Crossroads at Passion Hill

By Logan Bre

Published on Aug 26, 2023



By Logan Bre

Disclaimer: This is totally a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual people, persons or events, living or dead is purely coincidental.

This story contains graphic images of adult male homosexuality, rough unprotected sex, and extreme sex fetishes. If you find this offensive, or if it is illegal for you to read or possess such material, please do not read any further.

Please do not attempt to reproduce this story or parts of it without the consent of the author.

Please feel free to contact the author with any positive or negative comments and suggestions at

---Jon's voice-The flashback---

I had been standing at that door post, overcome by an avalanche of emotions. They were more like mixed feelings, although I couldn't make them out individually. It sure didn't have rage in there, maybe a little shock and amazement. I'd like to think there wasn't any form of jealousy either; but if there was, to whom was that jealousy targeted?-To Armando for having my boyfriend worship his entirety or to Kyle for having the opportunity to be at the feet of such a God?

For the last few minutes till Kyle discovered my presence, I felt numb and frozen. I just couldn't help keeping my jaws dropped. The room fell as silent as a snowy cemetery at night after that mundane comment of Armando's. The expression on Kyle's face was one worth a million dollars. I couldn't tell if it was one of regret, pain, humiliation, shame, or cluelessness. To be frank, my mind wasn't in its best of states at the moment so I wasn't surprised at all.

I saw him try to move in my direction but I thought it wise to go meet him on the bed. That obviously took all of my mental strength. I went to sit directly opposite to Kyle, who had then moved a knee out of Armando's widely spread legs. While doing this, I didn't move my gaze from Kyle's. I saw Kyle's eyes moisten and mouth move without sound as I sat. I moved my forefinger to his lips and whispered a long "sssshhhhhh..." and he stared at me surprised at my reactions. I then turned to Armando who was lying on his back, his head resting in his palms with an evil smirk spread on his face. "So I was right after all", I said to him.

He responded with what seemed like a victory-flaunting laughter, "You're damn right, you were". He continued with, "and you sure have trained him well in the art of cock sucking. Are you sure you were his first cock sucking experience as you told me? It seems a little weird to me that a fine cock sucker like this one here has become stellar at his skills by sucking on only one cock. Won't you agree?" I looked back at Kyle to discover disbelief and disgust written all over his face.

I answered Armando without turning from Kyle. "He's a natural" I smiled slightly to lighten Kyle's mood. Armando still didn't seem to care about the tension between my boyfriend and me so I decided to ignore him and concentrate on fixing things with my Kyle. "Kyle, are you okay?" I said reaching for his hand but he shoved it away almost immediately. One could ask why he was the one who was offended by all of this. After all, I did catch him cheating on me with another man.

"You knew about all of this?" came Kyle's first sentence since I stepped into the room. His eyes were now fuming with anger but his words were low and held a hint of repulsion.

"I know you have a lot of questions and I am ready to answer all of them. You have to admit that you wanted all of this and no one held a gun to your head to do what you just did. You enjoy being dominated just like I do. There isn't any point in denying it any longer if it brings you pleasure and happiness. You don't have to pretend around me any longer" I replied.

"What are you even talking about?" added Kyle.

Then I continued, "It's quite a long and intriguing story, depending on how you choose to see it. I don't want you to give it more meaning than it already has. It just is what it is. It happened and made me discover more about myself than I already had about my sexuality. Three weeks after we started dating, I suspected you had such similar feelings, but I dismissed them. It was during one of my regular IM chats with Armando here that I mentioned you as my boyfriend and he asked if you had similar feelings as I do. I told him I strongly suspected it to be so and that I wasn't sure, since you hadn't told it to me yet. He then promised to help me confirm my suspicions if they were true. I asked him how and he said it was supposed to be a surprise. It didn't take a genius to help me figure out why Armando had decided to ask my father if he could visit America this week. I had told him that you and I were spending the spring break together here. I can see it didn't take long for him to complete that task"

"I don't understand what the hell you're talking about" screamed Kyle. "What feelings are you talking about and what does Armando have to do with those feelings?" I asked Kyle to calm down, unless he wanted my parents as audiences to this conversation. I told him that I would tell him everything that I thought he needed to know. Armando got up from the bed and headed for the bathroom. He winked back at us and said he would be cleaning himself up while we two lovebirds solved our marital issues.

I started to unfold my story to Kyle. "It was in the summer of my junior year in college when my dad and Armando's dad started doing business together. His dad exports cocoa beans from his farm to my dad's cocoa factory for processing and refinement for further sales to other cocoa product industries. As such, my dad was invited to Armando's dad's in Ecuador so that he could have a look at the plantation and other conditions that needed to be settled. My mom decided that it would be good for my dad and me to embark on the trip together to enhance some father-son bonding away from home. I was excited to go as well, since I hadn't ever been to South America. My dad had no further option than to agree with both my mum and I.

We, I mean my dad and I, arrived in Quito a week after the trip was planned and we were welcomed at the airport by Mr. Reyes. I did not notice the tall enchanting figure standing next to him at first, but as he stretched out his hand to shake my dad and me vigorously, I realized that he was with Mr. Reyes. He was introduced to us as Armando, Mr. Reyes' son. That was when I started to notice every inch of his gorgeousness. The hair on his head was nicely cut and styled then and he stood with every confidence in his masculinity. His smile got a little wider while he and our parents conversed, showing a bit of his perfectly white jewels that he called teeth. His height and prominent muscles need not be mentioned as you can attest to that yourself. Well the long and short of our first meeting is that, Armando's gaze met mine and the soul I found behind that window mellowed my own. Their farm was about fifty miles out of the city and as long as the trip to their farm was, our parents never got out of conversation. Armando and I just kept quiet in the backseat, trying our best to avoid eye contact. Occasionally, I would shift myself in the seat deliberately to get my hands to brush on the big firm thighs of Armando that were outlined in his faded jeans. I felt as though he knew what I was doing, but he never said a word till we reached the farm.

It was late when we arrived so my dad and I joined their family for dinner and we were showed into our rooms and assured of a wonderful stay. Indeed, to say the visit was a wonderful one is an understatement; at least for me. I mean, I already knew that I was attracted to guys and was already out to my family before that visit. Yet, it was during that visit that I got the opportunity to explore and experiment most of the feelings that I had towards men"

Kyle seemed to be so engrossed in what I was saying now and just kept quiet as he listened intently and without flinching. I knew from then that he was really ready now to hear the whole story. Part of it might be a little difficult to roll off my tongue, considering I was telling it to my boyfriend whom I loved deeply, but I had to gather up the courage to tell everything to him in earnest and without holding any detail back. I arranged myself into a more comfortable position, still facing Kyle. His silence and outlook never changed for a moment.

"Well," I continued "My dad and I were given a tour of the farm in the morning by one of the farmhands. I assumed he was the foreman in charge of the whole farm. It was then that we discovered that the Reyes' didn't just own a nine acre cocoa plantation, but about five acres of land also for other farm produce plantations. They also owned some farm animals including cattle, pigs, goats, and even horses. Farm dogs were also present. It was a very huge property that, I can't even describe it as accurately as I would like.

After that first day with my father on the farm tour, most of my remaining mornings, afternoons, and sometimes evenings were spent without my dad. He was always away on something business-like with Mr. Reyes. I always wondered if the main purpose of my trip with my dad was accomplished in the end.

Hence, I spent a lot of time with Armando for company and to get me acquainted with the place. I thought he didn't like the task assigned to him at first, but later on, I am sure he came to love it as much as I did. We talked a lot about anything and everything, but sexual stuff never seemed to cross any of our discussions. Armando's intimidating grip on my feelings still lingered without reprieve. In fact, it became stronger as I became quite acquainted with him. Everything about his life seemed to command some form of respect and conviction.

The significant part started when Armando invited me somewhere on their property that he said was hardly visited by many people. We went about half a mile behind the farthest stables on the farm to find what looked like a narrow stream of some sort. The water was very clean and I assumed it was because the stream was hidden by rows of tall heavy trees. We had barely arrived when Armando stripped to his birthday suit and stepped into the fast flowing stream. After lowering himself into the cool water, he invited me to shed my clothes as well and join him.

The weather was averagely warm and a cool relief would have been great under the sun. So it was something else that kept me from doing as Armando told me-not the cool water. He kept insisting and coaxing me to join him but I was still hesitant. I realized that the full maleness in perfection before me was what was keeping me from getting any closer to the water body. I had seen him fully clothed and I was amazed, but seeing him naked was another thing altogether. I was certain that my naked body in the same pool of water with this perfection would be an embarrassment to natural laws. It could even be called an abomination of nature. Armando kept on insisting though. He had now resorted to calling me demeaning names because I was shy to take off my clothes in front of another man. That immediately did the trick. I started to pull my T-shirt off my head before I noticed the erection that was building in my pants. `Too late', I thought to myself and quickly whipped my pants off, stumbling into the water as quickly as I could so that my man bulge would not be noticed.

Armando started waddling towards me saying that it wasn't fair that I had my underwear on. I needed to be totally naked to join him in the stream, he said. As he came closer with his entire figure towering over me, I had no gut power to stop him. He just moved to me and removed my underwear without me saying a word. I just watched in obedience and moved my legs when he had to get the underwear off my ankles. He smiled at my erect dick and continued back to his spot without a comment. He then brought up some conversation that I can't even remember at the moment. All I know is that, it lessened my tension, yet my mind was still fixated on my hard manhood under the waters. We played in the water for a bit, even splashing the water on each other. It felt good as we laughed and enjoyed the moment.

To my surprise, Armando brought up a rather awkward question about my sexuality during one of those good laughs. I didn't see the point in lying to him so I told him that I was gay. He didn't hesitate to tell me that he was bisexual himself and that, one of his favorite clubs in the city was actually a gay one. I confessed to him that I had never been in a gay club and would have loved to go to this one if I were of age. He then answered that he could get me into this one if I really wanted to go. Well, I was excited that I would have the opportunity to see what a gay club was like for the first time so I accepted. We agreed to go the following night since that night, Wednesday night, was their special events' nights. The small talk continued while we didn't make any more talks about sexual stuff. Armando seemed comfortable to be in the position we were in and I tried to mimic his relaxed state but I seemed to be failing. So after about an hour and a half of skinny dipping and playing around in the cool waters, I suggested we head back to the house.

The next day started a little brighter than usual as I was looking forward to the activities of the evening. By 5pm, my dad and Armando's dad arrived in the house and Armando informed them that we had an engagement out of the house that evening. When my dad asked what kind of engagement, he simply said we'd been invited to a party. I didn't know how to dress since it was my first time to go to a gay club. I did a lot of mind samplings and decided on a pair of tight jeans, a Lacoste T-shirt with a pair of leather boots. I was relieved to see Armando dressed in a similar fashion when he met me at my door-not to mention how well defined his abs and biceps looked in his tight grey T-shirt.

We were in the city after about an hour and entered into a part that seemed like a dark alley. There were people scattered around in the dark in pairs mostly. At first, I thought the place looked seedy. I couldn't really make out what they were doing, but it looked like they were all men. Armando stopped at the end of the alley where many vehicles had been parked. The place was lighted enough to see clearly. Just behind our car was a sign lit in neon colors. It read, AFRODISIACO'. My Spanish wasn't as good then, but I managed to find the meaning as aphrodisiac' from the sound of the word.

The doorman at the entrance only had a pair of leather pants on with small nipple rings. His bare chest showed how big and hairy he was. I later came to find out that such guys were called bears. Armando said something to him in Spanish and showed him a card. They continued their conversation through short laughter and heightening voices. Eventually, Armando shook the man's hand to hide the rolls of cash he was handing to him in the process. This was definitely his way of getting a minor into a gay club. It seemed wrong, but my desire to experience my first gay night out overshadowed my sense of right and wrong. When we got inside, we walked through a long dark hallway where we could hear the sound of disco music and drunken men. The large room we entered held these drunken men and boys, grooving to the music and screaming on top of their voices. Armando shouted into my ear to have whatever I wanted at the bar. There are no age limits to any of the drinks at the bar, once you are inside', He said. I quickly went to the bar for a beer, but I realized that I needed Armando to translate my request to Spanish for the bartender. As he stood there talking to the bartender, a stout skinhead with a heavy set body and dressed like a leather cop approached him and started a conversation with him. The skinhead cop' kept looking at me while chatting with Armando. Both men walked to me minutes later as Armando handed me my beer and continued his conversation. I was beginning to feel a little uneasy now since the `skinhead cop' still had his attention on me. I decided to look away from them and see what was going on around.

There were black leather sofas behind the dance floor with characteristic guys in only leather jockstraps, kneeling between the legs of the guys' sitting in the sofas. It was obvious that they were giving blowjobs. I also noticed the same kind of guys kneeling in front of some of the guys on the dance floor while delivering their special mouth services. They all looked alike to me-twinky looking with what looked like dog collars attached to a leash around their necks. I was still wondering why they were giving blowjobs in public, dressed like puppies, when Armando tapped my shoulder. I looked back to see that he was alone. He told me to come with him if I was ready for the real party. So I took a long drink of my beer and left it on the bar counter. I then followed him through a back door, where he handed a card to another doorman, into a well-padded room.

I was stunned, to say the least, at what I saw inside. The room was a little smaller and a lot warmer than the first one, it was barely lit to permit vision, and there were many of the leather puppies' kneeling in rows in front of half-naked men who were only dressed in leather. The room was filled with moans, screams, commanding voices, and the sound of leather on skin. I am pretty sure that was why the room was padded-to muffle the escaping sounds. The boys were doing all sorts of things for the men and to the men while the men were also doing same to the boys. There were all forms of extreme sexual fetishes going on, including the more somber ones. Cock sucking, feet and armpit licking, nipple play, ass licking and even ass fucking were the norms of the room. From the look of things, it was the men in front who were leading the twinky leather puppies' through the acts. More like the ones in charge.

Armando turned to me smiling and asked what I thought. I told him the truth. I was amazed beyond my fantasies, since that was my first sight of that caliber. The boys appeared to be enjoying being controlled and told what to do and the men had the evil look of satisfaction on their faces. We walked behind the performers while we watched what was going on. Armando explained to me that it was a sub-dom night and this was what goes on during such nights. That was why I had seen the twinky leather puppies' early on in the first room, offering the more traditional services to the clubbers. He told me that the skin head leather cop', who was actually called Damien, had come to ask him if I were participating in the night's activities with him. He had told Damien that we were just there to be onlookers for that night's events. No later had we started talking about him than I spotted Damien behind one of our little leather puppies' with his left forearm entering and exiting the guy's arse hole easily. Just then, Armando told me that Damien was an expert at fisting his subs. We watched on as the kinkfest' went on for the next hour and we headed back to the main dance room for another round of beers.

For the rest of the night, we only watched and discussed what was going on and what we had seen. After 3:00am and when we were both half drunk, we stepped out of the club and started heading back to the farm. Our drive back was almost a silent one until Armando blurted out that, Damien thought I would be a good sub. He said the guy also thought that Armando would be the right person to help me discover that side of me. I brushed him off and told him that he was crazy if he thought that I would allow him do the things they were doing to those boys to me. Nevertheless, I knew deep down that I would love to try submitting my will to Armando's charm. He just stared back at me with that taunting smirk of his in silence till we got back.

Thankfully, everyone was in bed when we reached the house. Armando followed me to my room without a word and locked the door behind him. The smirk was once again painted on his face but deeper this time. Scared of what he might say or do next, I headed for the bathroom to take a piss, but he stopped me in my tracks and asked me to kneel, unzip his jeans, and take his cock in my mouth so he could use me as his urinal. I froze in shock at what he had just asked me to do. Yet I managed to mumble a few words to stress how I thought he was perverted and sick in the head. He grabbed me up by the front of my shirt collar, pulled me to him, and threatened to gag me with his sweaty shirt and beat me up till I decided to do as he told me. I could now smell his rage, his sweat, and his superiority as his nose flared and his eyes narrowed in anger. I quickly surrendered. I said I would do as I was told and there wasn't any need for violence.

`Good', he responded. I was on my knees gulping down spurts of urine before I knew it. He let it flow slowly at the start but kept increasing the speed of the flow. It tasted bitter in my mouth with every drop but the musky scent I was drawing from his crotch into my nostrils was intoxicating enough to keep me high. As the flow reduced to drops, I felt his cock harden in mouth. He allowed me to go dispose of all our wastes and return for the final task. I hurried to the bathroom and relieved my aching bladder while taking advantage of the freedom to rinse my mouth with water from the sink. The awful taste in my mouth reduced to a minimum after that. Then looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, I felt my own dick erect to the thought of how a decent good looking boy like me, had been reduced to a urinal for real men."

Kyle swallowed after a long jaw drop with a stare. I felt how astounded he was and I must admit that I wasn't expecting any other reaction. I had hit him with a side of me that he had never imagined existed. "Kyle," I finally had the courage to let out "I know how you're feeling right now because I felt that the first time myself. Nonetheless, am going to ask you...beg you not to judge me until you've heard the whole story. I have been meaning to tell you the whole truth but haven't found the courage to do so until now. Partly because I assume you're having similar feelings. I love you and it will mean a lot to me if I have your understanding."

Kyle still didn't flinch. All he said was "Go on."

So I continued. "Well, the next thing I knew, Armando was in the bathroom pulling me by my shirt into the bedroom and into the bed. Without as much as a word, he unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, pulled my underwear and jeans to my ankles, and turned me over. I couldn't resist any of those under his strong motions. I just laid there blank minded. Armando spread my arse cheeks apart and spat several times onto my anal hole. I twitched and moaned as he started fingering my arse hole. I am not going to lie to you; it felt awesome. At least, it was until he unexpectedly shoved his spit-moistened rock hard cock into my anus like a thunder bullet. I opened my mouth to scream in pain, but his broad palms were already over my mouth to dampen the awakening sounds that were emanating from my throat. He worked himself into me like it didn't matter if he hurt me. My pain was not of this earth, I tell you. Soon he was all the way inside me and he paused for me to catch my breath. Thirty seconds passed and the pain was still searing through me. So we had to wait an extra minute for me to get myself back under control. He slowly removed his palm from my mouth and supported himself on his clenched fists. Oh, and have I mentioned he was still fully clothed with only his cock out through his opened zip.

He began thrusting his hips into me like a grinding machine, in slow controlled motion. This time, I was immersing into pleasure with each thrust. His moist cock head had found my `throne of lust' and I was melting under him as his cock grazed over it. His pace didn't change even as I felt him get close to his orgasm. Then seconds later, he was convulsing over me while shooting his sperm into me, spurt after spurt. I actually felt his release inside me. He slipped out of me almost immediately and asked me to clean his slimy cock with my mouth. I obliged without hesitation, fearing what might follow if I disobeyed.

The guy simply tucked his now clean dick back into his pants and zipped up, leaving me cum dripping and alone in bed. My thoughts were running wild and I was wallowing in the arousing thoughts of my recent rape. I was left with no other option than to stroke myself to ecstasy. I used my hand to swab some of the cum dripping from my backside and tugged on my cock for a rewarding jerk off session. I gripped onto my shaft and begun stroking away. My mind fantasized about being in the position of the `leather puppies' as my pre cum flowed in rivers. I was becoming conscious of my moaning and so had to stifle them slightly but the feeling was so swollen that I couldn't help it. Man, was I spent after spewing ropes of my spunk all over myself. That was the day I had my first taste of man seed. I scooped a bit of my own spunk from my lower belly and put it in my mouth. The taste was overpowering and was like nothing I had ever tasted. I lay in my own pool of cum, reminiscing about the events of the night until I fell asleep.

Ever since that night, I have been discovering certain submissive sides of me that I've grown to enjoy so much and like Damien said, Armando has been great in helping me adjust to each and every one of those feelings."

"and it's now your turn to start the learning and discovery of your own submissive side, Kyle" said a naked Armando, who was now standing in the doorway to the bathroom and basking in his pomposity and inflated ego. be continued

Next: Chapter 4

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