Cruising with Tommy

By Bill Jonners

Published on Dec 2, 2016


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This story is completely fictional. It is the tale of an innocent-looking teenager and his encounters with older men on board a cruise liner.

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Chapter 1

"I hope I'm not wasting my time today, Magnus," Captain Lund greeted his contact at the recruitment agency in Oslo city centre.

"I hope so too, Captain, but this boy is the best possibility in over 200 applications received in reply to our most recent advertisement for new crew members. Please take a seat," said Magnus.

"Okay. What's special about him?" Per Lund asked.

"Just look at his photo." Magnus pushed a thin file across the desk

Per took a photo from the top of the papers within the file and looked at it carefully. Then he turned to Magnus and said, "Are you sure that's a recent photo? He looks about fifteen. Stunning though. Those beautiful blue eyes and that blond hair. He would be very popular."

Magnus shook his head. "He's been through the initial interview procedure. His date of birth, educational qualifications and references have all been verified. A few more photos were taken by our staff too and they are at the back of the file, behind his application form and our company's written report."

"So, apart from him having a beautiful face, what makes you think he is suitable for my special team?" Per asked, still looking at the photo.

"Well, any cruise line would be more than happy to have him as a member of their crew but why do I think he could be recruited for your special duties team?" Magnus paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. "Tommy has recently turned eighteen but he is only 160 cm (5ft 3in) tall so that will add to his boyish charms for many men. He lives with his grandparents on a small farm and he is really desperate to get away. He has applied for several hotel jobs but been turned down."

The phone rang before Magnus could continue and he answered it. "Okay, please send him in," he said. Then he turned to Per. "He's on his way."

Tommy was rather nervous as he shook hands with the two men. He guessed that both were in their fifties and thought that Mr Lund in particular was very handsome. He gave the man a beaming smile when he was informed that Mr Lund was actually the captain of one the biggest cruise ships in the company's fleet.

Per Lund had a hard-on almost from the moment the lad had entered the room. Tommy looked even more handsome than in his photograph and, as he had said to Magnus earlier, only about fifteen. Sixteen at most. The boy was smartly dressed in a white shirt and tie, dark blue trousers and highly polished black leather shoes.

Per listened as the boy answered the questions Magnus put to him. He was polite and well-spoken so Per was satisfied that Tommy would interact well with guests as well as crew. When invited to put some questions, Per asked, "What type of job are you looking for onboard? A steward cleaning and looking after the guest cabins, or a waiter...?"

"Anything. I'll do anything at all," replied Tommy.

"I think he'd look rather good in a waiter's uniform. Tight black trousers and short white jacket," said Magnus. He winked at the captain as he spoke.

"Maybe. Stand up and turn around slowly," said Per.

Tommy blushed slightly as he stood up and turned around to let the men see his body. "Turn again," said Per and once more the boy obeyed without question.

"You have a good build and you look fit," said Per. "But you are small and look younger than eighteen. I don't think you could work in the bars."

Tommy looked disappointed. "I have been turned down for a few jobs because I look underage."

"Looking younger than your real age isn't always a disadvantage," said Per. "I'd be happy to you have you service me...serve under me." He stared into the boy's eyes.

Tommy gulped, knowing what the man implied. "I'd be happy to...serve under you, Captain."

"Do you have much experience of serving men, Tommy?" Per pushed the boy further.

"No, but I am willing to learn," replied.

Per nodded. "I have an opening in my personal team. You would be trained as a silver service waiter at attend guests at the captain's table but your main duty would be to look after me and a small group of my fellow officers. Would that appeal to you, Tommy? It pays much more than normal."

Tommy wondered what 'look after' meant and guessed it might be something sexual, especially when it qualified for extra pay. "I think so, Captain," he replied. "How soon could I start work?"

"You'd need to undergo a medical examination before we can formally offer you the job," said Magnus. "That could take a few weeks to arrange but I guess you could start in one month's time."

"Oh. I had hoped it would be sooner." Tommy looked quite sad.

"If you really are keen to start soon, I could pull a few strings," said Per. Tommy nodded eagerly and Per went on. "I have a friend who is a doctor. I think I can persuade him to give you a medical later today, if you're not in a hurry to get back home."

"And if I pass the medical, I can start sooner?" Tommy smiled hopefully.

"Yes, we could rush the paperwork through if the captain here wants you on his ship," replied Magnus.

Per nodded. "I'll come to the medical with you. Okay?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Tommy stood up and shook Captain Lund's hand. "And thank you, Mr Olsen." He shook the other man's hand.

"We have your mobile phone number. I will give you a call later telling you where and when to meet Captain Lund for the medical examination," Magnus said and guided Tommy to the door.

"He's gorgeous, Magnus. And he seems willing to have sex." Per had a huge grin on his face.

"You're right. But you should make it make it clear exactly what his duties will entail when you speak to him later," said Magnus. "He said he doesn't have much experience so it's possible that he doesn't fully understand what he's getting into."

"His lack of experience makes him even more attractive in my eyes. I hope he is an anal virgin," said Per. "Did you see his firm little buns! Like two large grapefruit. I can hardly wait to get my hands on them."

Magnus smiled. "I want a proper medical report from this doctor friend of yours."

"You'll get that." Per smiled. "He's the one that does regular checkups on the other boys so he knows the score. And he'll let me sit in during the examination so that I can see Tommy naked. I'll explain the job in more detail afterwards but I have a strong feeling he'll accept."

"I'll get my usual finder's fee?" Magnus raised an eyebrow.

"The money will be in your bank account tomorrow if he says yes so I want you to rush the paperwork through," answered Per. "And will you wanting a night of sex with Tommy as well once he's trained?"

"Of course." Magnus grinned.

Tommy met Captain Lund at 5.30pm at the tram stop agreed over the phone. The man put his arm around the boy's shoulder and made small talk as they walked to the doctor's surgery. Tommy felt rather in awe of the tall, distinguished-looking man but his arm felt comforting.

"We have an appointment with Doctor Eriksen," Per told the receptionist. "I'm Per Lund."

"Yes, I'll just show you through," the woman said and led the pair to the examination room.

"Thank you, Elsa. You can go home now. I'll lock up," the forty-something doctor said before closing the door. "Please sit down, gentlemen."

Per sat quietly while the doctor quizzed Tommy on his personal and family medical history, and then went on to test the boy's hearing and eyesight. He perked up when the doctor said, "Okay Tommy, I need you to strip to your underwear for the rest of the tests."

Tommy looked around but there was no screen. He realised he'd have to undress in front of the two men. He blushed slightly but took off his tie and unbuttoned the top of his shirt. Then he bent down to remove his shoes and socks. Tommy couldn't look at the two men as he undid and took off his trousers but he could feel their eyes on him. He folded his trousers and put them over the back of his chair and then removed his shirt. He placed this on top of his trousers and turned to face the doctor.

Doctor Eriksen looked Tommy up and down while waiting for Per to signal that he'd seen enough for now. Per admired the boy's upper body. Working on the farm, Tommy had developed a nicely-defined but not overly muscular body. Per liked the boy's prominent dark pink nipples, the flat stomach and the smooth legs. And he licked his lips when gazing at the bulge in the front of the white boxers-briefs, and at the shape of the small, well-rounded buttocks.

"Follow me over here and we'll check your height and weight." The doctor guided Tommy over to the scales and soon recorded the measurements.

"You can sit again for the moment," the doctor said as he returned to his desk. He then opened out the apparatus to check Tommy's blood pressure. When this had been done, the doctor pulled his stethoscope out and stood up to listen to the boy's heartbeat and breathing.

"All is fine so far," said the doctor as he sat down again. "Now if you'll slip off your underwear and stand here in front of me..."

Tommy blushed, aware of the captain's stare, as he pushed his briefs down and stepped out of them. He tossed the briefs onto his chair and stood totally naked in front of the two men. His flaccid cock was about 9.5 cm (3.5 inches) long with a foreskin that covered the head. There was a small patch of dark blond hair about it but his small hard balls were totally smooth. Tommy desperately wanted to cover himself but he put his hands behind his back and presented himself to the doctor.

"I need to check for a hernia," explained Doctor Eriksen as he reached out towards Tommy's balls. Per bent forward for a closer look at the same and saw the doctor take hold of the boy's left ball. The doctor fondled it for a moment before saying, "Turn your head to the side and cough." Tommy did as instructed and then the doctor repeated his actions for the left ball. "No problems there," he announced.

Per felt envious when the doctor took a gentle grasp of Tommy's cock shaft. The small pink tube was perfectly clean with no visible veins and Per would love to have taken it into his mouth. He watched as the doctor slowly pulled the foreskin all the way back, revealing a well-formed, pale red mushroom head. "Hold your foreskin back for me, Tommy. I need to take a swab," said the doctor. Tommy took hold of his cock and watched as the doctor picked up a swab with his right hand then used his left hand to press the cockhead, opening the piss-slit slightly. "I need to get a sample from the urethra to test for any bacteria and any sexually transmitted diseases," the man explained.

"I've never..." Tommy stopped himself saying any more then winced as the swab was pushed into the piss-lit.

"I'd better take a second sample," the doctor said.

Tommy watched helplessly as the procedure was repeated. When he glanced at Per, he saw that the man was paying very close attention. "Two men are staring at my dick," he said to himself.

The doctor had put the second swab down on a sterile dish so Tommy let go of his cock. His hand was immediately replaced by the doctor's but the man didn't just hold it. He wanked it very gently. Arousal soon replaced Tommy's feeling of embarrassment and his cock began to stiffen.

"Excellent response," the doctor said as he let go of Tommy's rapidly stiffening cock.

"Yes, he seems to be very healthy young man," said Per.

Tommy wasn't sure what to do but the fact that two men were watching his cock rise up both embarrassed and excited him. In the end he just stood still and, like the others, watched his cock become fully erect. It curved upwards and bent slightly to the left.

"I would say that he's above average in this department," said the doctor as he took a firm grip of Tommy's cock and then squeezed it hard.

Tommy groaned as he felt another man's hand on his erection for the first time ever. He was sure his cock had never been as hard before.

"I'll just measure the length," Doctor Eriksen said as he picked up a tape measure from his desk. He used two hands to position it. "I'd say 17.2 cm (6.8 inches) - thin but certainly above average in length, and very impressive on a boy of this height."

Tommy gave a little smile but he still felt embarrassed.

"Now I think would be a good time for you to give me a sperm sample," said the doctor.

"What?" Tommy could hardly believe that he'd have to do such a thing.

"Yes, the shipping line requires all employees do get a thorough medical examination and a sperm count is part of it." Per spoke in a very confident manner and Tommy believed the lie.

Doctor Eriksen handed the boy a small plastic container and said, "Jerk off into this, please."

Tommy took the container in his left hand and looked from man one to the other. Then he took hold of his stiff cock between his thumb and two fingers and began wanking. His arousal grew as he saw how excited the two men seemed to be as they watched him. He put the container on the desk and tugged at his balls with his left hand. Then he moved his left hand back and began fingering his arse crack. There was a gasp from Per and Tommy blushed once more. However he was very turned on by doing something so private and sexual in front of two men he had met only a short time earlier - and one of them was his potential employer!

"Go on, shoot off for us!" Per said in little more than a whisper.

Tommy knew he was about to cum. He grabbed hold of the plastic container and held it in front of his cock. He let out a few whimpers as he jerked off at a furious pace. Then he gasped and sent the first blast of thick white spunk into the container. He shuddered as several more jets of cum shot out but he managed to catch them all. Then he staggered slightly and sat down on the desk, holding the container firmly and breathing deeply. He'd never cum so powerfully before.

"I'll take that." The doctor took the container from Tommy's hand and brought it close to his face. "A fine sample, young man. A large amount of creamy, almost jelly-like sperm." He put a lid on the container and turned back to Tommy. "Now please go over to the bench and I'll take your temperature."

Tommy's cock remained hard and it bobbed as he walked past the captain and climbed onto the bench. His face was flushed as he looked at the two men and waited for the next instruction.

"No, don't sit on the bench. Get up on your hands and knees, Tommy. I'm going to use a rectal thermometer," said Doctor Eriksen. "It's the most accurate."

Tommy moved into the required position and looked round to see the doctor approach with the largest thermometer he'd ever seen.

"I've lubricated it so it will slide in easily," said the doctor. "Captain Lund, perhaps you could help by spreading Tommy's buttocks apart for me?"

Tommy realised two men were about to see his most intimate area...the area he had been fingering while jerking off only moments earlier. He closed his eyes as he felt hands touch his bum and pull his arse cheeks apart.

Per gazed in awe at the most perfect rosebud he'd ever seen, and he'd seen many. Pink and only a shade darker than the surrounding skin, the puckered hole looked tiny. And there wasn't a trace of hair to be seen in the valley between the firm young globes.

Tommy moaned softly when the thermometer penetrated his arsehole. It didn't hurt but it felt strange to have an inanimate object pushed inside him.

Per also moaned softly but he was imagining something else penetrating the tight-looking hole - his cock.

"I need to leave it in for a few minutes," the doctor told Tommy. "It shouldn't feel too uncomfortable."

"Hmm, okay doctor," said Tommy. "It doesn't hurt."

The doctor smiled at Per. Then after a few minutes he moved the thermometer back and forwards in a fucking motion several times before withdrawing it. He checked the reading and announced that the temperature was normal.

Per realised he was still holding the boy's arse cheeks apart. He gazed at the rosebud - now glistening with a little of the lubricant - for a moment before taking his hands away.

"Now I need to do the prostate examination. Turn on to your back, please." The doctor pulled out stirrups from their position under the bench and fixed them upright while Tommy turned over. "Now scoot down the bench a bit and place your ankles up here in these stirrups," instructed Doctor Eriksen.

Tommy did as he was told. With his legs spread wide and up in the air, the two men could see his stiff cock, his balls and his arse crack all at the same time. Tommy looked up at the captain and then noticed the very obvious tent in the man's trousers. "This is turning him on too," he thought. Tommy wondered if the doctor also had an erection but his white coat hid any clue.

"I have put some lubricating jelly on my finger and now I'm going to insert it in your anus and feel your prostate. It might be slightly uncomfortable for a moment," the doctor explained.

Tommy let out a little squeak when the finger pushed through his sphincter. He arched his back as the finger probed deeper.

"Just relax, Tommy. It will take a few minutes but it won't hurt," the doctor said reassuringly.

Tommy lay flat and looked back at the captain. The man's attention was fixed on the finger pushing slowly inside his arsehole. Suddenly Tommy felt a tingle and his cock jerked.

"I have found your probate," said the doctor. "I need to check it thoroughly so just lie back and relax."

Tommy closed his eyes as the man prodded and probed, repeatedly pressing his prostate.

"Tight," the doctor mouthed silently to Per. The captain's mouth was open as he watched Tommy being finger-fucked. When he shifted his eyes to Tommy's cock, he saw that pre-cum was oozing from the piss-slit.

Suddenly Tommy cried out and began ejaculating, sending spurt after spurt of boy-cream onto his chest and then his stomach. He blushed furiously and said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, Tommy. I have seen this happen a few times during a prostate examination." The doctor slowly withdrew his finger from the arsehole and wiped it with a tissue. Then he passed some tissues to the boy and told him to clean himself.

The doctor returned to his desk and Per followed him. "Nothing bigger than a soapy finger has ever been inside," Doctor Eriksen whispered. "Do you want me to leave you two alone for ten minutes after I'm finished?"

"Yes, please," replied Per.

Returning to Tommy, the doctor helped the boy out of the stirrups. "The final thing I need is a urine sample," he said as he handed over a plastic cup. "When you're ready."

Tommy looked at the two men watching him and realised he was expected to piss in front of them. He closed his eyes and tried to focus. It was difficult but soon the urge to pee became strong. He took his now semi-hard cock and put it over the edge of the cup. A few moments later, a few dribbles of piss turned into a stream. Tommy kept his head down but he glanced over at the captain. That big tent was still there! Tommy finished his piss and held the cup out in front of him.

"Thank you, Tommy. You can get dressed now. I will be back shortly." The doctor left the room with the urine sample and Tommy walked over to the chair for his boxer-briefs.

"Did you enjoy that experience, Tommy? You seemed to like having a man touch you." Per smiled at the boy and made no attempt to hide his own erection.

"Hmm, I don't know." Tommy couldn't look the man in the eye.

"And you seemed to be putting on a show for us when you were jerking off earlier? Did it excite you to do something sexual in front of me and the doctor?"

"Hmm," was the noncommittal response.

"I hope you did, Tommy, because I'd really like you to work for be part of my special team." Per watched as the boy continued to get dressed. "You remember what I told you during the interview...about looking after me?"

"Yes, sir," replied Tommy.

"I meant looking after my sexual needs," said Per.

There was a sharp intake of breath from Tommy. "I guessed it might be something like that." He paused for a moment then added, "You said looking you and other officers. You want me to have sex with them too?"

"Sometimes," Per admitted. "But only me at first."

Tommy had often fantasised about having sex with older men. He tried not to be too obvious as he looked closely at the captain but was turned on by the thought of sex with this handsome, well-built man. "I don't have any real experience with men," he said in a soft voice.

"You are sexually attracted to guys though? What sexual experience do you have?"

Tommy shrugged. "Almost none. I jerked off with a school mate a few times. Quite recently I...em, I met a guy in a public toilet and sucked him off. That's all."

"Thanks for being so honest with me, Tommy," said Per. "I will be more than happy to teach you, and I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. So do you want the job?"

"Yes. How soon can I start?" Tommy smiled at the man.

"Great!" Per smiled back. "Well, let's see. I return to the ship on Sunday. Today is Wednesday and Doctor Eriksen will send his report to Magnus Olsen tomorrow morning. The contract will need to be drawn up and signed but that could be done on Friday. You'll do your training and get fitted out with your uniform onboard. I think you could leave with me on Sunday. Is that enough time for you to get ready?"

"Sunday would be perfect." Tommy grinned at the captain.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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