Crossfit Competitors

By peter

Published on Aug 2, 2021


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Chapter 4

When you fall asleep outside with no blanket like Pook and I did, no matter how warm it is, the chill is likely to wake you before morning. When we drifted off after another round of epic (and imaginative if I say so myself) sex, I had essentially become Pook's blanket. My torso, arms, and legs completely enveloped him so that whenever I'd wake slightly and feel the chill, I'd wrap around him even tighter to keep him warm. I didn't care that I was starting to get cold, I just wanted to keep my Boy warm. My paternal (albeit sexual) instincts kicked in and my Boy's welfare was my priority.

But after we were exposed for a couple hours, I finally had to surrender to the early morning dew. I quietly whispered, "Come inside to bed Boy where it's warm. Daddy will take care of you."

He didn't wake up, so I chose to carry him inside. CrossFit to the rescue! Even though he was at least 25 pounds heavier than I, I was able to scoop him up and carry him inside to bed. I tucked him in, got in a quick pee, and then climbed into bed next to him where he instinctively assumed the position: his head buried in my hairy trimmed chest, embraced by my bear-like arms, with him now covering me like a blanket. I think I was asleep in 10 seconds.

Sunday morning greeted us much like Saturday had...a spectacularly beautiful summer day in Minneapolis. Typically, Pook and/or I would do CrossFit on Sunday morning, but I knew Monday's workout would be particularly intense, so it would be ok to skip it. Plus, it was already past 9AM so we had missed the early class anyway.

Pook was still nuzzled into me, and I savored having his sleeping body pressed into mine. I didn't have long to bask in the solitude though as he awoke just minutes after I did. He stirred and I felt his neck crane to see if I was awake. His eyes met mine and we both instinctively went in for a good morning kiss. I know, what about morning breath? Pook and I had already become so intimate that morning breath simply became another turn-on. After the passionate good morning kiss, we each turned on our sides, facing each other so we could gaze into each other's eyes.

"Good morning, Boy," I said.

"Good morning, Daddy. How did we get back inside?" he asked.

"I carried you in. You slept through it." I responded.

He pulled closer to me and gave me another soft, warm kiss. He knew I was his protector. It was his way of saying thank you.

I don't think I ever loved him more.

We agreed to get cleaned up, eat some breakfast, have a quick workout at a non-CrossFit gym we both work out at to get some much-needed exercise and then spend the afternoon at the local gay beach. Minneapolis is dotted with lakes, biking paths and public beaches. One of them, somewhat secluded, but not hidden, has been claimed by gay guys as our own. I've been there occasionally, but it has never been my scene. But when Pook brought it up, I jumped at the chance. Spending the day with Pook in nothing but a Speedo.... life doesn't get any better.

We got to the beach around 1 so it was filling up fast. We dropped a large blanket to share and immediately shed our shirts and shorts. We both were wearing our speedos and my cock twitched when he dropped his shorts. I'll be the first to say it: we both looked fucking hot. Pook was, without question, the sexiest guy on the beach. I had to keep my growing cock under control because every stud on the beach was watching us. I never felt prouder. What Pook told me yesterday at brunch raced through my mind.... "Daddy, no one will think you're my sugar daddy. You're too hot to have to pay for it." Yeah, I kept telling myself as we disrobed for all to see. I'm his Daddy. He picked me.

But for now it was time to relax on the beach. We both brought books, a bottle of wine and let the afternoon drift away. At one point, he laid perpendicular to me to use my torso as a pillow. I laid my hand over his chest and we stayed that way for most of the day. I saw every size, shape and age of guy walk past and look at us enviously.

As I started to think about packing up for the day, I shared with Pook what I had in mind for when we got home. I was getting increasingly horny being surrounded by speedo-clad studs and I knew he was as well. I was grateful to have this erotic environment to get him horned up for what I had in mind.

"Boy, Daddy has something in mind for you for when we get home." I said suggestively.

I could hear him smiling when he replied, "Yes, Daddy?"

"Pook, you know I call the shots, but that doesn't mean I always fuck you."

"Daddy?" he asked.

"Daddy likes to get fucked too, Boy. And when we get home, you're going to fuck me like I've never been fucked. You understand Boy?"

I had my hand on his chest at this point and I could feel his entire body tighten. He nearly stopped breathing. I could see his cock double in size in his speedo. I had my answer.

"Thank you, Daddy. I've been hoping you'd let me," he replied.

"And Boy, one more thing. From right now until the time we're done, you'll be in control. You treat me however you want. Nothing you say or do will be out of bounds. After we're done, I'll still be your Daddy; you'll be my Boy. Nothing will change that. But I'm turning the reins over to you for now. Understand Boy?"

No response. Had I disappointed him? Scared him away?



Finally, he lifted his head off my chest, twisted to look me in the eye and said, "Get your ass moving. We're going home. NOW!"

I think he got the point.

We hurriedly packed up our stuff and headed to my Wrangler, not even bothering to put our clothes back on. We drove home in ominous silence, wearing only our speedos. I couldn't tell if he was doing that for dramatic effect or he was plotting the next few hours; I suspected it was the latter. Either way, my dick was getting hard with anticipation.

We entered the apartment and I started to put our beach gear away. I immediately felt the warmth of his body behind me. I froze. Then I felt his arms reach around my chest and pull me into him. His cock was already hard and was pushing it into my ass, with only the fabric of our speedos preventing him from spearing me. He rubbed his hands up and down my torso, taking extra time to roughly massage my quickly growing cock and balls through my swimsuit. I leaned back into him and let him take over.

And he took over.

Just as I was relaxing into him thinking he was going to sweep me off my feet, he grabbed me by the back of my hair and forcefully (but not violently) pushed my face into the wall. With the side of my head pressed against the wall, he moved in and said: "I want you cleaned, inside and out, in bed in your jockstrap in 15 minutes." And with that, he released my hair, turned, and walked away.

I asked for this, I thought.

I raced to the bathroom where I had all my douche equipment. I knew my hole was going to get a workout and I wanted it clean for my Boy. I did exactly as ordered with two minutes to spare.

I was in bed in my jock waiting when I heard him yell from the other room, "Face down, spread eagle."

I complied and expected him to join me immediately. Minutes went by and the delay elevated the sexual tension. I finally heard him enter the room and he immediately climbed between my outstretched legs. He tenderly kissed the inside of my legs and thighs, getting tantalizingly close to my taint and hole. But he teased me unmercifully by avoiding them. I raised my ass to encourage him to take me, but instead felt the sting of his hand smacking my asscheek. "I'll tell you when I want your hole," he growled.

How a stinging blow like that can be erotic defies comprehension. But it was. It sent shivers through my body. It made my hole ache for his cock. Absolutely ache. I wanted him to drive it into me like a spike. And then I felt the second blow on my other asscheek. Equally as painful. Equally as erotic. "Do you understand?" he barked.

"Yes sir," I replied.

My heart was beating through my chest. What had I unleashed? I was so turned on, but could I endure what he had in mind for me? The anticipation was as arousing as any sexual act could be. Whatever he would put me through, it would be worth it when he drove his cock up me like a sword.

Sensing movement, I felt his tongue on my crack. I knew he wouldn't be able deny himself much longer and I was right. He hungrily tongued my crack and immediately found his prize, my hole. His tongue played my sweet rosebud like a musical instrument.

I could feel his tongue push into my hole, pull out of my hole. In. Out. In. Out.

Risking punishment, I raised my hips again to give him better access. This time he responded by grabbing my hips and diving in even further. It felt like his entire face was submerged into my ass. He was licking, gobbling, and slurping like he hadn't eaten in a month. I loved that I had cleaned out my hole so well for him; I wanted it pristine for my Boy so he could savor the taste of me.

He pulled his tongue out of me and slowly climbed on top of me, completely covering my body with his. I was spread eagle, face down, and now so was he, right on top of me. Every inch of our skin was in contact with the other's. He grabbed my hands so that our fingers intertwined. I could feel his heart beating rapidly into my back and his cock in my crack, poised to penetrate. He slowly began to thrust his hips into my backside so his cock slid up and down my crack, with our sweat creating a natural lubricant. We continued this for minutes. Hands embraced, heart beating, cock pulsing. Another moment in time I wanted to go on forever.

And just then it happened, just what I had hoped for, privately begged for. I felt the tip of his erect 10" cock penetrate me and then slowly, but steadily push into me. I raised my hips again to take even more, to which he pushed harder. When he got as far into me as he could, he stopped again to, I believe, take stock of the scene. The feeling of his fully erect manhood invading me was my dream come true. He had complete dominance over his Daddy. I was spread eagle under him, impaled on his weapon-grade cock. I believe he was savoring the moment; I know I was.

I began to raise my hips again, and he pressed down hard, pushing even further into me. I thought to myself this would be the most romantic fuck of the weekend. My Boy, fucking me from behind, slowly, and deliberately. In and out he pushed, finding a rhythm that delivered intense pleasure for both of us, but kept us just this side of cumming. Abruptly, he stopped, pulled out of me, doubled over with his hands on his knees and took a few deep breaths. It appeared he was trying to regain control. He wanted this to go on and it appeared he was getting dangerously close to cumming.

He rolled off the bed and looked down at me and barked, "Take off your jock, on your side." I was more than happy to get nude for him. I was so ready to feel that massive cock forcing its way into me again.

He got back down next to me and spooned me like I had spooned him our first night together. Just like I had, he slid one arm under my neck and wrapped it around my chest. He shoved his cock straight into my hole and grabbed my cock with his other hand. It was pure bliss. Every nerve in my body was being stimulated. One of his hands was caressing my chest and pinching my nips. The other was slowly stroking my cock. All while his cock was pushing in and out of me.

He noticed something at the same time I did. My cock was dripping pre-cum like a spigot, so he used his index finger to scoop up it up and feed it to me. There was so much, and it was so sticky that it created a thread of pre-cum from my cock to his fingertip to my mouth, like the web of a spider. There was plenty more where that came from, so he scooped up another load and fed himself. Then me. Them him. Over and over. While I like the taste of cum, I LOVE the taste of pre-cum. Maybe because it's more scarce than actual cum, maybe it's because you taste it before you cum when you're hornier, or maybe it does just taste better. Maybe all three.

Then a thought struck me like a thunderbolt. Pook was fucking me in the same order as I fucked him two nights ago, which culminated with a passionate missionary fuck and him roaring the word "Daddy". That was the night that changed the trajectory of our relationship, if not our lives. He was trying to re-create it!

This is going to end well, I thought. Me on my back with my legs over his shoulders, him pounding me the way I pounded him. Although we were still spooning on our sides enjoying our snack of pre-cum, I mentally prepared myself for the big finale. We spoon-fucked for as long as he could endure without cumming and I then felt him let up a bit, pull out of me, and roll off the bed. I expected him to order me on my back for the final fuck like the other night. Here it comes, I thought. The Boy is going to fuck his Daddy hard.

I laid where he had left me, on my side with my eyes closed, waiting. Surprisingly, I heard him reach into my bedside table, where he now knew I keep my toys. This is taking a strange turn, I thought to myself. My back was to him and I didn't dare roll over to see what he had planned for me. But I heard different items clattering and being prepped. I had no idea what would happen.

Without warning, he stated calmly, "Stand up, face me and give me your hands."

I shot up, facing him and extended my wrists, and in a flash he wrapped my leather wrist restraints around my wrists and attached them to a chain that attaches to the hooks in the ceiling just above where I was standing. In the blink of an eye, I had gone from getting passionately fucked by my Boy to being restrained, hanging from the ceiling by my wrists, with on my toes just touching the ground. What just happened?

He had clearly noticed the restraints, the leather strap, the ceiling hooks, and built them into his plan. What else had he taken note of?

For starters, my rubber Tom of Finland weighted anal balls with attached cock ring.

Fuck, I thought that was hidden! He pulled it off the bed from behind him and held it up for me to see with a shit-eating grin. He looked me in the eye and then down to my extended cock and nodded. I knew he was telling me to present my cock so he could place the ultra-tight cock ring around the base of my cock. Taking some effort, he stretched it wide with his hands, and brought it all the way down to the base of my cock without harming me. When he let go and it reached its natural state of elasticity, it felt like it was choking off the blook supply to my cock, trapping all the blood already engorging my cock. I'd worn it once before so I knew I'd survive, but--shit--was it tight. My cock increased in size noticeably in just seconds! Then he pulled down on the balls that were hanging from the base of my cock and slowly and sensually lubed them up. We both knew where they were going. Thankfully, before inserting the balls, he generously lubed his middle finger, pushed it up my ass and swirled it around to get me ready. When he decided it was time, he looked up at me, said, "Relax", and pushed the first ball up my hole. Ohhhhh, the weight of the ball dropping into my tight anus was incredible. But he was just getting started. Ball #2. More weight pushing against it, fighting to escape my tight hole. #3, even more, #'s 4 and 5 until I was opened up like never before. (I'd played with this toy before and never got past 3!). The weight of the balls trying to escape my anus was unlike anything I'd felt. Gravity was his lustful conspirator. I writhed my hips like a bad hula dancer; not because I thought it was sexy, but because I couldn't prevent myself from trying to further enhance the extraordinary feeling in my anus.

Then he did something that I had to believe was also premeditated. Pook now knows my cock points to the ceiling when erect, and that it's--shall we say--uncomfortable when it gets pulled to a more perpendicular position. (He damn well knows; his does the same thing). Well, that's exactly what happened when he pulled on the rubber strip between the cock ring and the balls, now buried in my hole. The harder he'd tug on it, the further it pulled my cock down out of its vertical erect position, and the more "sensation" I would experience. Pain isn't the right word to describe the sensation. It's closer to discomfort with an erotic edge to it.

Now my mind is in overdrive. I'm restrained and exposed. My cock is encircled and engorged, my anus is being stretched to its limit by gravity. And my hyper-erect cock is being pulled down to the ground. What could be next?

Pook assesses me; he leers at me. He's proud of his accomplishments. He's got his Daddy in a precarious position. He loves that he's in control and he's using it to build drama.

After a few minutes and saying nothing, he reaches behind him again and I close my eyes. I don't want to know what's coming next. After hearing him pause, I open my eyes to see he was holding the chained tit clamps from two nights ago. Although many think they're instruments of torture, when the pressure is set accurately on these, they send me into orbit. And again, he had done his homework. Apparently remembering my response from our previous romp, he had them set just right. Looking me straight in the eyes, he took my right nip in his fingers, pinched, and clamped it tight. Not breaking eye contact, he repeated the process with my left nip. Still not looking away, he moved his hand to the chain which linked them...and tugged. "Ohhhh", I gasped. His tug was pitch perfect. Painful, but erotically so.

Now I'm thinking to myself, this must be it. I can't remember any more of my toys he could use on me.

I was right about that; he had run out of the toys in my toybox, but I didn't factor in he may have had some of his own.

Without uttering a word, he stood up and left the room. I could hear him shuffling through what I assumed were his things in the living room and apparently finding what he was looking for. Whatever it was, it didn't sound ominous. Then, oddly, I heard the water running in the kitchen for some time. It sounded like he was washing his hands. But it went on so long, how dirty could his hands be? Finally, the water stopped running and I could hear him carefully drying his hands and began to wonder what he might have been washing along with his hands.

He walked back in the room, threw something on the bed I couldn't see and then turned and presented to me what had clearly required the soap and water: a chrome penis plug with a glans ring. He saw the look of horror on my face, paused, and then set it down on the table, which I interpreted as a signal he knew how scared I was and therefore wouldn't proceed. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Still not saying a word, he turned around and reached down to the bed to retrieve what he had tossed there when he came back a minute ago. It was a ball gag. FUCK, he had every intention of using the penis plug on me. The gag would simply mute my screams.

I shook my head violently as he gagged me. My eyes begged him not to go ahead with this.

After securing the gag, he let me calm down for a moment, then took my face in his hands, stepped closer to me so we were nose-to-nose and said, "Daddy, I promise I won't hurt you. You told me at brunch yesterday that our new relationship will take us both to places we've never been before. I'm taking you to one of those places now. I will know if you're in pain and I promise to stop if you are. Do you trust me, Daddy?"

I had no choice but to nod that I did. My lack of choice wasn't because I was restrained; it was because I loved him and trusted him. I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

We stared in each other's eyes for a few moments to confirm that we would move forward with this plan. Once I nodded again, he proceeded.

First, he carefully lubed his fingertips. Then he reached over and cradled my ready-to-explode cock with his right hand, more procedurally than erotically. He then delicately picked up the glans ring off the table with his left hand being careful not to touch it too much or let it become contaminated. With both hands, he applied the lube to the ring and gently slid it around the tip of my cock. Because my mushroom head was so engorged, he had to apply extra lube so the ring could slide over my mushroom head into the ridge of my frenulum. With an expertise that suggested he'd done this before, he got the ring to encircle the tip of my cock, just below its head, exactly as it should fit. That alone felt surprisingly nice. But the part that genuinely spooked me was coming next.

Extending from the bottom of the ring, right below my urethra, was a u-shaped spear with a chrome ball at the end. This was the plug that he would insert directly into the tip of my dick. Pook looked at me and nodded, indicating we would move forward. With a gentleness that was completely at odds with the concept of a chrome rod being shoved up my piss slit, he held my cock, aligned the ball at the end of the shaft to the opening of my urethra, and ever-so-slowly inserted it into the hole until it disappeared. I let out a breath and realized that there had been no pain. In fact, it was pleasurable to have pressure inside the tip of my cock. But, looking down at it, I realized it had only just entered, that the approximately 1" of length of the plug was yet to be inserted. He looked at me again and gave me the identical look. With his thumb, he very gently pushed and pushed and pushed it until the entire length of the plug was up my hole.

I'm hard pressed to find the words to describe the pleasure. Not only was it not painful, but I was experiencing a level of sensual gratification I didn't know existed. I had never been touched so deeply, so intimately, so intensely. When Pook had previously given my piss slit a tongue bath, I learned the inside of the urethra is incredibly sensitive; so much so that when handled properly, it creates a bliss previously unknown to me.

So here I am, nude, hanging from the ceiling by my wrists, gagged, weighted tit clamps pulling at my nipples, cock ring squeezing the base of my cock and balls, five weighted balls buried in my hole, a metal ring encircling the tip of my cock with an inch-long chrome plug up my urethra. While not the romantic fuck I had imagined for tonight, I was in a different state of euphoria. I was being abused in the most fuckingingly sexy way imaginable. My Boy was getting off on my agony, which compounded my pleasure exponentially.

Next Pook pulled up a chair so his face was level with my mutated cock. He'd variously tug the chain of the tit clamps and increase the pressure of the tug until I groaned "stop." Then he'd do the same thing with the rubber strap between my legs connecting the cock ring to the weighted balls. Every time he tugged it; it pulled my cock down to that same uncomfortable position.

And when it was in that position, it gave him better access to take it in his mouth and suck it. Have you ever had your cock sucked with a penis plug lodged in it? Clearly, he had done this before (or had it done to him) because he focused his sucking pressure on the end of my cock where the plug was. He'd suck like his life depended on it which pressed the flesh of the inside of my dick into the plug even more and elevated the sensation beyond words.

By this time I was unable to speak so I really didn't need the gag. Words didn't exist in my vocabulary to even utter, and if they had, I wouldn't have had the wherewithal to use them. The gag only served to collect my saliva which I'd drool down onto my cock as my head hung from my limp, distended body.

Pook rotated through his plan over and over: tugging the chain connecting my tit clamps, yanking the rubber strap between my legs to pull increase the pressure of the balls in my ass and pull down my cock, and sensually sucking the tip of my cock to exacerbate the feeling and weight of the plug.

His torture seemed never ending. He went on...and on... and on. He clearly got off on my helplessness, the sight of my limp, hanging body being abused. He stroked his dick and edged himself nearly to the point of cumming. Finally, there came a point when I couldn't it take any more. And Pook sensed it.

He stopped and then gently unhooked my wrists from the restraints. "You've done well, Daddy," he said.

I wanted to collapse, but didn't want to give him that satisfaction, so I found my composure, stood straight, and waited for whatever was coming next.

He removed the gag and then carefully laid me on the bed on my back with all the other toys still in place. But surprisingly, he positioned me perpendicular with my head hanging over the edge of the side. I knew what that meant.

"You've done so well Daddy, you've earned my seed," he said as he walked behind my head. I looked straight up and could see nothing but his rock hard 10" cock hovering over my head.

I instinctively opened my mouth. Bending over me, he pushed his cock into my mouth almost down to my throat. He was careful not to push me beyond my limits, given what I had already been through, but was determined to give me a good face fuck.

I could tell he was already incredibly close given the heightened state of eroticism we both were in and his previous edging. He pushed his cock into my mouth, then pulled out. In. Out. In. Out. Every time he pulled out, I welcomed the chance to catch my breath, but hungered for the fullness of his cock in my mouth. I had become mesmerized by him. His youthful masculinity, his planful dominance of me and now, his ruthless face fuck had me reduced to rubble. All I wanted was for his hard cock to explode into my mouth. Although I was his prisoner, I would be the one receiving his manhood, not some 30 year old twink from the party. Pook had chosen me and I had stepped up tonight to the gauntlet he had laid out for me. I was the one who be rewarded with his cum. Nobody else.

"Give. Me. Your. Seed." I chanted to myself with every thrust of his cock into my mouth. I was in a trance.

And then, finally, I felt the unequivocal tightening of his cock, the hesitation, the groan, and finally the explosion. Down my throat, covering my tongue, blasting my face he erupted like a volcano. He screamed with an intensity I hadn't heard before, even more violent than the "Daddy" cry two nights ago. The spasms continued until the ropes of cum diminished to mere droplets. But by this time my face and chest were covered with his liquid gold. Not ready to be done, he laid his softening cock on my face for me to do with it whatever I pleased. I loved his cock at that moment more than I loved life, so I quickly opened my mouth to give it the best tongue cleaning he'd ever experienced. I wanted my Boy to be happy with my performance.

He was finally done with me and stepped away looking down at me. I laid there, looking up at him and said simply, "Thank you for your seed, Boy."

I laid on the bed, my cock engorged by the cock ring, my hole packed full of the weighted balls, my dick invaded by a steel plug, and looked at him to suggest, what about me?

He read my mind.

He squatted down to me, gave me a long, but gentle kiss, stood up and said, "I'm sorry Daddy, but you don't get to cum tonight. I'm denying you like you denied me yesterday." And with that he turned and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Damn he's good. Taking me beyond the precipice and then leaving me there hanging, just like I did him.

I regretfully removed the sex toys knowing they wouldn't have the desired effect of being instruments of my orgasm. I showered and found it near impossible not to jerk off and make myself cum. But I held out, got dressed and met him in the kitchen, where he stood, casually leaning against the counter drinking a beer.

"Ok, Boy. We're even." I said.

"Yes Daddy," he grinned.

I walked over and gave him the biggest hug I'd ever given him. We shared a long, wonderfully warm kiss and then sat down at the table. "Get Daddy a beer, Boy," I ordered.

My Boy showed me something today that I didn't see coming. Although he was fully committed to the Daddy/Boy relationship I laid out, he also had the need to remind me that, while he was my Boy, he was a powerful man as well.

And I learned that I while I'll remain his Daddy with everything that implies, I have an occasional need to submit, just like he has an occasional need to dominate. And that will keep things really, really interesting.

End of Chapter 4

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Next: Chapter 13: Pook and Pete 5

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