
By Gadfly

Published on Apr 22, 2003


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  1. Cleaning up a Cousin

I shrugged, as I didn't know Paul, but Mike said, "of course, bro. You know I don't like Paul and he's always got it in for me. Besides, I don't imagine we'll be very well dressed when he and Susan are visiting, so we are in for it anyway."

"If my plan works, Paul will be dressed like you before long. And, he may not be so high and mighty in the future. Follow my lead and, if I yell 'Now!' grab him -- the two of you should be able to hold him still."

I looked to Mike, who said, "OK -- 'Now!' means grab Paul."

Looking back to John, I echoed, "got it. Will do." As there was no further conversation for a few minutes, I though I'd ask about the pubes. "Why are our pubes dyed green? What did you tell the kids at the soccer game?"

Eric grinned, "you'll find out when it happens. When we get back to the house, John and I are going to have a shower. You two go to the back yard, strip off and shave off the rest of that hair, except the green stuff. Leave that alone! Be quick about it, unless you want to stay looking half done. You get to shower after us. Everything you need is in the bag."

The stuff was in the bag!? I guess if we had not been 'good sports' we could have lost more than clothes with all those kids watching. This was too well planned out to be the work of Eric and John. That had to mean that the parents were in on it. I don't know whether that's good or bad.

We got to the house, and Mike and I went into action. We were both naked in seconds, and I'd pulled the two clippers out from the gym bag. Mike took one and started work on his arm while I went after my left leg. I was finished with the clippers first, so grabbed a razor and some shaving cream and got after my arm and leg. We were both finishing up what we could manage on our own when Eric appeared, in shorts, sandals and a T-shirt.

"Not bad. You still have crotch and ass hair to go. Mikey -- get on the table and I'll take care of it. Jeffy -- get on the other one, John will be here in a minute." At that John appeared, dressed, as was Eric.

At least this time, we did not have to do all that crap with the hands on the heads. And, the second time around on my back grabbing my legs wide did not seem quite so demeaning. It is amazing what you can get used to. I was relieved that this part might be over before the cousins appeared, and thankful that the camera had not come out of the bag. Yes, it was there.

I heard a car pull up as John was shaving the left side of my cock, now hard again, of course. John told us to get off the tables and go over to the side of the garage, and stand there with our hands on our heads. As we got in position, I heard voices headed our way and noticed that John was getting the garden hose. Looking down, I saw a drain in the patio -- we were about to get a cold shower with a garden hose! With an audience.

Yikes! I was startled out of this reverie by an icy blast on my groin. That took care of the erection and took my breath away. The hose switched to Mike and I heard him suck air hard. Back to me again, and then back to John. One more time, and it felt like my nuts and cock were trying to hide inside my body. Then a more diffuse spray and I was told to turn around. Now I was soaked all over. Eric handed each of us a bar of soap and told us to soap each other down.

I started to rub the soap on my chest and Eric grabbed my arm, "no -- you do Mikey -- he does you." Great -- another photo op? As there was no way out of it, I started soaping Mike's chest and arms, as he did mine. It was kind of sensual, but I noticed Mike was moving faster than I was. Of course -- the cousins would be here any minute! I sped up as well and moved down to his legs while he did my back.

Although it felt great, we had to hurry -- I guess that's why neither of us sprung a boner even when we soaped up each other's equipment. In fact, we probably looked smaller than John and Eric. I was still cold down there, and Mike felt the same. We'd saved the faces for last, and now I had to keep my eyes closed or I'd get soap in them. I felt the soap taken from my hand and my hand guided back to the top on my head. The left one joined it; I was getting used to the drill.

As I felt the cold water hit my body again, I heard girlish tittering and "is the shower broken?" That had to be Susan and Paul. I couldn't tell, as my eyes were still closed, and I wasn't going to open them until the soap was off my face. No way I was going to cry from soap in my eyes with my hands stuck on my head where I couldn't clear my eyes.

"No, the shower's fine. These two boys have been very naughty and are being punished." Sounded like John. I wish that my face would get some of this water and I could see what was up. "Turn around."

Paul burst out laughing. "Well, tiny guy, I like your cute little green muff. You'll be a big hit at school, or should I say 'little hit'? Want me to spank the wee guy for you?" Finally, the water hit my face and I could see this cousin Mike was afraid of. And his sister, staring at us in amazement. For the moment, Paul seemed to have his attention focused on Mike.

John turned off the hose. "You leave my brother and his friend alone. They did nothing to you. Besides, I'll bet you're no bigger where it counts, Paul. Is he, Susan?"

"Leave Susan out of this, or I'll have you under the hose. Maybe I should start with you on the spanking."

"Ducking the issue, Paul. Must be you've got nothing to show." John turned his back on Paul, and told us to do some jumping jacks to dry off. Paul took a step forward, and he looked angry. As we started to flap around, John turned back and Paul stopped, glowering. "Well, Susan, is Paul as big as he claims to be?"

Susan found her tongue. "How would I know? Haven't seen him in years. This is the first time I've seen Mike's equipment in a long time. Who's his friend?"

"That's Jeffy. What's the matter, Paul, shy? She is your sister. Must be ashamed, I guess." John kept the pressure up.

Paul took another couple of steps. "She never shows me anything, why should I show her. I've got more than any of you, you little shit. If you weren't such a pip-squeak, I'd thump you now."

"Easy there, big guy. How about a bet?" Eric leaped in and drew Paul's attention from John's defiant stare. "If you're bigger than Jeffy and Mikey, you get to spank John and I, but if you aren't..."

"Piss off. I already know I'm bigger, and have no need to prove it. I can see Mike already." He gestured.

"Calm down, Paul. Leave the little guys alone. You're such a bully." I was beginning to like Susan. "Come on, let Mike and Jeff get dressed and we can all go play catch or something."

"Yeah, he is a bully. Cowards often are. If he's as big as he says, he wouldn't be so shy about proving it, would he?" John was angling for something.

"Hey, cool it, John." Eric tried to make some peace. "Paul, would you like to pose for a picture with Mikey and Jeffy?"

That caught Paul's attention. "Do I get a print?" Visions of future blackmail changed his mood quickly.

Eric grabbed the camera out of the gym bag as he said, "Sure, why not? Just go over and stand between them. They can stop jumping around now."

Paul got in between us, and Eric told him to put his arms around us. As he did, John yelled, "Now!" We grabbed his arms and twisted them behind his back, bending him back a bit, to keep him unstable. Eric snapped a picture, and then John moved quickly in, unbuttoned the fly on Paul's cut-offs and stuck his hand in. He must have grabbed Paul by the balls because Paul's expression went from surprise to pain, and I heard a little whine.

"Let him go, now, guys." As we released Paul, John looked up at him and said, "co-operate or suffer." Paul just nodded.

"Stand up straight and get that T-shirt off." Paul winced, and then did as John had commanded. "Now the shoes." Paul used one foot to pry off the sneaker on the other, and repeated for the other foot. We had moved off to watch. Paul was now down to his cut-offs. "Lose the shorts now."

"Not with Susan, arghhh!" I could see real pain on Paul's face now, and a bit of sweat. His hands moved to his waist, and he undid the remaining buttons -- he had no belt. Another squeeze, I guess, and Paul slipped the shorts over his hips. He wasn't wearing any underwear! He was soon to be almost as bare as Mike and I.

As his shorts dropped below his knees, John told him to kick them off. Eric quickly collected the discarded shorts and T- shirt, and stuffed them in the gym bag. Then, he moved behind Paul, as John told him to put his hands on his head. As soon as his hands were up, John released his balls, and Eric grabbed them from behind. Eric peeked around Paul's side, smiling, and John grabbed the camera and took another shot.

"You're not all that big, Paul," John quipped.

Paul blushed. Like Mike's blushes, this turned the upper half of his body a brighter shade of red. "So are you game for a bet, now, Paul? If you're bigger than Mike and Jeff, we'll let you have your clothes back and you can spank all four of us. But," John leered, "if you're not, we'll shave and spank YOU. This is your big chance to prove you are the boss."

"And if I don't bet?"

"No problem. We'll take some more pictures, and make sure they get around your school. I'm sure they'd love to see the big man conquered by a couple of grade schoolers." John started to head into the house with the photos. "You've got a couple of minutes to think it over, while I put these somewhere safe."

Susan had been quiet through all of this, but finally spoke up. "Maybe if you apologise and stop being so mean, they'll let you go."

"What do I have to apologise for? Four against one is hardly fair. And stop looking at me."

"You are sort of cute. I see one now, not four, and he does seem to have you in his hands." Susan smirked. "You've pushed all of us around for years. I think you have a lot to apologise for. Don't you?"

John came back onto the patio. "Well, Paul, have you decided?"

"I'll take the bet. I don't really have much choice, do I?" John grabbed the camera, and nodded at Eric, who released Paul. As Eric let go, Paul lunged towards the gym bag and John snapped another picture. "Remember, Paul, we already have photos, and they're scanned now. I've loaded them onto the Internet. You'd better play the game properly, or I'll let everyone know where to see your pics."

Paul stopped, stunned. He sat down and buried his head in his hands.

"Stand up, and get that meat at attention for measuring." John handed a measuring tape to Susan. "Would you mind doing the measuring?"

"Not at all," smiled Susan. She seemed to be enjoying this.

Eric handed a tube of lotion to Paul, who had now stood. "All right you two. You'd best get going too." Eric handed us each a tube as well. It had been a while now since our cold shower, and we now had something to grab, thankfully.

After a few minutes of stroking, John asked, "are you at your max yet, Paul?" Paul nodded; his face still aimed at the patio. Susan moved in with the tape. After a bit of fumbling, she said, "5 1/2 inches."

"Ready Mikey?" Mike nodded a little nervously in response to John. Susan repeated her measurement chore, and announced, "5 1/2 inches."

Paul looked up. He was a bit more hopeful now, I guess. John asked if I was ready, and I nodded. Susan grabbed my dick, and brushed it a few times as she got her measurement. I guess she'd done the same with Mike and Paul. "5 3/4 inches."

"Looks like you lose, Paul." John chortled.

"What? No, I tied!"

"With Mike, yes, but you're short of Jeff. Do you want a re- measure?" John was beaming.

"Yes!" Paul looked a little desperate. I wasn't surprised. 'The bigger they are the harder they fall.' came to mind. Paul had been playing his extra age for all it was worth, it seemed, and was now about to pay the price.

Susan re-measured me, and announced that it was unchanged. She went back to Paul and checked again. "A little short of 5 1/2, really." She went back to Mike, and, after checking, "Mike is a tiny bit longer."

Eric gave clippers to Mike and I. "Mike, you do the right, Jeff, you take the left. Leave the bush for now. Keep those hands on your head, Paul, until they're ready for your arms." While Eric was speaking, John went to Susan and had a brief whispered conversation. Then John went back in the house, and Susan fumbled around in the gym bag, extracting Mike's shorts and shirt. She took them over by the hose, after emptying the pockets, and thoroughly soaked them.

Paul watched Susan, mystified, as she then took his clothes and hung them on the clothesline. As she finished, John reappeared with a tube. More lotion? "Lie back on the picnic table, Paul, and close your eyes. Better still, put your hands over them." We had finished with the clippers, so Paul did as he was told.

John got between Paul's legs, told him to spread them wide. Eric handed us razors and shaving cream and told us to get on with it. By the time we got over to Paul, his bush was green like ours! John got out of our way, and we tackled Paul's legs. As we moved up to his arms, John went after Paul's crotch with another razor. Eric was snapping pictures as we shaved Paul. This seemed a bit unfair, as Paul had taken the bet, but I certainly wasn't going to say anything. I had enough trouble of my own, and I figured Paul deserved whatever was coming to him.

"Grab your legs and spread them wide!" John must have finished in the crotch. We were done Paul's arms, and moved down to his legs again for the underside, as John addressed the crack. When John finished, he stepped back and waited for Mike and I to finish. As we did, he took the shaving equipment and told Mike to get on top of Paul and give him a kiss. Click. Whirr. I was told to do the same, and another photo. John grabbed Paul by the dick and told him to get off the table. He led him over to our shower spot, and told him to put his hands back on his head. We watched as the hose sprayed his genitals down to almost nothing, and then sprayed the rest of his body. Eric got another shot, and put the camera away.

Paul couldn't keep mum any longer. "Why all the pictures? You said that they were if I didn't take the bet."

"I didn't say we wouldn't, did I? Nobody else need see these, as long as you continue to behave yourself. Now do some jumping jacks and get rid of some of that excess water." John went over and got the gym bag, and motioned to Susan, and the pair went into the house.

Eric grinned, and tossed Mike and me each a pair of shorts. This was unexpected. Perhaps this was our reward for helping with Paul? In seconds, he was the only one naked, flailing around. Mike looked very pleased, as if he'd been waiting for this moment for some time. I wasn't sure what to think. The events of the day already were just too strange for me to fathom. How did John end up with so much power? What was to stop Paul from squealing on us to his parents?

As if in telepathic answer, Eric spoke. "You can stop now, Paul and catch your breath. Think hard before you tell anyone what happened here this afternoon. Remember that you took off your own clothes, and we can all testify to that. You took a bet, and lost it. I'm sure your friends would have a lot of fun with that information, not to mention your enemies. John and Susan are in talking to the 'rents now, so you'd best play along with their version of the story, which is that you got a little too involved in our fun with the hose, and got your clothes soaked. I doubt they'll notice your hair unless you mention it. If they do, you can tell them you're going to try out for swimming and wanted to get the best time you could. Susan will take care of your pubes later, as it's almost dinner time. Do what she says, or pay the price. Got it?"

Paul looked cornered. "Yes."

John reappeared with another pair of gym shorts and a T- shirt, and handed them to Paul, along with his shoes. "This will have to do for now. We have to go in for dinner. We'll get to your spanking at the cottage."

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