Crystal Heart

By NeoMalfoy

Published on Dec 10, 2001


The legal stuff: This story is based on character in the Harry Potter Series created by author J.K. Rowling and her publisher. The work contained herein is entirely my story and is not recognized as part of the Harry Potter Story line nor is it indorsed by the author herself. This story involves sex acts between two young boys so if it underage sex or gay sex is offensive to you in any way I suggest get the heck out a here and don't read this.

Also if it is illegal for you to read this due to age where you live or any other restrictions say good-bye here and read not read on, for if you do well...

I would appreciate any and all compliments, complaints &/or suggestions you can email me at: NeoMalfoy

Harry Potter and the Crystal Heart. Chapter Two

The halls of Hogwarts were all a buzz, for the holidays had arrived! The students were readying themselves to leave to visit home. Harry though was not. He was staying at Hogwarts, thinking that this of course was better then staying with the Dursley's. He was not excited about the holidays though as it seemed that everyone at Hogwarts was leaving... well everyone in Griffyndor was leaving. Hermoine was leaving to visit with her Muggle parents, Neville Longbottom to his Grandmothers. Even Ron was going home. His brother Bill was coming home for Christmas from Africa. This was what Harry was brooding over. Three weeks had passed since Harry and Ron had shared their feelings for one another. It was the best weeks of Harry's life. Now he felt as though the world was ending, he was going to be away from Ron for two whole weeks...

Wandering down the corridor with his head down he had not noticed the person running around the corner. They both collided and Harry looked up into the shinning eyes of his boyfriend Ron. "Ready for the train then?" Harry asked. "Well, Merry Christmas Ron."

"Harry put on a smile and cheer up! These are happy times!" Chimed Ron.

"Why?" he asked. "You're leaving for two weeks and I won't see you... or hold you... or kiss you" he sobbed. "Hell even Hermoine is leaving in fact I'm the only one left in Griffyndor."

At that Ron lifted his right hand Harry noticed the piece of parchment in it. "That's why I was searching for you. I just got an owl from mom... It's late again... Poor Errol" Ron said referring to his family owl with a bit of a tear to his eye. You see, in the wizarding world owls are used as messengers. "Anyway she says to bring you with me home. She wants you to spend the holidays with a real family... Your new family."

Harry stood stunned... To spend the holidays with the Weasley's at The Burrow... The Weasley's home. His eyes began to shine and well up with tears. Ron grabbed and pulled him close. "No time for tears Hon. we only have a few minutes to get you packed before the boats to the station leave."

They both dashed off to Griffyndor tower. They arrived in front of the painting of the fat lady with a skid. They portrait looked at them and spoke. "Password?" she asked.

"Albatross" replied Ron after gathering his breath. With that the portrait opened revealing the Griffyndor common room. Which of course was deserted everyone was heading to the docks. The two boys continued their dash up to the boy's dormitory.

They grabbed Harry's trunk and started to toss his clothes and books in that he would need. Harry then picked up his invisibility cloak. "This may come in handy...."He said tossing it in. then he grabbed his Firebolt broomstick. "And perhaps some Quiddich."

"Yeah... To bad we didn't have more time...this place is deserted." Remarked Ron grabbing for Harry's crotch.

Harry jumped back out of the way. "You wish Weasley!"

"Damn Right Potter!" He shot back this time succeeding in getting his hand around Harry's shrouded growing shaft.

They kissed, just as they separated Nearly Headless Nick the ghost of Griffyndor tower floated though calling. "Last call for students to get to the docks!" He looked at the two standing there. "This means you."

The resumed their dash this time with Harry's trunk in tow. Out the tower entrance, Past Minerva McGonagall.

"Bye Professor!" They called.

"Freeze!" She called out. The boys stopped in their tracks. "Potter where do you think that you are going? You've signed on to say here."

"Professor... I just got this letter from home they want him to stay with us." Answered Ron before Harry could speak and he handed her the parchment letter.

McGonagall glanced at it. "Go" She replied taking on her stone demeanor. They two dashed off to the docks. Minerva looked after them her face melting into a smile.

An hour later Ron and Harry were sitting in a stall on the Hogwarts Express from Hogsmede station to platform 9 3/4 Kingscross Station. Sitting beside each other holding hands. In walked Draco Malfoy their hands left each other.

"I thought I smelt a Weasley in here. And oh... Potter going to spend the holiday with those Muggles of yours?"

Harry held Ron down by once again grasping his hand Malfoy missed this.

"Piss off Malfoy," said Ron. "If you must know he's spending it with us."

"Oh wow... Can that hole in the ground you call a house support an another body? Asked Draco.

"PISS OFF MALFOY!!" Ron and Harry said in unison.

"Oh well..." Sighed Draco. And left.

As soon as he had left another walked in this one more welcome. "Hermoine, where have you been? Asked Ron.

"Oh, just helping one of the Hufflepuff girls with her herbology work she was confused on the care for Dragonbloom. I guess it's gotten around that I am tops at school."

"Oh stop being so modest Hermoine, it's us your talking to remember." Harry said rolling his eyes, Hermoine could be a little conceited.

"Funny Potter. Look we're almost at the station and I wanted to give you your presents." She said removing two packages from her valise and started to hand them to the boys.

Stopping her Ron said, "save 'em Harry staying at The Burrow we can have a small party on say Monday around dinner."

"Yeah" said Harry. " Never been to one of those."

"Ok so who's should we invite?" asked Hermoine.

"Well let's have you, Harry, me, Neville, Seamus, the twins and Oliver Wood." Said Ron and with a slight wave of his wand produced five letters addressed to the people he just said. "Hey Hermoine would you pass these out when you see them?"

"Sure!" she grinned. " I can't wait! Look there's the station!"

Sure enough Kingscross was coming into view from out of the midnight fog. As they pulled into platform 9 3/4 they could see their families waving excitedly. Out of the corner of his eye Harry saw the Grangers, Hermoine's parents still looking a little confused... they were after all Muggles and imagine their surprise when they found out about their daughter. Beside them standing there was the unmistakable red hair of Mr. And Mrs. Weasley Ron's Parents. Harry had a warm feeling rush over him the same feeling he had when he had spent that last two weeks of summer with TheWeasley's. After being rescued from his prison of a room at the Dursley's with his poor summer long caged owl Hedwig by Ron and The Twins, George and Fred. In the enchanted flying car. The same flying car that had returned Ron and himself to Hogwarts after the Malfoy's House-elf in an attempt to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts, had hexed the entrance to platform 9 3/4 by solidifying the illusion of a brick pillar. That summer had been the best summer of his life. These two weeks promised nothing less!

The Whistle blew and the train pulled into the station its old steam engine letting out a final whoosh of steam. Gathering their belonging that they brought to the compartment they rose and walk off the train saying bye to the others as they passed in the hall and stepped onto platform 9 3/4 Kingscross station. The parents made a rush for there children.

All of a sudden Harry was swept off his feet; he let out a yelp of surprise and then realized that it was Mrs. Weasley hugging him.

"Mom!" Cried Ron. "Please... you're embarrassing Harry!"

"No she's not!" called Harry joyously. "It's good to see you too Mrs. Weasley!"

She then turned towards Ron and squeezed him to. "Okay then your embarrassing me!" he called.

Harry began to laugh as they walked though the "pillar" onto platforms nine and ten. The drive back to the Burrow was an eventful one with Mrs. Weasly was still fussing over her five children plus Harry and trying to update everyone one the goings on of the world outside Hogwarts. Apparently her and Mrs. Granger had become quite good friends and had spent many an hour over tea helping poor Mrs. Granger to understand the wizarding world. Mr. Weasley had almost the minute they got off the train started asking Harry about this Muggle item or that one worked. Mr. Weasley has this obsession with the goings on of the Muggles. He had a garage full of Muggle objects including small appliances infact the flying car that now resided in the forbidden forest on the schools ground, had once live in that garage.

When they arrived at The Burrow it was late so Mrs. Weasley conjured up... Literally... Some munchies. Afterwards they separated to retire to their rooms, the youngest Ginney to her room, Percy, Had a room to himself also, the twins shared one room and finally Ron and Harry entered their room.

After Harry had closed the door, Ron still had his back to him so Harry tackled Ron full force knocking him to the mattress on the floor that was set out for Harry.

Oomph!" cried out Ron. "Bloody Hell! Harry what was that about?"

"Oh Nothing" Grinned Harry devilishly.

"Well perhaps we should go to bed then." Yawned Ron. He undressed quickly and jumped under the covers.

Harry proceeded to do the same lifting the covers from the mattress and starting to climb in. "Harry you know we have the room all to ourselves.... And there is plenty of room right here..." he said indicating the empty spot on his bed. "... And I am feeling awful lonely up here..."

"With out hesitation Harry was in the bed beside Ron in an instant. Where naked they embraced and began to kiss their mouths open and tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. Their dicks hard and rubbing each other. After a minute of this they both began to buck their hips together moaning they both came letting their cum mix together, After, still wet from their orgasm they drifted off to sleep in each others embrace.

Next: Chapter 3

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