
By Gadfly

Published on Feb 9, 2003


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  1. Demoted

The suspense was brief. John opened the door almost immediately. "Hi Jeff," he smiled broadly. "Come on in. Everyone's in the family room."

I closed the door behind me. I left my shoes by the door. I'd learned many years ago that they did not wear shoes in the house. Now in just my boxers, I followed John down the stairs. Mike was standing in the middle of the room, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. He had his hands on his head and his eyes closed, but he opened them as I came into the room and looked sadly at me.

Ralph Forest spoke up first. "Jeff, stand next to Mike about three feet apart. Put your hands on your head." John sat on the couch, next to his friend Eric. They were the two we depantsed three days before.

"The two of you have been running wild for far too long. It's time for you to face the music and grow up. But, before we take care of that, the rest of us are going to have a bit of fun, at your expense. We are going to treat you like the spoiled children you are. Until I say otherwise, Mike and Jeff, you will be the children in this house, and you will do whatever you are told by everyone else."

Great! Instead of being hazed by kids at military school, I was going to be treated as a little brother by John and Eric. Could I stand a week of this? Me, a 16 year old, being ordered around by a pair of 12 year olds?

"Yes, I mean everyone. That includes any and all visitors to this house or anywhere else we happen to be. Eric, you will be in charge of Mike. John, you will be in charge of Jeff. John, you and Eric will cover for each other if one of you is away. Mike, do you understand?"

"Yes, Dad, I understand. I am to do whatever anyone tells me to do unless Eric says otherwise," Mike replied.

"Jeff, do you understand?"

"Yes sir. John is my big brother and I will do what he says."

"Now, boys, I think your little brothers are overdressed. They like to bully others by pulling their pants down. Why don't you tell them to ask you to pants them?" Mr Forest picked up his newspaper and started to read. Mrs. Forest continued to read her book -- she had been ignoring us all so far.

"Mikey, you have been very naughty. You're too little to be wearing those big boy shorts. Ask me nicely to take them off for you so you don't have to move your hands." Eric beamed, "and you should also ask me to give you a spanking to help you remember your place."

My jaw dropped and Mike looked mournful. "Eric, I have been a bad boy. Please help me to take my shorts off and give me a spanking."

"OK, if you insist." Eric got off the couch and ran his fingers around the inside of the waistband of Mike's shorts. He grabbed the bottom and slowly pulled them down until Mike's dark red pubic hair was on display. As he did so, his cock sprang through the fly. "Oh dear, Mikey, it looks like you've popped out. I don't know about all this hair though. I think you're too young for all of that. We may have to do something about that later."

Oh my god! Mike now looked more stunned than beaten. I'm sure I looked as horrified. We were going to be scalped by a couple of little kids, just before the start of the new school year! John laughed, a little nervously. I looked at Mike's parents -- his Mom was ignoring us and his Dad was hidden behind the newspaper.

"Jeffy, it's your turn now. Ask your big brother to take care of you and give you the spanking you need. Ask him to help you to be a good little boy." John giggled a little.

I looked over at Mike and saw Eric tug the shorts down until Mike's ass was fully exposed. He flipped Mike's cock up and watched it drop. I shuddered. "John, please help me to be a good little brother. I have been a bad boy and need your help to take off my shorts so that you can spank me."

"Yes you have been a bad boy, and I will help you to learn." John looked stern as he got up from the couch and yanked my shorts to my ankles in one go. "Lift your right foot."

I did, and was one step away from being completely naked. Stripped by someone four years younger. I flushed red and started to sweat. I was so embarrassed. At least it was in the Forest's family room and there was nobody watching.

"Now the left foot." I dutifully lifted my foot, and now I was naked. And, essentially helpless. It struck me that I may not have any clothing at all, as I did not see my knapsack in the hall. Maybe it was in Mike's room. I looked over to Mike. He was still being slowly stripped; Eric had flipped Mike's cock over the waistband, but had not lowered the boxers much further.

I gasped. John had grabbed my cock and was peeling back the foreskin. "Please, no," I whispered.

"Jeffy, I know you're only a little boy, but take your punishment like a man." John stared into my eyes and continued, "you did not pay any attention to us when you picked on us -- why should we listen to you? Stop whining or you'll be sorry."

That hurt. My best friend's kid brother was telling me that I was behaving like a wimp. I decided that if I was to have any self-respect, I had to do what he said. "I'm sorry John. I will try and do better."

Eric had finally got Mike's shorts down to his knees. He looked to John and asked, "shall we spank Mikey first?"

Next: Chapter 3

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