Crystal Heart

By NeoMalfoy

Published on Mar 6, 2002


Title: Harry Potter and The Crystal Heart Author: NeoMalfoy Rating: for the story: NC-17 adult for graphic sex between two young boys. This Chapter: PG-13 for language.

Pairings: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley right now. Coming soon: Harry/Draco Malfoy,

Fred Weasley/George Weasley and more!

Spoilers: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, HP CoS.

Disclaimer: Not Mine wish they where but then they wouldn't have been published.

The boys are JK Rowlings and distributed in book form by Raincoast Bloomsbury in Canada and others worldwide. The movie belongs to Warner Bros. I don't make a Cent. Just like to have them as my slaves willing to do anything I wish... Don' worry I'll Put them back nice and clean.

If you are under the legal age to read XXX or are easily offended by M/M Slash fiction then Piss Off! Yeh've been warned!

Feedback: OH YEAH! Send comments, questions and HOWLERS to NeoMalfoy

Chapter 5: Malfoy's Discovery.

The day after Christmas found Draco Malfoy the sallow pointy face rival of Harry Potter, walking down Knockturn Alley. The sun unusually bright reflected off the mounds of snow into the gray eyes if the young Slytherin. Christmas this year had been extremely good to the boy, and now here he was with a pouch full of galleons wander up the street looking into the different stores selling supplies to those that preferred to practice the dark arts. Wondering what to spend is money on... Remembering the Hand of Glory he had seen in Borgin and Brukes on the last time he had accompanied his father down Knockturn Alley. Deciding that the Hand that when a candle was placed in it's palm that only the hands holder could see the light, would come it handy when spying on Potter and his gang of Griffyndors, was to be his he headed towards the store. As he thought about Potter his body began to tingle. Draco ran a frustrated hand though his flaxen blond hair, setting the neatly slicked hair a skew on his head, asking himself why had his heart settled on his nemesis... When there were so many others in Slytherin House that would be grateful for the chance to date him... yet, he thought about the guys that were in his House... Marcus Flint, crooked teeth... and forbid he think of dating those two prats that by way of family his was obliged to befriend...

Unfortunately even if I had a chance with Potter...he's seeing that red-headed git Weasley. Thought Draco.

At times like this he wished that he had kept his tongue civil that first meeting with Potter and Weasley, but he had to put it mildly, "opened mouth inserted foot to the knee..." he whispered to himself as he pushed the heavy door to the shop open. He was instantly greeted by Mr. Borgin, or as Draco referred to him as The Lecherous Old Fart.

"Why young Master Malfoy!" Borgin greeted. "Will your father be joining us? More items to sell?"

"No," replied the blond curtly, lately the mear mention of his father Lucius Malfoy irked Draco. "I wish to acquire that Hand of Glory."

"Ah, yes... The Hand... I must apologize young master but that particular item has been sold," frowned Borgin.

"Sold..." sputtered Draco. "Well I guess I have no..."

His voice trailed off, his silver eyes falling on a glowing white object. The placard beside it proclaimed it to be "The Crystal Heart: Powerful Enough to turn your worst enemy to your love slave!" An unpleasant grin passed across Dracos lips. He then glanced at the price 100 Galleons. Removing his money pouch and placing exactly 100 galleons on the counter, "I'll take this."

"Very well Master Malfoy," the old man said scooping the money into the till, as was tradition on Knockturn Alley no questions were asked and no receipt was issued... "to use it place the heart on a chain hang it from your neck close to your heart say the name of the person you desire and Amourous while staring at the crystal in the mirror."

With that Draco tossed a bit of Floo powder into the fire and stepped in saying, "Malfoy Manor." And once again disappeared from the store on Knockturn Alley. Moments later he arrived in the heath of a large extravagantly furnished room. Leaping from the heath and dashing though the room leaping over the furniture rather then going around, he dashed up the stairs to his room he all but ripped the coat from his body and tossed it on the floor. Dashing to the full length mirror that adorned the wall next to the bathroom door. Standing before the mirror with it chirping about how handsome the great Draco looked. He unbuttoned his red silk shirt to reveal an undefined chest milk pale chest. He removed the Heart from its box., and lifted it to his neck and reaching to the back of his neck fastened the clasps of the chain. Positioning the Heart above his heart and then looking at the heart in the mirror and concentrating on the face of Potter he began the incantation, "Harry Pot..."

Before he could finish there was a loud rap upon his door "Master Draco, Master Lucius wishes to see Master Draco now," Called one of their house-elf's.

"Fuck me!" exclaimed Draco....

"Master Draco knows Toady cannot sir, after the last incident you know master Lucius strictly forbade house-elf's from..." Came the voice of the house-elf.

"Merlin's beard... I didn't mean..." screamed Draco while running to the door and pounding on it. "Tell him I'm Coming... I...Mean..." Draco caught himself.

"Sir," replied the oversexed house-elf and disappeared.

Buttoning his shirt he fingered the Heart and whispered, "later Harry... Later."

Next: Chapter 6

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