Crystal Heart

By NeoMalfoy

Published on May 4, 2002


Title: Harry Potter and The Cyrstal Heart

Author: NeoMalfoy

Rating: for the story: NC-17 adult for graphic sex between two young boys. This Chapter: PG-13 for language.

Pairings: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley right now. Coming soon: Harry/Draco Malfoy,

Fred Weasley/George Weasley and more!

Spoilers: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, HP CoS.

Disclaimer: Not Mine wish they where but then they woulden't have been published.

The boys are JK Rowlings and distributed in book form by Raincoast Bloomsbury in Canada and others worldwide. The movie belongs to Warner Bros. I don't make a Cent. Just like to have them as my slaves willing to do anything I wish... Don' worry I'll Put them back nice and clean.

If you are under the legal age to read XXX or are easly offended by M/M Slash fiction then Piss Off! Yeh've been warned!

Feedback: OH YEAH! Send comments, questions and HOWLERS to NeoMalfoy

Chapter: 9

The arrival back at Hogwarts was uneventful. Everyone went their ways and unpacked from the holliday. That night in the Griffyndor tower Harry and Ron spent it in bed together since no one seemed to mind them being a couple.

The next day at breakfast the Prefects handed out the new terms sheduals. "Uhhh... Double Potions with the Slytherins first thing..."

"... Will Draco be there?" wondered Harry.

"Gee I wonder Harry..." Hermione rolled her eyes. "I wonder what Double Potions with the Slytherins means... Unless Malfoy suddenly was sorted into Hufflepuff... and what's with calling him Draco?"

"Eh... I just think that if we are a little nicer to him mabye he'll change for the better."

"Harry what cheep potions are you on?" Asked Ron.

"None I just suddenly realised that perhaps Draco's annimosity towards us is only a refection of ours towards him..." explained Harry.

"Gee Harry when did you start psyc. One-oh-one?" Said Geroge leaning into the converstation.

"Huh...? Asked Harry.

"You seem to be asking that a lot lately." Commented George.

At this they decided that should go to class so Harry, Ron and Hermione headed off towards the Potions dungeon. They arrived at the room and there stood the sallow faced Potions Master Severus Snape. Entering the room they realised that the Slytherins were already there.

The three headed for their normal table. "Ah... Not this term you three, Granger you sit by... Parkenson" said Snape with a nasty glint in his eye.

"But sir..." moaned Pansy.

"Stow it Parkenson, or Slytherin will lose ten points..." growled Snape. Pansy stowed it. "And Weasley you beside... Zambini... Potter, You now sit with Malfoy."

Ron and Hermione glaired daggers at Snape, the only thing that made Potions tolerable was the abbility to converse. She glanced at Harry who had bounced over to sit beside Draco.

"Morning Draco!" Chimed Harry.

"Potter," said Draco in way of a response. His face wore the same distaine that he normaly showed... but inside his stomach, was spinning.

Thoghout class Everyone seemed to be noticing the change in Potter and the fact that he seemed to be getting closer to Malfoy all the while. Hermione who was closest to him lent over and wispered in his ear, "Harry what are you doing?"

"Mmmm?" replied Harry brushing off the question.

"Tonites homework," Snape interuped the class, "is to compose a 12 inch essay on the uses of Belladonna in potions and each potions individual properties and effects... you are to work on this with your assigned partners..."

Snaped grinned at the obvious discomfort of at least to of the three muskateers Weasley looked as though he was willin Snape to death and Granger and Parkenson were glarring daggers at him and at each other. Potter on the othr hand was looking rather pleased with the situation.

What is wrong with this situation? Snape asked himself. Duh... Severus dear... Potter and Malfoy hate each other. But it looks like Potter has a little lust in his eyes when he looked at Draco. That's the problem, Harry is seeing that little Weasley boy not Malfoy. Malfoy looks like he's rather enjoying the attention too... I thing that I shall half to do a little investigating...

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