Cruising College

By authord84

Published on Nov 16, 2008


This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is coincidental. If you do not wish to read stories regarding male/male sex then please close your browser now (and ask yourself how in the hell you got here). If it is illegal for you to read this, for whatever reason then be aware: you are breaking the law if you read on (Obvious I know...). If you enjoy this story then please send me comments/feedback. I try to respond to all comments/constructive criticisms.

Also, the characters in this story do not practice safe sex because diseases do not exist in my fictional world. They do however exist in the real world, so please practice safe sex where appropriate.

Damn, I am completely drained. I'm completely drained of both energy and cum, and on top of that... my ass hurts like hell.

I can feel the cum slowly leaking out of my ass. I remember how it felt each time, his cock pulsing and pumping his cum into me.... damn, maybe I'm not as drained of cum as I thought. Remembering how that cum got in my ass just a short while ago has made me hard again. My 6" cock is standing straight up, begging for attention. I can't help but oblige.

I take my 6" cut cock in my hand as I grab the small bottle of ID lube I keep in my nightstand. I drizzle a little on and begin to slowly stroke my cock. I close my eyes push myself into my fantasy world, only this time it's not a fantasy but what happened just a little earlier this evening.

I was sitting at my desk trying to do homework, but it wasn't going very well as I couldn't concentrate. I was horny as hell and couldn't help but think about jacking off. I kept thinking back to the other day when I sucked off an incredibly hot guy in the library stacks. I felt like I could still taste his cum in my mouth.

"Fuuuuuckkkk... I can't take this anymore!" I said to myself.

I hopped on squirt and surfed the cruising forums, looking to see if anyone was already planning on being there looking for some quick sex. There weren't any posts for tonight so I went ahead and made my own.

"19yo college boi will be in the library stacks from 7:30 till 10, looking for whatever. I won't be on-line but I'll be wearing a red shirt and cargo shorts with a red and white jacket. Sit down next to me and take your shoes off so I'll know you're looking!"

I packed up my books and binders; I had to leave my laptop because the battery was nearly dead and I had noticed there weren't any power outlets in the stacks the last time I was there (guess they didn't think about needing to plug in laptops when the place was built 40 years ago).

I headed off to the stacks to hopefully get laid. If nothing else I figured I'd be able to get my homework done there better than my dorm room.

I settled into a corner of the 6th floor stacks, actually the same corner I had sucked Andy off in a couple of days ago. I draped my jacket of the back of my chair, got my homework out, and started to work.

It was around 9PM when I finished my chemistry homework. I hadn't seen or heard a single person come up here while I was here. I was beginning to think I wasn't going to get any action and would just have to head home and jack off.

I decided to take a quick bathroom break before starting on calculus. I didn't really feel like lugging my stuff down to the bathroom with me, besides; I hadn't seen another sole and didn't have anything valuable with me other than my textbooks.

I headed downstairs towards the main bathroom, which was nearly on the opposite end of the library when I remembered a smaller bathroom I had noticed a few weeks ago when I was exploring. It was "off the beaten path" so to speak but much closer.

I wondered around to the area I thought it was in; it took a couple of minutes to find it as it wasn't well advertised (no sign above the door, just the word "men's" on the front). I entered and was surprised at the cleanliness in both sight and smell of the bathroom. It was rather small, just two stalls and a urinal, but it was definitely cleaner and nicer than the main bathroom.

I took a piss in the urinal and then headed over to wash my hands. I was drying my hands when I first noticed the pair of feet under the far stall. They guy hadn't made a sound since I had been in there and I was rather surprised to see there was someone else in here. I thought about it for a second and realized it didn't smell or sound like he was taking a shit; I wondered if maybe he had been jacking off and I interrupted him. I had thought about doing that myself when I came in, so I wouldn't have been to surprised if this guy had already beat me to it. I decided to do a bit of testing.

I went to the door, opened it and let it close, but I stayed in the bathroom. I figured they guy would think I left and, if he was jacking off, I would be able to hear him and figure out my next move.

It only took about 10 seconds before I heard movement in the stall. I heard some rustling of clothes; then slowly and slightly a rhythmic slapping sound; the guy was definitely jacking off. My mind raced with how I could engage this guy and get his cock into my mouth, maybe even get sucked off myself. I figured the first thing I needed to do was let the guy know I was there, but I didn't want to freak the guy out let him know who I was if he wasn't interested in some mutual fun.

I opened the main bathroom door and then headed into the stall next to him. The jacking noise immediately stopped. I slid my shorts and underwear to my ankles and sat on the toilet. Now I wasn't sure what to do. I was rock hard knowing that there was some guy next to me who had just been jacking off, but I had no idea how to engage him.

I leaned back a little and started stroking myself while I thought about what to do. It was a little rough jacking without lube so I dribbled some spit on my cock to ease the friction. I settled into a nice rhythm and it wasn't long before my jacking was making the same noises I had heard from my counterpart in the other stall. I increased my grip and pace, hoping to amplify the sound so the other guy would be sure to hear it.

It didn't take more than another 5 or 10 seconds before I heard the classic jacking sounds coming from the other stall as well. Obviously he figured out what I was up to and was relaxed enough to at least jack off with me. I thought about what to do next and what I had read on the internet. I leaned towards the partition and slid my fingers along the bottom of the partition so they would be clearly visible to him.

The jacking in the other stall stopped. He had to be thinking about what he saw and what it meant. After a few seconds he tapped the foot nearest to me on the ground a few times. I took this as a sign he was willing to take this further, so I placed my hand under the partition and waved my fingers towards me.

I heard some rustling of clothes and then I saw his knees hit the floor just on the other side of the partition. He spread his legs a little wider and gripped the partition with his hands. I saw his low hanging balls. They looked to be about the size of two medium eggs; his sack was a reddish brown and I could see a light dusting of brown hairs covering his ample sack.

His lower half moved forwards as he pulled his bottom half into my stall. His cock slid into view, it looked to be about 7.5" and nicely thick. I could see large, yet trimmed path of brown pubes at the base.

I got off my stool and dropped to me knees between his spread legs. I reached out and gripped his hot shaft. I pulled his cock away from his body so it was nearly perpendicular with his waist. I could see a slight glistening on the head of his cut cock; probably either spit or precum from when he was jacking off. I gripped his cock firmly at the base and milked if a couple of times all the way to the head, coaxing out an ample drop of precum. I leaned forward and licked the pearly drop from his piss slit; I heard a sharp intake of breath. I slid my tongue down from his slit to the underside of his cock, just below the head. I licked around the head of his pulsing cock before sliding my mouth over the flared mushroom head and down, all the way to the base. I stayed there for a second and swallowed, causing my throat to massage his sensitive head.

"Ohhhh.... fuck dude...... that feels awesome." he said in a half whisper half euphoric voice.

I slid back up his shaft, sliding my tongue around the head of his cock again before plunging back down. I brought my right hand down and cupped his heavy balls, gently rolling them around in my hand. I began a steady rhythm, raking my lips and tongue around his head before plunging down again to massage his cock with my throat.

I increased my speed, I could hear his breathing getting heavier, his balls began drawing up in his sack. He was close, so I stopped.

I wanted this to last a bit longer, so I moved down to suck on his balls, but suddenly this cock and balls slid from my grasp as he pulled himself back into his stall. I couldn't figure out what was going on, then I heard his stall unlock

"Dude, get over here!"

I didn't need any more coaxing. I stood up and pulled my pants to my wait, holding onto them as I unlocked my door. I rounded the partition and entered his stall. It was the first time I got a good look at him; he looked to be close to my height (it was hard to tell as he was sitting back on the stool). He had short brown hair, green eyes and a killer smile. His snug shirt showed that he had a nice tight, fit body. Overall I'd say he looked like your typical jockish-fratboy type of guy.

I locked the stall and moved towards him. He grabbed the hand that was holding my pants and gently pulled it away, causing my pants to fall. My 6" cock was semi-hard due to the lack of attention and action but was rapidly regaining its fully erect state with this hot frat boy's mouth only inches from my cock.

He lifted my cock and placed it gently in his mouth. The sudden heat enveloping the head of my thickening member was awesome. I felt the wetness of his mouth, and then his tongue as he dipped the tip of his tongue into my piss slit. He licked all around the head and along the underside of the shaft.

By now my cock was at its full 6 inches. He slid his mouth all the way down my cock. I could feel the sudden tightness as his throat enveloped the head of my pulsing cock. He swallowed, sending shivers down my spine before he slid back up.

He got into a slow sucking motion, sliding my cock in and out of his hot, wet mouth.

I began to rock my hips back and forth, gently fucking into his mouth. I placed my hand on his head and encouraged him to set the pace I wanted. I was really getting into it when I felt I slight tugging at my ankle. He was pulling my foot up. I curiously obliged and he slipped my shorts and boxers over my foot, freeing it from my clothes. He then did the same to my other leg. I watched as he pushed the shorts and underwear against the wall.

With this new freedom for my legs a spread my legs a bit wider. This gave me the advantage of being slightly below his mouth, so I tilted his head down a bit and began fucking up into his mouth. I leaned my head back and enjoyed his hot mouth sliding up and down my rigid shaft. I could feel my orgasm beginning to build.

Lost in my ecstasy I must have missed the sound of the bottle opening, but I realized my cock sucker had been up to something when I suddenly felt a cool, wet finger brush against my tight ass hole. I immediately clenched my hole shut. I thought for a second; then decided to let this hot frat boy take me wherever he wanted to go.

He began circling my whole with his slippery digit. I willed myself to relax. He must have felt my whole become more inviting as he stopped the tip of his finger at my entrance and began to push in. He continued to bob his head on my turgid cock while his middle finger slowly sank into my hot ass. It wasn't long before I felt the base of his other curled fingers at my entrance.

Suddenly I felt a jolt from inside, he had hit something. Then he did it again, my knees became slightly week. He started to slide his slick finger out of my whole; when just the tip remained he shoved it back in; again racking across the button inside my ass.

My head was spinning. I could feel my orgasm building rapidly now. I began rocking hard, fucking into his hot mouth then back onto his slippery fingers. I suddenly felt more pressure at my ass; another finger slipped into my tight hole. There was no pain, just pleasure from my ass being stretched and the constant prodding of my prostate.

I was getting close. I knew I would be cumming in a few seconds.... I was about to pass the point of no return, when suddenly everything stopped. He removed his mouth from my throbbing cock and slipped his fingers from my ass.

He stood up and looked me straight in the eye, "Turn around."

It wasn't a suggestion or a request, it was an order. He gently grabbed across his body and grasped my arm, then slowly spun me around. He grabbed my waist with his left hand and pushed my shoulder forward with his right, forcing me to bend hover.

I placed both hands on the door in front of me, preparing myself for what I knew was coming.

I felt the bulbous head of his cock slide down the crack of my ass, grazing my entrance. He let it slide all the way down until it was pressed against my prenium, then slid it back up. This time, stopping at my waiting hole. I could feel the pressure as he pushed to gain entrance to my tight tunnel. I willed myself to relax; his meaty head pushed its way forward and into my hot entrance. He didn't pause; but continued to sink his thick cock my hole, I was being filled with his hot frat boy cock.

After several seconds of his steel rod slowly sliding into my ass he finally bottomed out; I had all 7.5" of his meaty member inside me. My ass clenched and released around its invader, trying to decide if it could suck more of it in. He gave me a few seconds to get use to his burgeoning cock before he began sliding back out.

I could feel his cock leaving, grazing over my prostate as his flared head passed my button. He pulled nearly all the way out, keeping just the head holding my entrance open; then he slammed all the way into me.

"ooohhhh, fuck" I groaned.

The sudden re-entrance was somewhat painful; but at the same time he had managed to hit my g-spot again sending pleasure through my body. He didn't pause this time but immediately began withdrawing again. When he was almost all the way out he again slammed back into me.

"Fuck dude, your ass is tight as hell."

He wasted no time in fucking my hot, tight ass. He would pull out almost all the way, then slam into me. Again and again, he pounded my hole hard; with long, steady strokes.

Each stroke was raking over my prostate. My cock, which had softened somewhat while this boy's hot rod entered me, was beginning to re-harden.

He began picking up speed; his strokes became shorter. He began hitting my prostate over and over again, rapidly. My head was spinning as pleasure shot through me from this boys hot cock. My ass was twitching as he pounded in and out of my tight hole.

I could feel it coming; my cock was twitching with every stroke my hot assailant made. I could feel the pressure building, I was going to cum.

I couldn't take my hands off the wall, but no matter. I was going to cum without even touching myself. He was pounding me at a feverish pace; my prostate was now constantly filling my body with pleasure. Suddenly I couldn't stand it anymore.

I groaned euphorically, "Ohhh... fuckk dude.... I'm... gonna... uhhhhh....."

I couldn't speak; I closed my eyes and let the pleasure rake thru my body. My cock throbbed hard, my ass clenched around his pummeling cock.

"Oh shiiiittttt..." was all he could say.

He slammed into my ass hard, and held himself there. My ass clenched around his now throbbing cock. I could feel his cum splatter my insides; as my cock continued to pump cum onto the floor below me.

We both held still for what was probably half a minute, though I was still in my euphoric state, unable to comprehend the passage of time.

I finally felt his softening cock slip for my ass. My hole clenched, trying to recover from being stretched by his thick meat. I could feel my ass wet with his cum. I slowly stood up and turned around.

I have my frat dude a shy smile, "wow, that was fuckin hot man"

"Yeah, no doubt. I really needed that. I'd fuck that ass any time."

"Dude, you can fuck me any time; that was awesome. Look at the huge mess I made on the floor!"

It was true, there were several large pools of cum on the floor. All thanks to this dude's hot cock.

We both got dressed. I began unlocking the stall when he spun me back around and looked me in the eye.

"Dude, I hope we can get together again sometime." he slipped his hands around me and cupped my ass. I felt his hand slide into my back pocket as he groped my ass. "Here's my number, call me anytime you wanna have that hot ass of yours filled."

he then reached beyond me and opened the door. He slid past me and walked out, not even looking back. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the card he had slipped in.

"Brian Laseter: Cell 555-6978"

I slipped the card into my wallet; he would definitely be getting a call from me soon.

I washed my hands and headed back up to my study hole. It was just past 9:30 and I was ready to call it a night.

I was walking down the aisle on the 6th floor stacks, towards the desk I had claimed earlier when I noticed there was someone else in the corner now. They weren't at my desk, but actually at the other desk which faced it. I couldn't tell much about them because of the partition around the desk, but I couldn't help but notice they guy had his shoes off. It seemed my night wasn't over quite yet.

I apologize for taking so long to finish this chapter. I have been very busy with school and work and hadn't managed to find the time to finish it until just now. chapter 3 will hopefully be coming out a bit sooner.

As always, feedback is appreciated. Please send it to authord 'at'

Next: Chapter 3

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