Cruising College

By authord84

Published on Apr 14, 2012


This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is coincidental. If you do not wish to read stories regarding male/male sex then please close your browser now (and ask yourself how in the hell you got here). If it is illegal for you to read this, for whatever reason then be aware: you are breaking the law if you read on (Obvious I know...). If you enjoy this story then please send me comments/feedback. I try to respond to all comments/constructive criticisms.

Also, the characters in this story do not practice safe sex because diseases do not exist in my fictional world. They do however exist in the real world, so please practice safe sex where appropriate.

I'm walking the maybe 50 yards between our building right now. Our being Andy's and mine. He called me just a few minutes ago. I was in the middle of a great jack off session, including fingering myself with the 2 loads that were fucked into me within the past couple of hours. Now I'm headed to his dorm where he's alone and horny. He didn't say what he was looking to do. The conversation was pretty short and was mainly "hey man, I'm horny, wanna come over?"

I'd already cum twice in the past couple of hours, but I'm also 19 and was already working my way to a 3rd orgasm, who am I to turn down the chance for some more fun.....

I'm in the elevator now, heading up to the 14th floor. I can still feel the wetness around my ass hole, not sure if it's lube or cum, or a combination of both. The elevator opens and there's Andy, waiting for me. He's wearing a red polo and jeans today, other than that he looks the same as he did when we met in the stacks the other day. A little over 6 feet, tan, blond hair and probably about 175; and those eyes. Those deep blue eyes... yeah, I'd do anything to be able to look into those eyes.

He smiles as he sees me, "figured I'd meet you here since your I.D. won't get you through the door on my floor."

"Ahh, yeah, good thinking"

He swipes his I.D. and leads me down the dorm hallway. It looks the same as mine, pretty nondescript with a new door every 15 feet or so on each side of the hall. He leads me to the end of the hall, his room is the last one on the left.

His dorm is the normal setup, two beds, two nightstands and two desks; 1 set on each side of the room with a little bit of space in between.

"Where's your roommate?"

"He's gone for a few hours, so we should be alone for a while."

He locks the door behind me. I feel his jean clad hard-on brush my hand as he passes by me. He sit down one one of the beds and starts to remove his shoes and then his socks. Soon he's pulling his polo over his head. I can see his tan continues across his upper body. There's not much hair as far as I can tell. He doesn't have a six-pack or anything, but there's a little bit of definition there; he obviously spends some time in the gym.

I'm snapped out of my trance of watching this hot stud undress when he speaks,

"so, you gonna get undressed too or am I gonna be the only naked one?"

"oh, uh, yeah, sure" I stutter turning bright red.

I sit on the opposite bed and quickly slip my shoes and socks off. As I'm slipping my shirt over my head I hear the other bed groan as Andy gets up. I hear the sound of a belt being unbuckled. I get my shirt over my head just in time to see him unzipping his jeans and letting them fall to the floor. He's not wearing any underwear. Whether he goes commando all the time or just tossed on some clothes to meet me I have no idea; but there standing out from his patch of dark blond pubes is the cock I sucked just the other day. I notice the patch of pubes seems thinner, maybe he trimmed recently. Either way he looks fucking awesome.

He sits back down on the bed, grabs his cock and waves it at me "you can come over here and get this once you finish dropping those clothes"

I quickly stand up and drop the shorts and boxer briefs I had put on before I headed over here.

I step over between his legs, drop to my knees and grab ahold of his throbbing cock. It looks just as magnificent as it did the first time. A nice thick shaft leading to a bulbous head that's flared out and begging for my attention. I notice a drop of precum at the tip and quickly swipe my tongue across, tasting his sweet juice.

it elicits a moan from Andy, "mmm, fuck yeah."

I feel his hand go to the back of my head as he gently pulls me down and guides his cock into my eager mouth.

My lips slide over his head easily, I run my tongue along the underside of his cock, just below the head. Andy continues to gently pull me down his cock, inch by inch. I feel his head at the back of my throat; I relax and swallow, pulling the head into my throat. I continue down until my nose is pressed against his pubes.

"Ohhhh... fuck yeah. You've got an awesome mouth" he says.

I swallow a few times, massaging his cock with my throat. Then I begin the ascent back up his cock, dragging my tongue along the underside until I reach the tip again. I swirl my tongue around his head, eliciting another moan from Andy.

I start to get into a rhythm, bobbing up and down on Andy's cock, making sure to keep my tongue working on his head whenever possible. I randomly deep throat him, making him moan each time I do; obviously he likes having his cock enveloped by a tight hole.

I let his cock slip from my mouth, and work my way a bit lower. I lift his hefty nut sack with its two egg sized contents. I swirl my tongue over each nut, then engulf his left nut and gently suck and tongue it. Then I do the same to his right nut.

I start to slide my tongue back up his shaft. Andy suddenly grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me up into a standing position. He bends over slightly so his face is directly in line with my cock.

I watch as he quickly engulfs my 6" cock, taking it all the way to the base. I moan and lean my head back, grabbing his shoulder for support. He sucks hards and fast; I feel his right hand come up and caress my balls. he pushes his hand between my legs, running his finger along my taint and the start of my ass.

I spread my legs a bit to give him better access. his fingers immediately slide further between my cheeks until his finger brushes my hole. He immediately starts to push in a little. I'm sure he's surprised that it's already wet, allowing his finger to slide in easily.

I feel his finger bottom out; he wiggles it around until he hits that spot, making me involuntarily convulse "Ohh... shit."

Andy pulls off my cock.

"Whoa, can't have you cummin just yet. Glad to see you like things up your ass, felt like you were already lubed up back there."

I blush slightly, "Yeah, I was playin with my ass when you called earlier"

"Well, seems like you were fantasizing about having something worth while up there, let's make that happen." He grins.

Andy stands up, puts his hands on my hips, spins us around, then pushes me back on the bed. He crawls between my legs, using his knees to get under my legs and push them back.

He reaches over to the nightstand and grabs a bottle of lube. Squirts a bit onto his fingers on his right hand.

I pull my legs back further, giving him complete access to my exposed hole. I feel the coldness of the lube as he presses two fingers against my hole. I relax, allowing his fingers to enter me. He pushes all the way until both fingers are completely inside me. He again twists around until he slides against that magic spot.

I shudder, "ohhh, fuck that feels good"

He slides his fingers almost all the way out, then in again, brushing over that same spot. I shudder each time. After a few more times of this I can't take it any more.

"Dude, please, just fuck me"

Andy smiles as his slips his fingers from his ass. I feel something much larger press against my hole. I relax as he pushes in. It's a little uncomfortable at first, but not too much as my hole has been worked pretty well over the past few hours. Andy slides in slowly, but steadily until I feel his pubes brush against my ass.

"Fuck, you've got a nice tight hole. You ready?"

"yeah, fuck me man."

He slides out slowly, until just the head is holding my hole open, then slams back in, filling me up suddenly.

He hits that spot again as he slams in. "Oh, fuck!"

He doesn't pause this time, he immediately pulls out almost all the way and slams in again. He gets a tempo quickly, fucking me hard and fast. Each inward thrust rubs against my spot. I'm not even touching myself and I can feel my cock getting harder and my orgasm already starting to build, god this feels good.

Andy pushes my legs back further, lifting my ass off the bed slightly. He pounds my hole hard and deep, deeper than any guy has so far. I'm in pure ecstasy; feeling his cock pump in and out of me, rubbing my g-spot and pushing me towards orgasm.

suddenly Andy stops. "Mmmm, I'm getting close, but I don't wanna cum just yet."

He pulls out almost all the way and pauses, then slowly eases back in and again pauses. He does this again, and again. My orgasm isn't building anymore, but is more in a state of holding where I'm almost there, but not gonna be allowed to go over.

Andy slow fucks me for what feels like forever, until I can't stand it anymore.

"Please Andy, fuck me hard. I'm so close."

"I'm close to, where do you want me to cum?"

"Wherever you want, just please fuck me."

Andy grins, "Alright."

He smoothly increases his tempo until he's fucking me hard and fast again. My orgasm starts building again quickly, it won't be long now. Andy is pumping in hard, his breathing is getting shallower, I can tell he's getting close. His speed quickens even more.

"Ohhh, fuck... I'm gonna cum"

Hearing this pushes me over the edge. I feel myself pass the point of no return. My eyes roll back.

"Ohhhh, fuck yes, fuck me... cum in me"

Andy thrusts hard one last time and pauses. I feel his cock convulse hard as he starts pumping his load into me. I feel his cock convulse again, and then my own orgasm starts.

"Ohhh... fuuuuuuccckkkkkkkk" My first shot hits me in the chin. Right after my first convulsion I feel Andy convulse again, and then another shot comes from me streaking across my chest. I convulse several more times, each time followed by another convulsion from Andy as he pumps more of his hot seed into me.

Finally our convulsions end, Andy slowly withdraws from my well used hole. I can feel cum start to leak out. I clench as best I can, I don't want any of his hot seed to leave me.

"Fuck Andy, that was awesome! Prolly the best fuck I've had."

He hands me a small towel so I can wipe off.

"Hehe, thanks, you've got a hot hole. I could use that on a regular basis."

"Hey, I'm cool with that. Anytime you need a good fuck you feel free to hit me up!"

I finish wiping off and get dressed.

I smile as I get ready to leave, "Seriously, that was hot, Hit me up any time."

"Yeah, definitely; we'll be getting together"

I head back to my dorm. I can feel a little bit of cum leak out as I walk back. My third load in just a few hours, who knew I'd be this big of a slut; but now that I've had a taste, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to stop.

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