Cruising College

By authord84

Published on Oct 29, 2010


This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is coincidental. If you do not wish to read stories regarding male/male sex then please close your browser now (and ask yourself how in the hell you got here). If it is illegal for you to read this, for whatever reason then be aware: you are breaking the law if you read on (Obvious I know...). If you enjoy this story then please send me comments/feedback. I try to respond to all comments/constructive criticisms.

Also, the characters in this story do not practice safe sex because in the fictional world there don't have to be consequences to such actions. There are consequnces in the real world, so please practice safe sex when appropriate.

Chapter 3

I sat down at my own desk. Mine didn't have a partition around it, so I could easily keep an eye on my new mark. As I sat down I saw the guy stretch up so he could look over the partition. He had blond hair and a cute face; I gave him a slight smile. After my rescent triste in the bathroom I felt rather bold. I didn't wanna play games; I figured he was here for for some sex so I decided to push things along rather quickly. I unbuttoned my pants and slid the zipper down. The noise of the zipper sliding down seemed to echo in the deserted room. I slid my cock out through the hole in my boxers. I had just came maybe 15 minute ago, but I was already starting to get hard again. My mark stretched his head above the partition again, at this angle he should be able to see right down and below my desk. His eyes got wide and a big grin slid across his face; there was no doubt he could see me playing with myself.

I heard his chair slide out; he got up and started walking toward me. He came to a stop beside me; I looked up and met his gaze, then slowly lowered my gaze until I was staring right as his crotch. He seemed to get the hint, his hands move slowly to the button on his jeans. He unbuttoned his jeans and lowered his zipper. I reached forward and grabbed the elastic of his boxer briefs. I pulled the waist band out and over his hard cock. I let my hands continue down, pushing his underwear and jeans both down his legs until they were at his ankles. Before me stood an awesome cock; it looked a little larger than my own, maybe 6.5 inches and a little thicker. He appeared to be uncut, but didn't have a lot of foreskin. It was already rolled back so it was barely covering just the ridge of his head. I cupped is heavy sack in one hand and brought my other hand to the base of his cock. I pulled his rod away from his body, and engulfed him in one quick motion.

He took a sharp breath; I looked up his flat stomach and watched his head roll back. He gripped my shoulders to steady himself. I slid my mouth up his shaft, gripping his foreskin with my lips as I moved up. I forced his foreskin over his cockhead, almost jacking his cock with my mouth. I slipped my tongue into his foreskin, running between the skin and head; he gasped.

I started to slowly work his cock; I would take him all the way until his head was trapped in my throat, then ease back up, sometimes taking his foreskin with me and other times I would hold the base of his cock to keep his skin retracted so I could gently suck on his sensitive head.

He let out a small moan as I deep throated him again. He was obviously loving this and I could tell his orgasm was building already.

I felt a slight wetness at my ass, it was the cum from Brian, it was starting to leak out. I felt my ass twitch, trying to hold its load in; I had no doubt I wanted to take this further.

I pulled of his cock, he looked down as I looked up at him.

"You can fuck me if you want... " I said quietly, obviously not feeling as confident as I was just a minute ago. I had no idea if this would scare him off, maybe he just wanted a BJ and pushing him would make him take off; I had no way to know.

"Umm, sure, but I don't have a condom or anything... "

"Oh, yeah, um... neither do I... "

There was a silence between us for a few seconds. Finally I continued on.

"Um, I'm ok with it if you are..."

The implications of what I said were obvious, sure I had just had a load dumped into me a short while ago; but I was kind of pressured into it, Brian was in the lead then. This time, it was all me. I was basically asking this kid to fuck me bare and blow his load in me. He seemed to think for a few seconds, maybe he was shocked, or maybe he was having a battle between his morals and his hormones.

Finally he spoke, "Um, alright."

I wasted no time, I slid my chair back and stood up, letting my shorts and underwear fall to my ankles. I turned toward the wall and bent forward, spreading my ass for him. I felt his hand touch my ass, then move until his middle finger was at my hole. I'm sure he could feel the wetness from the cum and lube from earlier.

"Do you have any lube?" he asked.

"Nah, just use spit."

I heard him spit, and then heard him rubbing the spit onto his ample cock. He moved forward slightly, and I felt the head of his cock at my hole. I relaxed, he pushed forward. His head popped in; there was only a slight discomfort. He inhaled sharply as he slid in further. I groaned when his cock slid over my prostate.

Soon his pubes were pressed against my ass; all 6.5 inches of his hard cock was buried in my ass.

"Fuck dude, your ass feel so good."

He slowly withdrew his cock, until just the head was holding my hole open, then he slowly eased back in until again his pubes were pressed against my ass.

"Fuck, there's no way I'm gonna last very long"

"That's alright, just fuck me dude" I moaned

Obviously I didn't have to tell him twice. He pulled out most of the way again, but then quickly slammed back in. He didn't pause when he bottomed out this time, instead he quickly withdrew and slammed in again. His pace was quick, and his strokes were long. My prostate was being raked over and over. I gripped my own 6" cock and began stroking as quickly as he was fucking. Despite having cum less than an hour ago I could tell it wouldn't take long for me to cum either.

He slowed down, "where do you want me to cum?"

"Just fuck me till you cum dude, cum in my ass."

I was becoming a cum slut, but I didn't care. His pace quickened again, now his strokes were shorter. His cock was almost in constant contact with my prostate, rubbing back and forth. I was stroking myself at a feverish pitch; I was about to cum.

I heard him groan, he pulled most of the way out and slammed in hard. I felt his cock throb, and my insides sear with the heat of his cum as he pumped his load into me. The feel of his throbbing cock and the warmth of his cum sent me over the edge. My own cock throbbed as I shot my load on the floor below me.

He rocked gently back and forth, letting his cock pump out the last of his load. I clenched my ass as he began to pull out, I wanted to milk his cock, making sure to get every drop inside me. His now simi-hard cock popped out of my hole.

"Fuck dude, that was awesome. That's the first time I ever fucked someone bare; now I know what all the fuss is about."

"Thanks dude, you've got an awesome cock. I'd be glad to take your load anytime."

He smiled as he bent down and pulled his pants back up.

"Hell yeah dude, I'll fuck that hot hole of yours anytime."

I grabbed my pen and an index card off my desk. I wrote my name and number on it and handed it to him.

"here ya go, give me a call any time you wanna get off. I'm sure I can help ya out."

"Alright, " he looked at the card, "Dustin. I'm Jacob by the way. I'll be in touch."

He turned and walked back to his desk. He grabbed a notebook and his bag and left. I was still standing there with my pants around my ankles. I quickly pulled them up and packed my things, heading back to my dorm room.

I was rapidly approaching orgasm as I replayed the feeling of Jacob filing me with his cum. Suddenly I was jolted from my replay as my cell phone rang. I glanced at the screen and stopped stroking. The screen said "Andy."

Wow, I'm a slacker... I admit it... nearly 2 years to post the 3rd chapter? I apologize, been busy with school, work, and a boy friend; I haven't really taken the time write like I should. Hopefully the 4th chapter doesn't take anywhere near as long.

Feedback is appreciated, and is what will keep me writing. Contact me at authord84 'at'

Next: Chapter 4

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