Csi Nick and Greg

By RobGnVA80

Published on Jul 15, 2011


This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to CBS and or Universal Studios. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

Author's note: This is going to be about the CSIs Greg Sanders and Nick Stokes but will involve several other characters from the show. I'm not sure exactly where this is going to go (aside from the obvious, a romance between Nick and Greg). I may jump around in time somewhat (e.g., flashbacks), and I'll try to stick more or less to the themes of the series and reference a few episodes, but no promises... it's obviously a parallel reality, though even on the show those two seem very friendly. This is just a little intro chapter to test the waters; things will get more exciting later if I get a good response.

Nick and Greg, Chapter One

(Soon after the events in `Fannysmackin' when Greg saves a man being beaten by a gang, but accidentally hits one of the gang members with his Denali, and ends up getting pulled from the vehicle and badly beaten himself. He's just about recovered from his injuries, but not the trauma)

Greg, alone in the lab, stared down at the result printout, not really reading the information there. It was a month after the incident' and he was basically healed, and back at work, but Grissom wanted him to do lab duty for a while until he was back to a hundred percent.' Greg had protested, but he was secretly relieved. The lab was his haven; he felt comfortable here, and he needed to feel safe right now. `God if my parents had any idea what happened, they would probably drag me back home and lock me in my old room' the young man smiled ruefully to himself.

Greg had just turned 30 years old. He was tall, slim with boyish good looks; he could pass for early 20's. He had toned down his wardrobe somewhat since being made a field CSI, but he still liked to do funky things with his hair once in awhile. Though at the moment it was its natural light brown; he was growing it out and healing from the battering he'd taken in that alley... He felt the old terror seize him again--they smashed the window and dragged him out. He was sure he was going to die then as they beat him and kicked him over and over... He clutched at the paper and screwed his eyes shut. He wasn't going to cry again, not here at work.

"Greggo, you okay?" A voice with a little Texas twang asked from close behind him.

He jumped involuntarily and spun around. "Don't scare me like that man!" He snapped, then immediately felt bad when he saw the pain in Nick's eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I'm just still on edge." He felt his eyes tearing up. The last person in the world he wanted to hurt was Nicky.

"No, Greg, it's okay, I understand. I should not have come up behind you like that." Nick said softly, then the handsome muscular CSI tentatively reached out and drew Greg into a hug. "You're shaking, dude, do you want to go home?"

Greg lowered his head onto Nick's strong shoulder. "No... I just need a minute." He took a deep breath. "I don't know what I would do without you Nicky." He wrapped his arms tightly around his lover.

"You know I'm here for you babe, I'm not going anywhere." Nick gently stroked Greg's back, felt the tension ease somewhat. He pulled Greg gently closer him, tenderly kissed the young CSI on the neck.

The two stayed like that for a minute, and Greg was thinking maybe they had better back off, since even though they were way in the back of the dark lab, someone might see them. No one knew about their relationship; not a clue. Nicky had a reputation as a ladies' man, and people teased Greg about his boyish crushes on women. They were probably the least likely two anyone would expect to end up together.

Then they heard someone softly clearing their throat behind Nick. The two jumped apart like magnets with the same charge. Nick blushed and if possible Greg turned even redder.

It was their supervisor, Gil Grissom.

They both had trouble making eye contact with their boss, who just stood there holding a folder, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"Uh, hey, Griss," Nick stammered, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I was just, uh, checking on Greg and the DNA results.

"I can see that," Grissom said in his usual quiet voice. "Greg's been through a lot recently and I'm sure he appreciates his co-workers showing their concern and support."

The guys looked up in surprise then, first at each other, then at their boss, who maintained a totally deadpan expression while glancing back and forth between them.

"So... you're okay?" Nick asked. Greg was still speechless.

"Why shouldn't I be? Though I probably don't have to tell you that a little more discretion would probably be the better part of valor. I'm not sure Brass--or heaven forbid Ecklie--would interpret this as I did. So you boys just be careful." Then Grissom turned and started to walk out. Just at the door though he turned back and said, "Though, while your personal lives are none of my business, I do wish you had confided in me so we could head off any work-related issues. You guys have been together now, what a year?" He cocked an eyebrow, and, not waiting for a reply, walked out, leaving the two guys staring after him, jaws slack with amazement.

That's the end of the intro, let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 2

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