Cruel Developments by Cutter09

By Cutter09

Published on Sep 23, 2024


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Cruel Developments Chapter One

What the hell was that infernal beeping? Can't a guy get a little peace when he's trying to take a nap? I tried to roll over to turn my back to the disruptive noise. Ow! Why did that hurt so much?

I opened my eyes to find my vision blurry. But even through the blur, I could see I wasn't in my own bed in my room at home. It took me a minute to realize I was in a hospital bed. Hospital? Why was I in the hospital? I raised my hand to wipe my eyes to clear the blurriness, discovering a bandage patch over my right eye.

I saw my dad sitting in a chair by the window. He was leaning on his elbow looking very uncomfortable, even though his eyes were closed in sleep. I started to say something, but there was a tube down my throat. And I noticed both hands had I.V. needles in them. What the hell happened to me?

A nurse came in, checked the machines that were causing that beeping sound. Then she checked a plastic bag at the end of the bed. It had yellow fluid in it. A tube ran from the bag to under the blanket covering me. I had heard my Dad talk about my grandfather having a catheter. I lifted the blanket and saw my dick was taped to my thigh with the other end of the tube going into the piss slit. I know the scientific term is Urethra, but to me it's my piss slit.

Okay. Now I'm really concerned and embarrassed. Someone stuck a tube into my dick! No thirteen year old wants that! What were they thinking when they did it? Did they think it was small? Did they shake their head and go "Tisk tisk, poor kid, such a little wee wee," as they slid the tube in. And who did it? Was it that female nurse?

Speaking of the nurse, she must have noticed me looking under the blanket. "Oh. Nice. You're awake."

Dad woke up at the sound of her voice. He jumped up and ran to the side of the bed. "How are you feeling, Son?"

"Don't try to talk. I'll get someone to take that tube out. Then some water before you try to speak," the nurse ordered.

Dad held my hand, smiling at me as we waited for the doctor to come. There was a sadness to him even though he was smiling, it was a sad smile. One I've never seen on him before. No, the smile was genuine,the sadness was in his eyes.

The Doctor came in and held my wrist for a moment, then shined his penlight in my eye. "Let me get that nasty tube out, then you can tell me how you feel."

He pulled the tube from my throat. It felt like it was coming all the way from my asshole. He handed me a cup of ice water. "Drink this. Your throat is gonna be sore for a while."

Boy was he right about that! When I tried to talk, it felt like I had swallowed razor blades. "What happened, Dad?"

"You were in an accident. Do you remember anything about it?"

My dad and the doc seemed interested in my answer, looking at me expectantly.

"No. The last thing I remember is when I finished breakfast this morning, Mom told me to brush my teeth real good because I had a dentist appointment today."

Dad and the doctor exchanged a look. The doctor nodded at my dad. "Son, that was on Monday. Today is Saturday. You had a severe concussion, and have been unconscious since then."

"That would explain my headache. My eye! What about my eye?" I asked in a panic.

"Your eye will be fine. We removed some glass from it, but it will heal nicely, no affect to your vision," the doc explained. "Do you think you can stand up? If you can make it to the bathroom on your own, we can remove the catheter."

I quickly nodded. The sooner I was rid of that, the better. The doc asked my dad to leave the room, then he pulled the blanket down, exposing my taped up dick. "This may pull a little," he understated. Removing the tape felt like he was skinning my dick, not to mention some of my recently acquired hair. Then he grabbed my dick in one hand, and the tube in the other, and yanked it out quickly. That felt like he was drawing my nuts up through my piss slit. I was so relieved to be rid of that thing. Then the doc was still holding my dick, I guess to check for any bleeding, and I started to chub up. What would you expect? I hadn't jerked off in almost a week.

The doctor must have felt the expansion starting. He gave it a light squeeze, smiled and said, "A good healthy young boy."

When Dad came back in the doctor told him I would probably be released tomorrow, keeping me overnight for observation.

"Son, would you mind if I go home, have a shower, and sleep in my own bed? I've been here all week, and I smell like it. I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up."

I assured him I'd be alright. He kissed the top of my head before leaving. He's a good dad. He provides a good lifestyle for my sister, Mom, and me. I know he's some kind of engineer, and oversees large projects all over the country, and even in foreign countries.

I can't believe I've been here almost a week. I've missed almost a week of my summer break! All because of a dentist appointment. I hate dentist appointments, now I have another reason to hate them.

And now I'm laying here with an erection that started when the doc handled my dick. I looked around, wondering if there were any cameras in this room. Could I get by with jerking off without being seen at the nurses station? With my luck, I doubted it. So I just reached down and gave the little fella a squeeze. "That's gonna have to hold you for a while."

I was glad I didn't start, because just then an orderly came in with a tray of food for dinner. He glanced at the lump in the blanket, grinned then raised my bed to put me in a sitting position.

"Hi, I'm Kevin," he said as he placed the tray on one of those tables that swing over the bed. As he moved the table into position, his knuckles grazed across my erection. I don't think it was an accident because he smiled and said, "If you need help with anything, just let me know. I'll be here all night."

Dinner consisted of tasteless rubber chicken, under cooked veggies, and green jello. I ate the jello. My mom makes the best fried chicken in the world. MMm, maybe she'll make it for dinner tomorrow. I'll give her my puppy dog eyes and she'll cave in. After all, I will have just got out of the hospital. Yeah, she'll cave.

Hospitals are boring places. I tried to entertain myself by trying to remember the accident. I really didn't know anything about it. Dad had just said I was in an accident. I was supposed to go to Robbie's house after my appointment. Maybe I got hit on my bike. Damn! I just got that bike for Christmas last year, I hope it isn't too messed up.

Kevin came back later to pick up the tray. My erection had subsided some by then, but as he moved the table, his knuckles dragged over my dick. Rather slowly too.

"You didn't eat much. Did you want something else perhaps," he asked as his hand glided over my dick.

My dick was on the rise again. It doesn't take much at my age. "Uh... No thanks, Kevin. I'm good, I think."

"I just bet you are," he mumbled as he left the room.

I don't know why, but over the last year or so, I've noticed a lot more guys paying attention to me. Girls too, but mostly a lot of guys. Like the teen that worked at Baskin Robbins ice cream parlor, as he handed me my two scoop cone, he winked and brushed his finger on my hand. And the college freshman working in his father's grocery store for the summer, eyed me up and down and said to give him a call sometime. I know he's in college because his sister was in my class. Even Robbie mentioned it a couple of weeks ago at the water park. "Dude, that guy is totally checking you out."

"Shut up!" I replied, giving him a shove.

"No, really! I bet he'd give you a blow job if you ask."

"You're nuts! Am I just supposed to walk up to a total stranger and ask him to suck my dick?"

"I would if he was looking at me."

"No you wouldn't, you're too chicken shit."I challenged.

"You're right. I wouldn't. But a blow job would be great. Maybe you're giving off pheromones or something cause you're sure getting a lot of attention lately. Robbie has always been fixated on blow jobs. I hope he gets one someday. If I thought it wouldn't affect our friendship, I'd probably do it for him. He's my best friend and I'd like to make him happy. And he's really cute too!

Damn! Between Kevin's molesting me, and thoughts of giving Robbie a blow job, my dick is hard again. It's going to be a long boring night.

*********************** The doctor came to remove the bandage on my eye and was checking my vision, when Dad arrived.

"Everything seems to be in order. I'll get his release forms ready and you can take this lucky boy home," the doc told my dad as he removed the I.V. from my arm. I don't know why he thought I was lucky. I'm in the hospital for Christ's sake, and I missed a week of my summer break. Yeah real f-ing lucky, Doc!

"I brought you some clean clothes. What you were wearing was a bloody mess." He handed me a paper bag and stepped out of the room.

I pulled off the hospital gown, and noticed some tape residue left over from the catheter. Remembering that thing gave me the shivers. As I pulled on the boxer briefs Dad had brought, I thought "I bet orderly Kevin would like to see me in these." They were pretty sheer, and you could easily make out the size and shape of my dick.Pherenomes or not, I looked good. There was a brand new pair of Nike tennis shoes in the bag too. Everything else was from my closet.

"I bet you're starved. How about a stop at Mickey D's on the way home?

"That'd be great, Dad. The food here sucks big green ones."

Dad chuckled uncharacteristically at my language. Usually he says something like "You weren't brought up to use that kind of language." Or If I say `Shit' he always says "You just had in your mouth, what I wouldn't hold in my hand." I think he got that one from his grandmother. It sounds like something an old person would say.

As we made our way around the drive through at Mc D's, I said, "I hope my bike isn't too messed up."

"Your bike?"

"Yeah. In the accident. It's not bad is it?"

"Uh... No, Son. Your bike is fine." He paid for the burgers, and we headed home.

I was starting on my second quarter pounder when I asked, "Where's Mom and Maddy? Out shopping again?" Maddy, at only eleven was already a shopaholic. The mall was like Disneyland to her.

Dad put his burger down and pulled his chair closer to me. "Son... You really don't remember anything about the accident?"

I put down my burger too. "No. I assumed I was hit by a car on my way to Robbie's house. Why? What about it?"

"Do you remember Maddy wanting to go to your appointment with you? She wanted to go shopping while you were at the dentist."

That didn't surprise me in the least. "Yeah, so?"

"Um... A drunk was running from the police... he ran a red light, and T boned your mother's car.He was going pretty fast... fast enough to cause your mother's car to roll over four times. You probably hit your head on the passenger's side window... probably more than once."

He paused. I could see tears welling in his eyes. "Son... Your mom and Maddy didn't make it..."

*********** I thought I was all cried out. Not so.It was after ten at night and I was face down on my pillow. I had lost my mom and my sister in one fell swoop. Maddy was a beautiful little girl. She really looked up to me as her big brother. Of course she could be a pain in the ass,that's what little sisters are supposed to do, but I loved her.

I hoped a shower would make me feel better. I dragged my sad ass to the bathroom and undressed. As I waited for the water to warm up, I looked down at my neglected dick. Just last Sunday night, Maddy walked into my room (without knocking (again!) and I quickly closed my laptop and covered my dick with my tee shirt. I don't think she saw anything, but it was a close call. I'm sure at her age she knows girls have vaginas and boys have penises, but that doesn't mean I should expose mine to her. I guess I should have said "knew" as in past tense, since she is no longer with us. Now, even just looking at my dick reminds me of my dead sister. How sad is my life going to be with that hanging over me?

Then the door opened. "Dad!" I yelled, trying to cover my naked dick.

"I'm sorry,Son. I called out but you didn't respond. I thought maybe you... Well, never mind. I just came to say good night."

I wrapped a towel around myself, then turned and stepped into my dad's arms. "We'll get through this together, Son," my father sniffled. It suddenly dawned on me, my father was suffering just as much, if not more, as I was. I lost my mother and sister. He lost his wife and daughter. But he's had a week longer than I've had to deal with it. Though I hear there is nothing worse than losing a child.

************** The first major hurdle we had to face was the double funeral. I had only been to one funeral before. My grandmother on my father's side. I was only eight when she passed.

The church was packed. It seemed everyone we ever met was there. Even all of Maddy's softball team. Of the two of us, she was the athletic one. You wouldn't believe how fast she could pitch a softball. Under hand no less! I was more of the brainiac type. Team sports and I just don't get along.

There was a reception after. Lots of hugs and tears and condolences. I heard bits and pieces of conversations that piqued my interest. I will have to ask Dad about most of it. Robbie was there too. He just came up to me and gave me a big hug. "I'm here for you bro."

I nodded into his shoulder in acknowledgement and whispered, "Thanks."

When everyone had gone, Dad and I drove home in silence. At home, I asked Dad, "" I heard some things people were saying at the reception. They arrested the man who killed Mom and Maddy, right?"

"Yes. Two counts of vehicular homicide. He'd had ten previous DUI arrests, two ending in accidents. This was the first time someone died because of it."

"TEN! Why wasn't he already in jail?"

"He should have been. His father is well connected around here though."

"But ten arrests and he's out doing it again? I thought it was bad to get caught driving drunk.Sounds to me like it's worse to get caught smoking in public than driving while intoxicated. That's just bullshit!

"Language, Son," he admonished. "But you're right. Alcohol use is so accepted in our society, its abuse is considered a disease. And yet, smokers are treated like lepers. You can smoke a whole carton of cigarettes and still drive normally. A little too much alcohol and... Well you know the results."

"Ten DUI's," I muttered shaking my head

"From what I understand, he paid some hefty fines, and his license was suspended. Which is probably why he was running from the cops and going so fast."

"Fines! Suspended license! The bastard should have been behind bars!"

"Well, he is now, he was denied bail. And when he gets convicted of this, he'll not see daylight for a long time," Dad reasoned.

"Too little, too late!"

***************** The rest of my summer break was uneventful. I saw Robbie a couple of times a week. We'd go to the movies or something, or we'd just swim in our pool. He tried really hard to get me out of my depressed funk but I guess I just wasn't ready to give it up yet. I spent most of my time crying over the loss.

Our town has two middle schools which feed into the one highschool. They held football tryouts the week before school started, and Robbie made the team. So he got busy with practice and I didn't see much of him.

There was a teacher standing just inside the door of the high school as I entered. She was repeating, "New students please check the lists on the boards behind me for your name to find your homeroom assignments.

The first day of school isn't much. We go to our homeroom class to get locker assignments and schedules etc. Then get our pictures taken for our school IDs, then we're allowed to roam around the school to get familiar with it, find our different class rooms and lockers. The upperclassmen use this time to socialize and harass the incoming freshmen.

I had found my locker, and was putting things away in it, when someone spoke to me. "Hey, you're in my homeroom class. I saw you when you came in."

I turned toward the voice to see a boy at the locker next to mine. I was at first struck by his sparkling blue eyes, then his beaming smile. It took me a second to regain my composure, and notice the rest of the very cute boy. He was taller than me (everyone is ), with strong angular features,a mop of disorderly wavy blond hair, and dimples. I fucking love dimples. Don't tell Dad I said the F word.

"Uh... Hi," I replied brilliantly. That should make a good impression.

"I'm Shane, Shane Donahue," he offered along with his hand.

"Uh... Clay Faulkner." Well, at least I remembered my name.

"Maybe you could help me. I found all my classrooms except one. Where is building B?" he asked, looking at his schedule.

"It's not a different building, it's the basement. Are you in AP science?"

"Yeah. Basement. I'm so stupid at times. I should have figured that out. Duh."

You're not the stupid one. Who would put science labs in a basement. If something blows, it takes the whole school with it."

His laugh caused me to laugh too. First time since I woke up in that hospital bed. "Come with me. I'll show you. In another brilliant move by the powers that be, there is only one staircase that goes to it."

"That's so the poisonous gas cloud can do its magic before any students can escape," Shane added to the joke. "Are you in AP science too?"

"Yeah. and English,and math."

"Me too. How old are you? I mean you look pretty young to be in high school."

"Almost fourteen. I skipped third grade."

"I'm almost fifteen," he said proudly.

"Great! Let's be friends. You'll get your driver's license a year before me, then you can drive me around," I joked.

We found out we would have all our AP classes together, and gym. The prospect of seeing Shane in the shower made my dick twitch. I only hope I don't get an erection when I do see him. That would be highly embarrassing. I had been thinking about the gym shower for a while. All those naked boys to look at, and now I had one to focus my attention on.

We said our "see you tomorrow"s and went our separate ways. Robbie called when he finished football practice, all excited about our team's chances for a good season. I'm not a big fan, but I will go to the games to support my friend.

Dad and I were eating Chinese take out (again) when he noticed how quiet I was. "Is everything alright, Son? How was your first day of high school?"

"I'm fine, Dad. I think I made a new friend today, so that's good."

"Girl?" Dad asked.

"No. he's a guy. Nice kid though, as far as I can tell."

"I can't wait to meet him then."

In my bathroom, waiting for the shower to warm, I looked at myself in the mirror. Trying to be objective, I assessed my body from someone else's perspective. I'm only 5' 4", maybe a hundred pounds. I have narrow hips with a rounded ( bubble) butt. Not muscular, but definitely not fat. My dick, well, to be honest, it clocks in at under five inches and not very thick. I wondered what Shane would think of it. That is if he even wanted to see it. I know I want to see his. I guess I have to admit to myself, I'm probably gay. I've been jerking off for a couple of years now, and it's thoughts of boys that really gets me off. I've seen straight porn and gay porn, guess which I like best. And I hear girls' pussies smell like fish...YUCK!

Before I went to sleep, I had a nice slow stroke session with visions of Shane in my mind.

Chapter two coming soon

© Cutter09

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Next: Chapter 2

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