Crushing on Nick

By moc.oohay@09kcinsuoiroton

Published on Mar 24, 2010


Disclaimer: If you are not old enough to be reading this, please leave. This story will contain erotic situations and relationships between two males.

Writer's note: This is a story about a guy I met in high school named Nick. My name's Nick, so this could get a little confusing. This is like when I was in my Sophomore year(10th grade)to my Junior year (11th grade). Anyway, most of this is true, but some of it is fiction, as I want to write this to bring you guys "satisfaction"...

Also, I've changed some names and such, just as a precaution. Enjoy.

"Crushing on Nick"

Part One

"Spirit Dedos!" Mrs. Gregory called out, making spirit fingers with the class. Spanish was always one of my favorite subjects, but the teacher made it better. It was always really fun, and Mrs. Gregory always had something up her sleeve.

As everyone began to pack up for the day, I felt someone reach into the hood of my hoodie and pull it over my head.

"No me gusta!" I cried out, quickly swatting the hand away (Yes, I commonly interjected Spanish into my regular conversation). I looked back to see my friend Cameron clutching her hand in the spot I had slapped it. I glared at her. The hoodie thing was usually my move. She smiled and began to pack up as well.

The bell soon rang, and the hallways were filled with students rushing to get to their next class, or rushing to get to their significant other. I was one of the latter. I just arrived at the classroom door when my girlfriend walked out, smiling. I smiled back as we quickly kissed and joined hands, walking down the hallway. We went to our locker and parted ways once again.

I smiled as I saw my friend Cameron in front of me, and I decided to get revenge by pulling her hood over her head. It worked. Actually, it worked a little too well. She ended up tripping and hitting a pole. My bad.

Even thought I said sorry like 12 times I still couldn't control my laughter. She was clutching her head as we walked into my least favorite class of the day. Algebra II. I hated math. With a passion.

The only thing that made it bearable was Cameron.

Now, don't get me wrong. I was second in my class, and I never, NEVER, got Bs. But this class, as I would learn, was the exception. I was actually good at it. It was just the teacher. His teaching was medieval. And so was he. He was so boring, and he was such a sour-puss that he hardly ever passed anyone.

You can see my dread (hopefully).

The only good thing about the class was that it was split into two, with lunch in the middle. Usually I would just skip out on lunch and go to the Chorus room. Chorus was pretty much my haven.

The teacher, Mr. Brooks, was teaching away on constants or something irrelevant to my life. As usual, daydreaming soon came upon me as I stared off into space.

Soon, the bell "awoke" me as everyone poured out into the hallways.

I got up and went to the Chorus room as usual.

That night, after getting home from rehearsal at the local theatre (we were putting on "Hamlet" at the time), I slipped into my bed, pulling my laptop onto my lap. I checked the usual facebook and myspace updates, I typed the URL of one of my favorite sites., actually.

Now, don't get me wrong. I liked girls, and I loved my girlfriend. Whenever we kissed or fooled-around, I definitely felt something (if you know what I mean). But guys had always kind of done it for me too.

I pretty much knew I was bisexual, but I never told anyone. Where I had grown up, there were very few homosexuals and bisexuals, and it was definitely taboo and looked down-upon. So, naturally, I never told anyone.

I had my fair share with messing around with guys though. Some included just the usual "experimentation" with my best friend. We jerked each other off from time to time, but nothing else.

Then, there was the time in the locker room after gym class. I had gym the last class of the day, and there was this really hot senior. His name was Matt and I really couldn't resist him. We ended up blowing each other.

Then, probably the hottest of my encounters was with my brother. I always kind of had a crush on my brother, and practically introduced me to porn. Anyway, he was always the Army buff, and on the Christmas break of my Freshman year I oh so boldly texted him to ask if I could give him a blowjob. I know, it was stupid and I didn't really think about it, and I had always wanted to do it, and he was getting sent off to Iraq the next week, so I didn't know if I was gonna see him again.

So, the text came back and he said to come up to his room. I walked in and he was lying on his bed, his back against the headboard. I walked up to him and he asked "Are you sure you want this?" I nodded and I pulled the waistband of his shorts down, his underwear with it.

It was a really hot blowjob in my opinion, and he ended up jerking me off, since he was straight.

So, back to the present, there I was, my hard dick in my hand, jerking off to the words that floated off the screen of my laptop. It was a really good story, but what really getting me was one of the characters. The way the author described him, he looked just like one of the kids in my classes. His name was Nick too and he was pretty good looking.

I was always pretty good looking. I was about 5' 11", with dark brown hair. I usually kept it at shoulder length and I never had to comb it or anything. It fell right where I wanted it when I got out of the shower. My eyes were dark brown too, and people often told me that they couldn't tell between the iris or my eye and the cornea, because the brown was so dark.

I was never fat, but I never was muscular until high school. I started lifting weights after school, and it had just begun to start showing off. I was slightly muscular and had traces of a six-pack going.

My chest had some hair on it, but it was never really hairy.

My dick was, what I thought, pretty average. I had a 4.5" soft and 7" hard.

Again, coming back to the present, my hand soon became covered in white heat and my body released its tension. I rested my head against the headboard and got up to wash off my cum.

Soon, sleep took me, and the next thing I knew, it was morning.

That day, after my Chemistry class, Cameron and I walked into Spanish, not knowing what to expect. I looked over to the other side of the classroom and saw him. Nick.

He was a really nice kid. He was funny. He was just shy.

He would talk to you, but only if you talked to him first. Which was kind of sad because he really had something going for him.

He was really cute, with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He had braces, but contrary to what usually happened, they actually made him cuter. I know everyone has seen at least one person like that.

He was at least 3 or 4 inches shorter than me, and maybe just as muscular. He also had a really cool sense of style.

I waved at him and he nodded back. We'd only talked a couple of times, but I considered him an acquaintance.

It was funny, because I had never really thought about him in a sexual way until I read that story. I always thought he was cute, but now, he looked 100 times as much.

All day during Spanish, I found myself trying to steal glances at him. It got so bad, that on a test, I had to tear my eyes away from the test to get another look at him. Then Mrs. Gregory told me to focus.

But the cool thing was, I caught him looking back a couple of times.

The fact that I had another class with him (Algebra II) was not good. I just couldn't focus.

By the end of the period I had to get out of there before I did something stupid.

I walked out of the room and went to my last class of the day. Singing in Chorus got my mind off of things, but only until the last bell of the day rang. Then I remembered. There was a guy out there that had become a major crush. In one day.

This was bad.

Okay, so that's my first installment. I'm working on quite a few other stories, so I wanted to keep this one a little short. Also, I've never done a story like this before. Like actually about my life. So it might seem a little dry or maybe a little overdramatic at some points, but, welcome to my life!

Anyway, the next installment you'll find out more about Nick and a whole lot more.

I love feedback, so email me! Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 2

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