Cruising College

By authord84

Published on Jun 18, 2008


This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is coincidental. If you do not wish to read stories regarding male/male sex then please close your browser now (and ask yourself how in the hell you got here). If it is illegal for you to read this, for whatever reason then be aware: you are breaking the law if you read on (Obvious I know...). If you enjoy this story then please send me comments/feedback. I try to respond to all comments/constructive criticisms.

Also, the characters in this story do not practice safe sex because diseases do not exist in my fictional world. They do however exist in the real world, so please practice safe sex where appropriate.

I'm sitting here, nervous as hell; I can't believe I'm doing this. I mean sure, I'm 19 and horny as hell, but do I really have to resort to this?

yes, yes I do. Why? Because I'm too much of a nerd and too much of a chicken shit for anything else. Don't get me wrong, I may be a nerd but I look pretty good. I'm 5'9", 150LB, light brown hair, brown eyes, and I try to stay somewhat in shape by running a few times a week. The problem is I don't have a way to meet guys: I don't like to go to the clubs (plus I'm too young for most) and I'm not out. I wouldn't be caught dead at the local GLBTF meetings as I don't want to come out to anyone... at least no one that would possibly out me to other people. So yeah, I'm 19 and horny as hell with no way to get laid; well, almost no way to get laid.

It was a couple of weeks ago when I made the initial discovery. I had been here, in the main university library, when I needed to go to the bathroom. I headed off to the third floor bathroom to do my business. As I was sitting there on the throne I did what everyone else does and read the writings on the wall/partition. One particular message caught my attention:

'BJs in the stacks, 6th floor'

I had only heard of the stacks, but never been up there. After I finished my business I headed off to go to the 6th floor of the stacks. It turns out it's not that easy to find. After checking the map I realized there was only one entrance, it was on the 4th floor. I headed up to the fourth floor and entered through the giant, unmarked, metal door. In the stacks there are two options, you can either explore the very narrow and dark rows of books, or head up a narrow and dark flight of stairs to the upper levels of the stacks. The message said the 6th floor so I headed on up to the 6th floor. I explored the 6th floor; at each corner of the large, dark room there was a large desk. Each of these desks had a large partition built into the main desk, and it surrounded 3 sides of the desk. That made each desk pretty secluded so you could only see the person sitting at the desk if you went to the far edge and approached from against the wall. I looked around but didn't find anyone.

I figured if nothing else I had found a pretty secluded place to study, so I sat down and started studying. I spent several hours up there, but never saw a single person, let alone someone looking to suck my dick or get theirs sucked.

I continued going to the 6th floor stacks to "study" on a regular basis, all the time hoping to find some hot college frat boy either looking to give or receive a BJ. A few times I had seen another person, and once even a couple of guys sitting at a desk, appearing to study. More often than not though the place was empty. Each time I went up I randomly picked one of the secluded desks to sit at. When there was someone else there I wondered, 'How in the hell would I know if they wanted to do something or not?'

Finally a few days ago, as I was sitting at one of the secluded desks stuck on a particularly hard calculus problem, something caught my eye. Written on the partition were a lot of messages, but one in particular grabbed my attention.

"Wanna cruise? Go to"

The message peeked my interest, so I quickly got out my laptop and surfed to the site. I immediately realized it was a gay cruising site. I registered and surfed to the cruise listings for my area. At the top was a "listing" for my college library. I checked it out and saw a bunch of posts, a lot of them from this semester. I read through them, most of them along the lines of "Looking to get my dick sucked" or "wanting to suck dick" some posts had a time a place they would be; most of them said they would be on the 6th floor stacks at varying times. I noticed a couple of the posts said they would be at the stacks at times I had visited, and I could remember a couple of those times seeing a guy or two up here and I couldn't help but wonder if one of them was the "cruiser" in the post.

The next couple of days were pretty busy, and I didn't find myself any time to visit the library. Finally, today I realized I would have some free time. I knew I would have some studying to do, but nothing pressing. I hopped onto squirt and checked the listing to see if anyone was planning to be there. To my disappointment there was nothing. I had one more class to go to and then I could head over there, but what was the point if no one was going to be there?

I thought for a minute and then decided to be a bit bold; I clicked "post reply" and typed:

"Will be in the stacks, 6th floor @4:30 looking to suck or get sucked"

I posted the message and felt my stomach fill with butterflies; I had just advertised looking for a random hookup and had no idea what I would get. I headed off to my class, but honestly didn't pay any attention. Right after class I headed up to the stacks. I got there about 4:20. I looked around; no one else was there. I found a desk and opened up my laptop. I logged onto the site and immediately noticed I had a private message.

"Hey, I'll be there at 5 to get my dick sucked. Will you still be there? How will I recognize you?"

I checked his profile; it said he was 20, 6'1", 170. He had a picture that showed his tanned torso and an unbelievably hot cock. I went back to my private message and nervously typed a response:

"I'm in the northwest corner wearing a blue polo. Ask if I have any .5 lead so I'll know it's you. The name's Dustin"

I sent the message.

That was about half an hour ago, it's 4:55 and my heart is pounding. Part of me just wants to pack up and run, but a larger part of me is horny as hell and just wants ANY kind of sex, even if it's just me giving a BJ; that's better than nothing.

I just heard the large metal door below open and shut, someone else just entered the stacks.

I can hear them climbing the stairs now, each step squeaks as they ascend the stairs.

They've reached the 6th floor, I can hear them as they walk through the aisles, they're moving closer to where I sit.

Suddenly someone appears along the wall so they're in view of my desk. It's definitely a guy, late teens or early twenties. He looks a little over 6 feet tall with an all over tan. His light blond hair is slightly messy on his head. His eyes lock with mine; they appear to be a deep blue, though it's hard to tell from this distance. A slight grin appears on his face and I can see a slight dimple on his right side.

He walks toward me, placing an arm on top of the partition. His crotch is nearly eye level with me, and I can't help but stare at the bulge in his white athletic shorts. I can see the faint outline of a nice thick cock, and it seems to be getting thicker.

His voice is smooth as he speaks, "So...Dustin? Do you have any .5 lead I could borrow?"

I look up at his face and give a weak smile, I see movement at his crotch as he brings his free hand down and gently grabs his thickening tube. He moves it around a little, making it obvious he has an ample cock for me to suck.

I barely whisper as I watch his meaty cock move beneath his shorts, "yeah. I think I can help you out."

He stops groping himself and reaches down for my hand; he moves my hand up and places it on his thickening cock. He moves my fingers up over the waistband of his shorts; then curls them into the band. He pushes my curled fingers down, and with them his shorts begin to fall. The first thing I see is a dense patch of dark blond pubes. Then the base of his cock comes into view. The back of my hand slides along his now hard shaft as he pushes my hand further down. Finally my hand brushes the bulbous head and then the tip; his cock springs free, pointing almost directly at my face.

He continues moving my hand down until my curled fingers rest under his heavy nut sack. He pulls on my wrist, bringing my hand back up. He places my fingers flat against his pubes, with his pulsing cock between my thumb and index finger.

He releases my wrist, but then moves his hand to the back of my head. I feel him pull gently, and I feel my mouth moving forward, my lips parting slightly. He brings my mouth gently into contact with the tip of his steel pole. He applies more pressure, my lips part more and I let his head slip into my mouth. I run my tongue around the ridge of his flared head. I look up and see an awesome grin spread across his face.

He applies more pressure on the back of my head; I slowly allow his thick meat to slide into my mouth. Inch after inch slides in; after about 5 inches I feel the head of his hot cock pressing against my throat. I take a deep breath through my nose, and then relax my throat. His head slips into my gullet and he feeds me more of his cock. I slide all the way down until my nose is buried in his pubes, my lips are wrapped around the base of his cock; I've taken in all 7 inches of his hefty cock. He holds my head there and groans heavily. I swallow, milking the couple of inches of cock stuffed down my throat. He groans louder.

His grip on the back of my head loosens and I gently pull back. I slide back up his shaft until only the head is still in my mouth. I tongue his bulb and gently lick at the underside of his cock, then dip my tongue into his piss slit. I taste the sweet, yet salty nectar that is leaking out of his cock. I feel him begin to put pressure on my head again, so I plunge down, fully engulfing his cock again. I milk his meat with my throat for a few seconds before pulling back again.

I begin a steady, slow pattern. I tongue his cock head, lick the crown of his wonderful knob, tongue his piss slit to get all the sweet precum he has to offer, then plunge down again to milk his thick cock with my hot throat.

I do this several times, he groans every time I envelop his head with my tight throat. He groans louder as I milk his cock with my throat as if I was trying to swallow his thick sausage.

It doesn't take long before he takes over, he starts pushing my head all the way down, then pulling my head back up, then plunging my hot mouth back down his leaking cock.

His hips are now rocking with his motions, as he fucks my mouth. He begins to move faster, his orgasm obviously building rapidly. He groans almost nonstop now. His movements become slightly erratic as he tries to pound his cock in and out of my throat even faster. I feel his grip on the back of my head tighten, he emits a deep, steady groan as he slams my mouth down to the base of his cock and holds me there. I feel the head of his cock expand in my throat, his shaft pulses strongly. Hot liquid sprays the back of my throat... 1, 2, 3 times. I pull back slightly and let his hot cum run over my taste spuds; 4, 5, 6 more hot shots flow over my tongue as I swallow in earnest.

His cock begins to deflate, I suck harder, from the base to the tip; I want all of his tasty offering.

Finally he pulls his cock from my mouth. He pulls up his shorts and looks down. I smile weakly.

"Thanks man, I really needed that."

He reaches down to the pen lying on my desk, his crotch is directly in my face. He scribbles a phone number and his name, Andy.

"Call me some time, maybe next time we can get together at my place."

He leans down close to my ear, "And maybe next time I'll return the favor, or better yet, maybe I'll bend you over and fuck you until you cum."

He stands back up and gives me a killer smile, then turns and walks away.

I sit there, dumbstruck. I can't believe I just sucked off an incredibly hot guy in the stacks of the library. I'll definitely be doing this again, and I'll definitely be giving Andy a call.

That's it for chapter 1. Chapter 2 will be release as soon as I get it written, and we'll find out what other sexual exploits our main character decides to explore.

If you enjoyed this story please let me know. If you have feedback (good or bad) please, send it to me. I try to respond to all e-mail, and I take all comments and constructive criticism to heart as I write future stories. Also I will only continue writing if I know people are reading and enjoying what I write.

AuthorD84 '@'

Next: Chapter 2

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