Cruel Developments by Cutter09

By Cutter09

Published on Sep 24, 2024


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Cruel Developments Chapter Two

Tuesday at third period science, we were allowed to choose lab partners. I looked at Shane, he smiled and gave me a thumbs up, I grinned back at him and nodded.

"I heard that next semester we have to dissect a frog," Shane told me as we huddled together at our lab table.

"Eww, shit. I hope not."

"It's probably no worse than gutting a fish," Shane opined.

"Yeah, I don't do that either. Never been fishing."

"My uncle has a farm just outside of town. Maybe you can go fishing with me sometime."

"Uh... Okay, sure. Hey, would you like to come over and go swimming? Maybe spend the night Friday?"

"I'll have to check with my mom, but I'm sure she won't mind."

"The first football game is that night, maybe my friend Robbie can join us after."

"You have a friend on the football team?"

"Yeah, we've been best friends like forever."

Later we were at our lockers when some big guy shoved me into it, causing me to bump my head pretty hard. "Out of my way butt wipe," he said, laughing. His two buddies thought it was hysterical too.

Blood was dripping from my nose, and I could feel a lump swelling on my forehead. I peeled myself off the locker, and started down the hall after him.

"Hey!" I yelled behind him.

When he turned I gave him a swift kick in the balls. "There's your butt wipe, Asshole!"

As he collapsed on the floor, his buddies turned on me. "No!" he gasped, holding his groin. "I deserved it. What's your name, little guy?"

"Well, it's not butt wipe. It's Clay."

"Little big man Clay. I'm Marshall. Bumping into you was actually an accident, but I shouldn't have made a joke of it and called you names. I hope I'm not singing soprano tomorrow," he said still gripping his nuts.

"Sorry. But I don't like being bullied."

He had picked himself up by then, and I noticed he was like twice my size. Good looking, nice smile. Obviously an athlete. "So I noticed," he said as he gave his nuts a rub.

I went back to my locker to find Shane staring at me. "Did you just kick the quarterback in the nuts?"

"I kicked someone. I didn't know he was the quarterback."

We had lunch next, and went to the cafeteria. As I made my way through the line, I looked for Robbie. I spotted him at a table with Marshall. With my tray of institutional food, I went and sat at the next table over from Robbie's group. "Robbie, this is my friend Shane."

"Robbie, you know little big man Clay?" Marshall asked. "You should talk him into trying out as a kicker."

"How do you know Clay?" Robbie asked.

"He introduced himself in the hall." Marshall replied and his two buddies chuckled.

"What happened to your face?" Robbie noticed.

"Marshall introduced himself out in the hall. Do you want to come over after the game Friday night?"

"Actually, I was going to hang out with the team after the game."

I was a little hurt, but I understood. I mean, I had made a new friend too, it's not like we're attached at the hip or something.

In gym class we didn't have to dress or shower. Coach mostly just told us what to expect the rest of the year. I was a little disappointed, but at the same time, I didn't have to expose myself.

When I got home, Dad was there, with a woman. "Clay, this is Grace. She'lll be helping us around the house. I don't know about you, but I'm getting tired of burgers and pizza."

"Hello Clay. I have a son just about four or five years older than you."

I felt an immediate sense of relief. Thank God he wasn't dating her. I mean, I'm sure she's a nice lady, but I'm not ready for a replacement mother yet. "Dad, we were doing alright weren't we?"

"Yes, Son. But I have some projects coming up and will have to travel some. I'd just feel better if someone was here looking after things."

"You mean babysitting me."

"No. I know you are capable of caring for yourself. It's just precautionary. She won't be living here, just checking in on you. Maybe stay a few nights if I'm going to be gone for a long time."

"Okay, I guess. Can Shane come over Friday after the football game? I thought we could go swimming before it gets too cold to use the pool."

"You're going to a football game?"

"Well, Robbie's on the team, and I know the quarterback and a couple of the other players. Besides, it's all part of the highschool experience isn't it?"

"Just call me when the game is over, and I'll pick you up."

"That's okay, Dad. We can Uber."

Grace made us a nice dinner. I have to admit it was much better than fast food again. Probably healthier too. She didn't have to do breakfast or lunch for us, but dinners were going to be so much better. And I wouldn't have to spend so much time helping keep the house clean either. So I guess it's a good thing. She told us her son was nineteen and worked for a landscaping company.

That night I jerked off with thoughts of Shane on my mind again. Since the accident, my jerk sessions had been sporadic at best. Now I had jerked the night before, that morning and again at night. Shane had improved my sex life without even knowing it. And I had yet to see him naked, but was hoping that would change on Wednesday. ********************

At lunch on Wednesday we sat next to the football players again. Of course all they talked about was football, which means I contributed very little to the conversation. Shane seemed as disinterested as I was.

Finally, gym came along. I grabbed the locker next to Shane. We got into our gym clothes quickly so I didn't get to see much except his shapely butt in his briefs. Coach had us doing all kinds of shit, like chin ups, sit ups, rope climbing. He said it was to set a baseline so he could grade our improvement over the year.

I partnered up with Shane of course, and when it came to the sit ups, I was holding his ankles steady while he did the exercise. From my vantage point I could look up the leg opening of his gym shorts. I didn't get much definition, but I could definitely see a full basket in there. He is much stronger than me. He did over a hundred sit ups in the allotted time. I had to look away from his shorts because I was getting a boner.

When I did the routine, I saw his eyes on my crotch as well. But there really isn't anyplace else to look when you're holding someone's ankles. So it could be just that. The thought he might be looking made me bone up again.

We both seemed to linger a while before getting undressed for a shower. Shane turned his back to me as he pulled off his shorts and underwear, then quickly wrapped a towel around his waist. I wrapped the towel around first then pulled my underwear out from under the towel, then followed Shane into the shower room.

First let me say that the gym shower is boy dick heaven! But in order to enjoy that smorgasbord of teen flesh, I had to expose myself too. Once I saw all of Shane, it was well worth it though. From the tips of his sun streaked wavy hair, down to his tight abs, complete with cum gutter V, to his incredible cock. PERFECT! He wasn't erect, but wasn't completely limp either, and it was at least six inches and his cut crown had folds of flesh to allow more growth, and much thicker than mine. It was even better than what I had imagined. I was definitely going to stay friends with him. And now that Robbie wasn't coming, I had some new ideas about what might happen Friday night.

Iwas hard instantly. I had to scurry out of there before the other guys noticed my erection. I went back to the locker and sat on a bench waiting for it to go down. Shane returned, and blessed me by standing right in front of me as he dried himself off and dressed. I watched his thick cock swaying back and forth as he dried his back, and then became longer and thicker after he dried his groin.

"Aren't you getting dressed? Or do you plan to go to sixth period in just a towel?" Shane chuckled.

"Uh.... Yeah." I took a deep breath and stood to where only Shane could see and removed the towel, displaying my full erection standing against my stomach for him to see. I pulled on my briefs before glancing at Shane.

He smiled and winked at me. "Ain't puberty great?" he joked.

I didn't see anyone else with an erection, and they all appeared to be bigger than me. Of course they were at least a year older too. Shane put his arm over my shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Noone else saw it and it's a nice dick, so relax."

Easy for him to say. He had the body of a god. I felt more like a court jester.

We walked to our next class together. He seemed to be excited about coming over on Friday. He said his mom was glad to see he was making new friends at school. ***********************

Thursday, Robbie hardly spoke to me at all during lunch. At least Marshall tried to include me in the conversation. I guess even the best of friends sometimes eventually outgrow each other.

Gym was excellent though. I wasn't nearly as shy about letting Shane see me nude. I blushed a little when I got an erection again, but he just smiled about it. I noticed his cock seemed to be pretty happy too. ****************************

Friday morning I was pretty hyped up. During first period science, Shane said his mom would pick me up at home at six for the seven thirty game, then we would Uber from the game back to my place. The football players were having a lunch gathering with the coach so they weren't at our table. Then there was a pep rally during my fifth period gym class, so I didn't get to shower with Shane.

After school, I went home to shower and changed clothes. Dad wouldn't be home until after I left for the game. Grace said she'd leave dinner for Shane and I in the oven.

Shane's mom was very nice. She warned us to stay out of trouble as she let us out at the stadium. Then she handed Shane some money for `incidentals' she said.We had a few minutes before the game to chat with friends seated near us.

The game against the Smythfield eagles was close. We were tied at the half and then in the fourth quarter, Marshall faked a hand off ,then ran the ball in for the winning touchdown. I'm not a big fan, but it was exciting for our team to win.

We got back to my place around ten. Dad finally got to meet Shane. I could tell he instantly liked him too. Dad sat with us while we ate, and of course grilled Shane. When he asked what Shane's father did, Shane said his dad wasn't really in the picture anymore. It seemed to be a touchy subject so I assumed it was a messy divorce.

We said good night to Dad and went to my room. Shane liked my room, especially the king size bed. He said he only had a full size bed at home. We decided to watch `Fast and Furious' even though we'd both seen it a dozen times. We could talk and not really miss anything.

It was almost midnight when we undressed to our underwear and turned out the light. It was funny, we both had on red boxer briefs. He filled his out better than I did though. I was fully boned, and Shane appeared to be halfway there as we crawled under the covers.

"You don't really need to be embarrassed about getting hard in gym, Clay. At least not with me anyway. We're at an age where everything gives us a boner. And with all those naked bodies around, it's only natural for you to have a reaction."

"You would say that. You didn't get a hard on," I replied.

"Promise not to laugh, and I'll tell you my secret."


"I jerked off after lunch, or I would probably be in the same shape as you."

Did that mean seeing all the boy dick excited him? "I wouldn't say the same shape. You're a lot bigger than I am."

Shane chuckled, "Thank you for noticing."

"It's hard not to." We fell asleep soon after that.

We had spent much of the last week together, learning about each other, and becoming closer each day. Robbie seemed to be pulling away from me even faster than I was gravitating to Shane. And the fact that I was less shy around Shane surprised me. I would never have let Robbie see me like I did Shane. And to top it off, I had jerked with Shane on my mind numerous times.

I was having a wonderfully sexy dream that woke me up some time later. Of course it was about Shane. I think I woke myself up humping the bed. Only it wasn't the bed. It was Shane's hip. He was laying on his back, my head was on his shoulder, my right leg thrown over his, and worst of all, my hand was in his boxer briefs, fingers curled around his large erection. When I came to my senses, I couldn't pass the opportunity by. I stroked his cock, reveling in the feel of it in my hand. It was over three inches longer than mine and much thicker. It was definitely a COCK.

I hadn't looked at him in the dark, but I assumed he was sleeping. That is until I stroked him about ten more times, and I heard a slight moan escape his mouth. Panicked, I froze mid stroke.

"Ugh... Please don't stop," Shane whispered. His left hand pulled his underwear down and away from his cock, giving me easier access.

How could I say no? I had started this, so I continued stroking his cock. I wanted to turn on the light so I could see it better, but I didn't want to break the mood. I mean how often would I get a chance like this?

After about three minutes, Shane said "I'm gonna cum. Clay, You're making me cum."

Then he grunted and I felt his cock pulse out his load. Five distinctive shots. The second hit me in the forehead, then it oozed more onto my fingers.

While he regained his breath, I reached for the tissues on the side table. I wiped my forehead and then his belly, chest and even his chin. As I put the tissues on the table Shane said, "Does this mean we're boyfriends?"

"I don't think one handjob constitutes boyfriend status."

"How about if I do this," he said as he leaned over me and kissed my lips, and his hand went to my iron hard dick. He kissed me the whole time he stroked my dick. I shot my meager load in about a minute.

"Now are we?" he asked.

"Closer... definitely closer to it."

We pulled up our underwear and went back to sleep without another word. The next time I woke, the sun was streaming in, and I was the little spoon to his big spoon. His big cock was in my butt crack with only our thin underwear separating us. When I started to move he pulled me closer and kissed my neck. "Don't move, this feels too good."

"I have to pee, and I think you do too."

I rolled out of the bed and Shane said, "I'll come with you."

This was a first for me. Actually several firsts. First time standing next to another boy both with erections. First time to see Shane at full attention in the light of day. First time peeing in the same toilet at the same time as another boy. And the first time I thought I might be in love.

"What are the chances your father will come in here?"


"Can we shower together?"

"I don't see why not. We have at school."

"Oh... this will be different. I'm trying for boyfriend status."

We spent thirty minutes in the shower, most of it rubbing each other's body, with our lips glued together. Shane had his arms around me, with his hands on my butt. I've never been in the shower that long with an erection and not jerked off. We dried each other and dressed.

"Morning, Dad. Want some breakfast?" I asked, seeing him at the table reading the paper and drinking coffee.

"How about Denny's?" he asked.

"Shane, how are you at making pancakes?"

"Suck at it. But I can make scrambled eggs pretty good."

"Denny's it is then."

I got into the front passenger seat, and Shane climbed into the back of Dad's Mercedes. While Dad drove, I turned in the seat to talk to Shane. I kept looking at the bulge in his jeans, he noticed and gave it a little upwards thrust. It was bad before I knew what was in there. Now I knew, and I wanted it. Shane just grinned all the way to Denny's, knowing he was torturing me.

After we ordered Dad went to the restroom. "Now about that boyfriend status," Shane started. I just glared at him.

"Maybe I should ask your dad what he thinks," he jokingly threatened.

"Don't you dare!! Okay, okay... You can be my boyfriend. But only when we're alone. I'm not ready to be outed."

He smiled really big, "What kind of privileges come with my new status?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

I glared at him again, "Don't push your luck buddy. That status can be revoked." We both knew that wasn't happening. I liked what we had done so far too much.

Shane and I had ordered Grand Slams and were chowing down, when Dad said, "We haven't seen much of Robbie lately. Did you two have a fight?"

"No. We all sit together at lunch, but he hangs with the football players most of the time now. You'll probably see more of Shane for a while. At least until football season is over." I gave Shane a grin and a look that said, `See I could dump you in a second when my friend comes back'

Shane pretended to receive an arrow to his heart, then slumped in his chair as if dead. Dad and I cracked up at his antics.

At home, Dad went to his study to do some work stuff, Shane and I went to my room to change into our swimsuits. We didn't quite get to the swimsuits before we were rolling around in my bed naked. Our lips virtually attacked the other's lips as our hands groped each other's crotch.

I was amazed at how much bigger his cock was than my little dick. I know he is older than me, but I don't think my dick would grow that much in just a year. I could only hope. He rolled me onto my back and got on top of me. Our dicks rubbed together as he humped me. It must have been tiresome for him, but we orgasmed about the same time, spewing boy juice all over our bellies. There was little doubt what he was thinking about as he took us over the edge. His hoped for boyfriend status privilege.

Instead of showering again, we got into our swimsuits and made a mad dash to the pool, letting it wash the cum off us. We splashed around for half an hour, then sat on the steps and rested.

Shane purposely pressed his leg against mine. "Did you like that? What we did in your room?"

I nodded and bushed deeply because it was obvious he took the more masculine role in that interaction. "Have you had a boyfriend before?" I asked because he seemed to know what he was doing at the time.

"No. You just bring the animal out in me," Shane replied with a lecherous grin.

"So I can expect more of that?"

"You can expect that and then some," he grinned.

"I glanced at his crotch. It was obvious he was getting excited again. "Let's make a pact. If either of us does something the other doesn't like or isn't ready for, he just has to say so, and it stops," I suggested.

"I doubt you would do anything I wouldn't like." Again with the eyebrow wiggle.

"Yeah, that's mostly for me. In case your inner animal gets too wild."

"I agree. But you have to know I'm crazy about you, and will be ready for anything you're ready to try."

"Let's get back in the water, so you can cool off a bit," I said, nodding toward his now full blown erection.

"See what I mean. Animal instincts," he said just before he dove in.

After another hour of splashing around, and the occasional grope, we lay on the deck to dry off in the sun. Thankfully we were both laying on our stomachs because Dad came out. "We haven't used the grill all summer. Is Shane staying for dinner? I'm grilling steaks."

"I'll call and ask my mom."

"Ask her if you can spend tonight too. That's okay, isn't it Dad?" He hasn't been able to say no to me since the accident. Of course I don't ask for anything outrageous.

"Sure. I have an errand to run, and I have to stop at the store to get a few things. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. Can I count on you two not to burn the house down while I'm gone?"

I gave Dad an evil look just as Shane disconnected his call to his mom. "All set. I don't have to be home till dinner tomorrow."

When we heard the garage door close behind Dad, we went up to my room, and our clothes disappeared in seconds. Shane is several inches taller than me, so he has to bend down to kiss me. With a hand on each of my butt cheeks, he picked me up to be level with him. I could feel his big cock pressing against my balls and part of my dick.

I broke our kiss to say, "Sit on the bed, I want to try something."

He put me back on my feet and sat down. I quickly moved between his legs and grabbed his cock. It is so much bigger than mine, I wasn't sure I could do this. With my hand on its base, I took the head and a couple of inches into my mouth.

"Oh Jesus, Clay! Yes... I've been dreaming of this since I met you."

I didn't know what I expected his cock to taste like, but I tasted chlorine, sweat, and pre cum. The chlorine and sweat soon dissipated as I bobbed up and down his perfect cock. I couldn't believe I was sucking another boy's cock. I had thought about it a hundred times while jerking off, and now I was actually doing it. Judging by the appreciative sounds coming from Shane, I must have been doing a pretty good job of it.

I tried taking more of him in, but when his thick cock hit my throat, I gagged. That was okay though, I was already working with more than I could handle. I resigned myself to sucking only half of his big meat. Shane's belly tensed, his balls drew up, and he filled my mouth with his wonderful juice.

"Oh God. Boyfriend status does have privileges."

I was still nursing on his cock when it began to sag a bit. That's when Shane pulled my head from his crotch and pulled me up onto the bed. He dove face first onto my dick almost swallowing the whole thing. After a minute he looked at me, grinned, and said, "What would our football friends say if they saw us right now?"

"They'd say at least one of us is a fag. And they'd be right. That's why we're not going to be out in public. This is just for us."

Shane nodded in agreement then returned his attention to my straining dick. I had nothing to compare it to, but it seemed like he was doing a really good job of sucking me. Then he took me out of his mouth to duck his head lower and lick my hairless nut sack. The sensation almost set me off. He took my right nut into his mouth and I let out an appreciative grunt. Shane didn't ignore the left one, soon giving it the same attention.

When he returned to my dick again, my whole body tensed in anticipation of my approaching orgasm. Even though I didn't think he needed it, I gave him warning. "I'm gonna cum!" He sucked harder and bobbed faster until I blew like an uncorked champagne bottle. Shane swallowed my seed like it was his only nourishment.

"Have you done this before?" I asked as my breathing leveled off.

"No. I hadn't even thought about doing any of this until I saw you at your locker that first day. You bent over to put something on the bottom shelf. Your tight pants molded to your cute little butt, and I sprang instant wood. The most I've ever done was finger a girl at a party last year. She rubbed my dick over my pants too, but that's about it as far as experience goes."

"Was she your girlfriend?"

No, just some slut at the party. I think she went to your school."

That was probably true. There were a lot of sluts in our eighth grade class.

"Just one look at my butt made you hard?"

"Have you seen your butt? It's perfect! I stayed behind you all the way to the basement just so I could look at your butt. I had a hard on the whole time."

Now I wished I had paid closer attention that day.

When Dad returned, we were innocently playing on the Xbox. Later we assisted him in the kitchen and at the grill. He did steaks, roasted corn and even baked potatoes all on the grill. It was a beautiful evening, so we sat down to eat at the table on the deck.

"This is incredible! I can't believe you did all this on the grill. I don't think we even own a grill. And if we did, my dad wouldn't know anything about using it."

"I'd be glad to give him some pointers," Dad volunteered.

I shot him a look, and Shane said, "He's not around anymore."

"Oh yes, I forgot. Sorry to hear that. Well, if you ever want to talk about anything, I'm here for you."


"Well, Son, kids need guidance. I know at your age I had a lot of questions." He looked at us a moment and said, "You know, a wise parent of a girl your age would probably put her on the pill. I know things happen in the heat of the moment. And it's only natural for teens to experiment."

This wonderful evening was turning into a nightmare.

"I have a great son. I want him to be happy and enjoy his life. So I took the liberty to get you these," he said as he handed me a bag from a drug store. "Give one to Shane,I'm sure his father would if he were around." he added.

I looked at him questioningly, then peeked into the bag. Two large boxes of condoms. I turned bright red with embarrassment.

"What is it?" Shane asked, trying to peek over my shoulder into the bag.

I couldn't speak. I just shoved the bag in his direction. He looked inside. "Thank you, Sir. But if they're regular size, they might not fit me."

Dad chuckled and looked at me. I smiled really big and nodded. If he could embarrass me like that, then I can let him stew about how I knew that to be true. Just to fuck with him more, I handed him the bag and said, "He prefers the XXLs."

"Uh... have you..."

"Go ahead and trade them both for large ones," I said, putting an end to his questions. Of course we hadn't done anything that would require condoms, but he didn't need to know that. And he probably knows I wouldn't require XXLs so only Shane would be using them. The only question in his mind would be who Shane was using them on. That he could stew about even longer. My ambiguity probably confirming what he suspected to begin with.

There wasn't much conversation after that other than to decide which movie to watch. Shane and I did the cleanup, while Dad put on the movie. During the movie, Dad kept a close eye on us. We weren't holding hands or anything, but it was probably obvious we were comfortably familiar with each other.

After the movie, we went to my room. We were playing on the XBox when I saw a shadow under my bedroom door. When the shadow passed, I opened the bedroom door. There sat two boxes of XXLs. I was mortified.

"Sorry about my dad. He can be so embarrassing sometimes."

"I think your dad is cool. He obviously loves you. And I don't think you have to worry about acceptance. So... should we try them out?" he asked hopefully.

"No! You haven't earned that privilege yet."

"Damn! He said, disappointed.

As a consolation, I reached for his zipper to suck his big cock. "Oh shit, Clay. If you'll keep doing that, I'll wait as long as you want."

I took his big cock out of my mouth and said, "You'll wait anyway unless you want a rape charge. But just out of curiosity..." I opened one of the condom boxes and took one out. After opening the wrapper, I rolled it down his length. It fit him snugly. It would have looked like a baggy suit on me. Aren't I lucky. My boyfriend is smart, hot, and hung. What more could I ask for? I took the condom off, and finished his blow job. After I swallowed his load, he returned the favor. Then we crawled into bed naked together. He wrapped his strong arm around me as I spooned against him

"Clay, this has been the best day of my life," he whispered into my ear, then kissed my neck. I had to agree.

I woke up Sunday like Saturday, with Shane's cock in my butt crack. Only this time there was no cloth separating us. He was still holding me in his arms, and it felt nice. I lay there enjoying the moment until Shane began moving behind me. I could feel his fat knob knocking at my rear door demanding entrance. For a moment, I considered letting him in.

Coming to my senses, I jabbed my elbow into his bicep. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You were trying to fuck me."

"No. I was asleep, dreaming of fucking you." I almost believed his story, but not quite.

"So, how was I?"

"Less violent," he said, rubbing his arm. Then he kissed my neck and said, "But really tight, and responsive, and giving..."

"Dream on," I said, swinging my feet onto the floor. I stood there looking for my underwear.

"Damn! You have the cutest little butt I've ever seen."

"Little is the operative word. It's too little for your big cock."

"Those cheeks maybe tiny, but that hole will stretch,"

I glared over my shoulder at him, then bent over to put on my underwear, making sure he had a nice view of my tight pink pucker about six inches from his face.

"Jesus, Clay! You are cruel, just plain cruel."

I smiled. "Think of it as something to look forward to. Now get your big cock out of my bed."

Shane stood and wrapped his arms around me from behind, his big cock in my butt crack again. "Oh, I am definitely looking forward to it. When do you think it will be?"

"To quote Dr. Zeus, the first of Octember." I replied cheekily, letting his cock slide through my underwear clad butt cheek crevice.

He dropped his arms in frustration, and began to gather his clothes. "What are we doing today?

"How about a walk after breakfast? We can go to the park, or down to the river through the woods."

"Sounds good. I vote for the river," Shane said, as he finally found his pants.

"The river it is then." I have to let him have his way once in a while. I sat on the bed and watched his cock swing back and forth as he wiggled into his boxer briefs. Damn I love that cock!

Chapter three coming soon

© Cutter09

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Next: Chapter 3

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