Crystal Heart

By NeoMalfoy

Published on Feb 11, 2002


Title: Harry Potter and The Crystal Heart Author: NeoMalfoy Rating: for the story: NC-17 adult for graphic sex between to young boys. This Chapter: PG-13 for language. Pairings: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley right now. Coming soon: Harry/Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley/George Weasley and more! Spoilers: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, HP CoS. Disclaimer: Not Mine wish they where but then they wouldn't have been published. The boys are JK Rowling's and distributed in book form by Raincoast Bloomsbury in Canada and others worldwide. The movie belongs to Warner Bros. I don't make a Cent. Just like to have them as my slaves willing to do anything I wish... Don' worry I'll Put them back nice and clean. If you are under the legal age to read XXX or are easily offended by M/M Slash fiction then Piss Off! Yeh've been warned! Feedback: OH YEAH! Send comments, questions and HOWLERS to NeoMalfoy

Chapter 4: Out at the Party

The weekend after Harry and Ron's trip to London passed by very quickly they had spent the entire two days going out and shopping for Monday's party. Everyone they had invited had jumped at the opportunity for a party. Even Molly Weasley Ron's mother was helping to prepare the tree.

Finally Monday evening she was still fussing over the tree, "Is this right?... Should this bulb go here?... Is the star bright enough...?"

Ron's father Arthur grabbed his wife and kissing her he said, "Molly for goodness sake, it's FINE!"

Finally it was time. The first to arrive was Hermione. She was let in by Mrs. Weasley, "Hermione!" She exclaimed. Then seeing Hermione's hands overflowing with gifts lead her to the living room where Ron Harry and the twins stood.

"Merry Christmas Hermione!" They called.

"Merry Christmas!" She replied placing the gifts at the tree's base.

In the meantime Molly had pulled the twins aside, "No funny Business!" She warned the Trickster Twins.

As she left the others finished arriving, Oliver, Seamus and Neville. Once everyone had arrived they sat down to dinner which was carried in by...

"Dobby?!" Harry gasped. Looking over at the Malfoy's freed house elf.

Looking surprised to see Harry, Dobby's huge eyes grew even bigger. "Harry Potter! Oh but Dobby is glad to she you!" He cried. Then showing Harry the sock that Harry had used to free him he said, "Look, Harry Potter Dobby still has the sock that Harry Potter used to free Dobby from..." His voice trailed off. He set the tray on the table that the others were sitting around and began to bang his head against the nearest brick wall. "Bad Dobby, Bad Dobby!"

Harry who had seen Dobby do this before when he tried to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts called out, "Dobby! Stop that, remember you don't have to punish yourself!"

The others stared on in horror at Dobby's behavior, they had not known the treatment that Dobby had received while enslaved at Malfoy Manor. "Harry Potter is right Dobby is sorry," he said and then planted his face into the bowl of hot mashed potatoes that he had just set down on the table.

"Dobby!!" Harry exclaimed horrified.

The potatoes flew everywhere on furniture and on the floor and walls. With his head buried to his shoulders he kept repeating, "bad Dobby, bad Dobby mustn't punish Dobby anymore. Dobby is free." Then realising that Harry had called him he raised his head from the mashed potatoes and looked around the room he realised that him punishing himself had caused a mess. He rushed over to the nearest wall and proceeded to hit his head against the wall even harder. This went on for about ten minutes. Harry realising that it was useless to try to stop the house-elf, as that would only cause him to punish himself harder, let him continue until he was done. The others in attendance just stared open mouthed at the sight of the elf hurting himself.

Once Dobby had finished punishing himself he turned towards Harry and spoke, "Dobby is very sorry Harry Potter. Dobby is..." at this the elf blushed. "Dobby is addicted to punishing Dobby."

Then remembering the mess Harry, before Dobby could continue punishing himself waved his want and said, "Imaculata." The room became instantly food free save for that on the table in bowls where it should be.

"Harry!" Hermione gasped.

"Don't worry Hermione. I'm not in trouble, ever since I met Minister Fudge he's been bending the rules for me... As long as I don't abuse it." Stated Harry referring to the Minster for Magic Cornilius Fudge.

"Let's eat!" Exclaimed Ron.

For the next hour the room was over taken by the sounds of eating and casual conversation.

Harry after dinner had brought out his stereo that he had enchanted to run free of electricity and began to play some of his new discs for his friends. They listened intently to the strange new sounds coming from the stereo. Then time came to exchange gifts, a row ensued as to whose gifts where they were going to open first. After several minutes the order was decided, first they would open Fred and George's gifts, then Percy, Oliver, Neville, Hermione, Ron and then finally Harry who had insisted on going last.

The twins presented the group with their gifts, everyone opened the gifts warily as the twins having a very twisted sense of humor had been known to give exploding gifts. Fortunately there were no exploding boxes. As they one by one revealed their gifts to one another, the twins grinned, for they had given them gag gifts in the form of as supply each of Weasley's Wizard Wheeze, gag items that they had invented. Even Percy received them, although everyone knew that Percy being straitlaced would not use them.

Percy's gifts to the group were simply a supply of candy from Honeyduke's. As each person's gifts were opened there was a round of thanks. Finally it came time for Harry to hand out his gifts and due to the fact that he had insisted that he be that lst one to give the gifts out the others were most curious about what he had for them.

Harry handed the first of his gifts out to George, lifting it out of the package that Harry had wrapped it in George looked at what appeared to be a think balloon...

"It's a whoopee cushion," said Harry. "Here let me demonstrate..." He took the whoopee cushion from George and blew it up, then placing it on the closest chair and sat on it from below Harry's bottom came a very rude cry indeed. At this Hermione blushed, but the rest of collective let out a snicker.

Harry then handed Fred his gift. Fred ripped it open and pulled out a round silver object, it was almost flat.

"Thanks Harry... what is it by the way?" asked Fred.

"Ah... yet another demonstration!" Cried Harry.

"As long as there are no more gross noises," flushed Hermione.

"Promise." Said Harry.

He then placed the object in the palm of his hand and extended it towards Fred who grasped Harry's hand in a hand shake gesture. Immediately pulling his hand back as if bitten.

"Tickles!" exclaimed Fred.

"A Joy Buzzer," exclaimed Harry.

"We love them!" The twins burst in unison, then leapt up and kissed Harry on either cheek.

Harry then handed Hermione her gift. She gently unwrapped it removing the ribbon and folding the paper revealing a gold and white box. "Perfume, oh Harry it's Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamond's!" She exclaimed pulling the bottle from it's box and spraying some on instantly the room filled with the heady fragrance.

Harry then handed Neville his gift, opening it Neville revealed a rather large leather bound book with his name inscribed in gold. "It's a day planner now you can write all the things that you're supposed to do that day in it so you don't forget them."

"Thanks Harry... now all I have to do is remember to write them down..." sighed Neville.

Harry then turned to Percy handing him his gift, a ribbon bound book, and Percy looked at the title, The Importance of Being Ernest. Everyone laughed. Even Percy.

Harry then tossed Oliver his gift, opening it to reveal a ball with a black and white design. "A football , one of the most popular Muggle sports. As you're a sports fan I thought that you might like it."

"Cheers Harry!"

"Now I have one gift left to give out but, before I do I think that there is something that we need to tell everyone here..." Harry paused for a moment looking at Ron, Ron just nodded. "Anyway here goes. This is really hard to say but, for the past three weeks Ron and I well... we...." Harry stuttered.

Standing up Ron finished Harry's thought, "what Harry is trying to say is that we are dating... We're gay."

For a moment the room sat in stunned silence. Then Fred and George began to applaud, "bravo!"

"I thought so," Hermione said simply.

Realising that everyone was fine with it Harry picked up the final gift and holding the small box in his hands said, 'it's sort of a gift for both of us then he opened the box to reveal two gold neckchains each held half of a heart pendant. Picking one up Harry placed it around Ron's neck and read it, "Harry Potter's" then Ron repeated the gesture with the other and read it, "Ron Weasley's".

"Now we belong to each other,' Stated Harry.

A moment later Fred & George made another announcement, about them having been seeing each other, "there we finally said it." At this no one was surprised.

"Well it was sort of obvious, I mean you to seem to be really tight with each other..." said Hermione in her best know-it-all voice.

Next: Chapter 5

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