Cross Country Chapter 1: On Your Marks By Evan Andrews ©2024
This is a fan fiction—of sorts.
"Cross Country" is part of a larger cycle of stories related to my Hunters and Hunted series, a direct sequel to Three Wolf Brothers. This is not your typical werewolf story any more than Hunters and Hunted is your typical Dracula story.
As always, I had some faces in mind as I wrote these stories. Chris is based on Chris Hemsworth, and his brothers on the Hemsworth brothers Luke and Liam. Al, Hammer, Manish come from the last story set, and are based on Al Parker, Alex Hammerstone, and Sanjeet Nath. Canvas is based on actor Greg Cipes from Anger Management. This story should not be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters they play.
The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.
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"What the actual fuck?!"
Six men had come together on the playground at LA top Beta Al's house in the hills. Four Brothers (Al, Luke, Chris, and Liam) and two monkeys (Al's bitch, Hammer; and the brothers' best monkey friend, Manish), sat around the outdoors fuck space—all the Brothers staring at Chris in disbelief. (The naked bitch Hammer sitting a Al's feet watched his wolf for clues about how he should react, but ally Manish was openly grinning.)
"I don't understand what you're telling us; that's all," Luke protested. "There's sun here, surf, wild country close to hand, and herds of fine fuckable ass just wandering around waiting to be taken. What more could you want?!"
Luke was playing the head of the family card, Chris knew. It was his job as the oldest, but in the game Chris was playing, family wasn't the trump suit.
The three Australian brothers had been in the states, specifically LA, for a couple of years now, but Chris had decided he wanted more—not that he knew what that might be. Chris wished he could find the words to bring his brothers around and make them see things through his eyes, but... Brothers, being creatures of instinct and action, weren't so good when it came to working words. Try as he might, Chris hadn't been able to explain, not even to the two men closest to him in the world, why he was bored with everything LA had afforded. But he tried one last time.
"Look, Luke," Chris said, giving it one last try, "You remember doing those "on location" scenes in our porno?"
(Manish's grin got a little wider. Pitching the argument in experiences the brothers had shared in had been his suggestion to the sexy blond.)
By "our porno" Chris meant the X-rated blockbuster film they'd all starred in not long after arriving in the States. Calling it a hit would be doing the film a disservice; it was a bombshell. Their headlining the porno gave the brothers money as well as entrée to wherever they wanted to go. No door in LA was closed to them, nor any pleasure denied them.
Since then, their director, Lee, had approached them several times to do more work, but nothing again on so grand a scale. Lee wanted to ration them, he explained, so when he called it was to see if one of them would be interested in doing a short for his streaming service, or a single scene in another video (most of which linked back to Three Brothers 2 storyline)—not another full movie.
"Yeah," Luke said.
"Well, I enjoyed doing those scenes more than I did the studio work. Yeah, I know fucking is fucking, but the outdoors got to me."
Liam was nodding now, and even Luke looked like he was reconsidering. Al was inscrutable, but his bitch had relaxed. Manish breathed a sigh of relief.
"I want to get to know this country," Chris said, "And I can't do that by hanging around and fucking nothing but LA ass. I need to get out of town."
"I'm not leaving," Luke said, adamant. "I'm still having a good time, and I have commitments."
Liam, caught in the middle, had to agree, "I just can't just up and leave either, Chris."
"I didn't ask you to."
And then the fight really started. The three brothers were not the usual Brother sorts. Possibly they were unique. Their father had gotten their mothers, three sisters, pregnant in sequential years. This made them generational anomalies. Some Brothers might know some of their father's other pups, but the seven year difference in ages made brotherly relations like what these three shared unlikely. And the brothers' closeness made other Aussie Brothers uncomfortable--another reason they'd left. Since their births, they'd never really been apart, and splitting the party was nothing they'd ever considered.
Al tried to step in and mediate between his guests. Luke was too worked up to grasp all of that Chris was telling him, and Liam, too laid back, wasn't following it either. Bitch Hammer supported his Beta as best he could, but when Al failed it fell to Manish to talk practicality.
"This isn't the stone age," the dancer/model said. "Chris would only be physically separated. What with cell phones and the speed of travel, the separation would only be one of hours."
The Brothers' hadn't considered that. That was monkey thinking that they needed to be led to.
In the end, the brothers agreed that Luke and Liam would stay in LA, and Chris promised to keep them informed ("I'll call every day") of his adventure across the continent.
"What'll you two do?" Chris asked once that was settled.
"Oh, now you care?" Luke snorted.
"I know Lee had a film in mind for you," Manish inserted before things could blow up again, "Problem is that it only has two leads, and he didn't want to suggest breaking up the band. But seeing as you won't be available, Chris, he can go on with the project."
"You good with that?" Chris asked his brothers.
"Yeah, I guess so," Luke admitted. (Lee had a good eye for the type of man Luke liked to fuck.)
"He's got some truly hot studs lined up," Manish sweetened the pot.
"I'm in," Liam said--and neither brother realized they'd just acquired an agent.
"Great, I'll get in touch with lee," Manish said, "And, Chris, keep a look out for something called Vampire Hustlers."
"Vampire..." Luke started, but Al cut him off with a hearty laugh.
"Oh, that'll put a twist in the Master's panties! Brothers playing bloodsuckers. It's too rich!"
Three brothers stood outside their personal den in the hills.
"So, make sure you keep in touch," Luke said, "And see that you have good stories to tell us when you do."
"You'd better," Liam laughed, "If only so that Lee has enough ideas to shoot Three Brothers 3."
Beside them the young Brother that Chris had chosen to be his travelling companion looked on. A handsome yet clearly less dominant Brother, Canvas, would be a support to Chris, not a rival. Luke and Liam took only a few minutes to read that in the young blond before approving him
"Where first?" Canvas said as he and Chris stepped out into the street.
"Train to San Francisco. Then on foot north into the Cascades. After that, east to New York."