Crushing on Nick

By moc.oohay@09kcinsuoiroton

Published on Apr 6, 2010


Disclaimer: If you are not old enough to be reading this, please leave. This story will contain erotic situations and relationships between two males.

Check out my other stories: "Charmed: New Beginning" (Celebrity section) + "The Legendaries

(Sci-Fi/ Fantasy section)

"Crushing on Nick"

Part Two

I had always liked school.

Now, I was dreading it because I knew that there was a risk of me doing something extremely stupid.

So, walking into another day of Spanish, I exhaled deeply and sat down in my seat. The only thing that protected me from doing that, was the fact that he sat all the way across the room in both classes.

A bad side to that: It made it more noticeable when I turned to steal a glance at him.

But, it still thrilled me that often times, when I would turn to look at him, he was looking at me too.

I don't know what it was about him, but he was just so hot.


I turned to follow the voice that called my name. It was Mrs. Gregory.

`Crap.' I thought. I hadn't been paying attention.

"Uhh, yeah?"

"¿Puede usted decirme su nombre y cumpleaños en español por favor?" She asked.

"Sí, apesadumbrado. Mi nombre es Nick y mi cumpleaños es de abril el duodécimo." I replied, not hesitating. She nodded and smiled. I was one of her favorite students. Which wasn't really a surprise since I had the highest average in the class.

"Good job!" She said. She turned to another student, taking me out of the spotlight. I sighed. I was really gonna have to focus...

That day, we had a substitute in Algebra that day, so even though we had work to, no one did anything. Cameron sat next to me, which was good, because I could look right at Nick without anyone noticing. It looked like I was looking at Cameron.

But the thing I noticed that day, was that Nick wasn't talking to anybody. Which was normal, but nobody was talking to him. And that made me really sad. I have a soft spot for people who sit alone and don't have any friends. Usually I would reach out to them, but this was Nick. I couldn't just go up and say `Hey, you wanna come sit with us?'

I talked to Cameron about it all period, masking the fact that I was so interested in getting him to sit with us with my compassion for people. She said we should get him to come sit with us.

We made plans on how we were going to do it. Since the teacher like us (even though we hated him...), we would just ask him to move Nick so he could sit beside me and in front of Cameron. We were pretty sure it would work. I was going to ask Nick to come sit with us, just for the day when the lunch bell rang.

Oh well, off to chorus for lunch.

When I came back, I was determined I was going to ask him to sit with us. I told Cameron what I was going to do, and she said that sounded good. So, when everyone started pouring back into the classroom, I went and sat down in my seat. As Nick was passing by, I flagged him down.

"Hey, Nick! Wanna come sit with us for today?" I said, immediately flushing from his smile.

Since the room was really loud, with shouting kids, and the bell rang, I really didn't hear what he said, so I assumed it was something like

"Yeah sure," or "Would that be okay?"

So I answered "Yeah, come on!"

He actually asked if I had any gum. Way to go me. I just made a dork of myself. Great.

He repeated himself, and this time I heard him correctly. No, I didn't have gum.

The one day that I didn't have any, the guy I had been obsessing about, asked me for some. I could shoot myself.

That night when I got home, I became obsessed with becoming actual friends with him.

The first step: Internet.

If I could find him on Myspace and Facebook, I could discreetly find out his likes and dislikes. I could find out more about him.

Step two: Insert.

I had to insert myself into his life more often. I had to talk to him. And I HAD to get him moved next to me in Algebra.

That night, we had another stressful rehearsal. It was really starting to get to "crunch time". We were getting into dress rehearsals.

I was really getting stressed.

And what better way to relieve stress than to jack off?

I loaded a video on a porn site, and soon, I was running my hand over my dick. I took my semi-hard on in my hand and jerked it back and forth.

Soon the porn was irrelevant, and my mind was filled with images of Nick stripping.

I could imagine his muscular body and a luscious six-pack. I could imagine a delicious bulge in low-rise boxer briefs.

In my fantasy, I stripped off his boxer briefs and out sprung eight inches of my heaven. I took his hard cock in my hand and stroked it a few times. He shuddered, his breath becoming heavy.

Finally, I took it into my mouth, savoring the taste of his skin. His smell as musky, and it turned me on even more. I swirled my tongue around his head, causing him to moan.

As I jerked quicker and quicker, I began to moan, too.

Within seconds, I felt my orgasm build and I ejected, shooting my load all over my stress. I felt my stress leaving my body as I pulsed, gasping in my orgasm.

I leaned back, my breath heavy. It was one of the most intense orgasms I'd had in a while.

The next day, I walked into Spanish and put my stuff down on my desk. I saw my friend Jacob talking with a couple of guys on the other side of the room. He was also talking with Nick.

So, naturally, I rushed over to talk to them. They were talking about one of the clubs at school. One that I wasn't in. But, I made a point to laugh at all the jokes anyway.

When Mrs. Gregory came in, she told us all to get our books and move to the back of the classroom. Great. New Seating Charts.

As she began calling out names, assigning them to their new seats, a nervousness suddenly gripped me. What if Nick got put beside me? I mean, that would be wonderful, but it would be horrible at the same time.

Sure enough, as soon as she reached both of our names, she motioned at two of the seats in the back. They were side by side.

I was overjoyed and crushed at the same time. What if I did something stupid, or said something wrong?

He looked at me and smiled, and as soon as his eyes met mine, my troubles were gone. I was lost in those gray eyes, and his smile was charming.

We walked side by side and took our seats. As Mrs. Gregory began teaching, Nick leaned over in my direction.

"So, what do you like to do?" He asked.

I was shocked by his interest. Especially since the teacher was in the middle of the lesson.

"Uhh, I like to sing. And act. And um, watch sports." I said, struggling to find the right words in the jumbled mess that was my brain.

"That's cool. What kind of sports do you watch?" He asked, stealing a glance to see if Mrs. Gregory was looking our way.

"I like soccer. And football. And I watch some motocross." I said. In my mind, I was smiling. I knew he was really into motocross. He had like three bikes and competed all the time.

"Really?!" He asked, surprised. I just nodded, acting startled by his reaction.

"I compete in motocross!" He said, smiling radiantly.

"Really? Wow!"" I said, acting surprised again. Kudos to me...

"So how did you get into watching it?"

"Well, literally right behind my house, there's a motocross racetrack. I go there all the time when there's a race." I said, acting as if it were no big deal.

"That's awesome. You live right in front of it?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. You should come over some time. My family is real good friends with the owner, so I'm sure I could ask if you could, like, take your bike for a spin or something." I said. He looked awed.

"Dude. That would be awesome!" He said as the bell rang. "Can I have your phone number too?" He asked as I was writing down my address. I smiled and looked at him. "You know, just in case?" I smiled again.

"Absolutely." I said, writing my phone number with the address. I gave him the sheet and we walked to Algebra together. When we got there, Mr. Brooks wasn't there again.

Before Nick could go to his seat, I asked him if he wanted to sit with us. He smiled and nodded, as he followed me to my seat.

We talked the entire class period, again. I couldn't have been happier. It turned out we had a lot in common.

As the bell rang to release us to our next class, he stopped to asked me a question.

"So, when do you think I could come over?" He asked. The question melted my heart. He actually wanted to hang out.

"Uhh, well, I don't know about the track yet..." I said, trailing off. He cut me off shortly.

"No, I mean, to you know, just, hang out." He said, smiling.

"How about Thursday. My parents won't be home then. If that's okay. They'll just end up bugging us if they're there." I said, chuckling. He nodded.

"Alright. Thursday it is." He said, before walking off to his locker. As he walked, he turned briefly to look at me. We made eye contact for a second, before he winked at me. Then, as though nothing had happened, he turned back around, walking away swiftly.

I leaned back against the wall. I had no idea what Thursday would hold, but I could not wait for it to get here...

I know these chapters are really short compared to my other stories, but I figured I would write differently for this story than from my others.

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