Cross Dressing Sissy

By John Nail

Published on Apr 16, 2009


I woke up and stretched while still in bed with a yawn and it was Monday morning what a weekend. Jennifer stirred and woke up and looked up at me with a sleepy smile.

Jennifer said," Hello handsome, it is time for you start your week and time for me to keep going with the wedding plans and also to call the surgen and who knows he might do the surgery in Billings."

I asked," You think that is possible?"

Jennifer said," Well he does occasionally travel to other states to do the procedure."

I bent down and kissed her.

She started getting up and shooed me out of the bed. I got up and got dressed in my work jeans, and tucked in my shirt from the feed store and pulled on my socks and work boots.

She looked at me and said," I love the way you look in your work clothes you look so manly. I will go in the kitchen and fix you some good breakfast."

I went in the kitchen with her and realized just how much she is spoiling me.

I sat down at the table and waited for my breakfast. In case any of you are wondering yes I tried helping but she made it clear that cooking breakfast was her domain and she said it firmly. Within a few mins. I had eggs over easy with two sausage links and two slices of toast.

While we were eating there was a knock on the back door and Jennifer opened the door and she said hi come on in.

They walked in and it was my mom who came in with Jennifer.

Mom looked at my plate and said," Wow son looks like a good breakfast did you help with that?"

I laughed and said," I just eat it Jennifer made it clear that this is her domain."

Jennifer said," I thought to do this since I took this day off and John is working."

My mom laughed and said," I have to pick on my son he has been pretty independent since birth. I got Mike off to work and well I thought I would take advantage of the occasion of coming over and just seeing 2 great family members."

Jennifer said," I am flattered you are already thinking of me as a family member."

My mom said," Oh Mike has been bragging about you all the way home saying you are so good for John."

Jennifer asked," What does Mike do I don't know if John told me."

My mom looked at ,me and said," He is an accountant and well right now he has been so busy with helping the businesses in town doing their quartalies. You said you are going to make that appointment with that specialist?"

Jennifer said," Yes I am this morning as a matter of fact. Just maybe since he does travel to other states to do the procedure maybe I can have the procedure done Billings."

My mom said," That would be nice. Well anyway I have to run I have some errands I have to tend to, I will see you later I just might be able to help you plan out the wedding. I know how stressful it can be and if there is anything anything at all I can do to help just call."

Mom left we watched her walk down the sidewalk to her car.

Jennifer said," Isn't it about time for you to head to work? Your mom is one sweet lady."

I looked at my watch and said," Yes you are right it is about time for me to head to work. Yes my mom is sweet and can be quiet intrusive at times but she means well."

I kissed Jennifer bye and headed to my truck and waved bye one final time at my truck. I got in and started the truck and backed out of the drive-way put it in gear and started for work.

I drove the 10 mins. headed to the back of the feed store parked the truck and shut off the ignition and headed inside. In case none of you ever been inside the feed store you are instantly hit with the aroma of different feeds.

Tony walked up to me and jokingly said," In case things don't work between you and Jennifer I would be free to take her."

I laughed and said," I asked Jennifer to marry me and she said yes."

Tony said," Wait a minute are you telling me you are going to get hitched? That can't be right. This is a man who just a few months ago said no to commitments. What has changed that?"

I said," Well, Jennifer changed all that. She appreciates me for me and Tim is going to be my best man."

Tony yelled," Hey boss, you have to hear this John is getting married."

My boss came out walking real fast he is 6'0 and a muscular 210# and his name is Rick.

Rick said," What is this rumor you getting married John?"

I said," It is true Rick I am getting married to Jennifer on Valentine's Day."

Rick cracked a grin and said," Well congradulations Sandy and I have just celebrated our 12th anniversary my wedding band is hanging on a chain in the truck."

He said," Here is your list of deliveries this should keep you busy until lunch and than you can help with the customers until closing."

I grabbed the clipboard with the first invoice and it was to this small ranch called K and R they have about 200 head of cattle.

I went to the 2 1/2 ton flatbed truck which had the feed loaded already got in and started it. I took off the brake and put it into gear and pulled away from the loading dock.

I pulled up to the street wait for it to clear and headed out to the ranch. This is pretty much my routine during the mornings making deliveries to ranches and farms. This is how the feed store runs and it wants to give as much service to the ranches and farms as possible since they are the bread and butter of the business. I don't mind I am friends with most of the ranchers and farmers of the area and it gives me some alone time in the mornings I drive up to the ranch and went to the shed where the food is stored.

The owner came out grinning as I backed up to the shed.

I got out and said," Hi Rick your order is here."

Rick said," I love it when you bring my order you are always prompt. So anything new going on with you?"

I said," Yes as a matter of fact that lady I have been with for the last few months, do you know about her?"

He said," Jennifer isn't it, I have seen her a few times she is a real looker."

I said," We are getting married on Valatine's Day.."

Rick said," Congradulations I know there will be alot of unhappy bachelors." We got done unloading and went back to get the rest of the orders.

The rest of the morning went that way telling the ranchers and farmers in the Greybull area about the upcoming marriage.

That afternoon I did inventory helped customers and cleaned needed cleaning.

I was driving home and Jennifer called me on the cell phone she thought I needed.

She asked," How was your day sweetheart?"

I said," Fine now about half the farmers and ranchers knows about our wedding."

She laughed and said, " Can you run by Wheeler's Market for me on the way home and pick up some eggs for me?"

I said," Yes I can I should see you in a few minutes."

I stopped by Wheeler's and it uneventful and I was glad because I was ready to get home with Jennifer.

I got home with the eggs and got into the house and Jennifer kissed me.

She said," So how are you sweetheart are you hungry?"

I said," Yes and glad to be home to you."

She said," I have gotten alot done today and you know what I have an appointment for the surgery and that Doctor will come to Billings. All I have to do is get a physical for my vitals and everything. The surgeon said he would do the surgery 2 days after Thanksgiving. I should be up and around a week after that."

We ate dinner and this time I was able to help her to clean up the table and kitchen.

I surprised her by lifting her in my arms and take her into the bedroom.

She said," John, what do you thin you are doing?"

I said," I am getting ready to do something that we haven't done in a long-time." She said," What is that may I ask?"

I said," It is time to make love tonight."

I put her on the bed and we started kissing and I ran my hands on her body.

After about 30 mins. I took off her blouse and helped her to take off her bra.

We disrobed each other and I was sucking on her breasts. She started fondling my penis and it instantly got hard at 7." I slowly started lubing her and my penis and than I went inside her and heard her gasps. We made love for about an hour and a half and than I cam inside her.

She smiled and said," We have both been so busy I have started forgetting what it is like to make love to you."

We kissed and talked for about an hour and than we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Jennifer's story

Things are going smoothly and I will be having the surgery a couple days after Thanksgiving. I think one reason why John wanted to make love to me so badly is because he knows this will be off limits until our honeymoon just a little humor there, I think John is attracted to me and we weren't able to make love for weeks. We are going to have a great life togather. His mom came by here yesterday and we worked so hard on the wedding plans along with Amy. Linda is making me feel like part of the family already and I love it. What a life I am starting with John and it is just getting better.

Next: Chapter 10

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