
By Gadfly

Published on Feb 21, 2003


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  1. Half-way Measures

We have to thank them for this? For being stripped and spanked? And for having to ask them to do it? Still, military school would probably be no better. "Thank you, John and Eric, for spanking me."

"Thank you for the spanking."

Mrs. Forest stood up, saying "lunch will be in about half an hour; go outside and play until I call."

I took my hands off my head and started towards the stairs. I hadn't gone a full step when John said, "hands on head, Jeffy -- you'll be punished for that." He hit me on the back with the fly swatter, catching skin previously unhit. I moved quickly, but got three more swats before I made it to the top of the stairs and he stopped. I paused, looking back and forth between the front and back of the house.

John picked up on my confusion. "Out to the back, you're not ready for the front yet," he said with a wink and a leer.

In short order we were on the back deck. Naked and outdoors! There was a high fence around the rather large yard, but we could be seen from the neighbour's houses if we got deep enough in to the yard.

"Time to get rid of some of this hair. Stand very still or you may lose more than the hair!" Eric looked back and forth to both Mike and I as he said this.

John waved a pair of scissors in front of my face before he tugged at the hair in my right armpit and cut it off. I felt relieved when he walked over to the table and set the scissors down. Was this just a token? The relief was short- lived, as he sprayed my back and pits with shaving cream. I had no hair on my back, so I could only guess this was for effect. When that was all shaved off, cream on my front and off it came -- not much hair there, except for some short ones right around the nipple. "Go and lie front-down on the picnic table." John pointed to one of the two on the patio.

I got up on the picnic table, with some difficulty, as I didn't want to take my hands off my head again. I ended up rolling on the top after kneeling on the bench. Fortunately, the table had a thick coat of enamel on it, so there was little danger of slivers as I slithered into position. I stopped moving instantly when John hit my sore bum with his hand, "Stop wriggling like a snake and spread your legs a bit."

From where I was now, I couldn't see what John was doing -- I had a great view of the stonework of the patio with my head sticking just over the edge. If I tried to look, my arms would move with my head, so there was no way to sneak a peek.

I felt vibration on my right calf that slowly moved up the leg to my ass -- must be a clipper. As the vibration moved up my right leg, I could feel something touching my left leg; figuring it to be John's hand, I move my legs wider apart.

Shaving cream next, and moving up. I had a lot more hair to lose on my legs -- they were almost furry. Another swat on my bum. "You can take your hands of your head and roll over. When you've turned over, put your hands over your eyes, and spread your legs wide, Put your left foot down beyond the bench."

As I rolled over, I heard Eric give similar directions to Mike, and caught a quick glance, confirming that he's lost some hair too. This time I felt the clippers start at the top of my right leg, now fully exposed along with my crotch. I had felt the blood start to move into my cock while I was face down, and it was starting to swell up. Not enough to notice, I hoped, but much more stimulation and it would be hard to miss.

Uh Oh. The clippers were skirting the edge of my pubes and John's hand brushed my bag and cock. It rose to the extent that it wasn't sitting on my balls any more. I heard a chuckle and felt another light touch along the side of my cock, before the clippers moved down towards my foot. I was up to about 45 degrees now, and trying to think of multiplication tables. It wasn't working.

Shaving cream again, working from the foot up. John seemed to be saving my inside thigh for last. I wondered what was next after that, and it made my cock twitch. So much for multiplication tables. I must be perpendicular now.

John finished up my leg by shaving along the edge of my pubes. He seemed to be being very careful, and I started to get optimistic that I'd keep my pubes. He grabbed my sack, pulled it taught and I felt the razor scraping along the skin. I kept very still as I lost the hair on my right nut.

There wasn't a lot, but there was some. "Grab your ankles, lie back and pull your feet over your head, and spread your legs as wide as you can."

I complied, looking over to see Mike doing the same, discovering that he also had a boner, that, like mine, was now digging in to my abs. I'd never seen Mike erect before, but only got a quick flash as his leg obscured my view. I looked down to see John head towards my ass with the clipper. I spread my legs even wider -- I did not want to get cut down there!

When he'd finished shaving my crack, John told me to let my legs down and hold my right arm out. I heard Eric say the same to Mike, and I looked over to his crotch again. When I realised what I was doing, I looked up to Mike's face quickly, only to discover his gaze aimed at my crotch. He flicked his eyes up, saw me looking at his eyes, and he started to blush. Mike has a very noticeable blush. I smiled, but looked away -- there's no reason I should make this any worse for Mike. It could easily have been the other way around.

John finished with the hair on my right arm, and told me to get off the table, and stand again with my hands on my head. I suddenly realised that John had shaved the right side of my body, but my left side was intact. I must look like a freak! Anyone who saw me now would know that I was shaved and what I had lost, unless I had long trousers and a long-sleeved shirt on. I would have been better off losing it all.

Next: Chapter 5

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