Crossroads at Passion Hill

By Logan Bre

Published on Aug 20, 2023



By Logan Bre

Disclaimer: This is totally a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual people, persons or events, living or dead is purely coincidental.

This story contains graphic images of adult male homosexuality, rough unprotected sex, and extreme sex fetishes. If you find this offensive, or if it is illegal for you to read or possess such material, please do not read any further.

Please do not attempt to reproduce this story or parts of it without the consent of the author.

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It seemed a little unrealistic to me, but it was as if I'd been dealt with a strong dose of déjà vu. More so, after I saw the body behind the gruff, domineering, and intimidating "familiar voice"-A set of full, strong, and heavily muscular arms affixed to a broad, toned, and sufficiently hairy chest. I could see the thin sprouts of hair from the v-necked, long sleeved shirt, which did little to hide his perfectly shaped abs and six packs. His face was the sexiest I had ever seen in my life. There was a little bit of "pretty boy next door" and a little more of "danger all around me" looks. His teeth were flawless and shone like the bright full moon of the evening bliss when he smiled. Yet, he spoke with such conviction and command.

I stared in awe, but managed to keep my mouth closed while he exchanged pleasantries with Mrs. S. At this point, there were only inaudible slow motion pictures before me. It was like I was in a trance. Then I felt a slight jolt on my shoulder from Mrs. S, standing next to me. I now saw the big muscular arms outstretched in my direction with the `familiar voice' adding, "It's Kyle, right?"

"What?...oh yeah; Kyle Brew, It's a pleasure to meet you too Mr. ..." I said, assuming that's what he had said when I was lost in my lustful thoughts. I paused at the end and widened my eyes to register my faked forgetfulness.

"Reyes. Armando Reyes" He smiled with that same commanding look and boy he looked fine. Edible, if I am to exaggerate a little more. "I must admit, you and Jon make an even cuter couple than he had boasted about during our drive here". He concluded. Jon broke into a sheepish laughter, as I smiled in appreciation of his comments.

Mrs. S finally stepped into the conversation saying, "Well, dinner is almost ready. Why don't you boys help Armando with his luggage and dinner will be served by the time you return downstairs". I tugged onto one of the suitcases and Armando thanked Mrs. S for her hospitability. "Don't mention it. Make yourself at home and please don't hesitate to ask us about anything that you might need during your stay with us". Mrs. S smiled again to assure her willingness to host her guest.

Jon and I dragged the heavy suitcases upstairs to the guest bedroom where Armando was to stay and he showed him where everything that he might need could be found: Extra sheets and blankets, towels, supplies of toiletries and everything. We left Armando in his room and went downstairs to help Jon's mom set the table for dinner.

Jon's dad arrived soon after we were done setting up. He went upstairs to freshen up after greeting everyone. Mrs. S then asked me to go inform Armando that dinner was ready and that we were only waiting for Mr. Sanford to start eating. The door of the guest bedroom had been cracked open slightly when I got there so it was easy to hear the sound of the shower running. I assumed Armando was already taking a shower and I didn't bother to knock. I would only go in, knock on the bathroom door, and tell him what I had to tell him. Instead of doing just that when I was inside the room, I had a strong temptation to open the bathroom door and have a good idea of what Armando looked like when he was naked. I gave in to the temptation with the conviction that, it would only be for a few seconds and then I would complete the task I came upstairs to do.

I silently cracked the bathroom door open, making sure to do away with any creaking sound. I didn't need to open the door fully, as the bathroom mirror, which I could see clearly, had caught the reflection of the complete body of this demi god. Damn, it was a sight to see! This man was definitely made from the tip of Zeus's own penis. In short, his wet body was to die for. I saw him finish washing his soapy body and turn the shower off. Then he started rubbing through the dark hair curls on his chest, slowly moving his hands down onto his heavy six packs. He threw his head back onto the shower wall in excitement when he reached the soft black bush around his genitals. My cock had now finished filling up with hot blood and my curiosity as well, had heightened.

I watched in eagerness when he got hold of the main target - his rock hard equipment, which was amazing by the way. It was just like that of my dream guy and I wondered if Armando was the man I had had a wet dream about. I shrugged that idea away as quickly as it came because it sounded quite ridiculous in my thoughts. The dick was fat and long, was circumcised and was attached to a set of very huge balls. His balls hang longer and heavier from his body than that in my dream though. He held onto his balls and the end of his dick and he shook them vigorously like he was showing off a trophy to competitors. My dick had become so hard that it hurt. It's confinement in my tight underwear didn't make the situation anymore relieving. Out of instinct, I unzipped my pants without taking my eyes off the pleasurable scene. I took out my own equipment and began to stroke them just like Armando was doing to his in the shower. At first, I was surprised that he wasn't using any lubricant until I realized that I was also only using my leaking pre fluid as lubricant.

Truth be told, I was now high on pleasure and I don't think I would have stopped stroking myself if any other member of the house had stepped in to see me wanking at that moment. It was a really hot sight and it had gotten out of hand. Armando was now moaning in that deep voice of his and was now fondling his balls as well. What I was doing felt wrong indeed, but it felt good as well. I could smell Armando's pheromones from where I stood and it made me hornier than a goat in induced heat. Armando was sweating profusely and had increased his speed. His moans had become a little higher pitched and I could tell that whatever thought he was hanging onto in this wanking session was even better than mine. At this point, my pre cumming rate had increased with my balls aching for release. My head told me it wouldn't be right to splash cum all over the door, walls and floor, but my dick and balls were telling me otherwise.

For once, I decided to go with my head and tuck my hot throbbing dick back into my pants for safe keeping and for release by its rightful owner, my boyfriend. My dick could no longer fold into my tight briefs so I laid it flat on my tummy where its head looked up to my head and then I pulled up my briefs to hide it. Just as I dropped the waistband of the briefs to hit the head of my tool, I caught the sight of a spasming and shuddering Armando, shooting loads of thick white jizz all over the floor, the walls, his stomach, and even as far as the mirror on the wall. I swear it was mind blowing and by far, the hugest load that I had seen anyone release in my life. It was about seven table spoons full and it was thick and very white. This and the impact of the elastic waist band attacking the head of my throbbing cock made me unintentionally orgasm like crazy. I spilled into my white briefs, over my tummy, into my shirt, and anywhere on my body that my leaking sperm could find.

It was only after my body had finished shaking and jerking in delight that I realized how wrong the position I was in was. Seeing Armando grab his towel after washing off all of his cum into the drain, I crept out of the room as fast as I could and went for a change of clothes and briefs. What a mess I had made. I couldn't keep those clothes in the room and risk Jon seeing them so I dashed downstairs to the basement, making sure I wasn't seen, and then went upstairs to finally deliver the message I was supposed to have delivered to Armando fifteen minutes ago.

I met Mr. Sanford in the hallway as he was heading out of their room. He asked how my day had been and I told him all about my day with his wife. He seemed pleased with it and confirmed that with a smile. I stopped at the door of the guestroom and told him I had a message to deliver to Armando. He hit his forehead with his palm and added that his forgetfulness was becoming more serious by the day. He had completely forgotten that he hadn't said hello to his guest yet. He then said he would go say hi to Armando and we could both invite him downstairs for dinner. He knocked and we entered the room after we heard a gruff permission to enter. Armando was already dressed and was slicking his long hair all back with a comb. Mr. Sanford greeted him and gave him a hearty welcome, while I smiled and stared at his gorgeousness. This man seems to have captivated my mind and I couldn't seem to think straight when I was in the same room with him. He apologized to Mr. Sanford for his gel-soiled hands and wiped his hands with a hand towel in the bathroom. Mr. Sanford told him he was needed downstairs for dinner and Armando explained that he was heading there himself. We all walked together out of his room and downstairs, but I still didn't utter a single word. My mind was doing enough talking to last me a lifetime.

At the dining table, both men were still engulfed in their conversations about Armando's dad's cocoa plantations while the mother and son were cutting in occasionally to comment. I just sat there blank-minded and smiled when I felt someone look in my direction. Mrs. S had made some simple Ecuadorian delicacies to welcome Armando. It still looked like our normal white rice, mashed potatoes, and grilled chicken to me. There was also the stew made from goat that I thought was more international and it was good with the rice and chicken. I couldn't have much since my mind was strolling over things. I preferred to drink more of my orange juice and ponder over how far things had come since I started dating Jon. I hadn't realized that the subject of the discussion had changed and that Jon was already asking me a question. "Are you okay, Kyle? You've been behaving quite strangely since I arrived from the airport. Is there a problem?" I thought I saw a smirk on Armando's face when Kyle asked the question, but I made no sense of it and quickly brushed it off.

All eyes around the table turned to me expectantly and I muttered a calm, "Everything's fine. I am just worried I couldn't get to meet all of my housemates when I went by my apartment this morning. I am sure they are really worried about me, but that's ok. I'll text them later and let them know that I passed by". I smiled to assure that I was fine.

"Yeah, am pretty sure they are worried", replied Jon. "So are you gonna come with us?"

"Where are we supposed to be going?", I asked.

"Jesus, Kyle! Weren't you listening to us at all?" Jon asked with a chuckle and they all broke into laughter. "My dad and I are taking Armando for his first sledding experience tomorrow. They don't get as much snow in Ecuador as we do here in Michigan. You can call and invite your friends along if you want. At least, they wouldn't be so worried when they see you having some fun".

I was just about to smile and agree with that proposition when I remembered that I had cooked up a lie to appease Nick. I assumed he must have told my friends that I am out of Michigan by now. "That would be great but I don't think they can make it. They are all leaving for Miami first thing tomorrow for the spring break", I lied.

Jon was silent for a while and then said, "That's a pity, and because I know you also miss them and miss hanging out with them. This would have also been a great opportunity to tell them about us".

"Yeah that's true", I smiled as I knew I had made the right decision to lie. I wouldn't want to make Jon feel like I was ashamed of our relationship or anything. After all, his parents had accepted me and our relationship whole heartedly. I just wasn't ready to come out to my friends yet.

We finished with our meal and I helped Mrs. S clear the table and load the dishes into the dish washer while the other guys went into the family room to watch some football. I thought to join them but decided it was better I retired to the bedroom and be sure I had left no traces of the pleasure trips I had been on while Jon was away. When I was satisfied that the coast was clear, I fell into my side of the bed and crossed my hands behind my head so that my head was resting in my two palms. I wanted to make sense of what had been happening to me so far but I couldn't. Everything was happening so fast. Here I was, madly in love with this kind-hearted pretty college boy from my school and at the same time, fantasizing about the body of a stranger with an intimidating presence who I just met today. What was happening to me? They both stirred passionate feelings inside me, but in different ways. I was at crossroads with my feelings and they weren't clear any longer.

I didn't know when I had fallen asleep, but I woke up to Jon humming in the shower and my phone vibrating. "Hello" I answered. It was Drew on the other end of the line, calling to check on me, ask if I had already reached Chicago, and to wish me a good spring break. He and the others were going back home the next day for the holidays. He asked of my sister and I told him she was still fast asleep. He then asked me to extend his regards and we ended the call. I sat on the edge of the bed and wondered how good I had gotten at lying, ever since I started going out with Jon.

It was the second week in March and the Michigan snow had already started melting on the ground, but there was just enough left to ensure a good sledding experience. Mrs. S got Jon, Mr. Sanford, Armando and I some gear for sledding after a light breakfast of cereal and juice and the four of us headed for the hilly grounds behind the mansion to sled. I had never been good at sledding and I thought it was always too exhausting, so I objected to being the first to sled. Mr. Sanford and Jon volunteered to be the first to do a couple for us to see. Then Armando and I would also have our turns.

For the first few minutes, Armando and I screamed and cheered our favorites on as Jon and his father raced it out downhill. Armando cheered Mr. Sanford on and I cheered my boyfriend on. He sounded so funny screaming in his South American accent that I had to control myself many times not to burst into laughter. Perhaps his huge physique and deep voice also did much to ensure that. He was only two inches taller than me but I felt like a dwarf standing next to him. On one of the occasions that Jon and Mr. Sanford reached the bottom of the hill and were climbing up to meet us, I heard Armando in what seemed like a whisper. "I saw you yesterday".

I was a little taken aback and lost for words. "I beg your pardon?"

"I said, I saw you yesterday", he turned to me and repeated. "You know, in my room last night. You're one hell of a perv, aren't you? You're not just a cocksucker, but you like to watch guys get their rocks off. I've also seen the way you look at me and how you behave when I am around you". He shook his head in disgust. "Fucking fag! I have been meaning to catch you alone to put you in your place but haven't found the right time or place to do so".

As much as this embarrassed me, made me feel depraved, and made my cold-stricken, pale face redden in shame, I had developed a raging boner in response to his demeaning words. I was ashamed that I was taking pleasure in his humiliations and I didn't know what to say.

"There's not enough time. You would come to my room tonight after your boyfriend falls asleep, if you still want to keep your depraved nature from your precious boyfriend and his parents. It's about time someone knocked some sense into that perverted head of your", he added.

The other two guys were almost where we were standing and Armando went back to his usual laughing self as if nothing had happened. I, on the other hand, could not change my mood back that quickly, but Jon and his father never noticed the change. They handed us the sleds and said it was our turn to race down the hill. Nobody noticed my boner either, thank God. We continued sledding for the next hour and a half until we agreed that we had had enough sport for the day. Armando did way better than I expected and even better than me. In my defense, I had only a tiny fraction of my brain, concentrated on what I was doing. We were greeted at the door with cookies and milk by Mrs. S and I gulped down as many glasses of milk as I could to help me forget the events of the morning. That didn't quite work out as planned.

We sat around and chatted for a while to relax and Jon and I got to play some video games. I was doing my best to disprove Armando's theory of me behaving weird around him but I was barely succeeding. For the first time, Jon beat me at FIFA soccer and that was three times in a row. We had lunch soon after, Mr. Sanford left for the office to finish up some pending work, and by dinner time Jon and I were making out in his room like there was no tomorrow. There was a knock on our door and we had to end the hot session. Jon invited the person in. It was Armando, who said Mrs. S wanted us to come downstairs. Mr. Sanford was going to meet us up and we were going to eat out. Jon quickly jumped out of the bed and sped past Armando. I got out of the bed a little reluctantly and had to put my boots back on since I had kicked them off earlier in the erotic session. Armando was still standing at the door, but I tried as much as possible to avoid eye contact with him. I knew he had that evil grin on so it was probably best that I avoided his eyes and avoided the intimidation.

We ate out at a Thai restaurant and were out till after 8:30pm. We came back exhausted and everyone retired to their rooms with the traditional "goodnights" and "sweet dreams". Jon didn't even change into his pajamas and he thumped into bed with heavy snores. I decided to take a warm shower. In the shower, I contemplated on obeying the wishes of Armando. Once again, my head told me not to heed Armando's wishes because I didn't know what his intentions were. Yet, my body was keen on submitting to the demands of the demi god - Also to remove the uncertainty of "what ifs" from the equation. Besides, he was going to rat me out to my boyfriend and his family if I didn't comply with what he had asked me to do. I feared the consequences if that happened. It was decided. I would make sure Jon was sound asleep and head straight for the lion's den. I got out of the shower with only a towel around my waist, to find Jon in the continued bliss of his dreams. I took a pair of boxer shorts to wear, but the urge to go visit Armando with only a towel wrap overpowered me.

Finally, I was in front of the guestroom door and it took all the will in me to knock. I knew there was no turning back after that knock. "The door is open", came the deep voice on the other side of the door. My eyes widened at the sight I met when I entered.

I started to mumble, " asked me to come and see you when everyone was asleep". He was sprawled on the bad on his back with his head resting in his palms under his head and legs spread wide open to expose his amazingly hot body. His enormous dick was resting on his left thigh and his dark skin complemented his well-toned, hairy body.

"You thought it wise to come with only a towel around your waist?" He smiled and I just stood there not knowing what to say. My dick was now rising at the realization that he had noticed my barely-clothed state and his smile broadened when he obviously realized this. "You like this body?" Hell yeah, I did but I found myself dumbfounded partly because I couldn't just admit that I found another guy's body attractive when I had a boyfriend. "When I talk to you, you answer, fag boy! You don't just stare, otherwise you'll regret it", he said with his face muscles contracting into a look of furiousness.

"Yes sir" I found myself saying "I do find your body very attractive". Why the hell was I addressing him as Sir?

"Now, that's more like it". I saw the godly smile again. "Well then, why don't you drop the towel and come show me how much you adore attractive bodies". His tone was cocky and with no hint of a request. I found myself dropping my towel and carrying my fully erect penis to the bed where he lay. It was his smell that hit me first. The sweet smell of the soap he uses confirmed to me that he had just taken a shower and his hair had the scent of hair lotion. It was long, dark and sexy. I was now on the bed and reached for his trophy. He slapped my hand from that direction and said, "not too fast, cocksucker. Take care of my pits first. Those will condition the meat to a better state for your savory" Without hesitation or utterance, I went straight to work on his exposed under arms with my salivating tongue. They smelled and tasted really good. Those were surely his most sensitive parts. He purred and moaned softly while I sucked on his pit hairs. That was by far the most docile I had seen him. He didn't beg nor say anything, but his gentle moans did a lot to tell me how much he liked what I was doing to him and wanted more. Three minutes of chewing, sucking, licking, and cleaning each armpit and his cock was already throbbing for attention. Next, I went on to his nipples without permission and he jolted in excitement. He had relatively thick tits and they were hard as diamonds. I sucked on each one while playing with the other with my fingers and he was enjoying every bit of it. I could tell his head was in the clouds by now and I would regret it if I did anything wrong at this point.

Slowly, I moved my hand to grab the hard meat still throbbing before me and stroked it a couple of times. Pre cum was leaking down the sides of the huge meat and I licked them all off with straight tongue motions along the length of his shaft to get a taste of his sweet love juice. He muttered his first sentence since I started working on him. " really know how to use that tongue, boy" That was all I needed as encouragement to take his whole manhood into my mouth and start sucking hard on it. By now, he was too far gone and couldn't hold on to dear cum any longer. One long and hard suck on his head and he was coating my tongue with salty sweet whitish baby makers. I could not have enough of it. Each spurt came with a vigorous spasm and I could feel his body muscles clench under me. I swallowed like my life depended on it. Not even a drop escaped my lips. I kept on sucking even after the eight spurts were done until he softened in my mouth. Then I let him slip out of my mouth as I raised my head and noticed the figure that had been standing in the door way for the past eighteen minutes.

"uh oh! Looks like someone's been busted", Armando said with no shred of pity or remorse for what I was about to face from my shocked and speechless boyfriend.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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