Csi Nick and Greg

By RobGnVA80

Published on Aug 7, 2011


This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to CBS and or Universal Studios. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

Author's note: This is going to be about the CSIs Greg Sanders and Nick Stokes but will involve several other characters from the show. I'm not sure exactly where this is going to go (aside from the obvious, a romance between Nick and Greg). I may jump around in time somewhat (e.g., flashbacks), and I'll try to stick more or less to the themes of the series and reference a few episodes, but no promises... it's obviously a parallel reality, though even on the show those two seem very friendly.

Here are brief Bios of primary characters one year before chapter one:

Nicholas (Nick) Stokes (George Eads) is a CSI3, so technically ranks higher than Greg but not his supervisor at this time. On leaving Texas A&M University, Nick joined the police department, then took a job with the Dallas Crime Lab, specializing in hair and fiber analysis. He joined the Las Vegas Crime Lab and found he could be his own man, and still be part of a high-achieving team. Nick has shown to be an emotional person throughout the series: He has been held at gunpoint, gets emotional with certain cases, was on the verge of committing suicide, and has been stalked.

Greg Sanders (Eric Szmanda) was educated in a private school for gifted students and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford University. After a stint with the San Francisco Police Department, Greg joined the Las Vegas Crime Lab as a DNA technician and was soon yearning to find a place beyond the lab conducting fieldwork with the CSI team. Greg entered field training in the episode "Who Shot Sherlock?", and he became a full-fledged CSI.

If you want to see these two guys interacting on the show just go you YouTube and do a search for Nick and Greg, CSI. You'll find tons of great montages. Rescue is good, in includes scenes from Greg's trauma.

Dr. Gilbert (Gil) Grissom (William Petersen) is the night shift team supervisor for the Las Vegas CSI unit, and a forensic entomologist with a degree in biology from UCLA. Grissom is often regarded as well-educated methodical scientist, but unusual in his approach toward his work and social life, as well as a bit of a quirky introvert. In the series, some of his comments and actions can be seen to dumbfound his co-workers and superiors. His relationship with his subordinates in the office is portrayed as being a father figure to the team, however very professional in his work.

Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger) second supervisor of the night shift Las Vegas CSI unit under Gil Grissom. Catherine failed to excel to her full potential in school, despite her intelligence and sharp mind. Catherine left school and began work as an exotic dancer in order to support her boyfriend's career. She became interested in crime solving when she befriended a regular at the dance club, who encouraged her to return to school. She attended West Las Vegas University where she graduated with a degree in Medical Science. Catherine joined the CSI team as a lab technician, after which she worked her way up to the role of supervisor under Gil Grissom. Catherine has one daughter.

David Hodges (Wallace Langham) is a lab technician with a B.A. from Williams College, was transferred to the Las Vegas crime lab from the Los Angeles crime lab, where his superiors felt he had an attitude problem. Hodges's appearances provide some comic relief, though most of the team finds him obnoxious and irritating. It is also noted that Hodges has an uncanny sense of smell, and is able to identify many key chemical compounds by their scent alone.

Nick and Greg, Chapter Three (this is still a flashback to a year before chapter one; Greg and Nick are first getting together)

Greg woke up slowly, disoriented at first as to exactly where he was. This was not his bed. And there was someone... He rolled over. 'Oh my god, it wasn't a dream.' Nick Stokes was lying in bed about a foot away from him, apparently asleep. And Nick didn't have a shirt on. Was he... had they? Greg had only had a couple beers the night before. He recalled telling Nick his secret, and then next thing he knew they were making out. He smiled to himself and blushed, remembering it.

Then suddenly Nick opened his eyes and looked right at Greg. "Good morning-or should I say evening-sunshine." He said with that cute Texas accent, and then smiled.

"H-hi Nick." Greg stammered.

"Wow you got some serious bed-head there dude." Nick said, as he reached out and gently ran his hand over Greg's spiky highlighted hair.

Greg closed his eyes and shivered. 'This fucking isn't happening.' He thought.

He felt Nick mover closer. "You okay Greggo?" He asked in a soft voice.

Greg opened his eyes and smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, I guess it's still kind of overwhelming. And you seem to be just taking it in stride, Cowboy." He wiggled his eyebrows a little.

"Dude, believe me, I'm a little overwhelmed too. But I'm really glad you stayed." He pulled Greg closer, tentatively at first, not wanting to push the young tech too far.

But Greg cooperated, scooting right up to Nick. Their legs were rubbing together, Nick's bare chest against Greg's wifebeater-clad one.

"This is nice." Greg sighed. Then he realized he was getting turned on again, just by Nick being this close to him.

"Sure is kiddo. But you know what, we have to go to work soon. We should probably get up before we get, uh, sidetracked." He winked. "And if you don't do something with that hair before you get there, people are gonna wonder what you were up to!" He ruffled Greg's hair, more playfully this time.

"Just a few more minutes?" Greg pleaded. He still half-believed this was a dream, and if he got out of bed the spell of it would be broken. He put his arm around Nick, felt the powerful muscles of the CSI's back under his fingers.

"Okay, but if we both walk in late, Grissom is gonna give us the evil eye."

"And give us a lecture about staying out drinking?" Greg made a face.

"I'm just sayin' we need to be careful."

Greg felt a little pang of hurt then. "Would you be embarrassed if people knew about us? I know we just had one date and all, so I guess I could understand..."

"Greg, stop it!" Nick pleaded. "Everyone at work knows I really care about you. Katherine has made a couple jokes about you being like my little brother. Let's just take this one step at a time. We do have to think about whether it's appropriate because we are co-workers. At least I'm not your superior." He added with a little smile.

"Okay. You're right of course. No making out in the lab! So, what do we do next?" Greg asked, then immediately regretted it. 'Damn that didn't sound needy or anything.'

"Well..." Nick slid his hand up inside Greg's wifebeater and felt his abs. The tech couldn't suppress a shiver of excitement. "I can't afford to keep buying you dinner, so you want to come over tonight and I'll make you something?"

"You cook?" Greg was incredulous. Then he gasped as Nick found one of his nipples.

Nick kept talking in a conversational tone as he started to gently fondle Greg's sensitive nipple. "Guess there's a lot you don't know about me. I'm not a great cook, but I do okay. So, are you up for that?"

"Umm, uh, yeah sure. Uhh, Nick, no one has ever played with my nipple like that. You better stop..." Greg was starting to writhe from the intense pleasure of Nick teasing his nipple.

"You are a firecracker." Nick grinned, slipped his hand out and patted Greg on the chest. Guess I'll have to wait till later to get you to pop. I thought I heard you were more kinky than that." Nick leered.

"Oh jeezus!" Greg pushed Nick away, partly so the CSI wouldn't feel the raging hardon in his boxers. He crawled out of bed. "Where are my pants?"

"I dunno, I tossed 'em somewhere when I pulled them off you. So is it a date?"

"No I've decided we're not compatible." Greg said derisively, then before Nick could even react he said, 'Of course, Cowboy! But I'll go get some wine after work then we can meet here okay? White or red?"

Nick propped his head up on his elbow. "Red. I'm gonna make some pasta with my famous meat sauce." Nick watched as Greg found his jeans and tried to pull them on but got caught in one leg and was hopping around the bedroom. 'He's so cute. I just love his goofiness. Is that a word?'

Greg looked over at Nick. 'Damn he is so incredibly hot. And here I am trying to get my pants on and almost falling over like the spazz I am.'

Nick saw Greg to the door, it was late afternoon and their shift was starting soon.

Greg shuffled from one foot to the other, hands in pockets. "So, um, we're gonna be cool at work today? You'll still talk to me?"

"Greg you goofball, if anything I'll have trouble keeping my hands off you-well more than I usually do. Don't worry!" He tenderly pulled the younger man into his arms, then whispered in his ear. "I care so much about you Greg, I have for a long time. I-I'm scared too, okay? But I hope you're excited too." Then he kissed Greg on the neck, patted his back and gave him a little push. "Now fix that sexy hair, dorkus!"

Greg stalked to his car, trying without much success to suppress the grin on his face.

Meanwhile, across the road in a parked car, someone was watching and photographing the couple. "So, CSI Stokes, there is someone special you care about. This is an interesting and unexpected opportunity."

"What are you grinning about?" Hodges demanded accusingly as he strutted into Greg's lab.

"No-nothing. Was I grinning?"

Yes, you had this self-satisfied smirk on your face. Did you have a hot date last night or something?"

"None of your business Hodges!" Greg snapped, a little too defensively.

"Ahhh, so you did have a date! Did you seduce her with your advanced knowledge of DNA analysis?" Hodges leaned in with that annoying little smile of his.

"Hodges, I'm really busy, okay? Go back to Trace where you belong." Greg felt himself blushing.

"Wait..." Hodges sniffed in an overly dramatic way near Greg. "Were you out drinking? And I smell cologne, you don't wear that cologne. I've smelled that before..."

"Hodges..." Greg slammed his pen down.

"Don't you want to know what I found on the glove of the Simpson case?"

"No! Get out!" Greg almost yelled.

"What's going on here?" Katherine Willows had just come in the door, looking from one tech to the other. She'd never seen Greg so angry, but then Hodges could certainly piss anybody off.

"Nothing Katherine, I'm sorry I raised my voice." Greg turned back to his lab table.

"My bad, though someone's a bit touchy today. Had a hot date and may be a bit hung-over!" Hodges said with his usual smug attitude. "I'll be on my way!" And he strutted out.

Katherine rolled her eyes as the insufferable tech left. When the door had shut, she went to Greg's side. "Everything okay?"

Greg shrugged, rolled his head back and forth as he sometimes did. "Yeah, you know how Hodges can get under your skin."

"Don't I! He's a prissy little prima donna. Don't let him bother you."

Greg tensed a little involuntarily when Katherine said 'prissy,' wondering if she had a problem with gay guys. "I don't even know why he came in here, he was acting strange."

"Maybe he was trying to hit on you. You could do a lot better." She said with a little smile.

"Wha-what?" Greg was terrible in situations like this and he knew it. A million things ran through his brilliant mind, but his mouth could barely make an intelligible noise. Did she suspect he was gay?

Katherine saw Greg's discomfort and was immediately sorry she'd made an inappropriate comment. She was used to strange flirty conversations with Brown, Stokes and even Grissom, but poor Sanders just seemed in over his head. She wondered if he had some kind of crush on her, because of his interest in Vegas history and her dancer past. "I'm sorry, forget I said that. I didn't mean to imply anything about anyone either way."

"Yes, ma'am."

"And don't ever call me 'ma'am' again."

"No-nope Katherine."

"Good. Now here's the file on the Trekkie Killer, the evidence should be-"

"It's 'TrekkER' Greg said in a measured voice.


"Trek fans prefer to be called 'Trekkers' not 'Trekkies.' Ask Archie, he's the Trek expert."

"Archie? But he's always trying to be so cool, always talking about surfing."

"Trust me. Do this"- He made the Vulcan hand sign - "And he will fall all over himself."

"What is it?"

"It would take too long to explain."

"Oookay. So if you don't mind me asking, how was your date last night? Who is she? Are you going to see her again?"

Greg rolled his eyes. "Katherine, please, not the third degree from you too! Though I don't mind it so much from you."

"Well, I'm glad you're getting out and meeting people, that's all. I was just curious." She worked her best concerned mom face.

Greg looked off into space. "I had a date, it was nice. Well actually really nice. And we're going out again tonight." He realized he was smiling again and stopped himself. "We'll see. That's all you get for now!"

"I guess I deserved that. Oh, and you might want to go check your hair, a little beadhead." She said, gesturing to one side of her head on her way out.

Nick's day was less stressful; mostly just the tedium that CSIs sometimes deal with in investigations. It was a lot of tromping around in the dark at a shooting scene, so he didn't get to see Greg all shift. At least since Vegas was in a desert, so it was dry and most months it got downright cold at night. Nick walked down a road looking for bullet casings. 'It will be so great to cuddle with Greg when it's cold at night. I can't remember the last time I did that with someone. I might actually use that fireplace in the living room. He's such a cute guy. Did I just think that? Maybe I am gay, or maybe bi; who knows. I just know I really like him. There's something so innocent about him, but I think there may be a little bit of a wild boy inside...' Nick almost walked by a casing in the gutter. 'Damn I need to concentrate. I miss the guy already and it's only been a few hours, what is up? I don't know if I've ever felt this... weird feeling in my chest when I think about him.'

"Niiick, everything okay?" It was Grissom standing over him, stretching out his name as only Grissom would do.

Nick cleared his throat. "Hey Grissom, yes, I just found a casing and was about to bag it."

"Good. You just seemed a few miles away there for a moment." Grissom said with slightly furrowed brows. I hope you're not being a bad influence on young Greg." Then he got that strange bemused look on his face, which Nick could swear was kind of teasing.

'Shit! He could not know, could he?'

Greg was at Nick's door at exactly 1 AM, their agreed time. Night shift people live on a different schedule than most of us. Nick was in jeans and a tight long-sleeve tee. When he answered the door, there was Greg in a jacket and iridescent tie, a brilliant purple shirt and his hair spiked up perfect. He was holding two bottles of wine.

"Oh, maybe I, uh overdressed." Greg stammered, before Nick grabbed him by his tie, pulled him inside, and slammed the door.

"Nope, you look incredible. But you always do dress better than me." He wrapped his arms around the tech-who was still holding the wine-and hugged him. "I missed you all day, is that weird?"

"Really? Man, I can't believe you."

"Why?" Nick pulled back a little to look Greg in the face. "What did I say?"

"No, I mean, you say what you feel, you don't hold back." He hurriedly put the bottles down. "I still can't believe it, you and me." He put his hand on Nick's strong pec, over his heart. "I was thinking about you all day too." He said in kind of a choked voice.

Nick felt that ache again, not an unpleasant ache but one that was new to him. "Believe it Greg. I couldn't get you out of my mind. Grissom caught me zoning out!" He grinned. "Now I gotta get back to dinner. Come on in."

The intensity of the moment relaxed and they went to the kitchen.

"I don't know much about wine, so I probably bought some overpriced shit that we couldn't tell from something in a box."

"Don't worry about it. Though I'm sure Hodges would give his opinion about it." Nick fished out a corkscrew and handed it to Greg. "You know how to use that?"

"I did a brief stint as a waiter in college, thank you! Hodges, ohmigod he came into DNA today and he was sniffing around, literally! He said he smelled some cologne on me that he recognized but he didn't know from where, must have been yours." Greg deftly removed the cork from the first bottle and poured into two glasses Nick provided.

"Man I don't wear much cologne, but you know he has a supernatural nose."

"And then Katherine was asking me if I'd had a date last night. Is everyone that desperate for gossip?"

Nick shrugged. "I like to think of it more like they care about us. Well some of them do." He raised his glass towards Greg. "Can we drink to us being gossip for them for a long time?"

"That's a little fucked up, cowboy but I'll take it." Greg clinked and they both took a big drink. "Can I help with dinner?"

Sure science guy, you can do the salad. Then I know you'll wash everything well."

They laughed and talked and playfully bumped each other while they worked in the small kitchen. At one point Greg said "This is really fun, I never made dinner with anyone." And Nick gave him one of his biggest smiles. "It is nice isn't it."

Nick didn't really have a dining room in his small house, but he had a table he'd made up, with all kinds of interesting mismatched vintage silver and china. "Sit down now, I'll serve."

"Nick this stuff is so cool!" Greg marveled at some of the designs. He poured more wine for both of them; they were already almost through the first bottle. "You know, I didn't even realize, today is Friday."

Nick grinned. "Grissom would kill us if we turned our phones and pagers off."

"Well, he'd bark at you, he'd crucify me."

"No, he'd give us both the glare on Monday, though neither of us is technically on call, are we?"


"Well, we can hope for a quiet weekend." Nick said, putting plates of pasta and sauce on the table with salad and bread.

All Greg could think was 'All weekend with Nick.' Then he thought 'god that even sounds sappy to me.' "Nick this smells amazing."

After dinner they did the minimal cleanup of dumping everything in the dishwasher, and Greg, feeling evil, opened the second bottle of wine and filled Nick's glass.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Mister Sanders?" Nick asked, smiling as usual.

"I thought it might make the evening go more smoothly." Greg answered. "That's actually a line from Star Trek Six, where they were going to serve Romulan Ale-" and his voice died out.

While he spoke, Nick had put his glass down, and was slowly walking towards Greg. "You really are a nerd."

"Well, actually Archie is a bigger Trek geek than me."

By then Nick had reached Greg and was starting to press him against the kitchen counter.

But then suddenly Greg grabbed the back of Nick's neck and pulled him into a kiss. Then he stood up and started pushing Nick backwards until he was against the other counter. With his free hand he reached down and cupped one of Nick's muscular ass cheeks and squeezed it. Nick flexed it for him and this time he moved his long tongue into Greg's eager mouth. After a minute of this, Greg broke the kiss. "Nicky I want you so bad." He said breathlessly.

Nick looked into the cute young tech's soft brown eyes. I want you too, Greggo. I think somewhere in the background of my head I have for a long time." He said softly, his expression intent and serious. Then as Greg started to pull him to the bedroom, he said, more in his usual manner, "But let's bring your wine, and some water for later."

In the bedroom, They set down their wine glasses, and Nick started to pull off his T.

"No, let me do it." Greg said in an unusually strong voice.

A tiny smile crossed Nick's lips and he let the shirt back down.

Greg started to very lightly caress Nick's chest, his abs, his back. Nick had big square pecs, Greg could see them through his shirt, and of course last night. The gently turned the CSI around. "Nick, you are so amazing." He whispered into the CSIs ear, and slid his hands up inside Nick's T from behind, feeling his big blocky pecs then finding his nipples.

"Oh, man." Nick groaned. "Dude, I am kind of ticklish."

"Good to know." Greg smiled from behind him as he pulled off the shirt. Then he ran his hands down the front of Nick's jeans, just brushing his crotch. He felt Nick shiver a little. He unbuttoned the jeans and eased the zipper down, then slowly pulled them down over the CSI's muscular thighs. "Nick you have a really cute ass."

"I've been told that." Nick said with a little laugh as he stepped out of his pants. "Now, you got to undress me, I get to undress you." Nick asserted, putting his hands on Greg's as the tech started to pull off his tie.

"Fair enough." Greg said softly. He was already about to go crazy with Nick standing there in front of him wearing just a pair of tight little black briefs. The CSI was so hunky and powerfully built. Hell, even his legs were big and strong.

Instead of removing Greg's tie, Nick started unbuttoning his shirt, then slipping his hand in to caress the tech's smooth lean torso. Finally he pulled it open, and off Greg's shoulders, leaving the tie on. Then he moved in close, and locked his gaze with Greg's as he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. He yanked them down off of Greg's perky little butt and said, out of the blue, "I never noticed that we are the same height."

"I'm half an inch taller." Greg said in an equally deadpan voice. "You're 6 feet even, I'm 6 feet and half an inch."

"You smartass." Nick could not help laughing just then. But he had Greg's shirt off and his pants around his knees. He cupped his hands on the tech's chest and felt Greg's naturally smooth skin.

Greg moaned a little then and closed his eyes, breaking their gaze. "God that feels good." When Nick knelt a little and took one nipple in his mouth, Greg about lost it. "Oh jeez...!" Then he suddenly pushed Nick away, then kicked off his shoes and jeans, and pulled off the tie, so he was just in boxers. Then he guided Nick to the bed. "Lie on your back."

"What are you gonna do?" Nick looked a little apprehensive.

"Oh come on, nothing really kinky."

"Well, okay." Nick sprawled spread-eagle on his bed. Greg tried not to stare at the big bulge in his briefs.

"I didn't want to waste the wine, since I opened the second bottle." Greg smiled with a little mischievous look. "Here have a drink." He handed one glass to Nick, who sat up for a moment, took a sip and set it aside.

"Are you going to have a drink?" Nick asked.

"Kind of. But you have to promise to lie still."

"Uhh, okay."

Greg got on the bed with his glass, dipped his finger in, then circled one of Nick's nipples with it. He immediately leaned in and licked up the wine traces, then proceeded to lick and suck on Nick's stiffening nipple.

"Oh, man, that feels amazing!" Nick moaned.

Greg, leaning over Nick, worked on his nipples and caressed his body for a long, teasing time, drawing trails of wine over him then licking them off, down to the waistband of his little briefs.

He set the wine aside then, and looked at Nick with a strangely shy expression. He ran his fingers over the waistband, brushing against the big hard bulge inside.

"Not yet, Greggo, I get a turn!" Nick said, and suddenly grabbed the surprised tech, rolling him on his back and pinning him.

"Cheater!" Greg squawked, thrashing around helplessly under his stronger partner.

Nick straddled Greg so their crotches were right against each other, just in their underwear now. He ground up and down a few times, and Greg kind if surrendered, going limp-except for one part Nick could feel. Nick lowered himself onto the tech, releasing his arms and nuzzling his neck. "I'm sorry Greggo. I just have trouble giving up control."

"Damn right you do." Greg said angrily, then suddenly he smacked Nick hard on an ass cheek."

"Ow!" Nick hollered.

Greg laughed triumphantly. "I got you!" He smacked him again. "I think you like it!"

"Bastard!" Nick smiled down at him. He wrapped his arms around Greg and rolled them over, so Greg was on top of him. "I'm all yours."

"That's pretty generous. What if I'm a top?" Greg grinned. 'I can't believe I just said that!'

Nick suddenly looked worried. "Uhh, I thought you said you never..."

"Hah! Pulling your leg!" Greg lowered on Nick's hips. "I don't know any more than you do." Then, feeling very bold, he felt Nick's bulge inside his briefs. It was thick and very hard.

"Ohh, Greg." Nick closed his eyes and just kind of groaned. Then he took Greg's wrist and pulled him up so they were facing, and wrapped his arms around the tech. "Can... can we slow down a little?" He looked up at the cute tech, his expression actually kind of pleading.

Greg was torn. He was buzzed and horny and here he was in his underwear lying on top of the hottest guy in the world, who just asked him to back off. On the other hand, he had to admit it was still kind of surreal, and scary. "Sure, of course." He scooted down a little and laid his head on Nick's chest.

Nick sighed and ran his fingers through Greg's hair. "Thanks, Greggo. I just want a breather."

They laid there in silence for a few minutes, and Greg had to admit this was nice, and the prospect of actual sex with Nick was simultaneously exciting and terrifying. It was like Nick said the night before, this isn't some one-night stand. They are friends; they work together. Sure they'd already gone a long way, confessing their feelings, making out. But sex between them was a big thing, at least for Greg. And it seemed like it was for Nick too.

Here-" Nick scooted up into a sitting position and got Greg's glass of wine. "Let's talk a minute okay?"

"Okay." Greg said in a quiet little voice. He took the glass and Nick got his. "Nick are we okay. Was I going too far?" He asked shyly. Then he took a gulp. 'Liquid courage!'

"No, kiddo, no." Nick sighed again, then he took a drink.

"We're such lushes." Greg pretended to slur. "Like half a bottle of wine and I have a buzz.

Nick put his arm around Greg as they sat in bed together. "That's why I said to bring water; red wine gives me a headache in the morning."



"Are you scared?"

"Terrified." Nick said without hesitation.

"You? Scared about doing it with me? I'm the one who should be intimidated." Greg took another sip, put the glass aside, laid his head on Nick's shoulder and his arm around him. "I couldn't believe it when you wanted to kiss me last night."



Nick felt that pain in his chest again, that ache that felt strangely good. "I just... " He ran his fingers lightly over Greg's shoulder. "Maybe this sounds weird but this would be the first time I did it with someone I really cared about." He felt his eyes tearing up.

"Me too."

"Aren't we a pathetic pair of romantics. We sound like a couple of girls." Nick said with a little laugh.

"So, you said you messed around with a couple of guys in college. Want to tell me about that?"

Nick sighed; Greg felt his big chest rise and fall. "Well like I think I said, I was really drunk both times. The first was a frat brother, we were watching porn at his place and got all worked up, and ended up jerking each other off. We never talked about it after and never did it again. The other time I was at this party... don't think I'm a freak when I tell you this."


So I was at this party with a girl I was dating, but it was pretty much over; I think we were just together to have someone to go to parties with. Anyway, we met another couple there, my date knew the other girl. Well her boyfriend kept giving me funny looks all night. At first I didn't know what was up, but I finally got it through my thick head that he was flirting with me. Then when my drink was empty he said, 'let's get a refill.' So I went with him to the kitchen, where he grabbed my crotch! I was like what the fuck. He said 'You want a blowjob?' I was in shock for a second. I never would have guessed he was gay or bi. Then I thought, what the fuck I'm really horny and I'm not gonna get it from the girlfriend. He led me back to a bedroom, locked the door and the next thing I knew he had my pants down and was going at it. I just closed my eyes and let him do it. I have to say he was good, not his first time I bet. Then I came and he said something like 'thanks, stud.' And I had to pull up my pants fast cause he was about to walk out the door. The girls were like, what took so long and he made up some crap about showing me the house. I never saw him again"


"So you think I'm a slut?"

"No, actually that was kinda hot. You know, if we were drunk, we'd be all over each other."

"No doubt, but I don't want us to be drunk when we do it, okay? At least not our first time."

"We can wait if you want. Nicky, I--." Then Greg got choked up.

"C'mere" Nick gently pulled Greg to face him and they kissed again. Greg made another of his little whimpering noises and they slid down side by side on the bed.

Nick reached for Greg's hardon in his boxers, started to gently stroke it through the thin fabric.

"Oh god."

"You like that baby?" Nick whispered huskily in Greg's ear.

"What do you think?" Greg half moaned. He rolled back on Nick then, straddling him and grinding them together. He could not wait any longer. He scooted down and eased the sexy little black briefs off. Nick's hard cock snapped up. It was maybe seven inches long, really thick with a big head and circumcised. His balls were pretty big too, snug up to his body. "Wow Nick, you're...awesome." He'd never seen another man's hard cock up close like this, and as far as he was concerned, he didn't care if he saw any others.

"It's not all that, bro." Nick mumbled.

"Yeah, it is." Greg wrapped his hand around the base of it--he could not get all the way around-and aimed it up. 'Here goes,' he thought. 'My first cock; I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I guess I'll just do what would feel good to me.' He leaned down and gingerly licked just the underside of the head.

Nick gasped, rolling his head back.

Greg worked his tongue around, eventually taking the whole head in his mouth and sucking. Nick encouraged him with moans and gentle touches on his shoulders and head. After a few minutes though Greg had to stop. He flopped down on the bed. "Sorry, wow my jaw hurts!"

Nick sat up, "Dude that was amazing!"

Greg was glad it was kind of dark in the room because he knew he was turning red. "Was it better than that dude in college? I need more practice."

"Dude, no comparisons, ok? That felt so awesome. Can I have a turn?" Nick grinned, sliding his hand lightly up and down Greg's lean flank.

"Uh wow, if you want to."

"Of course I do." Nick ran his hand over Greg's boxers and the young man's cock popped out of the flap. "Wow!" Nick said admiringly. "That's bigger than mine."

"I don't know about that." Greg said shyly.

"It's longer, let's compare them."

"Oh jeeze." Greg thought he was going to either cum or just die.

"Scoot up and let me get these off you. Greg you're shaking. Are you cold?"

In answer Greg yanked his own boxers off and threw himself on top of Nick and started slowly grinding. The CSI held him, but he couldn't resist sliding one hand over Greg's cute little butt. In response Greg spread his legs wider and started licking Nick's ear.

Nick was clumsily grabbing Greg's long cock and holding them together, but Greg's tongue in his ear was making him crazy. "Ohmygod, Greg stop it!" It kind of tickled but it also was turning him on in a weird way.

"You like that?" Greg asked in a low sexy voice

In Answer, Nick cupped the young tech's ass cheeks an pulled him up so his crotch was right at Nick's face, and he sucked the hard slim cock into his mouth.

"Oh, oh my god!" Greg was taken by surprise as Nick engulfed his cock.

But poor Nick had a sensitive gag reflex and he kept trying to take too much.

"Duude," Greg strung out the word, "It's cool you don't have to take it all man. You know just the head feels good."

Nick didn't answer but gratefully started working Greg's nice flared head with his mouth while stroking the long shaft. Greg's moans of pleasure reassured him he was doing an okay job. Then he started to lick along the shaft and down to Greg's tight pair of balls. They were totally smooth. Did Greg shave his balls? They were nice like this, maybe he should do it too. Nick worked lower and Greg spread his legs wide, even raising them up some, all the time making little moaning noises.

Greg slid down so he was facing and straddling the CSI. He looked into his eyes. "Nicky..."

"Yeah baby?"

"I want you to fuck me."

"Are you sure?"

In answer, Greg grabbed the back of Nick's neck, leaned down and pressed their mouths together in a kiss. The he just whispered, "Please Nick."

"You have condoms?"

"And lube." Greg giggled.

"How do you want to... how should we do it?"

"Let's try me on my back first and see how it goes." Greg rolled onto his back, fished around in the nightstand for supplies, then grabbed a pillow to put under his hips.

"I can tell you've been planning this a while," Nick grinned. Then he looked more serious. "Tell me if it hurts and I'll stop."

"It's gonna hurt at first no matter what. Just go slow, I know you'll be as gentle as you can Nicky, I trust you. I just... I want you inside me." Greg's eyes had taken on an urgency.

Nick rolled on the rubber, put some lube on his finger and started to ease it into Greg's ass. Greg groaned when Nick's finger hit his prostate. He worked further in, then got 2 fingers in. Greg's butt was tight and kind of spasming on his fingers. "You doing okay?" He whispered.

"Yeah." Greg reached up and caressed Nick's chest. "Go ahead."

Nick aimed the big head of his cock into Greg's little sphincter, it seemed way too small. But he was so hard, Greg looked so hot on his back with his legs open for him. He pushed and the head went in.

"Oh... shit!" Greg hollered, but suddenly his hand was on one of Nick's ass cheeks, not letting him pull back. He started breathing hard and fast.

Nick stopped pushing and leaned in. "Kiddo, please, I don't want to hurt you!"

"Just give me a minute, man you're big." Greg rolled his head to the side. Gradually his breathing slowed as Nick just held himself over Greg.

He thought he could feel the young tech's ass clenching around his cock. He leaned down and tenderly kissed Greg's neck until the tech seemed to relax. He sat up, pushed Greg's slim legs back onto his shoulders and pushed further in, watching his thick cock slide in and out of the young man's tight ass. Greg's cock was hard, twitching and bobbing up and down as Nick thrust in him and rubbed against his prostate. He went as slow as he could, going a little deeper with each push. He couldn't believe how amazing Greg's ass felt around his cock, the ring gripping him.

"Oh jesus!" Greg moaned. He rolled his head back and forth, his arms up over his head, completely surrendering.

Nick got balls-deep in Greg and just rocked forward, enjoying the feeling of them joined like this. He pushed Greg's legs up a little higher then and leaned in. "Greggo you are so fucking sexy, you feel amazing."

Greg's only answer was the grab Nick's neck and pull him down so they could kiss as Nick began to stroke in and out of his ass.

But it was only a few minutes before Greg gasped out "I'm gonna, I'm gonna..." His arms were outstretched now and he was clutching at the sheets. Nick slowed down, but he felt like he was getting close too, so their first time might not last that long.

Nick reached in and started stroking Greg for him. He felt the tech's ass tighten around his cock and Greg started to moan and kind of spasm. Then Greg came, the first spurt hitting him under the chin, the next ones on his smooth chest

Nick kept pumping and with Greg's ass milking him he came too. He filled the condom, thrusting into Greg's hot ass.

Nick half collapsed on Greg, letting the tech lower his legs. They were both sheened with sweat and breathing hard. "Baby that was awesome." He whispered into the tech's ear before going for his neck again. He kept moving a little in and out of Greg. "You did great."

"So did you Nicky. It only hurt at first then it started to feel great, as I guess you could tell." Greg wrapped his arms around Nick and hugged him and sighed. "I can't believe I'm here with you, yah big cowboy. I'm all sticky now though."

Nick raised his head up so he could look in Greg's youthful face and run his fingers through his spiky hair. The tech smiled shyly up at him and Nick got that ache in his chest again. He knew what it was: he was already falling in love with Greg Sanders.

Next: Chapter 4

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