Crystal Heart

By NeoMalfoy

Published on Feb 3, 2002


Title: Harry Potter and The Crystal Heart Author: NeoMalfoy Rating: for the story: NC-17 adult for graphic sex between to young boys. This Chapter: PG-13 for language. Pairings: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley right now. Coming soon: Harry/Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley/George Weasley and more! Spoilers: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, HP CoS. Disclaimer: Not Mine wish they where but then they wouldn't have been published.

The boys are JK Rowlings and distributed in book form by Raincoast Bloomsbury in Canada and others worldwide. The movie belongs to Warner Bros. I don't make a Cent. Just like to have them as my slaves willing to do anything I wish... Don' worry I'll Put them back nice and clean.

If you are under the legal age to read XXX or are easily offended by M/M Slash fiction then Piss Off! Yeh've been warned!

Feedback: OH YEAH! Send comments, questions and HOWLERS to NeoMalfoy

Harry Potter and The Crystal Heart Chapter 3: A Trip to Muggle London.

Harry awoke with a start the sun blinding him, the bird-song outside seemed to be crescendo. He rolled over forgetting where he was, he lifted his head wondering where the sun and the bird-song was coming from? He opened his eyes and blinking away the sudden rush of blinding sun he suddenly realized that he wasn't asleep in his bed in Gryffendor tower in the castle that was Hogwarts... He was lying in the bed of his lover snug in the Weasley's home The Burrow, and it was Christmas vacation. Glancing over to where Ron was sleeping, excited to be waking up next to him, his eyes fell upon a pillow where Ron's head wasn't... He must have gotten up early. Deciding that he better do the same, Harry got out of the warm blankets naked spotting a morning hard-on. He gave a shudder in the slight morning chill, then walked to where his trunk was and pulled out a pair of white tube socks. Lifting each leg letting his morning hard on deflate to a limp 2 inches that hung between his legs along with his peach fuzz covered balls, he pulled the socks over his feet. Then reaching back into the trunk he found a red t-shirt, pulled it over his head. He once again reached into the trunk grabbing a pair of gray briefs and a pair of matching track paints he tossed the pants onto the trunks cover and then once again lifted one leg the other letting his crotch hang loose again.

After finishing the rest of his morning abolitions he descended the stairs to the kitchen. Looking out the kitchen window he now realized that it was well into the morning. Looking over at the rather small... well small for such a large family as The Weasley's... table he saw his redheaded love sitting there reading the Daily Prophet the wizarding worlds newspaper. Seeing Harry, Ron lowered the paper and gave him a great toothy grin.

"Well good morning sleepy!"

Rubbing the rest of the sleep out of his eyes he readjusted his round spectacles on his nose. "Why didn't you get me up earlier?" he asked.

"Mum would have had kittens if anyone had disturbed you..." he replied.

Harry went to him sitting down in his lap sand gave him their first kiss of the morning, darting his tongue about the roof of Ron's waiting mouth. "Mmmmffphhh!" Mumbled Ron.

Pulling away Harry looked at him, "HUH?"

"I said up stairs.... NOW!"

"Later..." Harry promised. "Right now we have to get going."

Where?" Asked Ron a little disappointed...forget a little... really disappointed.

"London...." Harry answered. "I still have to do Christmas shopping."

"London...?" gaped Ron.

"Yep, to Diagon Alley and Gringotts, then to the Downtown Shopping Mall. Everyone's getting 'unique' gifts!" Exclaimed Harry.

"Uh... ok'

With another deep kiss Harry and Ron separated and they put on their winter clothing. Ron then reached for the jar that held the Floo powder and tossing a small amount into the fire, it flared blue then Ron and Harry stepped into the flames and calling out their destination they vanished.

In a matter of moments they arrived at the heath of the Leaky Cauldron. The pub that lead to the magical entrance to the street of magical shops and restaurants, plus Gringotts the wizarding bank that lay at the far end of Diagon Ally. They walked up to the great staircase that lead to bone white building pushed open the massive wooden doors and entered. Harry leaving Ron at the great entrance to the grand lobby headed to the closest available goblin, Ron couldn't hear what Harry was discussing with the teller, but when Harry returned he was stuffing paper pound notes into his pocket. With that they left.

In the pub they ran into none other then the huge lovable Hogwarts gamekeeper... "Hagrid!" Called out Harry.

Rubius Hagrid turned towards the familiar voice his beetle black eyes almost hidden by his great mess of hair and beard widening with the site of Harry. "Blyme 'Arry! What ter yeh doin' here?"

"Just came from Gringotts. We're going shopping in London. Care to Come?" Invited Harry.

"Can't." Said Hagrid. "Have ter be back ter Hogwarts. But have fun."

"Bye Hagrid," said Harry and gave him a great hug. Harry had developed a special bond with the near giant. Hagrid had been the one to rescue him from the old hut on the rocks that The Drusley's had tried to hide themselves and him from the mysterious letters that kept arriving for Harry. The morning of Harry's birthday Hagrid had appeared knocking the old door of the hut to the dusty floor and had told Harry everything that the Dursley's had not. About his past, the real cause of his parents death, his being a wizard "And a thumpin' good one I reckon..." he had said. Then taken him to his new life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The boys left the Leaky Cauldron and started up the street. For Ron who had never ventured into the Muggle world this was akin to a trip to the carnival. His eyes were wide and his head was whipping from side to side. Harry grinning from ear to ear was seeing what was probably the same look that was on his face is first journey down Diagon Alley.

When they arrived at the mall Ron was still overwhelmed had to be lead by Harry into the huge bustling building. They spent the day wandering the mall. Occasionally Harry make a purchase and had it wrapped right there at the store. Passing a rather large store Harry indicated to a bench and asked Ron to wait on it while he went into the store. Once Ron sat he disappeared into the store. Reappearing five minutes later with a small bag he tucked into his new backpack bought just moments ago.

"What do they sell in there?" asked Ron.

"The Muggle form of potions for helping the aide the sick. Although they call then prescriptions and medication." Explained Harry.

"Oh..." Ron said. "Are you sick?"

"No, they do sell other things too," Harry giggled.

"So what did you get?" Ron asked.

"A surprise..." Harry replied simply.

Ron crossed his arms and pretended to pout.

"You'll find out later." Harry said rolling his eyes slightly at Ron's behavior. "Now shall we go find Hermione's gift?"

After finding the last of his gifts. They trolled down the mall towards the Virgin Music Mega Store where Harry stopped thinking, you know I have never owned music before...

"Ron in here," He decided. Grabbing Ron he dragged him in the store.

Once inside a wall of sound in the form of Brittany Spears hit them. Ron's hands went to his ears to dim out the music he removed them after his eardrums adjusted to the noise level. "What is this?" shouted Ron so he could be heard.

"Music," Harry called back.

"This is what Muggles call music?" Asked Ron.

"Not all Muggle, no," Harry then began to explain about the different types of music Muggles listened to. "Personally I happen to like Brittany Spears."


"The person who is singing now that's Brittany Spears, she is actually very famous." He said walking over to where the mini stereo systems were displayed. Harry was glancing at the prices... What the hell, thought Harry and after grabbing a shopping cart he placed what he assumed was a fairly decently priced system in the cart.


"You use this to play the music on. Muggles put music on things called compact discs ... before you ask how they do that I have no idea..." Harry said anticipating Ron's question. "I'll show you and your dad how to use it later as I know he'll wanna know about it."

"Oh, what are you going to buy?"

"Well let's have a look around the store,"

With that they set out to explore the multi-floored store. Having lived with Muggles Harry had an idea of what he liked and didn't like and had a few discs in mind. After spending about and hour picking up discs looking at them, putting them into the cart or back to the shelf he turned to Ron indicating he was finished and the set off to the cashier counter to pay for the discs and stereo.

The cashier that they go was a young woman with pink hair a pleasant smile and several piercing. Ron who had never seen a nose piercing or and eyebrow piercing or even a tongue piercing had to stop himself from staring. "Isn't that uncomfortable?" he asked.

"What?" Asked the girl. Her nametag identifying her has Rachelle.

"All those things in your face."

"At first but you get used to them and the holes heal," she replied.

Harry smiled at her apologetically. "You'll have to forgive my friend miss he's lived a very..." He stopped thinking of the way to put this that wouldn't upset Ron. "... Sheltered life,' he said finally, rubbing his forehead and exposing his lightning bolt scar.

"Cool scar," she commented. "Where'd you get it?"

"Car accident"

"Gee Bummer," she said. "But still awesome scar."

Harry who had never had anyone who had just accepted his scar as scar and not a status symbol blushed slightly. "I never thought of it like that."

"Anyway what can I do for you two today?" she asked getting to business.

"Well I wanna buy these," Harry indicated to his cart.

"Well that's a hefty purchase' Rachelle said looking at the cart.

After scanning Harry's stuff and making change for the money that she received, she bid them good-bye and they left.

Looking in the window of an engraving store Harry spotted a Christmas bulb with a picture of a tabby cat on it. This reminded him of Prof. McGonnagall. "Ron I forgot McGonnagall. In here."

They bought the Ball and had it engraved to say "To Prof. McGonnagall: The cat's meow at Hogwarts! From Gryffendor House"

The person who did the engraving had a funny look on his face trying to understand the engraved sentiment... What's Hogwarts and Gryffendor?

"I hope the rest of Gryffendor likes it. We'll owl them and let them know." Said Harry.

They then went to the food court to eat. Ron who had never seen so much neon before almost had a heart attack. After deciding on what they wanted they choose a table and began to eat. Harry watched Ron eat to see his reaction to the taste of Muggle food.

A few minutes later appeared the pink haired girl from the music shop. "Hi guys," she greeted.

They both started. "Hi."

"Listen this is none of my business and you two can tell me to fuck off, but I have to ask," she started. "But you two are a couple aren't you?"

The both looked at her surprised. "Is it that obvious?" Asked Harry.

"Not really," replied Rachelle. "But I know the way you look at each other."

"You do?" Asked Ron confused.

"Yeah it's the same way my girlfriend and I look at each other." Said Rachelle.

Ron and Harry did a double take. "You're...?" Asked Ron trying to think of the word.

".... A lesbian?" Finished Harry.

"I prefer Dyke, but yeah I am," she smiled.

"A what?" Asked Ron blankly.

"Not from around here are you?" She guessed. " Dyke, it's slang for lesbian."

"Oh," said Ron still slightly confused.

"Ron it's like calling Muggle-borns Mudbloods," explained Harry.

"Muggle-borns... Mudbloods...?" This time it was Rachelle's turn to be confused.

"Slang where we come from," explained Harry.

"But Mudblood is the worst insult in the world," said Ron.

"Well so is calling some one gay who isn't," said Rachelle.

"But why would you call yourself something insulting?" asked Ron.

"Well... It's not an insult we use these words ourselves it's taking the words used to hurt us and robbing them of their power to be insulting," explained Rachelle.

At this Ron finally caught on. It was getting late and time to go.

"You don't know may people who are living out of the closet do you?" she asked.

"I don't know any one who lives in a closet," replied Ron.

Except me... Remember I used to live in the closet under the stairs with The Dursley's," commented Harry.

At this Rachelle laughed. When she realized that Harry and Ron weren't laughing with her she stopped. "You're not joking are you?"

"No," said Harry. "For almost eleven years, with my mother's sister's family until I left to attend private school. That's where I met Ron and his family."

Harry then went on to explain about his life before Hogwarts with the Dursley's, their resentment of his parents. His parent's death or at least the Dursley's version and about Dudley. Then he told her about the Weasley's leaving everything about magic out.

"What does being gay and living in a closet have in common?" He then wondered.

"Literally nothing," she answered. "It's just an expression. It means to being able to be who you really are and hiding like in a closet. Being out of the closet means..."

"To not hide away who you love!" Clued in Ron.

"Now ya got it!" Rachelle Grinned. "Listen I gotta be getting back to work. If you guys want my girlfriend and I run a Gay Youth Alliance at the local community center come and join," she offered, then handed them a card. "Here's the address and stuff."

Taking the card Harry said, "thanks we'll try."

She then pointed to the two names at the bottom. "That's us and that's," she said indicating a number and two names Rachelle Benson & Jo. Rowling, "our home phone number if you need any help to get there give us a call we'll pick you up."

"Thanks," they said

"See ya!" She called heading back to the music store.

Grabbing the presents and Harry stuff they made their way out to the parking lot. Finding a deserted part of the lot Harry pulled out his want and held it into the air. An instant later came a great bang and there in front of the boys stood the Knight Bus, the boys climbed on paid their fares and then went to the back bed and tossed everything under it and got on to the bed. They lay there and discussed the Alliances finally deciding to go before going back to Hogwarts.

The Knight Bus then with another great bang disappeared from the underground mall parking lot. The echo in the wake of the exit fazed none of the Muggles tossing their purchases into their idling cars... except one... The young blond women turned with a start and looked in the direction of where the bus would have been, she was dressed in a white blouse and black blazer with a lack skirt and matching shoes. Her gold nametag identified her as Joanne Rowling - Mall Security.

Next: Chapter 4

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