
By redwheels

Published on Mar 25, 2002



Written by redwheels (formerly ultf113) Spring 2002

The ship was quiet as the first golden rays of morn touched her immense white body. I breathed in the cool air, looking down over the rail to see the last wisps of sea fog slip past her hull. My new sneakers gripped the dewy light grey boards of the Pacifica II's port walkway. Since no one else was around, I relaxed and walked naturally, a rare pleasure for a gay man accustomed to red alert camouflage for my own protection.

The workout room looked big, probably due to the mirrored walls. My room card slid into the glass door's slot. I walked through to the men's shower room. This was nice... Traveling to Hawaii on a six month-old cruise ship was something I could grow to like! I set my red/black gym bag on the bench and slowly took off my sky blue track pants and hooded white anorak. After locking my stuff in the most "private" corner locker, I went back to the main room to begin stretching.

Another man came through the glass door as I started stretching my arms and sides.

"Hey," he said.


He was in good shape! I could only check him out for two seconds as he strode to the showers, but what an impression!

You know those barbarian types you see on Xena? He was like that, only taller. Not as pumped up... A balanced, moderate 2/3ds of the way to being overmuscled. His blonde hair was pretty long, so he probably wasn't gay... unless he was an actor or something. I hoped he wouldn't mind me checking him out. The idea of comparatively scrawny me forcefully overpowered by kisses from that huge-jawed face of his... God, couldn't I just forget about sex for awhile and focus on exercise? Nope.

I smiled to myself as I touched my toes and stretched my calves. Putting one foot on the rack of free weights and leaning forward to stretch my back thigh felt so good. I went through my routine, enjoying my toned reflection in the bright room. I was just wearing a red square-cut swimsuit, white socks and sneakers, and a red headband. My toned 6' 1" body was lovely enough to expose, and I knew I'd work up a sweat doing cardio after free weights, so why ruin a shirt first thing in the day?

"All right, chrome free weights!" he said, coming out of the shower room.

"Yeah, this ship has everything," I said, not wanting my voice to sound too... expressive, if you know what I mean.

I took a pair of 8 pound dumb bells and went off to the side to do my sets. Facing the glass outer wall, I started my first 15 bicep curls.

"You're looking good," he said as he picked up two 12 pounders. "Name's Douglas. Good to meet ya."

"Hi. I'm Mitch." Should I compliment him? I didn't want to be so obvious, but he noticed me, so...

"Ever cruised before?" he asked. His voice was so confident and clear. He alternated curls with each arm like the weights were nothing.

"No. I'm a first timer. Won a company contest for the trip."

"Lucky man."

We exercised for five minutes, our introductory small-talk out of the way. I slowly went through my dozen moves at 8 pounds while he plowed through his, easily doing sets of 30.

I went to the rack to exchange my weights for 15 pounders.

"I was beginning to wonder," he said with a smile.

"Hey, I work light every other day," I said. Feeling cocky at his friendly initiative, I said, "And what makes YOU the bodybuilding expert?"

Douglas laughed in the middle of his front-raise.

"Watch what you say, little punk!"

"Okay okay, your majesty," I said. "Jeez." Oh, these heavier weights felt better.

"I see you like to go slow," he said, putting his weights back on the rack.

"Yeah, I like to feel the whole motion."

30 pounders now? No way. He exhaled through his lips and resumed working out, five feet from me.

"You mind if I watch you?" I said.

He shrugged his shoulders. I turned to see his incredible arms squeeze and flex. He was beginning to sweat a little.

Normally I wouldn't stare at another guy in a gym, but Douglas didn't seem to have a trace of shyness. With a body like his, he was probably used to the attention. I liked what he was wearing--shiny dark blue jogging shorts and a simple white tank top with the Pacifica II's name and curling wave logo in light blue. No sign of body hair. I liked that.

I breathed loudly, feeling the strain on my 12th overhead press.

"Hey, settle down over there," he said with another smile.

"Sorry Douglas, it's just that," I pressed up again, "it's getting harder for me." I hoped he picked up on my obvious double meaning.

"Happens every day," he said. He put his weights to his shoulders and started doing squats.

Enough signals had passed that I felt like there was little to lose if I came right out and asked him. But... why rush things?

"How long have you been working out?" I asked.

He was beginning to breathe harder. "About 8 years. My college had an incredible weight room. I really took to it naturally. And it helped get my mind off..."


"You know, being gay... figuring out what to do." He continued exercising.

"Yeah... I can... relate to that." He smiled and glanced back to me.

"So how old are you Mitch?"

"34," I said, walking to the inclined bench.

"Not bad. You look a lot younger."

"Well, I tell people it's because I don't drink coffee. Everyone in my family is a total addict, and it shows. It's sad how they can barely function in the morning when I'm ready for anything."

"I've always hated coffee too... I'm," he stood and raised his weights high, "an orange juice man! Ahhhh!" He took a deep breath and put his weights back on the rack.

I started my crunches. Douglas stood and relaxed, watching me as he wiped his forehead with his towel.

"You do look good," he said.

"Thanks. You're amazing."

"Thanks. It's nice to hear another guy say that... Usually my compliments come in the form of women hooting from convertibles."

I smiled. "Isn't that the wierdest thing? I've gotten that a few times... They must feel looser in a group."

"You have no idea how loose women can get," he said.

"Oh?" I asked. Women generally picked up on my gayness right away.

"They can be pretty pathetic. To be looked up and down by some drunk middle-aged woman coming out of a restaurant... Probably thinking I could be the answer to her unlived life."

"It must be rough," I said with a laugh, basically accusing him of being a pussy.

He laughed and moved the key down on the leg-press' weight stack.

After my crunches, I walked over to his machine and set the pull-down bar for 120 pounds. I grabbed the black foam grips and centered myself, looking over to see him checking me out.

"I see you shave too," he said, pushing his gleaming legs down.

"But of course." After a few pulls on the wide bar, I started humming the tune, "You're the top", hoping he'd pick up on the reference.

We synced up and he hummed along, moving his head back and forth in time. Our song grew louder and faster. Exhausted after two verses, we finished. The weights stopped clinking and our breathing sounds filled the room.

"Mitch, my man," he asked. "Want to spend the day together?"

"Sounds good," I said, recovering my breath. "Got to do the bike first though."

"I believe I'll join you."

We walked, our muscles feeling warmed and well-used, to the row of five black exercycles. I programmed mine for 25 minutes, level 7 of 10.

"Level 7, eh?" he said. "How 'bout a race?"

"You got it."

There was a flat Hi-Def screen centered in the top of the mirror wall. Our cycles were hooked in to the computer. I chose the gold rider. Douglas chose Mr. Ice.

We started out slow, enjoying the pleasant flat ground, getting used to seeing our characters glide along, their legs matching ours as we pedaled.

"This is cool," I said. The computer graphics rolled by smoothly, with very well done texture maps on the road and buildings. The snowy blue mountains loomed ahead.

We went into our first hill, keeping pace with each other. I wondered out loud how I kept my lead.

"I think the bikes factor in our weight," he said. "No problem."

Douglas poured on the power and ascended the hill, leaving me scrambling to keep up. He relaxed on the leveling road as I closed in. My heart felt great to beat so fast. I loved this computer system!

"Hey Mitch, good to see ya," he said as Goldie came within 15 feet. He let me come along side.

"See if it allows drafting," he said. I gently pressured my handlebars to glide in behind him. The distorted scenery looked so beautiful through Mr. Ice's transparent body.

"Nope, no change," I said. "Good view though."

"Let me see your guy," said Douglas.

We tilted and circled to match speed again. The road, sky, and trees reflected off my character's gold body.

"A living trophy," said Douglas.

"That you'll never catch!" I said, suddenly pounding down and pulling ahead.

"You fucking dick!" he said.

"All's fair..."

I led him for two minutes, riding hard. He wore me out and passed me on the next, very long hill. Our handlebars sensed and displayed our heart rates on the corners of the HD screen.

2/3ds of the way into the race, we were both breathing hard and dripping with sweat. I was having the most fun with a computer since playing Star Raiders on an Atari 400 at a projection TV store when I was 12. The fronts of my legs were burning with lactic acid, but I had to keep up with Mr. Ice. I stood up on the pedals and brought my ass muscles fully into use. The cutting-edge exercycle realistically tilted side to side in its heavy base beneath me.

It felt so good to reach level ground again and feel the resistance ease off. The finish line was a half mile away, but I was spent. My legs weakly pedaled as I coasted in, far behind Douglas. The screen displayed our times and top speeds, then showed an animated winner ceremony for Mr. Ice.

I wiped the sweat away from my face and leaned back, gasping for air and feeling the pain in my legs dissipate.

Douglas leaned to the padded handlebars, resting his head on his crossed arms. I felt great to know the drained satisfaction of going beyond my limits of endurance.

Our hearts still pounding, we dismounted and toweled down our bikes. Mr. Ice was still standing on the podium, waving his fists and bowing to the crowd.

"What a jerk!" said Douglas with a friendly breath.

I swallowed, my mouth feeling dry.

"Shower time," I said. His eyes brightened and we confidently entered the locker room.

The thing I love most about exercise is the weak, trembling, steamy afterglow of exhaustion. The subdued light in the changing area was so sharp and clear compared to the flood of mirrored daylight outside. I loved the easy task of untying my shoes and stripping off my sweaty socks, headband, and tight swimsuit. It was good to be with another gay man again, comfortable and unashamed of our nudity and any reaction we might have to each other.

There was one large shower stall, tiled in heavy duty dark brown squares on the walls and tiny speckled beige hexagons on the floor. We both entered. Douglas grabbed the shower handle from the wall and turned the dial all the way to the right. He blasted my relieved nude body with warm water to rinse the sweat away. He paid special attention to my light brown hair, placing his large free hand on my shoulder to steady me. I felt the flexible metal hose brush against my bottom a couple times. I turned and drank from the warm spray. Mmmmm.

He let me take my turn hosing him down. Oh my God, he was beautiful. His back, his legs, his waist, his ass... I sprayed him hard with the heavy chrome handheld. We faced each other so I could attend to his unbelievable chest, rippling abs, and huge thick cock. He raised his arm and placed his hand behind his neck, as if to pose for me. I showered down his bare arm pits. We were both hard and turned on for sex, the last energy source left in our bodies.

I put the shower handle back on the wall and squeezed out a handful of white liquid soap from the enormous plastic dispenser. The familiar scent of Ivory, a brand which I, after a lifetime of using Dial, sexually imprinted with at 14, filled the stall. Oh man. I touched my soapy hand to Douglas' left shoulder, then, smiling, began lathering him. He pumped out a generous handful and playfully lathered me, starting at my neck. We happily covered one another in foamy, dripping bubbles which ran down our firm bodies. I loved feeling my hands slip over his fantasic curves.

We looked at each other to confirm the next step. Yes. Douglas soaped up my rock hard penis and firmly rubbed my ass with hot lather. I took my time getting his equipment clean.

"That's as far as it goes for now Mitch," he said. I understood.

We showered each other off again, and I hosed down the lather left in the stall. I felt so wonderfully alive and clean as Mitch, naked and natural, turned off the shower's loud shhhh and clicked it back to the wall. The silence was deep and comforting.

We went to our lockers and dried off. No one else was around. No noises from the exercise room. We could stretch this moment and talk.

"Thanks for a great morning, Douglas."

"Doug. And It's been great to meet you."

"Mind if I do my cool-down stretch now?" I asked with a smile.

"Please do."

I raised my hands high, closed my eyes, and tilted my face back, knowing how beautiful I must have looked to Doug. My cock was soft again. Keeping my eyes closed, I lowered and stretched each arm. I opened my eyes to see him, his relaxed nude body so strong there on the wooden bench, enjoying my show. I bent down to touch my toes. He guided me with one hand to turn. I smiled, standing up straight, then bending down to show him the shadows of my dark crack and bright smooth ass in their gay glory.

His hands caressed my buns.

"So smooth," he said.

I stood up. "I did the laser thing in San Fran last year. Like it?"

"Oh yeah Mitch." I closed my eyes and enjoyed his soft caress.

"How much was it?" he asked.

"About $2500, over two weeks."

"Any problems with it?"

"It stung a little at first, but it was nice to baby my skin after each treatment. It's so nice not to have to shave. The freedom..."

"Waking up every morning, your body smooth under the covers..." he said.

"Mm hmm."

I turned back around and lifted my left heel to my ass to stretch my hot, aching thigh. I wrapped up my posing and stretching, then sat next to Douglas on the bench.

He smiled over and laughed through his nostrils.

"Are you seeing anybody now?" I asked.

"No. I'm available."

"Me too." We smiled again. I put my hand on his thigh. His huge cock's springy bush of light brown pubic hair looked so soft and inviting in the clear locker room light.

"Let's get together then," I said. He looked up to my eyes with his gentle face.

"You've got me, Mitch." I quickly moved forward to kiss him gently on the lips.

He put his hand on mine and kissed me back. We parted and took a few deep breaths, happy to make this connection so soon on the voyage.

o o o o o

Feeling energized from our workout, I left my room and walked down the long light green hall toward the bow's breakfast atrium. I wore a casual outfit of brown hiking boots, white jeans, and a soft yellow golf shirt. I felt so good, so... gay after meeting Doug that morning. I loved the way he came out to me. He must have sensed my nature right away... There was no doubt our sex would be hot, but the thought of being held by him through the night, so big and strong... Sigh.

Mitch waved to me as I entered the bright, elegant space, carpeted in soft ocean blue with white tables. The sun was pretty high now. I waved back and went through the buffet line.

"Good to see you," he said as I set my tray down.

"Looking good," I complimented. He was wearing your basic oatmeal-colored Banana Republic travel outfit. Perfect for him. I liked his taste!

"Try this omelet," he said, reaching a forkful over to me. I leaned forward and took it in. I closed my eyes at its deliciousness as I sat down.


I took a sip from my tall glass of foamy orange juice. Feeding me so soon... Douglas, what had I touched within you?

We fully enjoyed our breakfast, our bodies desperate for wholesome nourishment after such intense exercise. I made a little sandwich out of my scrambled eggs and buttered English muffins. Doug smiled and looked across the table as he worked on his two omelets and diagonally sliced wheat toast.

"So what's the plan, Doug?"

"Well, I'd like to see your room. What level are you on?"

"Green. A third-class single cabin. At least the lifeboat only covers half the window."

"I'm on blue. Second class, double bed." He grinned over.

"I'd like to see that."

"You want to... see a show tonight?" he asked.

"Either that or the formal dance..." His eyes brightened.

He ran his fingers back through his hair. "Are you sure you want to be seen... that way here?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "What are they going to do to us? Better us out there than some old couple where the man's hating every minute of it."

"I did bring my tux for dinners. Hmmm. Could be fun."

"If you're nervous about it, just say so."

"Yeah, I am."

"Does anyone know you on board?"


I opened my hands and held them there at table level.

"Just a couple slow dances and we can leave if you want," I said.

"Mmm, no," he said, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, there's something telling me not to do it." He shrugged his shoulders. "I hope you understand Mitch."

"Yes of course. No problemo."

We finished eating our breakfasts and walked our trays to the serving cart. As we left, two nice ladies in their seventies stopped us in the hall.

"Sorry to bother you two gentlemen," one said, "but we couldn't help but overhear your conversation about the dance."

The other one, holding her friend's hand, said, "We would be honored to dance with you two tonight... I'm sure we would all get along..."

Their voices were so pleasant, frail but clear. It was obvious they were partners. How could we say no?

We agreed to meet up at 8:15 and enter the ballroom together, to dance and enjoy the evening like everyone else.

They clearly showed they knew and understood our common gay bond.

o o o o o

Doug and I walked and circled the ship for 45 minutes. We talked about our lives and careers. We were glad to meet someone who didn't take chances with their health. Safe sex was a sign of caring and honor for us.

"Well, this is it!" I said, opening the door to my cabin.

"Pretty nice," he said, stepping in the glossy wooden and mirrored room.

"I've got to relax," I said. I lied back on the pastel blue and autumn gold patterned bedspread. Doug joined me.

"Mitch, this is so great, being here with you."

"That was some workout, huh Doug?"

He laughed. "The best. It's hard to find a gay workout buddy in Provo."

"So... " I asked, "what are you searching for?"

He thought it over. "Honest love. Something real. I want something more than... cheap sex. You know?"

"You mean... like two people actually caring for each other? Working together to grow their love like a tree, planting it in the right soil..."

"Go on. You're... speaking my language Mitch."

"Welcoming the rain, protecting it from the cold and wind...

Keeping the weeds out... Letting the sun shine down... Two people taking the time for their tree to put down strong and healthy roots..."

"Yeah, you're on the right track," he said. We stared up at the ceiling and imagined the scene as I continued;

"And noticing the gentle beauty of the first blossoms amid the growing leaves... Eventually tasting the first fruit...

And sharing in the growing harvest each season... Our tree ever stronger and more established, able to withstand bad weather... That kind of connection? Something better than a totally meaningless physical thing, over as soon as it starts?"

"Yeah, exactly." Doug turned and smiled, realizing I had thought about love as much as he. We embraced and kissed softly.

"I feel so safe with you," I said.

"I've never felt so... at ease with another guy before, Mitch. We've got something good going..."

I snuggled into him for a nice ten minutes of relaxation. He gently stroked my soft hair. I loved that we could do this kind of thing, so innocent, as our love began.

o o o o o

We danced our partners Jenny and Dianne to the smooth, warm music of the dance band. We enjoyed their beaming faces, to us and each other as we circled and stayed nearby. Douglas and I kept looking into each other's eyes too, swept away on the romantic melodies washing over us in the golden ballroom.

Other gay and lesbian couples had danced, so, after 40 minutes, we parted with our dates and paired off with our true interests. The way Doug held and moved me was so wonderful... The graceful lyrics of all the old standards fit our new love so perfectly. I had expected this event to be fun but a little wierd. But getting lost in Doug's tuxedoed arms was an experience I shall always treasure. He let me lead a few dances too, and I could tell how his tension drifted into serene calm as our special evening wore on.

We gave Jenny and Dianne one last dance. The music ended at 12:45. They gave us their home address in Phoenix and hoped we'd contact them and visit sometime. We said thanks and goodnight and walked out into the starry Pacific night. A cool breeze softly blew.

"Aren't you glad we came?" I said.

"Yes. Mitch, you were amazing. Thanks for suggesting it."

"We paid for our tickets, might as well sample everything the ship has to offer."

"I never thought of it that way." I think he realized we had every right to be ourselves on this ship, no matter what others thought or said.

"So, did you want to see my room?" he asked. I said yes.

We made our way to the other side of the ship and went up the stairs to blue level. Doug loosened his bow tie as we approached his door.

"You'll like it Mitch." He opened the door and turned on the lights.

"It's huge!" I said, impressed by the clean, bright, and opulent stateroom.

We saw ourselves in the mirror.

"I can't believe how good you look," I told him. We looked good together, Doug about four inches taller than me. He hugged me from the side and looked at me through the mirror.

"Thank you for a great day, Mitchell. You've been nothing but wonderful."

I leaned my head to his shoulder. I broke our gaze from the mirror and looked to his eyes.

"I can't believe how this day turned out," I said.

We softly embraced and swayed to silent music. My good old penis... Free to harden now that we were alone...

I turned my head and rested against his chest.

"Mmmm. There there," he said, gently caressing my head.

"No one has ever been so gentle with me before," I said.

"No one has ever wanted me to be gentle," he replied. "It's really nice."

We swayed and breathed for a few more minutes.

"Are you available tomorrow, Doug?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Yes. Workout room, 5:30 AM."

"It's a date."

We kissed and held our bodies close. I felt his penis against mine... We kissed again. I felt his soft, long blonde hair... We hugged tightly... A final soft kiss. Good night. Good night, my sweet love...

o o o o o

We were SO comfortable with each other in the mirrored workout room the next morning. We freely examined our flexing bodies as we lifted weights before our clean reflections. Neither of us wearing shirts, Doug taught me three new free weight exercises, and felt my arms and shoulders to make sure I had proper form.

We took a gentler computer cycle ride, playfully guiding and watching our characters tilt and glide through the 15 mile track. We did a sprint at the end, then cooled down. Some teen boys came in, so we showered individually and left for breakfast.

Doug and I revealed our life stories in my room. I held nothing back in detailing my first impressions of gay awareness... First attraction to another guy... The passionate release of my first sexual adventure with my best friend on a high school trip to Washington... The price I paid for being gay... My brushes with hate and violence. The verbal abuse and instant disrespect from people on the streets of Omaha. The whole coming out deal. It felt so good to talk out loud in my real voice, not dialing it down to act straight.

Doug talked about coming of age at the height of the AIDS epidemic, and how alone he felt, knowing it wasn't safe to follow his heart. His decision to stay on the straight and gay sidelines for so long. The first time he watched a gay porn videocassette, and how he absolutely knew nothing that powerful and joyous could be bad. All the women who stalked him... Telling his father the truth about who he shared his college apartment with...

"AIDS isn't some distant thing with me," I said, "Four people I grew up with have it now, and two guys I knew from college are gone... I can't believe it's been 15 years since that first funeral. Man."

Doug took a deep breath. "You've been tested...?"

"Oh yeah, of course. But I was never a partier. I was educated enough to know how to prevent getting it too..."

"Same here."

I laughed. "You know, we can TALK about this... Everyone should talk about it. A lot better than getting sick from it."

"That's a load off my mind," he said. "It's like now that it isn't front page news anymore, our society doesn't want to keep facing up to the problem."

We talked a while longer, then walked around the upper deck to survey the endless sea. The Pacifica II's flags snapped in the trade winds as the radar equipment spun above us. We looked down at the young guys and girls poolside.

"Oh, I've been meaning to ask... What's in Hawaii for you?"

Doug smiled and lowered his eyes. "You wouldn't believe me..."

"Sure I would."

"Okay... I'm in a... body building contest. Middleweight division. I spent so much time in the gym seeing this company's posters, so I sent in my pictures and they invited me on the spot. Even the last place contestant gets $5,000."


"Yeah, I mean I'm not a showoff type, but I've seen a few contests on ESPN and thought I could get in the top 3 at least."

"Hey, good luck man."


"And what are you planning?", he asked.

"Snorkeling and sunning," I said.

"I love snorkeling."

"Come on over to my hotel. There's a clear lagoon an easy walk down the beach."

"I will."

o o o o o

We had lunch together at the dinner theatre. The comedian was lame, so we left 5 minutes into the show.

"You want to see a movie?" I asked as we walked through the neon lobby of amusements and glass elevators. He paused and looked up to me.

"I want to see you..."


"For the night."

I smiled. "Well... let's go then."

We walked back to his suite and closed the door. The blinds were closed and the room was dark. He kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Oh Doug."

We made out and kissed our way to the bed. He guided me down. Kneeling before me, he unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off. My eyes were adjusting to the afternoon glare coming through the top inch of the five foot wide window. Doug loosened and pulled my pants down. I was loving this...

I lied back to let him finish stripping me. The room was so nice and warm, and the bedding was so soft... I touched my fingers to my lips as I watched Douglas remove his clothes. He took a deep breath, then crawled up on top of me. I kept my arms on the bed. He kissed me with such warmth and love.

My penis grew unbelievably hard, having such a man of my dreams above.

I closed my eyes and breathed, keeping my body still as he kissed my face, shoulders, and chest. I felt his tongue lick my left areola, then his gentle bite on my hardening nipple... Oh, his long golden hair tickled as he nursed and sucked my firming breasts...

We fully embraced, our hands clutching and caressing with abandon as we claimed possession of one another. As we turned, I felt his fingernails press into my back... Oh I loved it so much! He moved a hand down to my ass and pulled me in close, our rods and balls in full contact at last. I felt my shoulders drop and head fall back, swept away with this sudden passion... I let my arms go weak so he could hold me, master me...

Oh Douglas, crush me in your embrace! He relaxed and I weakly reached up to delicately touch my fingertips to his chest. I softly kissed him, feeling ever more the femme in his loving presence. I rolled on top and slowly began grinding my hips into him. His hands slid down my sides to my waist. We pressed together, our lust uncontrollable.

Doug put a condom on me. I loved the powdery rubber scent and my shaft's newly smooth appearance as he rolled it down.

"Fuck me Mitchell."

We drew back the bedspread and yellow blanket so we could enjoy the cool white linen, then stacked and folded up the pillows in the middle of the bed. Doug lifted himself up on the pillows and lied back. I kneeled before him, taking his calves to my shoulders. I took a breath and smiled to him. He closed his lips and nodded. I squeezed out some K-Y and coated my rubber dick. I caressed his thighs and jacked his cock a couple times.

In. I pressed and slid myself inside him. His squeeze was so strong, but my hard cock kept spreading his ass ring wide. I fucked him back and forth, pressing into his legs more and more. He spread his legs wide as I fully shoved my hot dick into his smooth velvety ass. Oh! I bared my teeth and stiffened my lips as he clamped around my thick long penis. I fucked him. Hard up the ass. Oh God it was great...

His heels touched the back of my waist as I leaned in, still pumping myself in and out of his slippery ass. His cock touched my belly as I strained to kiss his neck... He briefly hugged me with his arms, then pushed back on my shoulders to send me back up.

His hard legs closed and touched the sides of my head. I reached around his thighs, still buttfucking him, and grabbed on to his dick with both hands. I squirted some K-Y on his enlarged head and jacked him, squeezing my fingers around his sensitive rim while my other hand slid up and down his veiny pole.

Harder, harder, and faster, our masculine bodies fucked in the room's cool blue grey light. His leg muscles tensed and relaxed against my abs and chest. He was quickly turning his head side to side against the mattress, filling his heaving chest with desperately needed oxygen. My eyes rolled back in my head and my eyelids fluttered chaotically.

His hot butt against my groin, I thrusted and thrusted deep inside him.

Oh yes! Oh God. Or--orgasm... I felt myself explode with condom come inside his hot ass... My cock throbbed and pulsed as his butt squeezed tighter, holding me tight as I felt his come shoot up past my jellied fingers... Simultaneous orgasm! Oh! My thighs burned as the wave of climax filled me, spreading out from the center of my buttfucking dick.

"Oh Mitch... Yes!"

I caught my breath and swallowed. I pumped slower and slower, kissing Doug's calves and sloooowly pulling my Trojan cock from his soft pussy. We breathed hard, our first lovemaking complete. I gently lowered his legs to the bed, sharing smiles through our slowing breaths.

"That was so great," I said shaking my head. "I love you."

We cleaned up and got under the blankets again. Fully drained and satisfied, we entwined our arms and legs, unable to keep our eyes open against the naturally irresistible fall into deep, deep sleep. Mmmmm.

o o o o o

We barely left our room after that. We fucked and came and sucked and hugged, only stopping from exhaustion. It was the most loving and intense sex of our lives. And we talked. Shared. Fucked some more. Kissed, bathed, and fed each other. It was no wonder, at the contest in Hawaii, his glowing confidence easily led him to win first place and a $150,000 endorsement contract.

We cherish one another, our faithful gay hearts fully devoted and true. Our love, deep and enduring, only grows stronger after every challenge. At last, I Mitchell take you Douglas to be the one true fucking all night everlasting Love of my life!

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