
By Gadfly

Published on Mar 5, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated (including critiques) to or ICQ#32364537

  1. Plans and Pictures

Noticing the expression on my face, John smiled, "you've figured it out?" Judging by Mike's expression, he had realised as well that there was no way we could pass this off. Anyone who saw us half shaved like this would get a good laugh. My mind scrambled to think of how I could explain this. I could try and pass it off as the penalty for a lost bet or the result of a dare, but that would sound almost as weird as what actually happened. John and Eric would have their own version of the tale, and there's no way any story I'd concoct would be more believable.

Eric chipped in, "don't worry, this is temporary. We wanted to see whether you looked better with or without all that hair. We'll decide in a day or so, after we get some second opinions."

Figures. We are going to be on show. How many people had seen Eric and John naked? There were about twenty at the pool, plus whoever saw them after they bolted. Silly buggers -- we'd have given them their suits back in another minute or so. We're in for at least the pool crowd. As I consider the humiliation to come, my regret is broken by Mike's mom announcing that we were to go to the dining room. Her voice reminds me that I have a hard-on, and she's about to see me.

Mike and I are directed to set the table, watched by Eric and John, giving us no chance to deal with our erections. As I got involved in the set-up for lunch, my erection started to ease off. John was on me in a flash, grabbing my dick and giving it a few squeezes. "Stay at attention."

Mike's mom appeared with a tuna casserole and we all sat down for lunch. "What do you boys have planned for this afternoon?" asked Mr. Forest as he looked over to John.

"We're going to play some soccer. Don't worry, we'll take our little brothers with us and keep them out of trouble."

"Be back by five. We're having an early dinner; your Aunt Jane will be stopping by on her way to the cottage for the weekend," interjected John's mom.

"No problem." John smiled broadly as he looked over at Mike and then I. Jane had two kids, Paul, 17, and Susan, two years younger. I didn't know them very well, but all the colour left Mike's face, so I knew we were in for a rough ride.

"Did you have any plans made for the weekend, Mike?" Mike's Dad caught him off-guard.

It took a minute for Mike to get himself composed. "We were to go to the drive-in tonight with Gary and Brian, but I guess that's off. I should call him and let him know we won't be coming. And there's the party at Greg's tomorrow night. Other than that..."

"What's on at the drive-in?" Eric looked interested as he interrupted Mike.

"Frankenstein and the first Star Wars."

"Sounds good. Let's wait and see if Gary and Brian will let Eric and I come along, if that's OK, Dad." John looked hopefully at his father.

"All right with me. I'll give Gary some money so you can all have a good time. As it's your birthday tomorrow, you can have a bit of fun. I want you all back here by one, though.

We have a busy day tomorrow, with your birthday party. Your mom wants to take you shopping in the morning."

Silence descended. This was a lot to take in. Soccer this afternoon, cousins at dinner, drive-in tonight, birthday party tomorrow. Mike and I were still naked and half-shorn.

Would we be on display for all these people? At least my erection had subsided, but I got the sense that John now had more control over it than I did.

As he finished his lunch, Eric said, "Mikey and Jeffy will clean up. Be quick about it, and then come out to the back again."

"Thank you, Eric. I appreciate your help. We're going visiting this afternoon, and we can go right now. Remember to lock up when you go out to play soccer." John's mom said as she and her husband got up to leave.

Not wanting more swats, I started clearing up immediately, as did Mike. Eric and John left the room right after John's parents. I could hear muffled whispers, but could make nothing out. This was my opportunity to say something to Mike, but I had no idea what. I kept looking at Mike, hoping he would say something. As I was loading the dishwasher, Mike handed me the remaining items from the dining room and whispered, "sorry."

That was all he got to say, as John came in and told us we had one more minute before the fly-swatters would help us out. We were done, so put our hands on our heads and followed John out to the back. "Lie on your backs on the picnic table with your legs spread wide over the end." John motioned us over. "You can take your hands off your heads, but put them over your eyes again when you're settled."

After getting settled and blindfolding myself with my hands, I felt my pubes getting wet. This is it; I must be about to lose them. But, why wet? Why not use the scissors or the clippers? I felt the hairs being tugged, but it was more like a massage than a trimming. I felt a towel or something and the wetness was gone. Yikes, my cock was being stroked and was rising to the stimulation.

"Best keep very still guys, there are sharp things about," warned Eric. Seconds later, I felt my prick being grabbed and scraped -- here it comes -- the pubes are history. Sigh. Huh? He stopped. That was quick. "All done. We had better get some sunscreen on -- don't want any sunburns." I felt some sort of lotion being rubbed on my right leg. After the other leg, John grabbed my right arm. I couldn't look down to see what he'd been doing to my pubes without moving my head, but I caught a flash of bright green from Mike's crotch. Oh no -- what are they up to now? Half-shaved and fluorescent pubes. To think I worried earlier about being shaved bare!

John told me to grab my legs and spread them wide, while Eric had Mike off the table and was leading him over our way. "Mikey, you can finish up with Jeffy's sunscreen. Start with his ass and work your way up. Do a good job, 'cause if Jeffy gets a burn, it'll be your fault."

John handed Mike the sunscreen, and Mike started rubbing it into my exposed ass. Despite being embarrassed for both of us, I felt my rod stiffen more and I have to admit it felt good. I really wanted some pressure on my cock, though. Mike progressed upwards to my balls and the insides of my thighs, and it all just got more intense. Mike hesitated, and John spoke up, "if you don't 'screen it, Jeffy's cock will burn. Go ahead, it's just like jacking yourself off. Don't forget to do under the foreskin, just in case. Put lots of cream on your hand and stroke away."

Oh yeah! Mike's hand on my cock was great. He decided to do the head first and peeled back my foreskin. My toes curled as he rubbed over the head. As he pulled the foreskin back over, I could start to feel the sunscreen start to burn on my slit, but Mike stroking my shaft offset this. I heard a click and a whirr, opened my eyes and saw that Eric was back, and with a Polaroid camera. Argghh -- pictures now, and of Mike whacking me off.

Mike let go of my cock. "Hey! We never took any pictures!" He looked pissed off as he stared at John.

"You're not in charge here, little Mikey. We decide what happens. Remember what happens if you don't co-operate?" John smugly retorted. "Get back to work, and do Jeffy's front, then face."

Mike deflated. All the fight went out of him and he looked fully defeated for the first time today. He applied lotion to my belly and chest. I could feel his hard cock against my legs as he got closer to do my face. Finishing with my face and ears, he looked over to John. I guess he couldn't face Eric and the camera.

John took the sunscreen, and said, "give Jeffy a kiss, Mikey. It's time for another snapshot." Resigned to his fate, Mike moved in closer, and his cock rubbed against mine as he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "He's not Aunt Jane. Full on the mouth and let's have a bit of tongue from both of you."

Click, whirr.

Eric handed the camera to John and said, "change places. Jeffy can do Mikey now." We went through the same scene in reverse, except that Mike is circumcised. They now had four pictures. As I broke off kissing Mike, Eric showed us the second picture. My heart sunk -- it looked like Mike was fucking me. I looked at Mike and it looked like he was about to cry. I felt no better myself. I was in turmoil -- my cock was ready to explode, I was humiliated beyond anything I could remember and I wanted to curl up in a corner somewhere.

"We're not done yet. You still have to do your backs. Stand up and hug each other face to face so we can get started." We complied.

"This is not a school dance. I don't want to see any space between you. Put your hands out and I'll put some sunscreen on them. Start at the neck and work your way down. Stick your hands out again when you need more sunscreen. Oh, yes, and keep kissing all the time." Eric smirked again.

We dutifully got as close as we could. Much more stimulation and I was going to cum. As it was, both Mike and I were lubricating each other. When we got down our backs to the bums, Eric spoke up again "knead those cheeks well and get that screen worked well into your cracks."

Click, whirr.

"OK. Time for some warm-up exercises. Stretches first, and then running on the spot for five minutes and followed by some jumping jacks." I reached for my cock, figuring that was one stretch I'd like to finish, and, after the pics I no longer cared if they saw me beating my meat. But, it was not to be. John continued, "leave your cocks alone. You haven't earned the right yet."

Surprisingly, John and Eric joined in the exercises, although Eric stopped and snapped a few more pictures. Amazingly, my boner was mostly gone by the time we finished, and I noticed that Mike's was as well. I was no longer quite so secretive about looking at Mike -- after what we'd been through and been photographed doing, it hardly seemed worth the bother.

John decided we'd had enough exercise, nodded at Eric, who went back into the house. He grabbed a couple of towels and tossed one to each of us. I'd not noticed them before -- Eric must have fetched them when he got the camera. As we towelled down, I was surprised to see John strip off, and even more surprised to see Eric emerge naked with a gym bag and two pairs of shoes and socks. John grabbed a towel and headed into the house with his clothes. I heard the door lock behind him. Eric told us to put the shoes and socks on as he pulled his soccer kit out of the gym bag and got dressed. We all finished about the same time.

"It's time to go play soccer. Let's go. John's meeting us out front." Eric laughed as both Mike and I covered our genitals and blushed. We'd been half-shorn, aroused and frustrated, had our pubes dyed lime green, and now we were about to meet our public.

Next: Chapter 6

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