Crossroads at Passion Hill

By Logan Bre

Published on Sep 18, 2023



By Logan Bre

Disclaimer: This is totally a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual people, persons or events, living or dead is purely coincidental.

This story contains graphic images of adult male homosexuality, rough unprotected sex, and extreme sex fetishes. If you find this offensive, or if it is illegal for you to read or possess such material, please do not read any further.

Please do not attempt to reproduce this story or parts of it without the prior consent of the author.

Feel free to contact the author with any positive or negative comments and suggestions at

---Tommy's voice---

The flight to Madrid wasn't quite as exhausting as this one; especially since we were being served in the cockpit by some of the hot male cabin crew. This definitely tested my concentration and self-control skills. Looking forward to Armando's surprise also helped to keep me on track. The journey seemed to be never ending—the seconds was crawling like a snail, and I was starting to get restless already. It was approximately about twelve hours until we were to land in Lansing, but it seemed like an eternity.

Wearing the yellow striped navy blue pilots' uniform for the Andean Airways was something that I had always been proud of. It was indeed a special honor to be one of the pilots of the only local Ecuadorian airline which flew internationally to Europe, Southern Asia, Australia and the Americas. We had been working on expanding our flights to African destinations, but the fact that we were flying to all the other continents proved that we had done darn better than good.

Though I was still only a co-pilot, the uniform was enough reason for me to stick my chest out and lift my shoulders in pride, each time I walked through the international airports we flew to. It was my biggest dream to someday get into airline management and take over the Andean airways, savoring our record successes till the end.

An old lady on one of our flights to Sydney one day had given me a huge kiss on the cheek and had asked me to be her boyfriend. It's moments like those that make my long hour flights away from my family and friends worth it. I would have said yes immediately because the rush of satisfaction that enveloped me was blissful. Of course, I only made a joke out of it because I was gay and she was too old. Yet, I was excited nevertheless to experience the appreciation of a pleased passenger first hand.

My tight flying schedule had never really allowed me to catch up with family and friends though. So I always did well to check on them via social networks, emails, and phone calls to see what they were up. It was during one of those times that I discovered through Armando's status update on Facebook that he was travelling to Lansing last Monday. Realizing that I had also been scheduled to fly to Lansing through Madrid today, I decided to message him and find out if he would still be in the city when I arrived. He responded by confirming that he would be. In fact, he had said I was headed for a surprise treat if I would want to visit him when I landed for the overnight layover. He even said that I could invite some of the flight crew who didn't mind a little man-on-man fun, if I wanted. "As many as possible would all be welcomed" He had stressed.

He hinted that it was one of his training programs so I assumed the crew was needed to gangbang the sub boy in recruit. Fortunately, four of the guys on the crew who I had always suspected to be gay, agreed to come join the fun. One of them was actually bicurious and would actually be having his first time with a guy if he joined us. I couldn't believe Armando would travel half way across the world for one of those sub training. I guess he really did like it.

Armando and I were old college buddies. We were both Pre-Law majors and on the rugby team, but didn't know we both preferred dick to pussy until we met during the sophomore year at `Afrodisiaco'. We soon became good friends after that. Like me, he didn't really think being a lawyer was for him. So we both changed our majors in our junior year—he to veterinary medicine, and I to Aviation engineering with pilot studies. I had always admired him as a gorgeous hunk and would have loved to try something more with him, but he seemed to only see me as a friend. He always made it clear that relationships were for wimpy sentimental sub boys and he wasn't any of that. I had been content with his friendship because I didn't want to end up being tied up in his complex web of emotions.

With all these thoughts reeling through my mind, it didn't take long for me to announce that we had only thirty minutes left to landing. My colleague pilots and I were walking through the Capital Region International airport before I knew it and I was displaying my usual `proud to be part of the best' walk to attract attention to ourselves. One of the four guys I had invited then signaled me to head in his direction when I spotted all four of them standing together near the exit of the airport. The other members of the crew were being conveyed to the hotel where we were to spend the night while those four were just standing there. I hurried to ask them what was wrong, leaving my co-pilots behind.

The four of them looked very attractive in their neatly pressed cabin crew uniforms. I wonder sometimes if the job requisites for cabin crew include being drop-dead gorgeous. Maybe their job description also involved giving the passengers an eye feast. It was Rafael who beckoned me over. He wasn't all that muscular but I'd say he had a very nice and well-proportioned heavy body with a buff torso. His head and face were completely shaved, except for his small moustache. However, his hands were very hairy and I imagined his legs were hairy too. Ramsey was the only black guy among them. He was of Nigerian descent and like me, had lived in Ecuador all his life. He was as Ecuadorian as one could be. Well I moved to Ecuador with my parents who are missionaries when I was nine, but my Scottish origin has had no effect on my upbringing. Ramsey had fairly long dreadlocks which he had held at the back in a ponytail. He was incidentally the tallest guy in the group with an average body. His ebony black skin had a beautiful sheen that contrasted against his sparkling white teeth when he smiled. All the ladies on the flight crew always drooled over the guy. He was still closeted but he always found a way to turn them down. There was also Leo who was the youngest guy in the group. At twenty one, this dude was the cockiest guy to ever walk the face of the earth. I mean, he wasn't all that tall but he had a nicely toned body with well-defined abs and pecs. His Ivy League haircut gave his round face a softer look. He appeared so innocent, yet in truth, he knew more about S&M relationships than any of us did and was overly excited when he learned that we were going to be part of training such a couple. Last but not least, there was Freeman who was the bicurious guy I mentioned early on. One could tell from a mile away that he didn't feel comfortable standing among a group of gay guys who had plans of going to gangbang a submissive gay couple. I loved how his extremely gorgeous face was beet red in either fear or doubt. He was the second tallest among the guys with an approximate height of six feet two. He had on a taper haircut with the hair on top of his head tapered long enough to style with gel. He had the classic Latino look that I envied so much. With his designer stubble beard and moustache, he seemed like a billboard/front page magazine model.

"What's going on?" I asked Rafael.

"We need to get over to your friend's soon, if we are to finish up there in time to get back to the hotel and get some rest. We need that before our return flight tomorrow afternoon" he answered.

I knew he was right but the problem was how we were going to get to the college apartment. I hadn't thought of that yet. Ramsey continued immediately after Rafael by saying that he had already thought ahead of us and had rented a car with an in built gps system to locate the address. Obviously, none of us were familiar with the city. "The car would be delivered in the airport car park any second from now" he said. So we left for the car park. Ten minutes later, we were en route to the address Armando had texted to me two days ago, with Ramsey on the wheels, I in the front passenger seat and the other three at the back seats.

It didn't occur to me to check on what the guys were doing at the back since I was beyond exhaustion. Lansing was quite a new city to me so I relaxed to take in the scenery through the drive and do a little mental work to prepare my mind for the meeting with Armando. Armando had always made me melt when I was around him and I didn't know what to expect this time; especially since we hadn't seen each other in person for many months now. Ramsey startled me out of my daydream with a tap on my thighs and motioned his head backwards in an attempt to draw my attention to what was going on in the back seats. "Looks like the party's already began" he whispered.

Freeman was sitting between a horny Leo to his left and an excited Rafael to his right. Too bad that I had missed the beginning of the show, but at the point where I had started to watch, Freeman had his eyes rolled back in their sockets and was in a lip lock tongue battle with Rafael. Leo had his own cock and that of Freeman's out and was sucking on Freeman's savagely while he stroked his own with his free hand. I had no idea what had triggered this moment for them. Freeman was indeed getting a real time gay sex beginners' tutorial which was making him more relaxed and comfortable. Rafael had by now opened the first few buttons of Freeman's shirt and was tweaking his hard right nipple. Freeman was definitely enjoying this first class treatment from his colleagues because he was moaning loudly into Rafael's mouth. Rafael and Leo kept lavishing oral pleasures on innocent Freeman for about twelve more minutes until Ramsey announced that we had arrived at our destination. That was the first time I turned to look at him after he alerted me of the back show. I noticed the huge bulge in his pants which was reaching for the steering wheel. I didn't blame him because all of us in the car were in the same predicament. In fact, Rafael already had a wet stain at the crotch area of his pants.

"Don't worry, the fun will continue even hotter when we get into the apartment" Ramsey added. We all laughed heartily to release some tension and to get rid of some of the blood rushing to our crotches. Mine however didn't budge and was still headed south to the blissful paradise. In the end, Ramsey was the only lucky victim to go upstairs without an embarrassing description in his crotch area. Rafael had that stain with a bulge(his was even worse) and Leo, Freeman, and I had our swollen flaps to lead us.

We followed the numbering on the apartment doors until we arrived at F114 like on the address. Just when I was about to knock on the door, we heard exhausted screams of pain emanating from the apartment. We turned to each other with glares of shock and embarrassment. We couldn't have arrived at a worse time. Anytime the screams of—"yes master, it won't happen again sir. I will obey sir."— had subsided, we could hear the slapping sounds of strong palms on bare skin. Then the bass pitched screams would start again. When we were finally sure that the sounds had ceased, I gathered the courage to knock on the door. It sprung open in a quick smooth pull and there was a pale white young boy of about twenty whom I later learned to be Jon, in the doorway. He ushered us in with a red flushed face as he was embarrassed at the thought of being seen naked with a pre cumming hard on. This sent messages down to my southern boy to react by bobbing its blood-filled head. The other guys ruffled the brown hair on his head with their hands like a pet when they entered, but I just smiled past him when I did.

What I saw inside when I entered was even hotter than what I had seen at the door way. I could tell the other guys were equally amazed at the sight by the way they stood and gaped. There was a young naked boy about Jon's age who was similar to me in more ways than one on Armando's laps. He, I later discovered, was the sub boy in training and was called Kyle. He was about my height and had a similar physical build to mine. Only my brown hair was longer than his butch shaved black hair and I could tell I was a lot hairier than the boy. Definitely, he was a mirror image of me younger. Armando was rubbing the boy's reddened arse as if to help soothe and evenly dissipate some of the pain in his skin.

The boy was now moaning helplessly in mixed pain and pleasure. Armando realized it was my friends and me who had arrived and shouted my full name with a laugh. "Thomas Isaac Peterson!...Get off my thighs, boy" he continued and then half pushed Kyle off his lap so he could come give me a huge bear hug. I was speechless with a senseless grin. Then I decided it would be best to introduce the guys at that moment—an excuse to hide my shameful nervousness and cluelessness. Before I could say anything, Armando was already blurting, "It's been ages, buddy. How's it going?" as he pulled me from the embrace. "Well, introduce your friends and let me introduce mine." He said with his usual taunting grin.

When all introductions were finished, Armando commented about how spiffy we looked in our uniforms. Then he turned to a kneeling Kyle and started with all his mind control trick talks. Kyle was obviously completely broken by now after three days of intensive sub training with Armando. He started mind raping the guy about how he was a good master and had provided him with a crew of sexy uniformed air workers to reward him with satisfying his fantasy. Kyle immediately started thanking Armando like he was wired to do so while Armando twisted his mouth in a wicked smirk. He was such a self-conceited Latino god.

I didn't know if it was eagerness or sincere concern, but Rafael started saying that we had to get on with the deed immediately so that the crew could get back to the hotel and get some rest before our flight the next day. A willing Kyle also responded that his arse was ever ready to be used by such gorgeous beings however we pleased and at any time. "Very well then; get into position Kyle and let me get you ready for your final lesson and prize.

Since I had arrived, I hadn't paid much attention to Jon. He wasn't really striking to me and it didn't even occur to me to ask much about him. Maybe it was because I didn't exactly like him or understand his role at his boyfriend's training session. To me, he was just `the boyfriend' but he proved to be more than that. He quickly fetched a bottle of lube from Armando's bedroom without being told to and went over to face his boyfriend with encouragement and congratulations.

Armando had Kyle on all fours on the sofa and was lubing his still tight hole with his left hand. Kyle was gasping for air between sighs and moans as three fingers were working their way in and out of him. An impatient Leo walked to the back of the sofa, freed his purple head stiff cock, and shoved it into Kyle's mouth while saying, "Gag on my big cock, faggot pussy". He had the cockiest grin I had ever seen him display on. Armando also started shouting at Kyle to keep it quiet as Kyle's throat started reacting to the eight and half inch uncut invader. He ordered Jon to come condition the rest of the cocks for their tasks in his boyfriend's arse. His role was now perfectly clear to me. He was to be our fluffer.

Eventually, Armando's four fingers were in and out of Kyle's hole and Rafael took over with thrusting his eight inch uncut member in and out of the man pussy. It was surprising how well a new bottom like Kyle was taking a cock so well—two cocks in fact. He had learnt to control his gag reflexes a lot better on Leo's cock. Leo was fucking the boy's throat rather slowly by now and all the boy did was to tear up. Rafael's recently trimmed pubes were rubbing on Kyle's red butt cheeks as his balls slapped against his rhythmically. His pace wasn't measured but it appeared to be in unison with Leo's thrusts so Kyle was apparently getting filled and drained of cocks at both ends at the same time.

Jon was kneeling in front of Freeman and was working judiciously on Freeman's bicurious nine inch uncut manhood. Freeman had a long foreskin which still covered his cock head with his erection and this was what Jon had been chewing on slowly and passionately. Pre cum was overflowing through the foreskin confines so he pulled the skin back and attacked the slit of Freeman's shaft with his tongue. The interesting thing was that, each time he lapped up the pre cum and licked it from the urethra of the cock, he took his mouth off and tasted the juice in his mouth, swallowed it, before getting back to the incessant pre cum producing penis. I could tell Freeman was having a field day in the young boy's mouth.

Ramsey my Nigerian friend, on the other hand had removed his ten and half inch cut dick and was stroking it in frenzy. He wasn't exactly producing much pre cum as the others were, but he was hands down the most endowed in the balls and ball sac department. Such glory to complement his pitch black knotted pubic hair couldn't be overstated. Armando and I were the only ones who still had our `sons of glory' hidden. I was rubbing my crotch at the beautiful sight I was beholding. Armando purely had other plans than sexual pleasure as he was making sure that everything was going as planned and everything that was needed was readily made available. I immediately realized that distracting him would be my golden opportunity to get another taste of him since it had been a long time.

He and I were no strangers to each other sexually. Actually, sex was one of the main foundations of our friendship though I had always wanted a little more. It's good that he gave me some attention from time to time, even though he just took me as one of those quick fucks and didn't even send any passionate vibes of any sort my way. I walked to him, started smiling, and he smiled back. Armando was gorgeous by nature and his bare chest and bare feet at that moment did little to hide his sexiness. He only had a pair of track suit bottoms on. He whispered something I couldn't even make out and I ignored it, going straight for his hard pecs and nipples. I lavished his chest with all the kisses I could manage and that's when his heart started racing like a sprinter.

His nipples took a hard red look and his hairy chest started heaving. I continued licking and kissing until he threw his two hands into a lock behind his head. I got the indication that he wanted his underarms also sucked and licked so I went in to do just that while reaching for the tenting in his pants. I rubbed and caressed it, yet he was still standing as silent as night with his eyes closed. The only sounds one could hear were those slurpy ones made by the sucking mouths—Kyle's and Jon's.

Meanwhile, Leo had changed places with Ramsey who was now moaning his heart out while being swallowed through Kyle's esophagus. Rafael was however still thrusting away as the sounds of his thighs and balls slapping against Kyle's could also be heard. Twenty minutes passed and someone changed places with Rafael but I couldn't tell who it was since I was kneeling and taking Armando's hardness in my mouth. His huge body had blocked my view from what was happening to Kyle, but I was more concerned about what was happening to me.

There was a two and half inch thick penis being shoved down my throat and my gag reflexes weren't taking it easy on me at all. I felt like my whole body was going to split open. Surprisingly, my throat kept expanding and adjusting to accept it. All I had to do was fight the gagging and my throat would make my most adored man happy. He finally withdrew from my esophagus and released my ear, allowing me to take things at my own pace. I was so exhausted and badly needed to catch my breath that I went straight for his hairy balls and started licking and sucking on them one by one. I had to rest my jaws a little and this seemed like the perfect way to do that.

Before long, Armondo kicked his pants off and went to sit in the sofa next to the kneeling Kyle. Freeman had been the new guy dicking him and Ramsey was at work in Jon's mouth. Leo was back in Kyle's mouth and Rafael had come to suck on my cock while Armando impaled me on his. Armando had only allowed me to take off my pants and boxers and had made me sit on his eleven inches smoothly. So I had my uniform shirt on while I was being fucked. I hadn't showered or changed for several hours now and I was starting to feel dirty and sweaty. Rafael was such a pig and was sucking and licking all the sweat that was falling off me onto my cock. Though he grazed my dick with his teeth from time to time because of my up and down motions, he gave a good blowjob nonetheless—not to mention the good sparks Armando was triggering in my insides. I was in fucking heaven.

Another interesting surprise of the evening was the way a newbie like Freeman was handling his coition with another man. You would be impressed. Perhaps fucking an arse wasn't as new to him as I had thought. Some chicks loved it in the arse after all. The way he bent his hips skillfully to deliver his thrusts was highly commendable. I am sure he conquered new territories in Kyle that the boy didn't even know existed. Even the cock in Kyle's mouth wasn't enough to shut him up. He was relishing each thrust with a mouthful of cock and a voice box full of low pitched sounds.

Rafael left my cock alone and Armando asked me to turn and face him. I guessed he wanted to look at me while I bounced on his dick. I think Ramsey found our position pretty enticing because the second Freeman was out of Kyle's hole; he went to sit next to Kyle and had the boy sit on his cock in the same way I was sitting on Armando—facing him. Now, Leo and Rafael were in Jon's mouth and Freeman was left stroking his cock for relief. Kyle's bouncing session begun and his screams were now unblocked. "Oh yeah...fuck me please sir...Oh fill me with your juice please" The screams were irrational and some even sounded animalistic, but it didn't deter Ramsey from using his fine penis to get what he was after. An anxious Freeman couldn't wait any longer though he had just finished his turn and he went ahead to work his cock up Kyle's ass in addition to Ramsey's monster black cock. I didn't think Kyle had realized it because he was high on the pleasure he was receiving. Ramsey seemed to like the idea so he steadied Kyle's bounces till Freeman could get his whole dick in there too. It was a little difficult but with a few tries, Freeman was halfway in. He started the motion of fucking while Kyle continued to bounce and that was when I finally realized what sex crazed whore pigs Armando had turned those boys into. Kyle shook and gasped like a drug addict as the two cocks moved in and out of him in unison but with opposite thrusts. He was being taken to a place he wished would never go away.

My mouth gaped as I watched and I think Armando was fascinated as well. He stopped me from bouncing and pulled me into him. Then he started thrusting into me himself, long and deep. I could tell he was a different Armando. He was doing the fucking slowly and sensually and this invited me to put my face in the hollow of his neck to enjoy the moment. Though we were both enjoying what was going on with Kyle next to us, we were fucking in a totally different fashion. Kyle was being fucked mercilessly by two cocks in the same hole at the same time. I nibbled at the nape of his neck and he let out an almost silent moan. I went further to suck and kiss on his ears then I came to his cheeks. He didn't protest so I did more and went down to his neck again—sucking, kissing, and licking. He tasted so good. I worked to his chin and then slowly, attempted with his lips. He grabbed my lips hungrily and thrust his tongue in between them. I must confess that, this was definitely the most interesting surprise of the day. He thrust into me, moaned, gasped, heaved, kissed my lips, and finally came into my insides, painting them white with cum. My dick had spilled pre cum all over his perfect abs. We avoided direct eye contact while he came, but held onto each other as tightly as we could. This was indeed one memorable fuck for us.

We stayed clasped in that position watching the other boys take turns in Jon's mouth and fuck Kyle's arse. Kyle's double dicking was going extremely better than I had thought and Freeman appeared to have made extraordinary progress. Armando lifted me off him slowly and placed me on the sofa like a log. Then he strode into the chambers without a word. At this point, I was too horny to care what he was thinking or why he did what he did. I just needed to cum.

Freeman pulled out of Kyle and I winked at him to allow me take his place. He got the message and quickly moved away to make space for me. I was inside with Ramsey before one could say `fuck'. The boy's hole was indeed a pleasurable destination. All his muscles were in place to caress and massage my dick, but most pleasurable of all, I loved the feel of Ramsey's cock rubbing against mine. Rafael stuck his left middle finger up my hole while he kissed the back of my neck. I fucked in contrast to Ramsey's thrusts and my orgasm was building gradually and pleasurably. As Rafael stimulated my body from behind, the front was not disappointing at all.

I didn't last long before my cum was oozing into Kyle with conviction and force. I shot nine glorious spurts before my dry spasms. I was convulsing in his hole and on Ramsey's dick. As soon as I pulled out of Kyle's hole, Ramsey pulled out too in an attempt to stop his approaching orgasm. He pressed the base of his urethra with a finger, but unfortunately; he was already at the point of no return. "Get on your knees with mouth open wide, boy. Fuck, that's a huge one coming" He murmured. Unless my eyes were deceiving me, I can assure you he wasn't exaggerating at all. His sperm literally filled Kyle's mouth. This is not considering the spurts that missed Kyle's mouth and landed on his cheeks, eyes and even up his nose. The spurts were not the end of his cumming as more sperm oozed from his slit after the spurts. Kyle swallowed all of the sperm like a pro as the man was still towering over him in a dazed state. He definitely had graduated into a full-fledged sub boy with pig brains.

Leo and Rafael took our places in Kyle, leaving Jon's mouth to the mercy of Freeman. I saw Ramsey use Jon's mouth as a urinal before Freeman took over so I decided to take a piss there too. No matter how fast my flow was, the whore faggot boy took it all in without losing a single drop. I was amazed. How could Armando train such willing sub obeyers in just days? Perhaps he was truly good at what he did. Speaking of Armando, where was he? He had left earlier and I had no idea where he had gone. I decided to go look for him, just when Rafael was about to add his tool to Leo's in Kyle's cum lubed arse.

"Took you long enough" Armando croaked when I found him lying in his room. He was lying on the bed on his side with his back to the doorway and I was standing just outside the open door. How he noticed my presence; I had no idea. When he finished his first statement, he sat up, turned to me, and continued. "You noticed, didn't you? Hmmph... I don't know what is happening to me buddy. Ever since I met this couple, it seems their mushiness is rubbing off on me. I seem to be having sensual thoughts often these days and dwelling on passionate needs to be wanted. This desire to be wanted is not what I am used to feeling in a master-slave relationship. It's like I want more." There was an awkward pause and I took the opportunity to go sit next to him on the bed. I gave him a pat on the thigh and rubbed it while I held my gaze to his eyes. "See? I actually liked what you did right now and have an over powering urge to kiss you. It's all strange to me. I have never felt this way in my life." He added.

I tried to control my excitement for what I had just heard by simply answering with, "go ahead and do it if that's what you want. It's no use repressing your feelings and urges." in the calmest and most concerning tone I could gather. Regardless, I couldn't control myself after saying that. I held him by his strong jaws and pulled his head towards me. I then planted the most sensuous kiss on his lips and felt him shudder. The appreciative stare he gave me was enough assurance to me that I had done the right thing and enough encouragement for me to go on. "I have always wanted to do that as well and always wanted more from you for the longest time since I first met you." I mistakenly blurted out.

There was some silence for a while and just when Armando opened his mouth to say something, we heard an ear shattering scream from the living room. "What the fuck is going on here?" was what the scream appeared to be saying. Armando and I exchanged glances and rushed out of the room to find out what had happened. There were two guys I hadn't met standing in the doorway of the apartment with suitcases which seem to have been dropped in awe at their sides. There were standing in unmistakable disbelief at seeing Kyle stuffed in the arse by Leo's and Rafael's cocks while sucking Ramsey and Jon eating Freeman's widespread arse hole.

Kyle started stuttering. "D..DDD..DDon, Nick...wh...wha...what are ...what are you doing...what are you guys doing here? I mean, you weren't supposed to get here till tomorrow evening, right?

to be continued...

I apologise for the long wait in chapter five's release. I was waiting on some feedback and suggestions to finish it up. I hope you enjoyed it.

This chapter is dedicated to a very special friend of mine who happens to be the inspiration of this chapter. Thanks for all your help and for being who you are Tom—my special friend.

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