Crossfit Competitors

By peter

Published on Jun 24, 2021


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Chapter 4

I could've gone like this for hours but, once again, I needed to take charge. Both to prevent me from exploding too early and, more importantly, to let him know this was a competition and I intended to win.

At a point when he was coming up for air, I said quietly but firmly, "Stop. It's time for another beer. We need a break because I have much bigger plans for you."

His quiet response, "Yes sir."

To which I replied, "Good boy."

Both still in our sweat-soaked jockstraps, we sat on the couch together and sipped our beers. I stared at him wordlessly, and he me. When I finally spoke, I told him how I had the rest of the evening planned and, like CrossFit, it would be a competition. I would go first and have complete control over him. I'd have 90 minutes and I would dominate, he would submit, and my goal would be to make him cum. . The next 90 minutes, he would dominate, I would submit, with the goal of him making me cum. Whoever of the two of us could make it the 90 minutes without cumming would win. And even if I got him to cum before 90 minutes, he'd still have his shot at me. Whoever could make it without releasing would be crowned winner of our CrossFit Competition. If we both made it without cumming (of which the chance was extremely remote), that'd be a good problem we'd have to figure out when the time came.

I stood up and physically towered over him on the couch (with my sweat soaked bulge nearly touching his face) and asked him, "You good with that Pook?"

Unexpectedly, he slid off the couch and then kneeled in front of me. He clasped his hands behind his back, lowered his head to the floor and replied, "Yes, sir."

I tenderly placed my right hand under his chin and guided his head for him to look me in the eye. I stared for what seemed like an eternity without saying a word. Just Pook on his knees at my feet, hands behind his back, my hand under his chin, gazing into each other's eyes.

Finally I broke the silence and said, "Good boy Pook."

I grabbed both his hands to help lift him off the floor. When he stood and we were eye to eye again, I pulled his face into mine like before, but this time gave him a gentle, loving kiss. He knew I was in charge so he followed my lead and kissed back equally affectionally. "Now get into the bedroom", I ordered.

I followed him directly in there so he wouldn't have the freedom to make a move without me commanding it first. He was now my slave. When he entered he immediately saw the four-poster bed with restraints tied to each of the posts. Before he could react I said forcefully , "On your back. Spread eagle."

I heard him take a breath that was half inhale, half hiccup. I think he was so surprised and turned on by what was coming that it took his breath away. I looked at his still jock-covered crotch and it had grown considerably since a few minutes ago. He clearly was turned on. He lay down as told and spread his arms and legs. I took his right hand, tied the restraint around his wrist, stretched it to the bedpost, and asked him if was comfortable. He said he was ok so I proceeded to the other hand and both feet. Once I had each of them secured, I went around to each again to tighten and got him as taut as I thought he could tolerate , If the slab of meat under his jockstrap was any indication, he was VERY comfortable.

I told him he may encounter some moderate pain, but I counseled him that pain can be pleasure. But if I took it to a place he couldn't endure, I wanted to know. We'd do this by a simple green/yellow/red system. I told him I'd ask him periodically how he was doing. Green meant "Keep doing exactly what you're doing, I can take more." Yellow meant "The pain is my pleasure. Continue, but cautiously." Red meant "Stop now, I can't take anymore." I promised I'd respect his responses.

At this point I stood at the end of the bed and admired this Greek god that I had been coveting all these weeks. Starting with his sexy feet, up to his tree-trunk legs, this unbelievably sexy jock which was now dripping wet with a combination of sweat and pre-cum, his hairless, beautifully sculpted torso, his out-stretched arms and that handsome face. He would alternatively close his eyes, and then open them and look at me hungrily.

I stood at the end of the bed and ordered him to look at me. I asked him, one last time if he was ready to go.

His reply: "Yes, sir."

So this was it. The 90 minutes started now. Here he was stretched out in front of me, nearly naked, sweating profusely, panting, waiting to be used. I don't know which of us was hungrier. I had to keep telling myself to be cool, I'll get everything I want before the night is over.

I decided to start slow. His armpits were tantalizing so I leaned down and ran my tongue up and down his left pit. He shuddered from the sensation, so I leaned in further to nibble and bite. I alternately licked and gnawed until I could hear him audibly groaning. I was loving getting him worked up so I moved to his other pit and did the same thing. He was starting to writhe now... his feet and toes were curling and going crazy. It was driving him mad. I love guys' feet so I moved down to them and had no problem massaging and attacking his toes with my mouth. I carefully sucked each of them, one at a time until he starting whimpering and begging for more. His hands were clasping in and out, and his hips squirmed with desire.

I stopped, walked up to his face and looked directly into his eyes, and asked, "What color?"

He croaked "GREEN" at the top of his lungs.

I reached down and grabbed his balls (still in the jock) and squeezed hard. While squeezing, I replied, "Good." He bit his lips and grimaced. But I knew he was loving it.

Now it was time for his nips. I'd been nice long enough. Starting with the right one this time, I placed my thumb and index finger on the tip and squeezed. He moaned approvingly so I squeezed harder. He actually howled so I squeezed even harder until I couldn't apply any more pressure. I could see him starting to sweat even more and he began to squirm again. He was loving this so I reached over and did both tits simultaneously. He gasped aloud so I squeezed both as hard as I could. He started to say something but stopped. I stopped my squeeze and asked him, "Your nips are hard wired to your cock, aren't they?" I looked down at his crotch which gave me the answer to my question. The tip of his cock was now at least 2" outside the waistband of his jock and was dripping pre-cum like a faucet. Every fiber of my being wanted to lean over and swallow it, but that would come with time.

I told him to close his eyes and quietly pulled open the drawer next to the bed. That alone raised his blood pressure about 10 points. I fished out what I had secretly been hoping to use...a pair of tit clamps on a chain. I had made sure earlier they were at the least amount of pressure . I think they work best when they're only slightly uncomfortable at first and tighten them over time. I placed my two fingers on one tit like before and placed the clamp on it carefully. He uttered a deep, throaty "argh". I could tell he loved it, so I leaned over, grabbed his other nip and clamped it as well. He was now holding his breath, presumably to endure the simultaneous sensation of intense pleasure and slight pain. I wanted to him to remember who was in charge so I gave the chain a (very) slight tug.

"What color Pook?" I asked.

He took two deep breaths and softly replied, "Green".

"Good boy," I responded.

I leered down at him. Arms and legs extended and restrained, wearing only a sweat-soaked black jockstrap, tit clamps pulling at his nips. God damn he was hot. We could've stopped at this point and my expectations would've been exceeded. And only 20 minutes had elapsed.

By this time, my heavy breathing matched his. My cock was restrained and throbbing inside my own jock but I wanted my discomfort to at least approach what I was inflicting on him. With what I was putting him through, I felt I owed him that.

My mind raced as to what should be next but there was really only one answer. It was time for the main course. At this point I loosened his leg restraints slightly so he could bend his knees a bit so I had room to climb between his legs. Once on the bed and between his legs, I gently lowered my face into his drenched jock strap. The scent was overpowering. Raw sweat, continuous precum and the general funk of sweaty balls made me ravenous so I didn't hesitate to dive in and devour his entire package. I licked, bit, sucked, even tried to rip his jock off him with my teeth. I had to have his cock and I had to have it now. While I was feasting on him, he was squirming and bucking his hips into my face. He couldn't get enough of his crotch in my mouth. I knew I was having the desired impact on him and genuinely wondered who was enjoying this more...him or me.

I let him settle down a bit, told him to close his eyes again and then reached for the drawer. The last time he heard that sound his tits got clamped. What would it be this time? I placed a cold scissors on the skin of his upper leg and said, "Don't move, I'm cutting your jock off." He relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.

I slid the blade of the scissors under his waistband on the right, then the left and just let the jock sit there, still covering him, but no longer stretched. I waited. He desperately wanted me to pull it off him, but I waited. He raised his head and looked at me pleadingly. The anticipation was killing him. Finally I leaned over his crotch and took the front of the waistband in my teeth and pulled it down over his cock. There it was. The cock I had been dreaming about for weeks. And it was even more beautiful than I imagined. At least 10" rock hard meat cut, with a pronounced mushroom head at the top and veins bulging everywhere. I reached under him to pull the back of the waistband off as well and rolled up the jockstrap into my hands. With him staring intently at me I raised the balled-up jock to my face and took a long, deep breath. It had the same wonderfully funky stink that I smelled when my face first met his crotch. It was electrifying. He looked at me like he was begging for something, so I pushed the jock ball to his face and said, "Breath." He inhaled for what seemed like a minute and then I removed it. He looked like he had been drugged.

I got off the bed and positioned myself on his right side. I placed my left hand on his chest, forcefully holding it down. He knew what was coming next and I didn't disappoint him. I began to lower my mouth to his throbbing cock and then stopped. He had his head raised and was staring at me, silently pleading for me to take his cock in my mouth.

One more surprise. I told him to close his eyes again, opened the drawer and waited. I pulled out my last toy for this part of the evening...a good sized rubber cock ring. With his eyes still closed, I told him to spread his knees so I could have full access to his cock. He did willingly, I stretched the cock ring as far as I could without actually touching his cock or balls. When I got to the base, I lifted his balls out of the way and slid the ring underneath them. Now his engorged cock was practically bursting. The veins were protruding and looked like they could explode any minute. His balls were sticking straight out from his body and were busy producing copious amounts of cum for me to feast on later.

I told him he could open his eyes now. He did slowly and moved his head down to see what he could clearly feel. His eyes got so wide he led me to believe he'd never seen his dick that hard. Seeing it was turning him on as much as it was me. I knew the cock ring could delay, or possibly even prevent his ejaculation which would help him win the competition. But I didn't care. His engorged cock was a prize in and of itself and I wanted to keep it rigid as long as I could.

I was ready for my feast. I couldn't wait any longer. I got back in the position I was in before I put the cock ring on him....his right side with my left hand holding his chest down and my right hand on his thigh. I lowered my mouth to his cock but didn't touch it, I just breathed heavily up and down it. I thought I heard him whimper so I touched the very tip of his cock with my tongue. He screamed "Fuck!" and jolted off the bed like he had just been struck by lightning. By this time he has stored up so much raw sexual energy that the mere touch to his cock sent him into the stratosphere. He thrashed against his restraints and yelled, "Daddy, suck my cock. Please Daddy, SUCK IT!"

I'm not sure how much more teasing he could take so I put him out of his misery. I opened my mouth as far as I could and wrapped my lips down to the base in one gulp. I made sure the entire surface of his cock was in 100% contact with the entire surface of the inside of my mouth. I wanted to be certain there wasn't a millimeter of his manhood that wasn't being caressed or sucked. He was thrashing like a mad man and I was so focused on him that I almost overlooked how delicious he tasted. The stink of his balls was in my nostrils and the taste of his precum was on my tongue. I was in heaven. And his guttural moaning only intensified my pleasure. Every time I'd find a new angle to suck his cock, his hips would heave violently, urging me to suck harder and faster. I wondered whether I was moving too fast. Even with the cock ring squeezing the base of his cock and balls, I couldn't have him cumming yet, so I very slowly pulled my mouth off his cock and took a deep breath. I told him I was giving him a short break before it really got hot.

Then I asked, "How we doin' Pook?"

He got the biggest fucking smile on his face and whispered, "Green, Daddy, green."

Who was I to deny him? I reached up to the tit clamps and gently seized one in each hand. I looked him in the eye and asked, "Ready Pook?". He closed his eyes, nodded, and whispered, "Yes, sir." I took each of them up one notch which caused him to grimace at first, and then fall into a near-trance.

Let's stop and see how far we've come. Pook is this charismatic, rock hard athlete who took me, a not-bad-looking middle aged guy under his wing. He was my CrossFit mentor and made it his responsibility to ensure I had was welcomed into the community and had excellent coaching. It could've easily stopped there, but over time our workouts became more competitive, intense and subtly homoerotic. Sidelong glances, slaps on the butt, and unspoken competitions. I'm not sure either of us was doing it intentionally, but one thing led to another, and now we here are. He's lying in front of me, nude, fully restrained, cock painfully engorged, tits on fire, and panting like an animal in heat. If I make him cum, I win. If he makes me cum, he wins. And we are both competitors. And I'm only 45 minutes through my 90 minutes allotment. This is shaping up to be one hell of a night.

End of Chapter 4

I'd love your feedback, good or bad. Please feel free to reach out to me at with your comments. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 5

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