Crystal Heart

By NeoMalfoy

Published on Nov 30, 2001


This is my first time publishing fiction of any kind anywhere so please bear with me....

After seeing the movies Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone then reading the first two Harry Potter Books my mind came up with this Hope you enjoy it as I will be continuing it as a seriel so keep checking back!

As a virgin here I would appreciate any and all compliments, complaints and/or suggestions you can email me at NeoMalfoy

The legal stuff: This story is based on character in the Harray Potter Series created by author J.K. Rowling and Scholastic Books. The work contained herein is entirely my story and is not recognized as part of the Harry Potter Story line nor is it indosed by the author herself. This story involves sex acts between two young boys so if it underage sex or gay sex is offencive to you in any way I suggest get the heck out a here and don't read this.

Also if it is illegal for you to read this due to age where you live or any other restrictions say good-bye here and read not further. for if you do well.....

Harry Potter and the Crystal Heart

" I think that I shall just hop on my broomstick and fly away from here..." Sighed the young bespectacled-faced Harry.

"Oh Sure, but where ever shall you go?" mocked his companion Hermoine Granger glancing up form her book.

Harry just shrugged thinking about Hermoine's preclusion for book and how he had rarely seen her with out one. "Anywhere... Nowhere... Just hop on my broomstick and keep flying. I just wanna get out of here." He said as he dropped to the neared pillow covered sofa.

"Ah now I get it you just came from Snapes class." Hermoine rolled her eyes as she deduced the cause of the black haired boy's mood.

"Class is that what it was? He asked. "I thought it was a Potter bashing Session."

"Isn't that what Snapes classes turn out to be anyway?" chimed in Ron Weasley the skinny red headed best friend of room occupants, as he entered the room. Practically falling onto Harry ask he jumped onto the sofa.

"I'm ready for bed" sighed Harry. "If I can't physically escape from here at least I can do it in my dreams."

"G'night harry," both Hermoine and Ron called as he started up the stairs to the boys dorm, his shoulders slumped and his wand dangling between is thumb and forefinger.

With the privacy curtain pull around his bed harry began to undress. He started with his jacket with the Griffyndor shield adorning his left breast pocket, he let it just slip to the stone floor. Then he loosed his gold and red tie from his neck and tossed it onto his night table. Turning towards his bed he then did a face plant right into the pillows. The bed's mattress springs wind in protest of the sudden assault of weight. Harry then struggled to get the covers out form underneath him, as he did not feel like getting up again. After succeeding with that he let his face fall back into the pillow.

Hermoine was quite right about just having come from Snapes class. Everyone at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry knew about Harry's problems with Professor Severus Snape and that due to a rivalry between himself and Harry's father James Potter who along with his mother Lily attended Hogwarts. While at the Snape and his father had become rivals sort of like Draco Malfoy and himself. Now Snape has taken it upon himself to revenge his old rivalry on poor Harry, thus making his Potions class a living hell.

This was not the thing that was bothering poor Harry at the moment though. For after all he was at that age when his life and body were going though major changes for after all he was goi8ng though puberty. About three weeks ago he had developed a very strange indeed it was on of all people Ron Weasley his disheveled haired friend. That was what was bothering him now. Harry knew what it meant to be gay, but in all honesty had not though of himself in that way. When living with the Dursley's his Uncle Vernon had called him some names that were meant to put down gay people such as queer boy but I never really bothered him.... Oh my, my this is going to be fun telling them. He thought, it might just be the thing that sends his extended muggle family to their graves....

Then he thought of Draco Malfoy getting his lips around this little bit of information.... Not a good idea after all it would give Malfoy plenty of new ammunition to use against him.

Just then he heard footsteps on the stone floor, which stopped in front of his curtains. "Harry are you asleep yet?" can Ron's voice.

Harry let out a groan; he really didn't want to see him right now. But if I know Ron... He thought.

"Harry?" Ron called again. Harry lifted his head from the pillow and beckoned Ron to come in, which he did and hopped up on the bed. He sat there for a moment and just looked at Harry. All of the sudden Harry felt lightheaded as he realized this was the first time room and he had been alone in such a confined space.

Why me? He asked. And for goodness sake why RON?!?!

"Harry you've been sulking around here for he past couple of weeks. What's the real reason for this funk and don't tell me it's Snape, yeah he's an ass and that's part of it. But you usually just srug it off. Now FESS UP!"

"Ron it's kind of personal, can we not talk about it?" stated Harry, hoping that that would end the conversation.

"Personal eh? Okay." And with that Ron got up from the bed. Then he did something that Harry never expected but had wanted oh so badly... Ron bent over and kissed him full on the lips. Harry's body tensed for a split second then he shuddered and melted into the kiss.

When it was over Harry sat in silence. Finally breaking from his paralysis he sputtered' "how...? What... How...?"

Did I know to kiss you?" Ron finished.


"Harry I'm not blind. I've seen the way you look at me. Then just now on the sofa when I almost sat on you the way you tensed up and sighed." Explained Ron

"Did I?" asked harry partially to himself, he hadn't noticed. Then again he had been too occupied wishing revenge on Snape.

"Yes you did. It wasn't till them was I completely sure about my suspicions. I sat there for a moment longer with Hermoine, then excused myself." He said.

"Why?" asked Harry.

Jeez Harry, have you been so wrapped up in your feelings that you haven't noticed my sideways glances, or the way I almost accidentally... on purpose jumped on you out in the common room?" Asked the other boy, running his had though his red hair setting it out of place. "You're not the only one going though this... in other words I like you too.... I may even love you."

"Oh Ron!" Burst Harry and began to cry.

Ron reached out laying himself on the bed beside Harry. Pulling him closer, wanting to comfort him yet letting him cry it out. "I know the feeling, I did the same thing the first night I realized that you might feel the same way." He confessed. Harry drew his face from Ron's black overcoat. His glasses fogged. With a new found gentleness Ron reached out and with his hands grasped the glass rims and removed them placing them on the night table with the now forgotten tie. With is right hand he reached out and wiped the tears from Harry's glowing green eyes, then leaned in and with his rose lips kissed each one.

For the next few hours they stayed holed up behind the curtain, talking about everything and nothing, kissing, holding hands and doing homework... which was still a bore.

All of a sudden the 8:30 chime rang out, which meant that that the dormitory would soon fill up with bodies readying themselves for be. Ron reluctantly got out of the bed. Kissing Harry once more he said, "I'll see you in the shower." And then was gone.

Harry's cheeks had turned a bright red. He has also gotten off the bed and now reached for his dressing robe and pajamas then tossed them to the bed and began to undress. Unbuttoning his white shirt revealing his undefined pubescent chest still only covered in a sprinkling of baby hair. His pink nipples becoming hard immediately, because no matter how warm it is in the dorms it always seems to on the damp side. With a slight shiver he reached down to his pants and slipped the button though it's eye and pulled the zipper down and then released them and let them fall to the floor. Revealing a pair of blue tight boxer briefs, which had a penny, sized dark spot on them knowing where it came from but not sure when it appeared. Slipping them over his penis and letting them fall atop the pants and stepped from them and took his black shoes off leaving the his white socks on. He then grabbed his robe and slipped into it. Grabbed his toiletries and left for Slytherin tower as Griffyndor boy's shower was trashed by the school poltergeist Peeves.

Along the way he ran into several of the students they said hi and he returned the greeting. His mind was so preoccupied with thoughts of Ron that he had not noticed the black and gray tabby cat cross the corridor until he had stepped on it's tail. The cat let out a howl.

"Oh... Professor mcGonagall... I didn't see you there." Started Harry.

The hurt cat looked up into Harry's eyes, opened it's mouth and said, "No Potter it's mostly my fault I ought to remember that that as a cat I am out of eye level and should pay more attention to those around me." With that the cat began to transform into the human form of Professor Minerva McGonagall, Harry's transfigurations teacher who herself is an animagus (has the ability to transform into a cat). She is also the headmistress here a Hogwarts and is head of Griffyndor House. "It's not the first time my tail have been stepped on nor will it be the last I suspect. My tail must have a callus on it a hawk talon couldn't pierce. Now Harry I believe you have somewhere to be, do you not?"

"Yes ma'am" He said and started down the hall

He was let into Slytherin tower and escorted to the showers by one of the more friendly Slytherin boys. When he entered the communal shower area he placed his belongings on the space provided and slipped out of is robe. >From the looks of things there were not that may left in the shower. He walked in to the shower area where a wall of steam hit him though with few in there the steam was quickly settling. He noticed four other boys were in the shower two of them must have been Slytherin as he did not recognize then one of the others was Neville Longbottom who waved to him. Harry nodded back. The final person there was of course Ron. This brought Harry to a stand still thinking quickly he turned on the closest shower and stepped under the steam of water, just as the two Slytherin boys turned theirs off walking out of the shower and out of this story.

As Harry started to ask himself he noticed that Ron had not taken his eyes off his body. Of course he realized that after the past few hours he had fallen completely in love with Ron as well. Also realizing that in all the years here at Hogwarts he had never really looked at Ron's body and from the look in Ron's eye the same could be said. So he did now. Harry though that Ron's hair must have been the first thing he noticed a bright red his entire family had the same hair he had first noticed it on the platform 9 of Kingscross station while he was looking for platform 9 ¾ to catch the Hogwarts Express. Ron and his family had helped him get to it by shown him how to run at the pillar as it was an illusion to hide 9 ¾ to the muggle world. As for Ron's body, it was not built, persay,

but it was defined. Unlike his which was not from all the years living with the Dursley's his mother lily's muggle sister's family as a slave locked up in the closet under the stairs being fed next to nothing. The Weasley's were a caring family even if they weren't the richest or even close. His own body was starting to develop what with all the Quiditch he was playing after all he was the youngest person to make seeker in Hogwarts history.

Drifting further down Harry's eyes fell to Ron's pubic area. Realizing with another flush of the cheeks that his pubic hair was the same colour as that atop his head just a little coarser. He also realized that his penis was growing, giving a quick glance towards Neville or at least where he stood as he had now left the shower and Harry and Ron were now alone. Harry's hand found it's way down to his penis and half cleaning half playing with it he began to stroke and run his balls. He continued to look at Ron who was by now mirroring Harry's moves.

A moment later from outside the shower enclosure they heard the distinctive voice of Draco Malfoy. Asking if the Griffyndor's were done with their showers yet. Thus institaiously killing the boys moods... Or at least their hardons. At which point the naked Malfoy walked into thew enclosure. Glancing at Harry he flushed, but getting control he said. "Oh dear I do hope your showers are ready tomorrow. This poor shower will have to be disinfected as it is. Plus I wouldn't want to walk in on the site of you two naked again."

"Oh piss off Malfoy. We're leaving. Said Harry and both he and Ron walked out of the shower. In the towel room they dried and dressed themselves and quickly left Slytherin tower for the comfort of Griffyndor.

"Harry I just thought of something. Said Ron halfway back to the tower.

"Really what's that?" Asked Harry.

"Well I remember dad saying something about a muggle tradition that always had in confused..."started Ron.

"Confused...Your dad and any thing muggle... sort of goes hand in hand I'd say." Kidded Harry.

At this Ron giggled. "Yeah. Anyway. Sometimes when a guy likes a girl or in our case guy likes a guy that person becomes the otheres tormentor, they tease and fight to hide their true fellings. He continued. "Sort of like the way Draco..."

"Ron don't even say it..."gasped Harry.

"But have you ever looked at him when he's doing it? Plus the way he blushed seeing you naked just now?" Asked Ron.

"Yeah but he teases you and you were in the shower naked too, maybe..."started Harry.

"Okay, Okay let's drop it. All I am saying is he is better looking then me and richer too." He said glancing away.

"Ron,' Sighed Harry. "If I wanted Draco would I do this..." He said and pushed Ron to the wall. Harry began to kiss Ron on the lips with a new found fervor, slowly running his hand up and down Ron's warm smooth chest inside the purple robe giving each of Ron's brown pecs special attention rubbing them and gently squeezing them. Slowly running is free had up and down the out side of the rob just below his belt, feeling Ron's dick jumping up and down he finally reached in and began to caress his now lovers 4 inch uncut tool pulling the foreskin over and then back from it's head. Ron taken aback at Harry's boldness could only gasp and let out the occasional moan letting Harry know he was doing a good job working Ron over.

"Oh.... Ha..rry..."Moaned Ron as Harry kept working on his cock Harry's hand that was on his chest was now with the other one cupping Ron's balls and rolling them between his fingers, while still stroking his cock. Ron was now shuddering and with a heavy gasp and a final thrust into Harry's stroking hand his dick erupted with the force of a small volcano... molten wetness engulfed Harry's waiting hand. After 2 volleys Ron began to relax and come dawn. Harry pulled his hand from under the robe holding the cum like it was the elixir of life. Lifting it to his lips he drank it in and swallowed all but a drop left on his lips this he kissed Ron with and let he taste and feel his own saltiness.

Then grinning Harry whispered Into Ron's ear, "Now remember this moment if you ever question my love for you."

Check Back soon for chapter 2 it should be on by next week! and remeber comments and other stuff send them to: NeoMalfoy

Next: Chapter 2

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