Crossing Lines

By typeclick

Published on Nov 18, 2007



Respect in practice

Andy was in his late 30's. His hair was thinning on top, just as well he kept it short really.

He had worked in this furniture recycling charity for some years, they put up with his problems with drink.

They allowed him to arrive late some mornings and kept him indoors all day when he was recovering from a bad time the night before.

For all his faults and he had many, Andy was good with people. A good listener, understanding - maybe so that others would be of him - who knows.

He was an attractive looking man, a real mans man.

He stood about six feet tall, broad wide shoulders, a good thick neck.

People joked about his feet, size 13's they were, on the end of his muscley legs.

He had a huge pair or of hands to match - he was a big framed man all in all.

He always wore black trackie bottoms to work, no one could recall seeing him wear anything else.

He wasn't given many responsibilities but he could be trusted to support young trainees in the workshops and sometimes they'd sit for hours talking about life and how it treated them all. Many a smoke and coffee was downed in the time spent in the hut inside the warehouse.

Life had served Andy quite fairly, it just seemed on the face of things that he made some wrong decisions and didn't take responsibility for some things - he'd fathered two kids, one mixed race, and found himself on the end of paying towards their keep from his meager wages.

He took the view that he was a good father - others just felt he couldn't keep it inside his pants.

One of the trainees, Rob, took a shine to Andy and was always by his side, listening attentively to his views on things, sharing smokes and keeping the kettle busy in the hut.

Rob was a thin built sort of guy, wirey, always on his feet, always doing things when he can - looking busy was what he called it.

He used to support Andy when he came in in a morning feeling low, just nudge him along in the day to see him through.

This day was going to be a busy one.

Rob could drive and being over a certain age meant he could drive their vans.

Andy and Rob went out on a call to collect some furniture from a place that was closing down. It was one of about four collections they had to do that morning.

They stepped up into the van and fired the engine up.

Out through the gates they went and on to the first call.

The job involved collecting furniture that was recycled, resold really to people on low incomes, it was very successful.

Andy and Rob had put some mugs of tea away before heading off out, by the third call and with the cold it was getting to Andy a little.

He asked Rob to pull the van over to the side of the road by some trees.

Andy got out the van and stood within the protection of the half opened door, facing Rob and the van at an angle.

He struggled to find the drawstring that held his trackies up.

He found it, tugged it and the knot gave way.

Andy's left hand gripped the waistband and his right hand went in to hook his cock out.

Rob tried not to look.

Andy tugged his waistband down to make room and his cock flopped out.

Rob still tried not to look, an unusual and very private view of his work colleague, it intrigued him.

Andy steadied himself as his cock steadied from swinging - like everything else Andy was, his cock wasn't small.

Even soft Andy sported a cock of some six to seven inches in length.

It was thick, not wrist thick, but banana thick if you get my meaning.

He was uncut, the skin wrapped round his cockhead.

As Andy steadied himself a stream of piss flowed in a straight line hitting the floor just underneath the van.

He'd drunk so much tea he seemed to piss forever.

Rob was watching through the side of his head - it's that man thing, comparing, is his bigger than mine.

Andy's was probably bigger than many, any wonder he fathered a few kids, it would impress anyone.

Andy continued peeing until the flow slowed.

His right hand tugged his foreskin which rolled back revealing a shiny cockhead that by then had started to swell because he had been peeing so long.

Andy looked up and spied Rob's glance and smiled. Making him smile Andy rolled his foreskin right back so it made his cockhead swell further - it darkenned in colour and swelled really wide as the last few drops fell off the end.

Andy shook his tool, his cockhead swinging wildly for a few seconds until coming to hang.

Andy took his hand off his tool for a moment and it hung over the waistband of his trackies, he deliberately stood sideways towards Rob as if to offer him a sideways profile of his generous length.

If Rob looked he'd see a curved, heavy, thick dick with a big cockhead and with the skin drawn back Andy was revealing the girth of his shaft, which wasn't slight.

Andy gripped his foreskin and bought it forward - Rob could see that even with foreskin in place, his cockhead was a serious size.

He noted that Andy didn't wear pants or underwear, he went commando in his trackies.

Andy stepped back into the van "I feel better now, lost half a stone in weight" he said and grinned at Rob, who drove on to the last of the mornings collections.

Rob drove on, quietly reflecting on what he'd seen.

It wasn't unheard of about blokes looking and comparing, blokes with small dicks are always checking out others.

Rob didn't have Andy's proportions but he wasn't small, he was okay with himself, but he was taken with the contrast of Andy being a bit of a down and out, problems with drink, feeling low about himself and yet he'd slept about - or maybe his women couldn't resist the thought of feeling all of that inside them. Rob thought that if what he saw was Andy at say half mast stiffness, how much thicker and bigger was it when totally aroused?

The final collection was a filing cabinet, one destined for the offices.

Andy and Rob entered the premises and between them lifted the cabinet and eased it into the back of the open backed van.

Rob glanced at Andy's crotch as he chatted thanks to the donor of the cabinet - he could see an outline of Andy's 'snake' in his trackies. If Rob could see it, anyone could.

They got back in the van and headed for base.


Sitting in the hut in the warehouse, they say jawing away, downing tea and having a few smokes.

The peace of lunch was broken when a colleague bought in a request for a collection but one that would have to be done after hours as there was no other possible time.

There weren't any willing volunteers initially until Rob prompted Andy to give it a thought - Rob could drop Andy off at home after bringing the van back.

Andy thought about it and agreed.

They accepted the job.

The afternoon passed quietly.

No calls as such apart from the out of hours one.

They played cards in the hut to kill the time.

Everyone was leaving at the end of the normal working day apart from Andy and Rob.

Time ticked on for them both to ready themselves for to go and fetch this piece of donated furniture.

They fired the van up and headed off to collect the item.

They arrived at a block of flats, buzzed the flat on the ground floor where the donation was based.

The security clicked open and in they went.

Flat 3 - they knocked the door and a young woman appeared at the door - it looked like she was still in night clothes - turned out she was a nurse and worked shifts.

Andy winked at Rob on seeing the sight before them.

They went in and was introduced to the cabinet and started working out how to lift things as the nurse offered them a tea - Andy quickly accepted - as nurse walked out the room Andy stood before Rob and started rearranging his cock, straightenning it up and trying to hide something that was happening.

They downed their tea, chatting to the nurse as Rob watched Andy's change of behaviour.

Rob noticed that Andy was sporting a well profiled half hard cock in his trackies, it was just as well they were blackin colour, less obvious.

They gripped the cabinet and eased it out of the flat, through the security doors and towards the van.

Nurse wished them well and closed the door behind them.

Cabinet in van, the two got into the van, Andy being the last as he had to rearrange himself at the van door.

Rob smiled at him.

"Fuckin' hell Rob did you see that ..?"

Andy stood there grinning like a kid as he tugged at his cock inside his trackies.

"She has made me seriously moist, I'm telling you...!"

Rob replied "yeah I can see Andy, when was the last time you shagged anyone..?"

Andy had to think about that - it had been a while.

He put his right hand into his trackies and seemed to position his cock to point to the side and then in the van he jumped.

They headed back to base, unloaded the cabinet and went into the hut.

Andy had put the kettle on for a last brew as Rob went off to the gents room.

Rob was standing at the urinals peeing.

The silence was broken a few seconds afterwards as Andy walked in.

He stood at the next pan to Rob and tugged his trackie waistband down and hooked his cock out.

He was still half masted as his meat curved towards the pan.

Andy broke the silence "well when did you last have sex then Rob...?" as Andy was this time looking at Rob's tool peeing.

"Just last week actually mate" he replied.

"Bastard" Andy replied.

"Did you give her a serious seeing too..?" asked Andy.

"No, not quite, it wasn't like that" replied Rob.

"You see it wasn't a her.."

"Some of my best mates are gay" replied Andy - "great blokes, even though they walk a different path"

The comment made Rob smile and feel at ease.

He also noted that Andy stood at ease at the urinal, almost stepping back a little.

"Is it true all gay blokes like big cocks Rob?"

He asked without question or hesitation of Rob's sexuality, just accepting how things were.

Rob replied "gay guys are to big cocks what straights are to big books Andy", "it's a nature thing.."

There was a pause and some silence.

"Would you say this was big...?" as Andy stood back at an angle towards.

"I had noticed already Andy, earlier when you were taking a leak, I couldn't help noticing that you weren't exactly small!"

Andy grinned as this conversation was developing without tension, no nerves, just two good pals who obviously felt okay crossing a few lines in this way.

Andy reacted to Rob's comments - not in any unpleasant way but his cock thickened .

Rob noticed this and watched as Andy's shaft thickened and started lifting itself up from it's drooped stance.

Andy looked at Rob and turned towards him, almost as if offering.

Rob stopped peeing almost instantly, a nervous thing? Maybe.

Andy started peeing but the jet was aimed into Rob's pan - Andy gripped his tool firmly, Rob seem impressed Andy could pee while hard.

Andy's pee stream hit the side of Rob's urinal in a strong straight manner.

As Andy gripped his tool it continued to swell and his skin rolled back over the cockhead.

Andy tugged it right back revealing his head and moist dark red shaft.

The peeing stopped.

By now Andy's tool was getting on for being about nine or ten inches in length and a banana and a halfs thick, his cockhead was an amazing shape, almost square, dark red in appearance and a huge japs eye. Their hung a final drip of pee.

Rob turned to Andy and stretched out his arm and placed his right hand under Andy's length, holding it in his hand, he gripped it lightly as he turned further and went down on his knees.

Rob steered Andy towards the back wall and held him against it as he started to taste Andy's cockhead.

Rob gripped the base of Andy's tool tight, the blood rushed in and he held it there as the shaft darkened and thickened - Andy's cockhead was enormous and shiny, so tight was the skin.

Rob ran his tongue under Andy's cockhead and his tool jolted as Rob opened his mouth and took his cockhead inside his mouth. He looked up and Andy stared upwards at the ceiling, helpless.

It took a while for Rob to realise he was being allowed to do this, Andy was consenting to being touched and handled in this way and this energised his confidence.

Andy's cockhead was so wide Rob had problems trying to deep throat him, he couldn't do it.

He spat on Andy's cockhead and with his hand rubbed the spit into his shaft down the full length.

Andy shuddered when Rob did this so he repeated it again.

As he repeated it a huge bead of precum emerged at Andy's japs eye.

It was so heavy a drop that it stretched and fell to the floor like glue.

Another bead appeared and Rob licked it off this time.

Andy was precumming like a tap - Rob took some drops on his hand and used it as lube down Andy's shaft.

By this time Andy's tool was engorged big time - veins stood up on the shaft, Rob kept Andy's skin back tight which revealed the veins feeding blood to his cockhead. His cockhead was vast, real wide and square, beautiful shape.

Rob took his left hand and gripped Andy's tool, his right hand went inside Andy's trackies and he gripped Andy's balls and massaged them.

Andy reacted as his shaft thickened further and more beads of precum appeared.

It was clear Andy hadn't 'emptied' himself for a while.

Rob lifted Andy's t-shirt and could see a trail of black hairs coming down from his belly button - they spread into a thick forest of pubes from wich this massive tool emerged.

Rob took Andy's tool in his mouth, his hands now gripping Andy's thighs which were big and tensing all the time each time Rob hit a spot.

Rob rolled Andy's trackies down to get better access to him.

Andy gripped the base of his own shaft which made him swell as Rob licked and nibbled at his skin and shaft.

Precum flowed from Andy, drips and drips of the stuff, all over Rob's face.

Andy opened his legs wider as Rob felt him start to jolt and judder inside, a sign of impending cum.

Rob steadied himself as Andy took grip of his tool and started wanking furiously.

Rob displaced Andy's hand and took over doing the same, Andy put his hands behind his back.

Rob took full control now.

He licked the underside of Andy's shaft as his engorged cockhead loomed over his eyes.

Rob's face was laced with precum by now.

Andy started breathing more loudly as Rob continued teasing and tricking Andy's various spots making his cock fit to explode.

Just then Rob rolled Andy's foreskin forwards, is stretched over his cockhead, Rob rang his tongue inside the skin which sent Andy into serious judders of sensation.

Andy panted.

Rob steadied himself on his knees as he knew what was going to happen.

Andy released his hands and gripped the sides of Rob's head as Rob tongued and tickled him.

"I'm gonna cum.." whispered Andy.

Rob readied himself.

Andy's left hand gripped his shaft tight keeping it engorged.

His right hand teased his foreskin back and forth over his cockead.

Rob could see Andy's cockhead swelling further and darkening.

His cockhead swelled so he couldn't roll the foreskin forward anymore.

Andy's belly muscles spasmed.

Rob licked the swelling cockhead.

Andy whinced and juddered holding off his cum until he couldn't hold back.

Rob was still as a string of white cum ejected from Andy's cockhead straight into the back of Rob's throat.

Followed by another and a third jet of cum.

Rob swallowed the juice.

He continued gently licking Andy's swollen head as cum continued to flow in drops from his japs eye.

He seemed to cum loads, three thick hot strings of juice and this after flow.

Rob rolled Andy's foreskin right back making the cockhead aim downwards as a few drips remained and were licked off.

Andy looked down and with both hands grabbed the back of Robs head and pulled his face into his crotch and belly and hugged him there.

No one moved for a minute. It went quiet.

Rob moved back slightly and kissed the end of Andy's tool, taking a final lick of fluid off the end.

He tugged Andy's trackie waistband and pulled it back up, his left hand gripping his now slightly shrinking length and tucking it into the lining of his trackies.

He re-tied the waistband string and rose to his feet.

Andy looked at Rob - the look was returned as they clenched fists and joined fists in a form of male honour. All this without a word being said.

On the way out of the gents Rob turned to Andy, "don't ever question whether you have a small cock or not..!"

Andy grinned and patted Rob on the shoulders as they headed back to the hut.

It was late by this time and the yard remained open.

Time to alarm up and head for home as Rob dropped Andy off from the van - they shook hands as Andy stepped out the van and walked down the alley to his flat.

Your writer appreciated feedback (but I don't do requests)

Cheers, TC -

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