Cruising with Tommy

By Bill Jonners

Published on May 2, 2017


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This story is completely fictional. It is the tale of an innocent-looking teenager and his relationship with the captain and other men on board a cruise liner.

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Chapter 9

It was after 11am before Tommy was able to leave the ship in Oslo. For the passengers, this was the end of their cruise and all the crew members were busier than normal. However Tommy was able to meet his grandparents at the agreed place on time. His grandmother kissed and hugged him warmly and even his usually gruff grandfather gave him a big hug.

"We have booked at table at the Engebret Cafe," Tommy's grandmother announced. "I don't know what kind of food you've been eating on the ship but we thought you would like traditional Norwegian fare today."

"The food onboard is pretty good, Gran," said Tommy. "Not quite up to your standard of course, but I'm very happy to eat at the Engebret. You must let me pay for a meal there after I get my first pay check."

The family group enjoyed a very nice meal in the elegant restaurant. The old couple liked the presents Tommy had bought for him and assured him that they were managing to run the farm without him. "I'd like to have seen you in your uniform," said Tommy's grandfather.

"We are not allowed to wear them onshore, and besides it is only a waiter's uniform." Tommy also thought to himself that his grandparents might not approve of his very tight trousers.

"That's a shame. I was really hoping to see you in your uniform. I bet you look really smart," said his grandfather. His grandmother nodded her agreement.

Tommy could see the disappointment in their faces. "Well, we can go back to the ship a little early. I will change into my uniform and then come to the top of the gangway and you can see me at a short distance. Okay?"

This was agreed and they went for a stroll along the sea front, past the City Hall as far as Aker Brygge where they had coffees. Soon it was time for Tommy to return to the ship. He hugged his grandparents then went onboard to change into his uniform for them as promised. He was waving to them when Willy, the chief steward, noticed him. "Your family?" Willy asked.

Tommy nodded. "My grandparents. They wanted to see me in my uniform."

"Well, don't stand here. Go down the gangway and let them have a proper look at you," said Willy.

"But..." Tommy couldn't refuse his boss. "Okay, thank you, sir." He walked down the gangway towards his grandparents and explained, "The chief steward gave me permission to join you."

"You look very smart, very handsome," said his grandmother. "I wish we had brought our camera."

"I'll get a friend to take a picture of me in uniform and send it to you," said Tommy.

"Those trousers are very tight. You're advertising, assets." Tommy's grandfather grinned. "You must have all the ladies chasing after you."

"No, I don't." Tommy blushed and added, "Maybe it makes them tip better."

"I bet it does." The old man reached out and gave Tommy's buttocks a squeeze. "But you won't have trouble getting sex dressed like that."

"Grandad!" Tommy blushed again while his grandmother put a hand over her mouth and giggled.

"I'm only teasing you," said Tommy's grandfather. "Anyway we must get back to Central station for the train home. Send us a postcard." He held out his hand and Tommy shook it. Tommy then kissed his grandmother and waved them off.

Willy was standing at the top of the gangway when Tommy went back onto the ship. "They must miss you," he said.

"Maybe but they have many friends living nearby," said Tommy. "Not many people my age though so I am happier here."

Willy was tempted to comment on the boy's relationship with the much older captain but he didn't. Instead he smiled and said, "Most of the new passengers are now onboard. Let's hope they are a happy bunch. I'll see you in the restaurant later."

"Yes, goodbye sir." Tommy smiled at Willy and went off to look for Pon.

Tommy found Pon helping to set the tables in the main restaurant. "Captain Lund was looking for you a short time ago," said Pon. "He said he'll be in his cabin till 4pm so if you hurry you will catch him there."

"Did he say what he wanted?" Tommy asked. Pon gave a negative reply. "Okay, I will go and look for him," said Tommy.

Moments later Tommy knocked on the door of the captain's cabin. "Come in, Tommy. I hope you enjoyed your time onshore," said Per when he opened the door.

"I did, captain. Thanks," Tommy responded.

"Good," said Per, his hand inviting Tommy to sit down. "I won't be able to enjoy your company this evening so I'd like you to spend the time with Mick Foster, the chief engineer."

"You mean...have sex with him?" Tommy knew what Per meant but he needed confirmation.

"Yes, have sex with him," replied Per. "He's a good friend of mine as well as being a member of the small group that supplements your normal wage as a waiter. So he is paying for your services."

"I see," said Tommy, looking at the floor.

Per reached out and lifted Tommy's chin. Looking into his eyes, he said, "You knew you wouldn't only have sex with me. I made that clear before you accepted the job."

"Yes, I know." Tommy forced a smile. "I guess it will be okay."

Per nodded. "He's a nice guy and he won't hurt you."

Just then there was a knock at the door. Per opened it and one of the deck stewards stood outside with a teenage boy. "Here he is, Captain," said the steward. The boy smiled at Per, moved forward and threw his arms around the man's neck.

"Thank you, John. I'll look after him now," said Per. The steward dropped a suitcase onto the floor of the cabin and left.

"It's so good to see you," the boy said to Per.

"It's good to see you too, Philip," said Per. Looking around at Tommy, he added, "This is my nephew, Philip."

"Hi Philip," Tommy said as he stood up. "I'll be off now, Captain."

"Wait, I'd like you to show Philip around the ship and look after him until we're under way," said Per. "Will you do that for me, Tommy?"

Tommy looked at the blond-haired boy and reckoned he was about 14. He was a bit taller than himself but he had a friendly face. "Yes, I can do that. However I need to be in the restaurant by 5pm."

"That's okay. Find him a seat in the corner somewhere when you start work and I'll come and fetch him," said Per. Turning to Philip, he said, "I need to go onto the bridge now but I will see you again as soon as I can. We will have dinner together. Okay?"

"Of course," said Philip. He gave Per a kiss on the cheek and looked at Tommy. "Let's go."

Tommy couldn't help thinking that Philip was going to end up in the captain's bed but he didn't know what to say. He just nodded and led Philip out into the corridor.

"This is my first time on a ship," said Philip.

"I see. It's my first time on the Baltic cruise," Tommy responded.

"I'm only going as far as Copenhagen so I'll just be onboard for one night. I wish it was for longer." Philip then smiled and added, "But it will be nice to visit my Danish cousins."

Tommy felt happier knowing that 'his competition' wouldn't be around for long. He smiled and said, "You must see the view from the upper passenger deck as we leave the harbour. Follow me."

Philip was very open and friendly so Tommy couldn't help liking him. He was almost sorry when it was time to start work. He found the younger boy a seat in the restaurant and brought him a glass of lemonade. "You can sit and watch until the captain comes to fetch you," he said to Philip.

Tommy was kept busy and after the passengers started to arrive for dinner he lost sight of Philip. He was a bit startled when Mick Foster sat down at one of his tables. "Hello Tommy. I'm looking forward to spending time with you later," Mick said when the boy came for his order.

Tommy wasn't sure how to respond so he just nodded and said, "I should be with you at 9pm."

"Don't be late. I'm very horny." Mick winked and Tommy blushed. "Now let's see what's on the menu for dinner. I'll need to build my strength up for later."

The next few hours passed quickly but Tommy did notice Per patting Philip's bottom as he ushered him out of the restaurant. At 8.40pm Tommy left and hurried back to his cabin for a shower.

"Come in." Mick had a huge smile on his face as he ushered Tommy into his room. "I bet you are happy to leave the restaurant early each evening and have sex when most of the waiters are still working."

"This is still work," Tommy thought. However he forced a smile as he looked up at the much taller Mick and said, "I enjoy my work but it's nice to relax and do something different afterwards."

Mick laughed. "Something different...or someone different? The captain has had you to himself for too long." Tommy couldn't help blushing. "Jeez, you are even cuter when you blush," said Mick. "I can't wait to see you naked."

Tommy gulped and started to unbutton his jacket. "No, let me," said Mick. The man pushed Tommy's hands aside and slowly unbuttoned the boy's uniform jacket. "Hmmm, nice." Mick licked his lips as Tommy's smooth chest and flat stomach came into view. The jacket was tossed onto a nearby chair and Mick's hands roamed over Tommy's upper body. "Love those nipples," said Mick as he gave them a tweak.

"Ugh!" Tommy moaned when his nipples were pinched harder.

"Sensitive nipples, eh? I like that." Mick smiled and moved his hands to Tommy's back and then slid them down to grasp the small firm buttocks. "These..." He gave the buttocks a firm squeeze. "...must be your best assets. I have wanted to get my hands on these since I first laid eyes on you."

Tommy gave Mick a weak smile but he couldn't help feeling some excitement from his situation.

"Now let's see the rest of you," said Mick. He undid the buttons at the front of Tommy's trousers, then unzipped and pushed them down. Tommy kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his trousers. "Sexy knickers," Mick commented at the low-cut briefs Tommy was wearing. "And a nice bulge in front," he added as he gently groped the boy's cloth-covered cock and balls.

Tommy began to stiffen at Mick's touch and he was quite glad when the man pushed the briefs down. His cock bounced up and quickly moved from horizontal to fully erect as Mick played with his balls. "That's a pretty impressive cock for a young boy," said Mick when he took a firm grasp of the 17cm (almost 7 inch) cock. "Have you done much fucking?"

Tommy blushed as he replied, "No, sir."

"I didn't think so. Now turn around and let me see that beautiful arse," said Mick. Tommy turned his back to Mick. "Wow! That really is special." Mick put his hand out and caressed the soft skin on Tommy's small but well-rounded buttocks. The man sat down and pulled Tommy closer. "Bend over my knees so that I can get a good look at your arse."

Tommy felt his face hot but he bent over Mick's knees as he was told. The man's hands roamed over his buttocks and then squeezed each one before finally pulling the cheeks apart to reveal his hairless crack and the pink puckered entrance to his hole.

"That's a hot looking pussy, Tommy. I'm looking forward to getting inside there," said Mick. "But there is something I need to fix first. Your arse is too pale and needs to be spanked before I fuck you."

"No..." Tommy tried to stand up but Mick pushed him back down.

"Don't ever say 'No' to me, boy," Mick said as he brought his hand down sharply across Tommy's buttocks. "You know that you are here to give me pleasure so if I decide you need to be spanked you will be spanked."

Tommy let out a little yelp at the spank but that was due to surprise rather than any real pain. "Okay, sir. Sorry, sir," he said.

"Good boy." Mick gave Tommy's arse two spanks in quick succession, one on each cheek. Mick rubbed the arse cheeks and then gave then each a firmer spank. Tommy moaned but he pushed his arse higher. Mick gave him two more spanks and said, "That looks much better. Your arse cheeks are now pink to match the blush on your face. Stand up now."

Tommy got to his feet and rubbed his sore arse cheeks, hardly aware that pre-cum was oozing from his piss-slit.

"I think you like being dominated. Am I right?" Mick asked.

Tommy shrugged. "I don't know, sir. Maybe."

Mick smiled. "I think you do. Well, don't worry. We're both going to have fun tonight." He started to unbutton his white shirt and saw that Tommy's eyes were drawn to his chest. "You like my hairy chest?"

"Yes, sir," replied Tommy. "I think hairy chests are sexy."

"Good. Do you like big cocks?" Mick asked.

"I guess." Tommy looked at the floor. "I haven't seen many but I like the captain's."

Mick laughed. "His is much bigger than average. Mine isn't quite as big but I hope you will like it."

Tommy automatically looked towards the man's crotch as Mick lowered his trousers and saw a sizeable bulge in his boxers. He licked his lips and this didn't go unnoticed.

"Kneel in front of me for the grand unveiling," Mick instructed. Tommy immediately dropped to his knees in front of Mick, his own cock throbbing with excitement. "Ready?" Mick had his fingers hooked into the waistband of his boxers.

"Yes, sir." Tommy was staring at the bulge in front of him.

In only a couple of seconds, Mick removed his boxers and took a step closer to Tommy. "Is it big enough for you?"

Tommy gazed at Mick's cock. It wasn't quite as thick as the captain's but it was almost as long at 21.5 cm (8.5 inches) and heavily-veined. It stood proud above a pair of large hairy balls. "Yes, sir," he replied in little more than a whisper.

"You may kiss it," said Mick.

Tommy bent forward and gently kissed the cockhead. He looked up at Mick and then kissed it again before taking it into his mouth. Mick sighed in appreciation as Tommy eagerly sucked and licked his cock. "You are very good at this, Tommy. Maybe the best ever." Mick ran his fingers through Tommy's blond hair as he spoke.

Pleased at the man's comments, Tommy took more of the cock into his mouth until he was deep-throating Mick. "Ooh, that's good. I never expected that," said Mick. Tommy looked up with smiling eyes. "Cute as hell and very talented," Mick said as he put his hands on Tommy's head and began to face-fuck him.

After only a minute or so, Mick pulled out and lifted Tommy onto the bed. "I don't want to cum too quickly," he explained. "Let me get at your arse." He manoeuvred the boy onto his hands and knees, and then got behind him. "That's beautiful," he said as he caressed the soft skin. He began kneading the twin globes and then pulled them apart. Getting closer, he blew softly onto the wrinkled hole and watched it twitch. Then getting closer still, he began licking the hairless crack.

Tommy relaxed and opened up when the man's tongue began prodding the entrance to his hole. He moaned softly as a finger slid inside his hole, pushing back to let Mick know that he wanted more. A second finger pushed its way inside and Mick was soon finger-fucking Tommy's arsehole.

"Hot and tight," said Mick. "Just perfect. Are you ready for my cock?"

"Yes, sir. I'm all yours," replied Tommy.

Mick greased up his cock and then rubbed some lubricating jelly onto and into Tommy hole. Tommy pushed back onto the two fingers and they slid inside him once again. "Eager for it?" Mick teased the boy before replacing the fingers with his cock.

Tommy moaned as the thicker tool pressed for entry and gasped as it pushed through his sphincter. Mick held onto the boy's narrow waist as his cock slowly and steadily went deeper. Soon the full length was buried inside the hot tunnel and Tommy could feel the rough pubic hairs pressing against his bum. "That's big but it feels so good, sir," Tommy said, telling the truth but wanting to praise the man as well.

"You like big cocks, eh?" Mick pulled back a couple of inches and then rammed his cock back in with more force.

"Oooh! Yes, sir," replied Tommy.

Mick smiled to himself and began to fuck Tommy properly. His thrusts were slow and regular at first but gradually they speeded up. "Yes, yes! That feels so good!" cried Tommy.

Mick pounded away for a few more minutes then pulled his cock out. "Turn over onto your back. I want to see your face when I cum inside you." Tommy quickly moved onto his back and pulled his legs back. Mick soon had his cock back inside the boy's arsehole and was fucking him hard and fast. "You really like being fucked, Tommy? he asked when he noticed the steady dribble of pre-cum leaking from his piss-slit.

"Oh yes, I love it." Tommy smiled up at Mick and then one hand reached out to stroke the grey hairs on Mick's chest. "Especially when it's a sexy, hairy man doing the fucking."

Mick grinned. "I love fucking a sexy, smooth boy like you."

"I think I'm going to cum soon," warned Tommy.

"I won't be far behind you," said Mick. His thrusts became faster and Tommy started moaning.

"I'm going to cum! I'm cumming....aagh!" Tommy started spunking off, sending several jets of boy-cream to land on his chest before the last drops pooled on his flat stomach.

Mick's thrusts were more forceful. "I haven't seen...ugh...a hands free a long time. Argh! Here it comes!" Tommy was sure he could feel the spurts of cum as Mick shot off deep inside him.

Eventually Mick collapsed on top of Tommy and Tommy wrapped his arms around. "Thanks. That was great," he said to Mick.

Mick laughed. "I should be the one thanking you. That was definitely the best fuck I've had in a long time."

Tommy smiled and was then surprised when Mick kissed him passionately. He hadn't expected a kiss from the man, and certainly not one like that. He blushed when they parted and Mick smiled at him. "I hope it won't be long until you are in my bed again," Mick said.

"I want to do it with you again," Tommy responded. "But I guess I need to wait for the captain's orders."

Mick sighed and his cock slipped out of Tommy's arse before he turned to lie on his back beside Tommy. "I suppose so but I will ask for a repeat as soon as possible."

"Let me finish my job," Tommy said as he moved to clean the man's cock. His tongue quickly got to work and he licked and sucked the cock clean.

"Well, I have to say he has trained you well." Mick smiled at Tommy as he lay down beside him again.

Tommy smiled. "It's a good excuse to play with your cock again." He paused and then asked, "Do you want to see me again in the morning? I could come back before serving breakfast."

"That's a nice thought but I will be busy from six," replied Mick. He kissed Tommy and then said, "Now you'd better get back to your cabin. We both need some sleep."

Tommy nodded and started dressing. He was slightly nervous when he went to give Mick a goodbye kiss but he needn't have worried. Mick was pleased by the gesture.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 10

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