
By Gadfly

Published on Feb 14, 2003


NOTE: Comments are appreciated (including critiques) to or ICQ#32364537

  1. Warm Up

John thought for a minute and said "No, let's do them together." At that he grabbed me by the cock and pulled me over behind the couch and gave me a little shove. I took this to mean that I was to bend over the back of the couch. As I did so, I watched Mike shuffle along with his drawers slowly slipping down to his ankles, being dragged along by Eric the same way I was. These two were certainly enjoying their little power trip.

John goosed me, and told me to take my hands off my head and grab the front of the couch. As I did so, he shoved my legs so my feet were off the floor, and my ass was straight up. I guess that was the idea, as Eric did the same to Mike just before he pulled Mike's boxers off altogether.

Eric giggled. "We each have a set of bongos!" He gave Mike a series of rapid-fire swats.

John laughed and pinched me. "Ow!"

"We'll have to have a concert later, Eric. For now, let's give these kiddies their spankings. How be we each do fifty and then swap?"

"That's 50 per cheek?" asked Eric.

"Sure -- one cheek for each hand."

I couldn't look at Mike -- I'd looked over when Eric swatted him and John pinched me, but this was going to be tough. Two hundred swats, even from a 12-year-old, was going to bring tears to my eyes.

John counted as four hands hit four cheeks. At twenty-five, he stopped, "Hold on, Eric, my hand is getting sore. Dad?"

"There are several new fly-swatters on the kitchen counter. I figured you might need them." He turned the page on the newspaper.

"Cool, I'll get them." Eric took off to the kitchen, as I felt my cheeks being parted.

"Spread your legs as wide as you can, both of you. Time to spread things around a bit," John said before he too took off.

After a few minutes, I felt duct tape being wrapped around my right ankle. Then it was yanked, tied off against the couch leg, I guess. Hard to tell with my face buried in the front of the couch. After the left ankle was taped and tugged, John swatted my right cheek, "Shuffle over".

I heard another swat, must have been Eric hitting Mike. "You too, Mikey-baby."

Where we had not been touching before, Mike's right leg now crossed mine slightly above the knee.

"That's better," John observed. "Let's get started again. One"

The fly-swatter was painful in a different way. More of a surface burn, and it hurt more than John's hand had. I buried my face further into the couch. I was going to end up crying for sure, as I digested the fact that John had started at one, and not twenty-six.

Because the fly-swatter was smaller or easier to direct, the swats were all over. Up and down my thighs, inside and out. On the twenty-fifth swat, John got my balls, which had slipped out over the back of the couch. "Whaaaa!" I cried.

That broke the tempo. "Looks like we're finally getting their attention," I heard Eric say.

John resumed the count at twenty-six and I heard a muffled shriek from Mike. He must have had his head in the couch cushion as well.

The shots became even more random, hitting my calves as well as thighs. But every fifth shot hit my balls. I had been crying since the fortieth shot (really sixty-fifth), but managed to not make any more noise.

After the fiftieth shot, Eric shouted, "changeover." He took over the counting, starting at one.

I felt my head being lifted as the sixth shot was coming down. All I saw was Mrs Forest's skirt and a towel. She pushed the towel between my face and the couch, saying, "we don't want the couch all wet and messy, now, do we?"

I heard Eric and John laugh, but they carried on relentlessly. Eric was hitting as hard as John had, and my balls were smarting something awful. I don't think either of them hit as hard on the balls shots as on the others.

"Should we go again?" Eric asked John. I heard a moan from Mike.

"Nope -- time for some fun, I think. Let's get these little guys up so they can thank us properly."

I felt the duct tape rip out my leg hairs as it was removed, and screamed twice, once for each leg. So did Mike.

"All right, cry-babies, you can stand up now. Put your hands on your heads and turn around to thank us."

Next: Chapter 4

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