Crystal Heart

By NeoMalfoy

Published on May 4, 2002


Title: Harry Potter and The Crystal Heart

Author: NeoMalfoy

Rating: for the story: NC-17 adult for graphic sex between two young boys. This Chapter: NC-17 for graphic sex and language.

Pairings: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, Harry/Draco Malfoy,

Spoilers: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, HP CoS.

Disclaimer: Not Mine wish they where but then they wouldn't have been published.

The boys are JK Rowling's and distributed in book form by Raincoast Bloomsbury in Canada and others worldwide. The movie belongs to Warner Bros. I don't make a Cent. Just like to have them as my slaves willing to do anything I wish... Don' worry I'll Put them back nice and clean. Song Lyrics are credited to: So Pure-Alanis Morressette, Uninvited-Alanis Morressette

If you are under the legal age to read XXX or are easily offended by M/M Slash fiction then Piss Off! Yeh've been warned!

Feedback: OH YEAH! Send comments, questions and HOWLERS to NeoMalfoy

Chapter: Chapter 7: Malfoy Casts a Spell.

Malfoy Manor was silent... now, but, yet only an hour ago Lucius had raised the roof. His orders that his son follow in his foot steps had went unheeded yet again...

"Draco you must prepare yourself for initiation into the folds of the Death Eaters. To replace me at The Dark Lords side..." Reasoned the elder Malfoy.

But Draco had yet again replied that he did not wish to join the death eaters. "But, why Draco you love the Dark Arts..." pleaded his father.

"That may be father... But I don't think that killing and the Dark Arts have to go hand in hand... After all is it not said that magic is not Dark or Light but is in how it is used that determines it's..." Started the boy.

"That may be, what those that practice the Dark Arts, in their wish to remain stupidly innocent claim." Replied Lucius his tone raising.


"SO WHAT?!?!" roared Lucius his face redining in contrast to his white- blond close cropped goatee. "Accept it child, the day you graduate from that Muggle and Mudblood Loving loons school you WILL become a Death Eater, END OF DISCUSSION! Now get out of my sight."

Draco returned to his room, slamming the door making several house-elves run for cover, and started to toss his belongings into his trunk with out caring if they were neat or not his only though was that he couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts where he was the one giving the orders and the one that others feared...

After he had finished heaving his belongings into his trunk he tossed himself onto his bed and fell asleep. His hissy fits always drained his energy, however justified they were...

Hogwarts... the great hall... Draco stood atop the staircase, staring down, there below him stood Potter, Weasel and the Mudblood all looking at him. The Weasel and the Mudblood where laughing at him, Potter however was not he was just staring at him. At this point Prof Snape passed by and cat called, "Malfoy... giving everyone a free-shot?"

1 Draco looked down at himself and saw that he was wearing absolutely nothing, screaming he ran down the stairs towards the hall that lead to the Sytherin dungeons, but as he passed Harry a hand reached out and grabbed him. Shocked Draco looked up and was met by a warm sensual kiss provided by Harry Potter... Instantly he felt himself growing hard. Suddenly Weasley and Granger faded from view and he could only see green eyes though round spectacles...

"Potter... What are you doing" Gasped Malfoy wide-eyed and gaped mouthed.

"Shut up Malfoy..." commanded Harry.

All the sudden Draco could hear music...

I Love you when you dance, when your free-styling chance so pure, such an expression, Love you when you dance, when your free-styling chance so pure, such an expression...

At this Harry began to lead Draco around the enormous hall... dancing!?!?

"What the Hell...?!" cried Draco. Here he was dancing in the Great Hall with Harry Potter, only strange cause he was nude and sure that Potter would never dance with him anywhere in any state of dress and the fact that is was to some Muggle Song... other than that... Gee it was perfectly normal...

... except the background and music was slowly fading, changing would be more descriptive... now they were in what Draco's mind thought the Griffyndor dorms,(which for never actually having stepped in them was very accurate) the 4-posted beds lined neatly on two sides of the room the curtains surrounding each was red the curtains hung on the windows where gold, Harry was now leading him to his bed pulling back the curtains relieving black bed sheets he pushed Draco back on the be the music crecendoing:

...your uninvited... Unfortunate slight... Like any uncharted territory I must seem greatly intriguing. You speak of my love my love like you have experienced my love before, but this is not aloud... your uninvited an unfortunate slight...

Harry tore of his clothes and threw himself on Malfoy... his lips once again meeting his and despite the raw passion exuding from them both the only desire was emanating off Draco. He looked into Harry's Green eyes usually raging with emotions they were now devoid. The kiss ended and Harry without preamble lowered his mouth onto Draco's cock and began to rhythmically suck bobbing up and down, Draco gasped and writhed under Harry's actions, after several moments Draco began to feel his climax building, he was unaware that he was painting out Harry's name only aware that the motions of Harry's mouth now sped up and his hands had found their way to his ass and the were doing the most incredible thing to his cheeks. Then without warning Harry slipped a solitary finger up past his sphincter and it was now delicately stroking his... well who cared what he was caressing it all he cared was that it was producing the most unreal feeling of pleasure and suddenly his cock erupted with volley after volley of spunk and not missing a beat Harry swallowed ever bit of it and then raising with his finger still caressing inside him lifted Draco in to the are and seemingly at the same time removed his finger and replaced it with his rock hard cock and began an assault that caused young Malfoy to wonder if he should be screaming in agony of pleasure, he opted for just screaming and he did so much infact that as he looked up into Harry's eyes he saw Harry's orgasm approach and...

... and Harry's face was replaced by his beds canopy and Harry's cock was replaced with only that of a ghost of a feeling but his own cock was rock hard and spurting jets of cum onto his sheets.

Needing Harry more then ever he reached into his drawer and produced the Crystal Heart once again and placed it around his neck and over his heart standing once again before his mirror he called "Amourus Harry Potter!"

Next: Chapter 8

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