Cruising with Tommy

By Bill Jonners

Published on Oct 27, 2017


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This story is completely fictional. It is the tale of an innocent-looking teenager and his relationship with the captain and other men on board a cruise liner.

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Chapter 16

"It's great to see you again," Leif said as he walked with Tommy along the quayside in Flam. "Are you going to come on the boat to Gudvangen with me?"

"Yes, of course," replied Tommy. "I know you'll be working but I will be able to see you and chat with you sometimes."

Leif smiled. "Good. I will get one my mates to cover for me when it's quiet and we can have a coffee together. NowÉ" he paused to take a key from his pocket. "We can have an hour alone before I have to start selling tickets." He ushered Tommy into a building near the tourist information building and then upstairs into a small locked office.

"How did you arrange this?" Tommy asked as Leif closed and re-locked the door.

"I asked my boss and he gave me the key," Leif replied with a wink to Tommy. "I told him I needed to spend some time alone with my boyfriend." Tommy's mouth fell open in surprise. "He is gay too and understands how things are. No big deal," said Leif.

"Well, I will have to thank him if I see him." Tommy smiled as he put his arms around Leif's waist. "Now give me a kiss."

The pair kissed passionately for several minutes and then Tommy said, "I want to suck you off."

"I would be happy with that and I want to suck you too," said Leif.

With no more words, Tommy and Leif began to undress. "I wish we could meet more often," said Tommy. "I hope you will be at home when I next visit Bergen."

"When will that be?" asked Leif. Tommy told him and saw Leif looking very sad. "I can't get time off then," said Leif. "I'll be here in Flam."

Tommy sighed. "That's a shame. We will have to make the most of today." He quickly pulled off his low-cut briefs, let his stiff cock bounce free and then dropped to his knees in front of Leif. "Let me suck your beautiful cock."

Leif quickly pushed his briefs to the floor and Tommy reached out for his thick 20 cm (8 inch) cock. With his hand around the base, Tommy kissed and then licked the cockhead. Leif gasped when Tommy then opened his mouth and slowly swallowed the whole of his cock. He was amazed that the boy didn't gag when the cock entered his throat. "Oh my god, that feels so good," he said.

Tommy looked up at Leif and smiled with his eyes as he continued to pleasure Leif's cock. One hand rested on Leif's trimmed pubes while the other played with the older guy's smooth balls. After a few minutes Tommy pulled off and said, "Will you fuck me, Leif? I would love you to fuck me."

"I didn't bring any lubricating cream," Leif said apologetically.

"I did." Tommy smiled and soon pulled a tube of KY jelly from his jacket pocket.

"In that case I'd love to," said Leif with a big grin on his face. He took the tube from Tommy and spun him around. Tommy bent over the desk with his legs spread wide and was delighted when he felt Leif's tongue licking his arse crack.

"Yes. Yes, Leif. Take me," said Tommy as the tongue prepared his hole for fucking. Both of them knew that it would be a `quickie' and both of them were very turned on.

A finger soon joined Leif's tongue in Tommy's hole and then Leif started applying the KY jelly, lubricating Tommy's hole and then his own cock. Minutes later Leif's cockhead was pressing against Tommy's rosebud.

Tommy moaned as the cock suddenly penetrated him. "Yes, Leif. Fuck me with your beautiful cock," he said.

Leif held the boy tightly as he pushed his cock deep inside. "I love you, Tommy," he said and then he began fucking with short quick thrusts.

"I love you, Leif," said Tommy. "But fuck me harder."

Leif smiled and began fucking Tommy with longer, more forceful thrusts. Tommy pushed back and the pair were soon fucking in a good rhythm. "I'm going to cum soon," Leif said after a few minutes.

"Me too," said Tommy.

"Try to hold back," begged Leif. "I want to suck you off."

`I'll try," said Tommy but he knew that pre-cum was dripping from his throbbing cock.

Leif's thrusts became faster and then he gasped, held tight onto Tommy and blasted volley after volley of hot cum deep inside the younger boy's arse.

Tommy groaned. "So good but I don't think I can hold back any longer."

Leif quickly pulled his cock from Tommy's arsehole and spun the boy round as he dropped to his knees. Then he took Tommy's cock into his mouth just before Tommy spunked off. Tommy held on to Leif's head as he fired off and Leif swallowed every drop.

"That was brilliant," Tommy said as Leif licked his cock clean. "Allow me to suck you clean now."

Leif stood up and smiled as Tommy licked and sucked his semi-hard cock. "You are so sexy, Tommy. I wish we could be together more often."

"I do too," Tommy responded as he stood up. He hugged Leif and added, "Perhaps it will be possible one day soon."

Leif kissed Tommy and said, "I hope so. Now we'd better get dressed and get to my boat."

Leif sold Tommy a ticket at a special discount fare. "I'll see you onboard soon," he said with a smile.

Tommy was annoyed to see the boat fill up with tourists because he knew that Leif would be kept busy. However they were able to chat for a short time as they made their way through the fjords and again when passengers went ashore at Gudvangen. They also managed to kiss and grope each other in the toilets before they said their goodbyes in Flam.

Per was rougher than usual when he fucked Tommy that evening. It hurt but Tommy didn't complain, thinking he deserved it for cheating on Leif. Then it struck him that he had never worried about cheating on the captain by having sex with Leif. "I guess I have finally accepted that Captain Lund doesn't love me. He only wants me for sex," he said to himself. "Leif is very different and he is the one I love."

When lying beside Tommy after they had both cum, Per said, "I saw you meeting a young man on the quayside this morning. You seemed very close."

"He's a friend. He works on the fjord cruise boat that goes to Gudvangen," explained Tommy as he started getting dressed. "We had a coffee before the boat set sail. It was a very enjoyable cruise."

"So you didn't meet him for sex?" Per was jealous and worried about the possibility of losing Tommy's affections.

Tommy was glad he had his back to Per because he didn't find it easy to lie. "Of course not. Where would we find a place to have sex?" He turned to face Per when he said. "There are no cabins on his boat."

"Okay. I just wondered," said Per who was familiar with the fjord cruise boats. "I didn't know you had a friend in Flam."

"You don't know everything about me, Captain." Tommy was formal but polite.

Per chuckled. "No," he said with a smile. "But I like the fact that you are becoming more confident. How do you feel about entertaining one of the company's directors in Bergen?"

"A company director?" Tommy asked.

"Yes. He's a good friend of mine," replied Per. "He's not a member of our special group but he is aware of what goes on. We need to keep him sweet."

"If he's not a member then I don't need to take care of him," said Tommy. "I should receive an extra payment if I `entertain' him."

Per laughed. "You are learning fast. Okay, I will pay you an extra week's wages if you keep him happy. Do we have a deal?"

"We have a deal," Tommy replied with a smile. He held out his hand.

Per shook it and said, "Did you know we will be in Bergen for longer than normal this time? It's to allow passengers the opportunity to attend the opera and we won't be leaving until almost midnight."

"So I will have to spend a long time with this company director?" Tommy asked.

"Yes but I don't think he will tire you out. He's almost seventy," replied Per.

"Erm, okay." Tommy wasn't sure he would enjoy spending time with someone even older than his grandfather. However he wasn't able to see Leif in Bergen this time and it would earn him extra money. "I need to save some money and then find another job," he told himself.

The following day the ship docked in Bergen. Breakfast had been served and passengers were making their way ashore when Tommy was summoned to the captain's room.

"Hello Tommy,' said Per. "Let me introduce you to Jon Skjeggestad, the company director I told you about. Jon, this is Tommy."

"Pleased to meet you, sir," Tommy said as he held out his hand to the tall bearded gentleman.

"I have heard a lot about you, Tommy." Jon smiled as he shook the boy's hand. "I am very happy that you have agreed to work at my drinks party this afternoon."

"Drinks party, Mr Skjeggestad?" Tommy was puzzled.

"I didn't tell Tommy about the job," said Per. "However he will do whatever you require. Isn't that right, Tommy?"

"Er, yes. Yes, I will serve you in whatever manner you require," answered Tommy.

"Splendid!" The older man smiled and stroked his grey beard as he looked Tommy up and down.

"Should I wear my restaurant uniform this afternoon, Mr SkjÉ?"

Tommy was interrupted. "Just call me Jon when we we're alone or among friends like Per here. Sir is probably best when you're serving at the party. And to answer your question, noÉyour uniform won't be required. It's a very informal party."

Tommy nodded. He felt relieved to hear that it was an informal party.

"Jon and I will be having lunch in the restaurant before he leaves the ship," said Per. "It would be nice if you were to serve us."

"Yes of course, Captain," said Tommy. "Some of the staff are going ashore but I will be there to attend to you."

"Very good. We will see you soon," said Per.

"I look forward to seeing you again later," added Jon.

Tommy wasn't sure what to think of the elderly man as he walked back to his own cabin. Jon seemed nice but it was impossible to learn much about him in such a short meeting. However serving at a drinks party meant that it wasn't going to be a job focused entirely on sex and that pleased Tommy.

The restaurant was very quiet at lunchtime with most of the passengers ashore so Tommy was able to give the two men very attentive service. The chef knew about the visit of a company director and served up a special menu.

"That was lovely, Tommy," Jon said as the dessert dishes were cleared away. "Great food and wonderful service. I am glad to have you onboard this ship."

"Thank you, sir. Can I get you a coffee?" Tommy responded.

Per looked at Jon and then said, "Yes please, Tommy. Two coffees and then you can go and get changed into casual clothing. Jon's car will be here soon to take you both to his home."

It was a warm day so Tommy changed into a white polo shirt and dark blue shorts. He felt this was smart enough for an informal afternoon party.

"Very nice," said Jon when he saw Tommy approach the Rolls-Royce Phantom parked on the quayside. "Yes, very nice indeed." He turned to Per and shook his hand. "I will have him back by 10pm as agreed."

"You do whatever Jon wants. Okay, Tommy? I am relying on you." Per squeezed Tommy's shoulder.

"I won't let you down, sir," replied Tommy. He smiled at Per as he followed Jon into the back of the luxury car.

As the chauffeur drove off, Jon reached over and patted Tommy's bare knee. "We are going to have fun together."

Tommy smiled. "Yes, Jon. This is a beautiful car."

"Not as beautiful as you, Tommy," responded Jon. "Why don't you take your clothes off and let me see you as nature intended?"

"Here? In the car?" Tommy couldn't believe the suggestion.

"Why not? The windows are tinted and nobody can see inside," Jon replied.

"But..." Tommy looked at the chauffeur.

"Don't worry about him. My staff have seen many naked boys over the years," said Jon.

Tommy realised he had no option and removed his polo shirt. "You have lovely soft skin." Jon reached out to caress the boy's chest. "And I love your perky nipples." He tweaked the dark pink nipple nearest him and Tommy giggled nervously.

After kicking off his canvas shoes and pulling off his socks, Tommy unfastened his shorts and pushed them down. "Lovely legs...and very smooth." Jon ran his hand up and down Tommy's thigh as he spoke. "I approve of your low-cut briefs, although I think boys as lovely as you shouldn't wear any clothes."

Tommy took the hint and peeled off his tiny white briefs. Now he was totally naked sitting next to the well-dressed elderly man. "Come and sit on my lap. I need to see you properly," instructed Jon.

"Okay," said Tommy. He climbed onto the man's lap and spread his legs, giving full access to his rapidly stiffening cock.

Jon ran his hand slowly up Tommy's thigh. "You're a big boy," he said as he gazed at the young cock. Then he cupped and gently squeezed Tommy's hairless balls before finally taking hold of the cockshaft and slowing jerking it up and down. "It's beautiful."

"Thanks," Tommy said with a smile. He noticed the car had turned into a long driveway and was heading towards a large white wooden house. "Is that your home, Jon?"

"Yes, it is," replied Jon. "I will examine you further when we get inside."

The car stopped and the chauffeur got out and opened the door for Jon and Tommy. "My clothes..." Tommy reached for them.

"Just leave them in the car. You won't need them," said Jon.

Tommy climbed out of the car with one hand covering his genitals. He avoided looking directly at the chauffeur but turned to watch the elderly man drag himself out of the car. "Can I help?" Tommy asked.

"No, I can manage," replied Jon. He straightened up and took hold of Tommy's free hand as he walked towards the front door.

A middle-aged woman was standing in the hallway and Tommy felt very embarrassed when he saw her. The woman however didn't acknowledge his presence.

"Is everything organised for the drinks party, Hilde?" Jon asked.

"Yes, sir," replied the woman. "The room is ready, snacks have been prepared and the barman is on his way."

"Good, good. Tommy here will assist the barman so you can go home as soon as the barman arrives," said Jon.

The woman curtsied and said, "Thank you, sir."

Jon led Tommy into the largest conservatory he had ever seen. "This is where we will be holding the drinks party," John explained. "We will leave the doors to the garden open so people can wander in and out. Your duty will be to walk round with trays of drinks and canapŽs to keep everyone happy."

"I think I can manage that," Tommy said.

"I'm sure you can." Jon took a seat and pulled Tommy closer. "Now let me get a good look at you."

Tommy felt quite comfortable being naked with the elderly gentleman and soon had an erection again as the man's hands explored his body.

"You have a very nice cock. Bigger than I expected," said Jon. "And I really like your silky smooth skin and well-rounded buttocks. Very fuckable. You do like being fucked, don't you?"

"Yes, Jon. I like it a lot." Tommy smiled.

"Excellent! I intend to fuck you after the party," said Jon.

There was a knock on the door and Hilde entered with a man dressed like an English butler. "Excuse me, sir," said Hilde. "This is the barman, Martin."

"Very good, Hilde. I'll see you tomorrow." Jon walked over to Martin with an arm around Tommy's shoulders.

Tommy tried to hide his erection as Jon told the barman, a man in his fifties, what was required of him. "And Tommy here will circulate with glasses of wine and gather empties," Jon concluded. Jon looked at his watch and announced that the first guests would start arriving in about ten minutes.

"Shall I change into my uniform now, sir?" Tommy asked Jon.

"Uniform? As I said earlier, boys as beautiful as you shouldn't wear clothes," said Jon. "You will remain naked."

"But..." Tommy wasn't happy with the idea but he remembered the captain's instructions to do whatever Jon wanted.

"Don't worry. All my guests are male so there is no need to feel embarrassed." Jon smiled but Tommy didn't feel any better.

"What if...what if I, front of everyone?" Tommy felt embarrassed asking the question in front of the barman.

"I hope you do," replied Jon. "You look even sexier when displaying an erection. I want my guests to envy me having such a hot young companion."

"Oh. I see." Tommy didn't know what else to say.

"Most of my guests will simply look and admire you," said Jon. "A few might touch you but you won't be having sex with anyone but me. Understand? You must refuse any request for sexual favours."

"Of course, sir." Tommy had no desire to get involved with any of the guests.

"Very good." Jon kissed the top of Tommy's head. "You can start taking the canapŽs from those plastic containers and putting them on plates while Martin opens some bottles of wine."

Martin could see that Tommy was tense so he went over to him when Jon left the room to await the arrival of his guests. "Try to relax, Tommy," he said. "I've worked at a couple of these events and you have nothing to worry about. As Mr Skjeggestad said, most of the guests will do no more than look at you. It's not going to develop into an orgy." He winked and added, "Or is that why you are disappointed?"

Tommy laughed. "No, I have no desire to take part in an orgy. It's just...weird, you know, being naked in front of other people."

Martin nodded and looked Tommy up and down. "Have you noticed all the works of art in the house? Mr Skjeggestad likes to be surrounded by beautiful things and today you are a living piece of art...something for his friends to admire. You have a great body so be proud of yourself and show it off."

Tommy smiled. "I'll try."

The first guests - a group of three elderly men - arrived a short time later. Jon was chatting with them when they entered the conservatory and he didn't make any comment about Tommy. He simply said, "Help yourself to drinks and snacks." However he was pleased to see the men admiring Tommy as they selected items from the trays he carried.

Other guests arrived in twos and threes and Tommy counted about twenty men in total when he went round with drinks on the third occasion. By now, the men were loosening up and a number made suggestive comments about Tommy to each other. Tommy did his best to ignore them but his cock stiffened when he heard men say how much they'd like to have him suck their dicks or give him a good fucking.

Tommy was surrounded by five men at one point and Jon came over to rescue him. "I know this boy is very pretty but you must let the others admire him too," said Jon. "Let him circulate and do his job."

Tommy mouthed a silent thank you to Jon before going over to the bar to refill his two trays. "Are you okay?" Martin asked.

"Yes, but I feel that everyone is staring at me all the time," replied Tommy. "I hate being the only one naked."

"Are you saying you wish everyone here was naked? All these old men?" Martin teased.

Tommy laughed. "No, I wish I was dressed. Well, I'd better take these to the guys in the garden."

"Something to eat or another drink, gentlemen?" Tommy said as he approached four men chatting by the pond.

"I know what I'd like to eat," replied one man as he stared at Tommy's semi-erect cock.

"I bet it comes...cums...with a tasty sauce," the man standing next to him responded. The others laughed and Tommy blushed.

A third man moved to squeeze Tommy's left buttock and said, "I'd love to get my teeth into these buns."

"I'd rather fill those buns," said the fourth man while groping his own crotch.

Tommy's face was now quite pink. "Excuse me, gentlemen," he said and walked away, trying to ignore the laughter behind him. He went back into the conservatory where Jon signalled him to join him.

Jon was sitting with two men who looked Tommy up and down as he approached. "I was just telling my friends that you are a waiter on one of the company's ships but they don't believe me."

Tommy smiled. "I have been a waiter on Captain Lund's ship for some weeks now. You will normally see me in the first class restaurant," he said.

"So you must both arrange cruises soon," said Jon.

"I would book a cruise immediately if I thought Tommy worked nude on board," one man responded.

"I don't but I wear a tight-fitting uniform," said Tommy.

"A great answer," laughed Jon. "And it's true, Ernst. His uniform trousers look as if they had been sprayed on."

Jon's companions smiled. "We will think about a cruise then," said the one who had spoken.

"Put your trays down and sit on my knee," said Jon. "I think everyone has had enough now."

Tommy returned his trays to the bar and then nervously sat on Jon's knee. Jon started stroking Tommy's upper thigh as he spoke to the man on his left. "How is your wife, Stig? Still in hospital?"

"She is, and likely to remain there for a while," came the reply.

"Well, in that case you really must arrange a cruise with Ernst. Even if Tommy is busy, there is always plenty of eye candy on Captain Lund's ship," said Jon.

"That's true, Stig," said Ernst. "I was on his ship a few months ago and a hot young Thai boy joined me in a bed on two occasions. We should take a trip together."

"Well, it would be nice to see Tommy again," Stig said, looking at Jon's hand griping Tommy's very erect 17 cm (almost 7 inch) cock. Tommy blushed.

Two men approached and gazed at Tommy before one of them said, "We must be going now. It was good to see you again."

Jon released Tommy and stood up to shake hands with the men. That seemed to signal the end of the party because everyone else left within the next twenty minutes. "That seemed to go very well," Jon said when he returned to Tommy and Martin after showing the final guests out. "You were very popular, Tommy." Jon smiled at the boy and then looked at Martin. "You did a good job too, Martin. You deserve a reward. Do you know what I'd like now, Tommy?" he asked as he sat back in a comfortable armchair.

"Another drink?" Tommy asked.

Jon shook his head. "I'd like to watch you and Martin having sex."

Tommy's mouth fell open in surprise. He knew he was expected to have sex with Jon but he didn't expect to have sex with the barman.

"I'd like Martin to keep his butler's uniform on and fuck you," Jon said. "I would find that very exciting."

Tommy gulped. He was expected to do whatever the man wanted. Turning to Martin, he said only one word. "Well?"

"I'd love to fuck you. What gay man wouldn't?" Martin said. "But only if you are okay with it."

Tommy shrugged. "Yeah, let's do it."

Martin came out from behind the bar and joined Tommy in front of the elderly man. "In my uniform?" he said looking at Jon. Jon nodded so Martin just opened his black jacket and unbuttoned the fly of his trousers.

Tommy knelt down in front of Martin and said, "Allow me." He put his hand inside the boxers and pulled out a flaccid 10 cm (4 inch) cock. He looked up at Martin, then pulled back the foreskin and kissed the cockhead. Tommy looked over at Jon and saw him groping himself. He smiled and returned his attention to Martin's cock. He gently wanked it while giving it long licks and it started to lengthen and stiffen. Soon he was sucking on the cock, occasionally pausing to tease the glans and the piss-slit with the tip of his tongue. His own cock was rock hard and leaking pre-cum.

"Fuck him," instructed Jon after a few minutes. "I want to see your cock up his arse."

Tommy looked back at Jon and saw that he was now wanking a semi-hard cock.

Martin reached down and gently pulled Tommy to his feet. "Bend over that chair, Tommy. It will be more comfortable for you and Mr Skjeggestad will have a good view," he said.

Tommy gave the man's now 18 cm (7 inch) cock one last kiss and then bent over the chair and spread his legs. He looked over his shoulder at Martin and asked, "Do you have any lubricant?"

"There is some olive oil. We can use that." Martin fetched the oil from the bar area and drizzled some down Tommy's arse crack. Then he poured some on his fingers and began to probe the boy's hole. One finger was soon followed by two. Tommy did his best to relax as he let Martin finger-fuck him. "I think you're ready," Martin said. Then he poured some more oil on his fingers and greased up his stiff cock. Tommy looked on and was pleased that the man didn't have a thick cock.

With one hand on Tommy's hip, Martin lined his cockhead up against the quivering rosebud and applied some pressure. Tommy moaned a little but the cock soon slid inside. Martin then held on to Tommy with both hands and slowly pushed his cock deep inside. "You're so tight, Tommy. This feels great," Martin said. He savoured the feeling of being inside the hot love tube for a few moments and then began to fuck the boy. His initial slow thrusts soon became faster and faster. "It's years since I've had such a great fuck," he said.

"Yeah, that's the way to do it. Fuck the little slut hard," said Jon. He was wanking as he watched from the side.

Tommy didn't really like having an audience but he wanted Martin to enjoy himself. The man had after all been kind to him during the party. "Yes, fuck me harder, Martin. Fill me up with your spunk," he said.

"No!" shouted Jon. "I want you to cum over his pretty face."

Neither one responded to Jon's comment but Martin kept fucking Tommy hard. After a few more minutes, Martin said, "I'm going to cum very soon."

"Okay, pull out," said Tommy. He eased back at the same time and then he knelt in front of Martin. "Give him what he wants and paint my face with your cum."

Martin started wanking his cock furiously. "Here it comes," he warned. Tommy closed his eyes as the first blast of man-cream shot from Martin's piss-slit. Blobs of spunk landed on Tommy's lips, nose, forehead and both cheeks. Tommy opened his eyes and took the man's cock into his mouth and swallowed the remaining cum.

"That was wonderful. You did a good job there, Martin," said Jon. He tossed an envelope on the bar as he stood up. "There's a cash bonus for you. See yourself out. Come on, Tommy. I want you in my bed now."

"Goodbye, Martin. It was nice to meet you," the polite boy said as he got to his feet. A long thread of pre-cum hung from his throbbing cock.

"It was great to meet you, Tommy," said Martin with a satisfied smile on his face. He watched as Tommy followed Jon out of the conservatory without making any attempt to wipe the cum from his face.

Tommy felt a bit slutty as he climbed the stairs behind the elderly man. Here he was, close to cumming and with his face covered in spunk, on his way to be fucked. He couldn't deny he was horny but sex in situations like this felt dirty. "I must find another job at the end of the season," he said to himself. "Now though I've got to make this man cum as quickly as possible and return to the ship."

"Here we are," said Jon as he opened the door to the master bedroom. "Get on top of the bed and let me look at you as I strip off."

Tommy climbed onto the king-size bed and spread his legs. He held his cock upright and smiled at the man who was pulling his clothes off as quickly as possible and dropping them on the floor.

"You look so hot like that, with your pretty face covered in cum and your dripping cock showing that you're eager for more. Who would have thought that there was a sex-crazed boy behind that innocent look?" Jon pushed his boxers to the floor and climbed onto the bed between Tommy's legs. "You make me so horny."

"I love sex with older men," said Tommy. "I want you to fuck me but maybe I can suck your lovely big cock first?"

"Help yourself, my sexy darling. Although I don't think mine is a lot bigger than yours." Jon thrust his cock towards Tommy's face. The man's cock was the same length as Martin's (18 cm/7 in) but it was a lot thicker.

Tommy took hold of the man's hairy, low-hanging balls and then started licking the cockhead. Jon moaned softly and said, "What a beautiful sight. And your tongue is turning me on too." Tommy ran his tongue all round the glans and then licked the cockhead again before he started giving the shaft long, slow licks from the base up to the glans. Jon moaned louder and then gasped when Tommy took the head into his mouth and began sucking. A few moments later Tommy was bobbing up and down on the cock.

Jon let out a few gasps and then pushed Tommy's head away. "That feels great, Tommy, but I really need to fuck you. Move onto your hands and knees and I'll take you from behind. I want to see your perfect little bum as I fuck you."

Tommy moved into doggy position and soon felt the man's fingers applying some KY jelly to his arse crack.

"We don't need much after Martin has opened you up but I want us both to enjoy it," Jon said. Then he tossed the KY jelly aside and pushed his cock between Tommy's smooth globes. It didn't take him long to locate the puckered hole and he thrust hard to gain entry. Tommy let out a little whimper as the thick cock burst through his sphincter but then he pushed back against the invading rod.

"What a hot, tight pussy," said Jon. "I thought you'd be loose after taking Per Lund's monster dick but you're not." Jon paused with his cock fully inside Tommy's hole for a moment and then began to fuck him.

"Yes, fuck me Jon. Fuck me and make me cum," said Tommy.

Jon began to fuck Tommy faster but then kept up a steady pace. Tommy moaned a few times and said, "I love your big cock inside me." His own cock continued to leak pre-cum but after ten minutes there was no sign that Jon was close to cumming. "Harder! Fuck me harder!" screamed Tommy.

"You want it harder, you little slut?" Jon asked. He spanked Tommy's arse as he thrust harder and said, "You're a filthy little whore. A fucking slut." He continued spanking as he pounded into the boy's arse. "A pretty boy selling yourself for money." Jon suddenly pulled his cock out. "Get onto your back. I want to see your face when you cum."

Tommy was soon on his back with his legs resting against the man's shoulders as he was shafted. "You're beautiful but you're nothing but a whore letting men fuck you for money," Jon said before spitting on Tommy's face. His thrusts became faster and even more forceful.

The pounding against his prostate was too much for Tommy. He gasped and started spunking off without touching his cock. The sight of this, coupled with the feel of Tommy's arse muscles squeezing his cock, took Jon over the edge. He screamed as he sent the first blast of his cum into Tommy's arse. He then pulled out and sent the remainder of his load over Tommy's face and body.

Jon collapsed exhausted while breathing deeply on the bed next to Tommy. Tommy lay still and didn't say a word. He felt dirty and used.

About five minutes later Jon turned to Tommy and said, " That was wonderful, truly wonderful. Thank you, Tommy."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Can I take a shower now?" Tommy said as he sat up.

"Yes, of course. Through that door over there," said Jon. He sat up on the bed as Tommy walked towards the bathroom. "I'm sorry for calling you names. I got carried away," he added as Tommy entered the bathroom.

Tommy gave a non-commital, "Hmm" but thought that the man said what he really thought of him. When he returned from the bathroom after his shower wearing a towel around his waist, he said, "I must return to the ship now and my clothes were left in the car."

"I will call the chauffeur immediately," said Jon. He then picked up his wallet from the bedside cabinet and added, "You deserve a big bonus for all you did today and I hope you will come back again soon." He held out a wad of notes.

"Thank you but I didn't come here today to earn money from you," said Tommy. "I worked for you as a favour to Captain Lund. Nothing more."

"Oh, I see. I got the wrong impression and I apologise." Jon picked up the phone and called his chauffeur. He gave his instructions and then told Tommy that the car would be at the front door in five minutes. He put on a bathrobe and put an arm around Tommy's shoulders.

"I had a really good time with you, Tommy," Jon said as they walked downstairs. "I hope you enjoyed yourself too."

Tommy forced a smile and said, "It was good to meet you, Jon."

The chauffeur brought Tommy's clothes into the house. Tommy accepted them but said, "I will get dressed in the car. Goodbye, sir."

"Goodbye, Tommy. Thank the captain for me," said Jon. "Are you sure you won't accept the money?"

"I'm sure," said Tommy. He didn't look back as he walked towards the car.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 17

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