay." Greg mumbled sleepily, spooning against Nick.

"Heh, well I'll take a shower then, you can sleep a couple more minutes." Nick actually thought about asking Greg to shower with him, but decided that could wait for another time. He took his usual quick shower, and when he came out of the bathroom drying his hair, Greg was already sitting at the side of the bed. Nick noticed that he had the sheet covering his lap. 'It's kind of cute that he's being all shy, but hasn't he ever been in a locker room?' "It's all yours Greggo, there are towels in there on a shelf." Then he pointedly turned away towards his bureau to get clean underwear.

"Thanks." Greg slipped out of the bed and into the bathroom behind him.

Nick was dressed and just about to go to the living room to give his shy boy privacy when Greg emerged from the bathroom, a towel around his waist. Half-naked like that, he looked even more boyish and skinnier that usual. His hair was a crazy tangle. "I just realized that I didn't bring anything for a sleepover." He said with a crooked smile. "I don't have any deodorant or hair product, much less a change of underwear. I should have been more prepared like you CSIs."

"It's no big deal, we can swing by your place and you can get all gussied-up."Nick grinned at him. "And this time pack your necessities." He walked out of the room.

Greg was secretly relieved that Nick was letting him get dressed alone. He didn't know why he was suddenly so shy around him.

On the way to Greg's place Nick asked, "What do you want to do today?"

"I dunno, what do you want to do-after breakfast of course. What do you usually do on weekends?"

Nick shrugged. "Stuff around the house, watch TV, read. What about you?"

"Same I guess. I don't... I don't go out much these days."

"Well kiddo we have all weekend, unless Grissom spoils it for us. I feel like doing something, even if we just see a movie. Then maybe have a nice dinner, go back to my place..." He smiled.

Greg was trying to concentrate on driving. "That all sounds good to me. Oh, you know what I want to see? It's been here for years and I have never actually gone."

"What's that?"

"You're gonna think I'm a nerd." Greg smiled nervously.

"I already think you're a nerd. You're a really cute nerd."

"I want to go to "Star Trek the Experience"

"Oh jeezus!" Nick threw his head back. "You're a geek AND a nerd!"

"I'm sorry, we don't have to," Greg sounded hurt.

"I'm kidding Greggo. Let's go. Hey I watch Discovery and Science Channel all weekend, so it's not like I'm mister cool."

"Thanks Nick." Greg smiled.

They got to Greg's and in the parking garage he was already apologizing about his apartment. "It's not as neat as yours; it's kind of cluttered, so please don't get the wrong idea."

"Do you want me to wait in the car?" Nick said with a teasing smile.

"Actually... no, you can come in, cause it will take me a few minutes. I'm just saying. I am not a good housekeeper."

Greg let Nick in and the CSI was prepared for the worst, but it was nothing like that. There were a few books sitting around in neat piles, a few magazines (Scientific American, iLife, TIME) on the coffee table, but that was about it. Greg did seem to have more knick-knacks than Nick, but they were all neatly arranged on shelves. It reminded him a little of Grissom's office, just not so gruesome. He had some odd things that looked suspiciously like toys: a little model of the Nautilus submarine from the Disney movie '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,' some things that looked like spaceships...

"Have a seat, I'll be right back." Greg practically ran into his bedroom. Nick heard water running, drawers slamming, and Greg reappeared a few minutes later, his hair freshly spiked. "Okay, let's go. See I told you it was a mess."

"Greg I'm not seeing a mess here."

"You're too nice." Greg said, hustling Nick out the door.

They had a big breakfast and headed to Star Trek.

"Do you know anything about Star Trek?" Greg asked as they walked up.

"I'll be honest I am not a big sci-fi fan. I saw the Star Wars movies..."

"Different universe, dude. Star Trek and Star Wars people do not get along."


"So you even know who Captain Kirk is?"

"Sure, Shatner, bad acting!"

"And the bald guy? Picard?"

"Yeah he was a Shakespearian actor, he was the next captain."

"Wow you knew that?"

"I told you I am not a complete idiot." Nick said casually as they walked along. "You're mister genius nerd and you know everything."

Greg stopped, grabbed Nick by the arm, and pulled him aside. "Nick. I do NOT think you are an idiot."

"It's cool man, you went to a special school for genius nerds..."

"Are you teasing me?" Greg leaned in close to Nick.

The CSI's smile faded. He realized that his playful teasing was not just playing to the young tech. "I'm sorry Greg, I didn't mean anything by it, really."

"Yeah well I am sure you were the big man on campus, and I was the dork among dorks at my school."

"Greg, I..." Nick wanted to put his hand on Greg's shoulder but there were dozens of people streaming by.

"Never mind." Greg said, a little anger creeping into his voice. He turned and started back towards the exhibit.

"Greg..." Nick ran to catch up to him. "Greg! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

Greg stopped and sighed. A woman behind him bumped him and pushed past. Nick pulled him to the side wall again. Greg looked at the floor, not saying anything.

"Greggo, I was just teasing."

"I don't like to be teased, okay?" Greg met Nick's gaze then and Nick saw the pain in his eyes. "I got teased all through school, even my private school. I know I'm too sensitive about it, but I just am. I don't even like it when that ass Hodges teases me." He looked at the floor again.

"Okay buddy I got it. I won't do it again." Nick was dying to put his hand on Greg's neck, even hug him, but people were still all around them. 'Maybe one day a guy could show a little affection for another guy in public and not cause a scene.' He thought. "I'll make it up to you later, okay?"

A little smile played across Greg's face and he looked up. "Okay. Can we go to Quark's Bar now? And you can make jokes about Trek, just not me being a dork."

"You got a deal." Nick grinned.

A few hours later they strode out of the Hilton, both giggling. "Greg, that was really fun! And I don't even know what a 'Borg' is!" Nick said with his usual brilliant smile.

"That was fun, man, I'm glad you went with me. I could have gone with Archie but with you was more fun."

"What do you want to do now?"

"We did what I wanted, it's your turn."

"Let's just walk down the strip. Its not often I get to just walk and see the sights without trying to concentrate on a crime scene."


They strode down the sidewalk. Greg had an overwhelming urge to take Nick's hand, but he knew that would be way too much to ask of the macho CSI, especially so early on. Was it early on? Greg was still trying to process the last couple days, a whirlwind of his changed relationship with the hunky guy walking beside him. At best he had hoped Nick would be his confidant when he confessed his homosexuality. Then Nick, with a kiss, suddenly revealed his gay side and that he was attracted to Greg!

They walked side by side in silence for awhile as the crowds of tourists swirled around them, though Nick would playfully bump Greg every once in awhile. Finally at one point when there was a lull in the masses Nick leaned in to Greg's ear. "It's great hanging out with you, G. This is the most fun I've had in ages."

Greg felt himself blush. "I don't know what to say. We are just walking around."

"Yeah but its different."

'Yeah,' Greg thought, 'It is... really different.' He kept wondering what the others at work would think if they knew that he and Nick had slept together. He had a certain guilty sense of pride at the thought. Nerdy Greg was dating the hot Texas hunk. He still had trouble believing it even while he was walking along side Nick. Could he call it dating yet even to himself?

Meanwhile, someone was still stalking and photographing them. 'Even more important to CSI Stokes than I could hope' the observer thought.

"You're quiet Greggo, are you okay?"

Greg looked at the sidewalk but he smiled. "Yeah, I'm just still processing. Nick, I..." He paused because he was embarrassed but he really wanted to tell his new lover. Then he just blurted it out. "I've had a crush on you for years and now... here we are, we slept together, I'm... I don't know."

Nick smiled. "Tell me about it, G. I didn't know I was gonna kiss you when you told me, but then suddenly I just really wanted to. I think I was even more confused about my feelings than you. But I knew I always liked you, Kiddo, I just didn't know how."

"But are you sure you're... gay?"

"I don't know what I am. I just know being with you last night was the most incredible thing I ever felt, and hanging with you now, even with Star Trek, feels great. Sorry I can't give you a better answer."

"It's a great answer. I guess I'm just freaking out with all these drunk straight couples around us, all this PDA. "

"Hah! I know what you mean, it's kinda different now. Well let's have dinner."

Back at CSI... Catherine and Grissom were talking in his office.

"Grissom, have you noticed a change in Greg the last day or so?"

"Noooo" (Grissom loved to draw out his vowels). "Anything I should be concerned about?"

"No I don't think so. Actually he might have found a girlfriend."

Grissom looked over his glasses. "Seems kind of premature to think that, in a day or so."

"I know, but he was smiling and humming, and not playing that awful metal rock music. And he got very defensive when Hodges started teasing him about dating someone."

"For all his cockyness, I think Greg is actually kind of sensitive about being teased. And Hodges..."

"True, though I did kind of casually ask Greg after Hodges was gone and he did say he was going on a second date last night."

"Hmm, that sounds like infatuation at least. On another topic, did you see Nick at all yesterday?"

"Yes briefly, but he was working with you on that drive-by."

"Yes he is. He seemed a little distracted."

"Really? That's not like Nick."

"No it's not. So I was wondering if maybe he'd found a distraction."

Catherine just looked at him, perplexed. As usual, Grissom was being cryptic.

Of course he'd already suspected a connection and was wondering how it might affect the team dynamics. Nick and Greg, now that was a pairing even he had never guessed would happen. 'Though they do make a handsome couple.'

The guys had a casual dinner, talking mostly about work. At one point both of them reached for bread at the same time and their hands touched. Nick ran his fingers over Greg's hand for a moment and their eyes met. Greg felt himself blushing furiously.

"It's nice being here with you like this." Nick said softly.

"Yeah." Greg had trouble talking.

After dinner they walked back to Greg's car. "Do you... want to stay over again?" Nick asked with surprising shyness.

Greg had his hands in his pockets, looking at the ground. The thought of being with Nick again filled him with emotions: excited, nervous, even a little scared.

When he hesitated for a moment, Nick quickly said, "I don't want to pressure you Greggo."

"No, it's not that at all. I guess... you still kind of intimidate me, you know, in bed."

"Man you don't need to worry about that!" Nick put his arm across Greg's shoulders and pulled him close for a moment.

"I guess you've figured out that I'm not that experienced." His voice dropped down low.

"I don't know about you, but I had an awesome time last night." Nick whispered in Greg's ear. "But if you just want to sleep together and not do anything else, I'd like that too. No pressure, okay?" Nick dropped his arm down so it was around Greg's waist.

Behind them they heard a group coming into the parking garage. They sounded like rowdy drunk guys. Then Greg heard one of them shout "Hey look at the faggots!" And they laughed.

Greg felt his face burn. This was his worst nightmare. Now Nick was going to hate him.

"Just ignore them." Nick said in a low voice. But he let go of Greg.

The drunk guys didn't do or say anything else, and Nick and Greg got to the car and climbed in. "I'm sorry Nick." Greg realized he was trembling.

"Don't worry about it, they were just drunk party boys."

"I know, but..." He banged his fist on the steering wheel. "First time you put your arm around me and random idiots are calling us faggots."

"It's gonna happen man. I guess we need to get used to it." Nick was looking straight ahead with a stony expression on his face.

"I guess we have to be careful in public. It just doesn't seem fair."

"It's not fair. Can we not talk about it anymore? I don't want this one stupid incident to ruin our day together."

"Okay." Greg threw the car in gear and they sped out of the garage. "Are you sure you still want me to stay over?"

Nick put his hand on Greg's thigh. "More than ever."

Neither noticed the car pulling out of the garage after them. Since the driver already knew where Nick's house was, he didn't need to follow closely. 'Hopefully this relationship will develop. The more important Sanders is to CSI Stokes, the more valuable he will be.'

They drove mostly in silence, and when they got inside Nick's house, he locked the door and immediately took Greg in his arms. "I had a wonderful time with you today, G."

"I did too man." Greg hugged him back with all his strength. "This feels so nice." They just stood like that for a long time, holding each other, hands moving over each others' backs.

After a few minutes, Nick moved his head so he could nuzzle Greg.

The tech sighed, feeling himself getting turned on as Nick began to gently kiss his neck. "Oh man, Nicky..."

Nick pulled back a little then, taking Greg's shoulders and easing them apart so they could look each other in the eyes. "Greggo, I can't tell you how special the last couple days have been with you. I just want you to know that."

Greg had his hands on Nick's hips; he tried to keep meeting Nick's gaze but he got flustered. He wanted to say something but it seemed too soon. It was ridiculous that he could feel so strongly after just a couple of days. But was it? He had known Nick for years; their relationship was just different now. His heart literally ached. He knew that was stupid and unscientific; but he wondered why his chest hurt like this; he knew where the phrase came from now. He wanted to tell Nick that he loved him.

Nick put his hand on Greg's cheek, gently ran his thumb over his chin. "What is it?" 'God he is so damn cute. He's like a skittish colt.'

"N-nothing." Greg smiled then. "Can we go to bed? I'm sorry, I think I just want to sleep... for now at least."

"Of course Greggo. Let's get in bed."

In the bedroom, Nick lowered the shades. For a moment the thought he saw a strange reflection outside, but didn't give it another thought.

Greg undressed down to his boxers, so Nick kept his briefs on. Nick was worried that maybe Greg was having second thoughts about them being sexual, especially after the incident with the drunken assholes at the parking garage. But in bed Greg spooned right up against him. Nick tentatively put his arm around the tech. Greg took Nick's hand and held it against him. "That feels nice Nicky, please just hold me. I-I'm sorry I don't feel up to doing more."

"It's perfectly okay G."

Greg lay awake for a while, listening to Nick's breathing. It felt wonderful to be held by the hunky guy like this. He felt guilty that he didn't feel ready for sex again, but promised himself he'd make it up to him. Then when he felt sure Nick was asleep, he whispered, "I love you Nicky."

The he felt Nick's fingers splay out on his chest, and the CSI's arm tightened around him and pulled him a little closer. Nick sighed and Greg felt his warm breath on the back of his neck.

'Oh god, did he hear me?"


Greg woke up sometime during the night; Nick's arm was no longer around him. He turned over gently. Nick had rolled over onto his back, the sheet down to his waist. Greg could barely make him out by a dim light filtering in from the hallway. The tech had an urge just caress Nick's chest... just a little. He didn't want to wake him.

He cautiously reached over and ran his fingers lightly over Nick's muscular pec. He suddenly realized he was getting a hardon. 'I should go back to sleep.' But he didn't, he kept caressing Nick, his hand moving down over his abs towards the CSI's cock. Greg could see the bulge under the sheet. He slipped his hand under and very lightly felt Nick's cock through his briefs. He was hard!

"Greggo, you're turning me on..." Nick said without moving, sounding obviously wide awake.

"Oh jeeze I'm sorry." Greg started to pull his hand away, but Nick grabbed it and held it onto his crotch.

"Don't be sorry babe, but you better be ready to finish what you start." He said in a serious voice, then turned his head and grinned at Greg.

Greg gently rubbed the mound of Nick's package that felt it was about to burst out of the tight briefs. His own cock was fully hard now. "Are you as horny as I am?" He whispered.

"Pretty damn horny." Nick reached out and groped Greg through his boxers. "Feels like Einstein is pretty horny too."

"Are you referring to me, or did you just give my dick a name?" Greg asked with a little giggle.

Nick turned, got his hand around the small of Greg's back and pulled him closer. "I hadn't thought about it that way, but it's kind of cute." He kissed the tech tenderly, then he yanked his own briefs down and kicked them off. "I was getting uncomfortable in there." He smirked.

Greg took Nick's thick cock in his hand and gently stroked it. "Why do you wear briefs? I've always worn boxers."

"Hmm that feels good Greggo. I dunno; I wear boxers sometimes around the house, but I don't like how they ride up inside my jeans. I like a little more support." He reached over, hooked his thumbs in the waistband of Greg's boxers and started to pull them down. Greg cooperated by lifting his hips so Nick could get them off. Nick closed his hand around Greg's long hard cock. "That's better."

Greg shivered with pleasure as Nick played with him. Then the CSI moved down under the covers and started to suck on Greg's rock-hard cock. "Oh god Nick!" He moaned. He spread his legs to give the CSI easier access. He pulled the sheet down so he could watch Nick suck and stroke his hard eight inches.

Nick slowly worked more into his mouth, using his tongue on the sensitive underside while he stroked the shaft, fondled Greg's tight balls, and fingered his little ass. He was dying to fuck Greg again.

Greg moaned and writhed on the bed, in heaven as Nick worked his cock. He put his hand on Nick's head and gently guided him as he bobbed up and down. "Nicky that feels awesome. Oh man your mouth feels so nice." After a few minutes he pulled Nick off, kissed him, and went down on the CSI's fat cock, sucking eagerly on the head while jacking the shaft. "That's it G, suck me..."

After several minutes Greg came up for air, and kissed Nick. He laid on top of him so their hard cocks battled each other. Greg spread his legs wide around Nick's, and ground against him as their kissing became more passionate.

Nick ran his hands through Greg's hair, held his head and pressed them together. Then Nick worked over to Greg's neck and began to kiss and suck on the tender skin.

"Better not give me a hickey that I'm going to have to explain at work!" Greg said between moans of pleasure. "'Oh, that? Yeah, Nick gave that to me when we were making out Saturday.'"

Nick pushed Greg up so he could look at him. He grinned at the tech. "You are so bad, I can almost see you doing it just to see the looks on their faces."

Greg smiled back at him. "I wouldn't out you. So... do you want to fuck me again, Nicky?" He raised his eyebrows and thrust against the CSI.

"If you're up for it, I'd love to."

"Let's do it man."

Greg climbed off Nick so he could get the condoms and lube. The CSI worked some lube into Greg's little hole then wrapped and lubed himself.

"Nick, lay on your back, I want to try something."

"Okay, what are you...?" Then Nick got the idea when Greg straddled him, reached behind himself and took hold of Nick's hard cock. Greg smiled crookedly down at Nick as he guided the cock to his hole. As he did that, Nick started to stroke Greg's cock for him.

It took some wriggling, but with a gasp, Greg got Nick's flared cock-head past his sphincter muscle. "Man, I dunno if I'll ever get used to that first push." He said through clenched teeth. He held himself up for a minute while he got used to it, then took a little more. "Oh, god Nick!" Greg groaned as he eased down on Nick's thick meat. He started to work up and down on it.

Nick looked up at the slim tech going up and down on his cock and thought it was about the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. He cupped Greg's smooth pecs and played with his little nipples as Greg slowly took more and more of his rod. "Greg man that feels awesome. You are so fucking sexy."

It took a couple minutes, but soon Greg managed to impale himself all the way down on Nick. He took a deep breath, then raised up a little and lowered back down.

"Greggo, that feels so good." Nick mumbled, caressing his cute lover.

Greg, meanwhile was adjusting to Nick inside him, and the pain was again turning to pleasure. His own cock was hard as steel, sticking up and wagging with each rise and fall Greg did on Nick's fat member.

For several minutes Greg rode Nick slowly, his mouth hanging open as he breathed hard. Neither said much but there was a lot of groaning. Once in awhile Greg would lean back and feel Nick penetrate him even deeper.

Then Nick put his hands on Greg's slim hips and began to push up as Greg sat down.

"Oh yeah Nick, that's it. Fuck me." Greg whispered.

Nick was so turned on to hear his lover say that, he pulled Greg down and kissed him hard, while starting to thrust into the tech a little harder.

Greg's cock, pressed between them, rubbed up and down on Nick's tight abs, drooling precum. His ass muscles gripped Nick's cock each time it fully penetrated him.

"Baby to are so hot man!" Nick muttered between kisses. He started to fuck Greg faster. Greg dropped his head onto Nick's shoulder, moaning with each thrust of Nick's thick cock. After a couple minutes, Nick decided the position was kind of awkward, so he wrapped his arms around Greg and carefully rolled them over together.

Greg didn't resist, in fact he seemed to be in kind of a daze. He smiled crookedly as he flopped on his back and Nick raised his legs up. "You gotta be in charge, Nicky. Fuck me stud, fuck me hard." Greg couldn't believe he was saying these things, but he was so turned on, and getting close to cumming.

Nick just grinned and pushed his cock in deep. Then he started pumping into Greg. Slow at first but then speeding up. He pinched the tech's little nipples and stroked his hard cock The room was filled with the sounds of sex as his hips slapped against Greg's tight little ass and they both started grunting and moaning louder and louder.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum!" Greg shouted, throwing his head back. His cock erupted as Nick was stroking it, sending cum spraying all over him.

Nick felt Greg's ass clamp down on his cock as he thrust faster and faster. He felt Greg's cock pulse every time his own cock went deep in the tech. "Oh god me too!" He moaned. He kept pumping into Greg as he went over the edge, his body shaking with his orgasm. He collapsed on Greg, hugging him tight.

"Greggo," Nick whispered in his ear, "Next time, I want you to do me."

Next: Chapter 5

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