Crossroads at Passion Hill

By Logan Bre

Published on Aug 16, 2023



By Logan Bre

Disclaimer: This is totally a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual people, persons or events, living or dead is purely coincidental.

This story contains graphic images of adult male homosexuality, forced unprotected sex, and extreme sex fetishes. If you find this offensive, or if it is illegal for you to read or possess, please do not read any further.

Please do not attempt to reproduce this story or parts of it without the consent of the author.

Please feel free to contact the author with any positive or negative comments and suggestions at

Kyle shuffled through the clothes in his closet quickly, in a hurry to finish packing a couple into his backpack before any of his other three house mates saw him. They would ask uncomfortable questions that he would have to lie to and he hated that. He hadn't met any of them while entering their two bed room college apartment and he wanted it to remain that way.

Although his roommate, Drew, would be glad that he had had their room all to himself for his frequent one night stands with the freshmen ladies, Kyle knew that his house mates are surely worried about him. They would want to know why he spent a lot of time lately over at the house of the new friend he found at the football game three months ago. They had a lot of questions he wasn't ready to answer just yet.

Kyle had always known that he was gay, but couldn't bring himself to accepting his sexuality. He jerked off daily to the hot bodied male models and celebrities he saw on TV and in the magazines he stole from his big sister's night stand drawers, but had never been with a man. His two best friends, Drew and Don V (short for Donald Van Der Bergen) had always thought him to be just a normal straight guy, too interested in his music to care about the numerous girls who drooled over his dark spiky hair, brown almond eyes and tall masculine build in high school.

Now they were in their sophomore year in college and lived in the same apartment but still didn't realize that their friend was only still a virgin because he preferred dick to pussy. Technically, Kyle hasn't been a virgin since the past month and a half or so, but of course his friends didn't know that detail yet. He was too careful to keep that secret from his friends and family, lest they find out which love hole on which sex had taken his virginity.

The clothes he had packed for the spring break over at Jon's house was more than enough and he needed to leave now if there was any chance that he could escape unnoticed. Kyle slipped out into the TV room and was about to leave through the front door in the dining area when Nick entered the dining area from the kitchen with a bag full of tortilla chips and salsa dips. His eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Kyle and Kyle in turn shuffled back into a normal posture hide his "anxious-to–escape-unnoticed" mood.

"Dude, where have you been? You haven't slept in this apartment for the past three weeks." Nick said as he sunk into the couch in their TV room. "Drew told Don and I that you had texted him and said you were spending a couple of nights at the house of that new friend of yours. What happened?" Kyle just stood there, not knowing whether to confess the truth. He had had more fun in those couple of nights at his friend's than he had had all his life and had decided to extend his stay there. He could also lie to his house mate and best friend's cousin that he had gone home to Muskegon after those nights at Jon's house and that he was going back home now for the spring break. After all, Nick couldn't read him as well as his best friends could.

"I've been at my grandparents' all this while for some peace and quiet to finish my papers," he decided to choose the latter "and I want to go to Chicago to visit my sister for the spring break". He hoped Nick had bought his lie, but feared Drew and Don might walk in at any moment and see right through the lie. Asking about his friends right now wouldn't exactly be the smartest move to pull off.

"You should wait..." Kyle quickly cut Nick off from telling him to wait for the other house mates to arrive from wherever they went and added, "Gotta go! Please say hi to the guys for me when they arrive; got a bus to catch", while heading for the front door hurriedly to avoid any further questions from Nick.

He rushed downstairs to the white range rover parked in the guest parking lot and sat in the front passenger's seat. He threw his backpack into the back seat and was fixing on his seat belt when the elegantly dressed lady in her mid-fifties and seated in the driver's seat said, "You took longer than you said you would". Kyle could hear the smile in her voice.

"Yeah, I know." Kyle replied smiling back. "I had an unexpected confrontation. Hope I didn't waste too much of your time."

"Nonsense" Mrs. Sanford started the car to life "If it were up to me, we'd stay out the whole day. Let's make sure to prolong the shopping" she said, heading into the streets with a mischievous grin. "I feel cooped up staying in that huge house, mostly alone all day. Thank goodness Jon finally found a reason to stay home a lot these days; though he still hardly leaves his bedroom." The grin on her face broadening with that said. Kyle couldn't help but blush in embarrassment at what Mrs. Sanford implied. The two stayed out shopping for the next five hours and drove back into the 400 acre estate at 4pm.

Mrs. Sanford parked in front of her modern New York style mansion and Kyle stepped out to get collect his backpack and shopping bags. There were so many that Mrs. Sanford had to help him by carrying some of his along with the few things she got for herself. They headed upstairs to Jon's room where Jon was getting off the phone. "Hey guys! How was the day out?" Jon asked laughing. "Wow, you guys really outdid yourselves, didn't you?"

"I know, right?" Kyle replied, laying down the shopping bags and taking the rest of his bags from Jon's mother's left hand. "There was no stopping your mom. She went way outta her way to get everything I simply glanced at. She assumed I wanted them all and didn't accept that I was not all that interested. Look how many new jeans I have! Thanks Mrs. Sanford, and not only for the shopping, but for the ride back to my apartment, a wonderful day out to get to know you, for accepting my friendship with your son, and of course, for helping me carry the bags upstairs"

"Thanks mom", came the son "but I wish you would do that more for me than you do for my friends." He added teasingly.

`Oh please, Kyle, I already told you to call me Meg. "Mrs. Sanford" makes me feel old and wrinkly like my grandma. Besides, I think we all know that you and Kyle are more than just friends. About the day out, don't mention it. It was a pleasure getting more acquainted with you and oh Jon, I'll start doing that for you when you start treating me as special as Kyle here did for me today by taking me to the best burger joint in Lansing.' Mrs. Sanford placed a kiss of victory on her son's forehead. "Isn't that right, Kyle?"

Kyle couldn't help but laugh at the feigned `I don't care' look on his boyfriend's face. He jokingly responded, turning to the lady, "Oh, you're definitely right, Mrs. S. I hope you like Mrs. S better than Mrs. Sanford".

"That's probably ok" Mrs. Sanford yawned, `at least, it has more swag than "Mrs. Sanford". They all laughed. "I should take a quick nap before my husband gets home from work. See you guys later.'

"Oh, mom?"

"Yes, Jon?"

"I just got off the phone with dad and he asked me to pick the son of his Ecuadorian business partner up at the airport at 6:00pm. He wasn't sure he would be getting outta work till after 6:30. Did you know anything about his arrival?" Jon asked. His mom answered in the affirmative and said she had totally forgotten about it. "Well," Jon went on, "I should have been told a little earlier since I have already made plans with Kyle here for the spring break and am sure dad would need me to spend more time with the guy so he would have a good time here."

"It must have slipped his mind" Jon's mother defended. "I will and go and prepare one of the guest bed rooms for his stay and start preparing dinner right away. I guess that nap couldn't be a reality after all"

Mrs. S left her son in the room with Kyle. Jon's soft smiley face turned to Kyle's. The smile that captivated Kyle Brew, the first time he set eyes on them. It was at the football state championship qualifiers game between the University of Michigan Wolverines and their school, the MSU Spartans. The Spartans had just scored a touchdown and those two, who were sitting next to but didn't notice each other at first, jumped in celebration to hug each other tightly. There and then, something clicked and fired. It wasn't necessarily gun shots and fireworks but it was a strange sensation that fired through both guys like an electric jolt. Kyle broke the embrace and stared into the eyes of the boy who seemed to him like the bare end of a copper wire. His magical green eyes under bushy brows were enough to enchant the most hardened of hearts. "One could get lost in them", Kyle had thought. The most striking of his facial features though, was the perfect short dot cleft in his chin which became well defined when he smiled. Kyle had to be shaken back to reality by Drew who was sitting next to him to realize that the celebration was already over and they could now sit. Meanwhile, Jon was still dazzled at the firm embrace and the sweet manly smell of the guy in front of him and that was why he didn't want to be the first to break the embrace. Kyle, although not super muscled, was fit and firm and it was obvious that he worked out a lot. The compact body did a lot to rave Jon's senses and the sweet smell of Kyle's aftershave did little to relieve that feeling. Jon stood only three inches shorter than Kyle at five feet eight, yet the man before him looked more like a god to him than a mere mortal.

"Jonathan Cole Sanford?" Kyle called as he stared back into the smiling eyes with a smirk "How are we going to have the spring break all to ourselves, if you're supposed to be hosting a guy from half around the world to get him to love Uncle Sam?

"brrr..." Jon shook the upper part of his body sharply and vigorously to stress the point. "Sends shivers down my spine when you mention my name in full. Turns me on big time, baby!" He moved into Kyle to place his lips on the somewhat thick lips of his boyfriend which he loved sucking on.

"No" Kyle blurted out softly and moved to escape from the trap of his lover's mouth embrace. "You are not going to change the topic with your sexy-boy attitude this time.

"Come onnnn.." motioned Jon and he pulled Kyle hard to himself this time. Kyle being the taller and stronger of the two obviously tried to break free of the embrace, but the insistent other held onto the back of Kyle's neck with one hand and hooked him around the waist with the other hand. Then he pressed his lips unto his stubborn lover's, trying to find a crack to slip his watery tongue through.

Jon had never initiated sex this forcefully before, though he did the initiating most of the time. This turned Kyle on madly and he couldn't hold on to rejecting his boyfriend's tongue. He slowly released his stiffly packed lips and allowed Jon's cool tongue to enter and find his. The tongues roamed and explored the foreign mouths in passion and locked together occasionally to pay homage as the two lovers exchanged love juices and deep affection.

Both lovers' anxious hands explored each other's bodies to resonate a nice warm sensation which spread over their skin. Kyle's hands searched hastily to unbutton Jon's long sleeved shirt as they shook from ecstasy. He threw the front of the shirt open while caressing the chest of his frenzied lover. Soft brown hair run down through the divide of Jon's chest and Kyle run his now warm fingers through the down lapping hair from the navel to the thoracic region. The building excitement caused Jon to reach for the sides of Kyle's Polo shirt in an attempt to take them off, but Kyle thought it more convenient to help his partner out by pulling his shirt off his head by the collar. His smooth bare chest gleamed in the rays of the dulling sun that found their way through the cracks in the heavy eyelet bedroom curtains. Jon always knew his boyfriend had the most perfectly designed body. He headed straight for Kyle's reddened nipples and the sweet feeling of his lover's cold mouth and hand on his hard nipples sent a jolt straight to Kyle's brain. This in turn sent fresh blood running straight to his eight inch cock. Kyle kissed the head on his chest and moved his hands skillfully downwards to Jon's bulging flap to examine the presents that lay beneath. By this time, Jon was completely lost in the ecstasy. He increased the pace and intensity of how he worked on the nipples. He sucked, bit, licked and taunted Kyle's chest roughly.

Kyle moved Jon's head back and knelt before him to kiss his hair lined navel. He bit on Jon's jeans waist band in the front and then slowly and softly downwards on the filled flap. Jon, who clearly couldn't help it any longer stepped back, unzipped his jeans and released his now rock hard meat from his boxer shorts. He roughly opened Kyle's mouth with one hand by pulling his lower jaw down and then stuck his hard seven inch penis down Kyle's throat. This rough sex act made Kyle even hornier and he sucked and caressed the throbbing cock in his mouth hungrily while he played with the accompanying ball sack. A moan escaped Jon's lips and he thrust even further into the guts of Kyle. For the next four or so minutes, he knelt in that love posture as his face was fucked with lust and passion. While Kyle's "aahhh-s" of pleasure were stifled by the thick hard dick in his mouth short erratic moans still erupted from the insides of his man.

Jon threw Kyle off his cock unto the queen size bed behind him. "Your turn now", Jon said with a straight stern face. He kicked the jeans and boxers pooled at his ankles and unbuckled Kyle's belt in a split second. He unzipped and pulled down his boyfriend's jeans with such force that, Kyle's thick uncircumcised dick slapped his tummy from the newly acquired freedom. Jon lifted Kyle's knees to his chin so that Kyle's arse hole was exposed to his relentless tongue. Jon licked his man's sensitive anal skin with desire and longing. He spat on the twitching hole and lapped at it like a hungry puppy that has just been served milk. Kyle lubed his hands with the overflowing precum at his piss slit and stroked himself with the thoughts of his boyfriend loving his anus. Jon took the rock hard cock from its owner's hand and set it up at right angle with Kyle's tummy. Then he licked from the arse hole up the balls and then the shaft. When he reached the tip of the almost hot cock gobbled it up. He caressed the entirety of Kyle's penis with his tongue while tasting the sweetness of his precum. His throat massaged the cock rhythmically and with great skill.

"Awwwww...ahhhh...yeeeeaaaaahhh...This is totally hot" were Kyle's pleasure sounds. He screamed so loud that Jon had to abruptly end his cock worship to cover his mouth with his right hand in warning of his mother's presence in the house. Kyle only smiled and winked and then rolled Jon over on his back. Kyle rolled onto him and they started a mouth to mouth tongue battle with the exchange of mouth fluids. Jon responded favorably and started sucking on sweet Kyle's lower lip to break the kiss.

He whispered into Kyle's ear, "Please fuck me as hard as you can baby,". A look of want that Kyle couldn't ignore was engraved in Jon's eyes. Kyle quickly put him in the same position he had had him a few seconds ago and spat a generous amount of saliva unto his pink pucker. He worked two fingers into the hole while lubricating his own cock with saliva in his other hand. When he thought Jon was ready to accept his manhood, he bent into a love embrace of kissing with the tip of his cock at Jon's love opening. Between furious mouth explorations, he gently guided himself into Jon as mixed feelings of pain and pleasure spread over Jon.

"Fuck meeee...mmmm" Jon shrieked. Kyle's thrusts were slow and steady to start, as he searched for Jon's special spot. He knew he had found the spot when the precum leaking unto Jon's tummy became more profuse and Jon pulled him closer into him. This revelation made him increase the thrust pace steadily with the frequency of Jon's moans. Kyle found himself exploring deeper into his boyfriend's guts and he loved the feeling. So much that he had to take his mind off the ecstasy his penis was earning to be able to last and carry his bottoming boyfriend along.

"You like that baby? You like what I am doing to you? Want me to continue pounding you?"

"Fuck yeahhhhhh! Oh mmmm hell yeah! That's one fucking huge sweet dick you got there. Pound me with it hard!"

"Am close babe...where do you want my cum?"

"Awww...yeah that's so fucking hot. Spill your semen inside me, lover too close to the edge now...cum now baby!-Let's cum simultaneously."

Both guys climaxed almost at the same time with sounds of pleasure clinging on their lips. "uuunnnnngghhhhhhh yeahh", as their bodies tensed up and released their love juices. Jon gave up six lines of semen from his nuts unto his stomach, their chins and even in Kyle's eyes. Kyle spewed six, seven, eight shots of sperm up the intestines of his partner.

Kyle collapsed unto Jon as their palpitating bodies were locked in an embrace to return to their normal state of breathing. They kissed each other's sweat slicked foreheads and dazed dreamily into a trance, not breaking the lovers' embrace.

In his dazed state between consciousness and dreamland, Kyle wondered how the roughness of Jon had turned on his horniness switch that abruptly. He was amazed yet he liked it: The feeling of his bottom boy guiding him sternly through sex.

Then, in what seemed like a dream, he saw a heavy muscular arm pull him off the bed unto his knees and heard a gruff bass voice command him to provide pleasure to the musculature before him with his tongue. Without any form of hesitation, Kyle started from the hairy toes of the huge feet as he licked and sucked on them hungrily. He moved up to the hairy legs before him and noticed how strong and well-muscled they were. As he continued licking upwards, the flexing of the upper leg biceps made him fully erect and he sent his right hand down to stroke his cock, but the heavy muscled arm came down threw his hand to his side to prevent him from touching himself. This sent a slight shiver through his body, either out of pleasure or out of the sheer magnitude of the force used in removing his hand.

Kyle worked his way up the inner thighs slowly swirling his tongue and cleaning up the muscles until he reached an impressive, long-hanging, and hair carpeted nut sack with huge testicles, attached to a perfectly shaped, cut, 12 inch and throbbing cock which was at least, 2 inches thick. The sight was a beauty to Kyle as his own cock danced to confirm it. He preferred to savor in the scene with his eyes before going down on it, but once again, the firm grip on his head from the strong hand pushed his face to the precumming cock for immediate tasting.

The sudden push of Kyle's head on the cock caused his teeth to graze on the cock and this time, two strong hands pulled his head off the dick and one of the arms run down his face heavily with a disarming slap. The gruff manly voice came to him again with "scrape your teeth against that cock again and you can be sure to expect a butt reddening spanking, you little bitch faggot sub".

The heavy slap on Kyle's face was enough to gather the boy back into the kneeling position and into an immediate tooth-free sucking of the "real man's" cock. For the next couple of minutes, he did his best to take all of the cock into his salivating mouth, even with the help of the two strong hands above him. Yet, he could only take up to a third of the huge dick. The head of the cock was already deep in his throat and he could feel his throat muscles unconsciously massage the cock head in a gag reflex attempt. Kyle heard gruff moans of satisfaction from the now `familiar voice' and it stirred heat in his groin. "Work that throat. mmmm...awww...unngg...yeah! Please that dick, you submissive faggot"

Kyle had been lost in the moans of "the familiar voice" that he had forgotten he had been warned about his teeth. He bobbed his head down without caution and his teeth grazed the hard cock, midway through. The shuddering muscles pulled his head off the dick without warning, laid him prostrate on the woolen carpeted floor and began hard swats of strong palms on the bare butt, as promised. Kyle screamed in mixed pain and pleasure as his butt reddened. The pain made him tug his hand to the squatting strong hind limbs beside him while the pleasure made him grind his erect dick into the ground in rhythm.

The spankings went on for what appeared to him as several minutes and without touching himself, Kyle, expelled what seemed like the biggest load of his life between his tummy and the floor. His cum shot in six throbs and on the fourth throb, he took another hit on the butt. This jerked him into consciousness. The fifth and sixth shot in his awakened state, his dick still hard and hot as he realized he was lying in bed alone.

Kyle rushed to the bathroom, ashamed of his dream and thankful that Jon wasn't there to witness his wet dream. He showered quickly and got dressed. Curious about where Jon had gone, he quickly changed the cum-soiled sheets and went downstairs to the kitchen where Mrs. S was making dinner. He asked her if Jon had already left for the airport and she affirmed it. Just then, they heard the front door open. They both entered the living room to see Jon laughing and entering with two large suitcases. Then Kyle heard the bass of `the familiar voice' vibrate behind Jon. "This is a very beautiful house". His body tensed and froze.

Next: Chapter 2

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