Creole Family

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Sep 11, 2014



Creole Family story- jas

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Creole Family Story- May 12 '00

This story is set in and around New Orleans in about 1801. The revolution in the former English colonies has been successful. The new nation wasted no time in moving its lands westward. The great French-spanish colonies of West florida and Louisianna lay as a barrier to it's full westward expansion. West florida also cut off its access to the Mexican Gulf. The families are purely fictional but many of the historic events are not. The story weaves around the Famille Herbert who had been here for only 3 generations. They were the last of the former French settlers from Canada who had mixed with the local French and Spanish population. To them France was their ancestral home.

April, 1801

Jim had worked hard this day. The river packets and coastal trading vessels of his family had brought furs and wood from the north along with the gold, silver,and gems from the Mexican gulf region. There were also a number of bales of cloth and a few packets of gems mined in the valley of the Arkansas rivers. His father would be pleased with the goods bartered.

Most of the goods, along with hides and farm produce from the local plantations would be traded or shipped from New Orleans to the great ports of Philadelphia and New York. Some of the gems and finished products would be shipped to Europe, provided that a way could be found around the British blockade. The new US government did not recognize the authority of the English on the seas and had begun escorting groups of merchant ships to European ports. The ships of the Herbert small fleet were often among them.

Jim's father infrequently visited the city and his offices. He preferred his country plantation to the hectic life of the city. Jim was often left running the business. On his visits to the city M.Herbert preferred his townhouse and his club in the old quarter for amusement. Jim's own home was a small,modest wooden home not far from the offices and wharfs of the river. He lived modestly with just one servent, also Jim but called "Old Jim" by most. He had been a mulatto slave freed at Jim's birth and given the job of taking care of the young Jim as he grew older. M. Herbert did not believe in slavery. He had freed many of the families inherited from his father. Most of them remained on the Herbert plantation to work and enjoy the protection of M. Herbert. Old Jim lived next to the kitchen shed on the court in back of Jim's house.

The most important item carried by the ships arriving in the port was news of events in far off lands. The wars and revolutions that seemed to be the mainstay of life in Europe were of keen interest. The French had not only thrown off the monarchy but had even executed the king. Madame Guillotine had claimed many heads since then.

There could be found a wide range of political exiles in New Orleans. Some of the nobility of France and Spain who had escaped the wars and the blade had settled there. The strong european atmosphere of the city was welcoming to all who came. Over the years there were also groups of Irish, fleeing their homeland overrun by the English, and groups of Germans,escaping the privations of their homelands. Each group contributed to the vitality that was New Orleans.

Jim, while relishing the news, mainly concerned himself with the business. His small office, off the main room of the clerks, was the center of his world. He had not married, not even thought of it. It was not for the lack of suitable young ladies. He was a prime catch for the other rich families of the city. But at the age of 26 he found himself more interested in the ships bearing goods to the port than the women who might bear his child. His widowed father had three handsome grandchildren from his younger brother, the publisher of one of the city's French newspapers. The extended family of cousins was numerous in the area around New Orleans. His father entertained the extended family often on Sundays at the plantation. Jim was often in attendance, greeting relatives and young ones. He was the favorite cousin for many of them

The office had a number of clerks who tracked the goods and kept the accounts. The head clerk,Joseph, had begun working for Jim's father when he ran the business. Among the younger clerks there was a mixtue of talent and nationalities. As was the custom all of the clerks were men. Women did not work in offices! Proper young ladies had only one ambition- to marry and raise a family. Others found jobs in households.

One young irish clerk,Connor Keller,had come to Jim's attention on a number of occasions. He was good with numbers and had an amazing memory. He often worked with Jim late at night when the others had left for home. Jim had made it a point to get to know more about him. It seems that he had come to the city aboard a sailing ship from New York. His parents had left Ireland during the time of the troubles when English armies ravished the land. Connor tired of the poverty of New York and sought a brighter future in New Orleans. He had been with the business for a little over two years. He lived alone in a rooming house not too far from the office. He was a loner,knowing few people he could trust in the city known for scoundrels. Jim had become friends with young Connor,often eating late suppers with him after working late in the office. Connor was defferential to Jim. Secretly he admired him for his strength of character. Connor was a comely lad, strong of body and with a thick stock of irish red hair and striking green eyes. Jim, on the other hand, was a typical man of french stock with long dark hair and piercing blue eyes.

The foreign wars had spilt over into the gulf with English ships,privateers, seeking out french and spanish merchant ships to capture. So far the Herbert ships, all three of their coastal vessels and the two large sailing ships,had managed to avoid capture. But there was always the danger of luck running out. One of the larger coastal vessels was 2 days late arriving from Mexico with a load of silver and gems. Jim had been worried and had spent the nights sleeping in the loft of the office. After the first night Connor volunteered to stay with him. The loft contained a pallot for sleeping and a hanging bed of the type found on many ships. After a fine supper brought to them by old Jim they settled down with a bottle of M. Herbert's best brandy. Connor had opted to take the hanging bed. Jim had left all of the upper windows open for some cool night air. The lower area of the offices had been secured after they finished the meal. They talked of family,of past adventures,of hopes. Jim began to relax more now that he had someone to keep him company. The night settled with the sounds of the port and the drinking inns of the area. Both men prepared for bed. Since it was warm they opted to sleep in just their undercloths. As they lay the talk continued. It became more personal. Connor asked Jim about the ladies of New Orleans. Now Jim had little experience outside of the few brothals his father had insisted he visit. In reality neither of them had much experience. Connor was too poor and Jim too shy. Both felt uncomfortable around women. They shared what little they knew. Connor told of his time on the sailing ship,of the things that went on among the sailors at night. Jim had heard of these things but never thought much of them. He was sure that his own,limited experience on the coastal vessels was rarefied by the fact that his father owned the ships. Connor's knowlege though was first hand,so to speak. Curious now,and loosened by the brandy, Jim asked Connor many questions about the practices of the men at sea. Both found themselves strangely excited. Sleep did not come easily that nite to either of them.

The next day news of the late ship had arrived. It had been spotted at the mouth of the great river. Jim was relieved that it was in safe waters. He sent word to his father and returned to his desk and his work. That night he would sleep in his own bed. As the offices emptied, Jim found himself again alone with Connor. Knowing that they both would likely eat alone, Jim invited Connor to his house for dinner. He sent a messenger to Old jim to prepare a meal for another person. Connor accepted gratefully,wanting to get to know Jim better. On the way to the house, Connor insisted on stopping at a wine shop to get a bottle for dinner. Jim knew that with meager wages it was a kind gesture by Connor.

Dinner was outstanding. Old Jim had prepared a grand meal. He knew that Young Jim rarely had people over,other than his relations. He had rushed to the market to secure a good fish and a roast for this special meal. When the men arrived at the house they could smell the fine meal from the cooking shack in the back. Jim showed Connor where he might freshen himself while he went to his own room to do the same. He was strangely excited to have someone for dinner. It was rare for him to have a guest in his home.

After dinner the men retired to the second level balcony to enjoy a brandy and the evening breeze. The talk drifted from the day's news to business to the beauty of the night. Eventually the conversation went back to Connor's experience on the ship. Jim wanted to know if Connor had participated in all of these things. Connor hesitated before answering him. He admitted that he had. Jim asked him if they were enjoyable. Again hesitation,then he admitted that he fully enjoyed the experiences. He told Jim of the men's bodies and energy they put into their nightly sex.

Jim was getting more excited with the story of the adventures. He felt a need that he had long suppressed. Finally,after a long pause in the conversation,he told Connor that he admired him for his experiences. His life had been so focused on the business that he had denied himself any kind of adventures. Connor saw Jim in a new light. Yes,he had all of the advantages of his station and family but at the same time he lacked much of what had made Connor a man of the world. Sitting beside Jim, he reached over and gently touched his exposed arm. Jim put his hand on top of Connor's and left it there in an unspoken agreement to an unsaid truth.

Old Jim had long ago cleared the dishes and the remains of the meal. He had replaced the bottle of brandy and the two glasses in the parlor before retiring. The two men entered the parlor. Jim offered Connor another brandy. Already feeling a little light headed from the spirits and the conversation, he hesitated. Jim poured the two glasses. It was late and streets would be dangerous for a drunk man so he offered Connor his spare room if he wanted to stay until it was safe in the morning. Connor accepted,he knew the situation of the streets. They finished their drinks. Jim showed Connor the spare room across the hall from his own room. Both retired for the night. Shortly after he got into bed, Jim heard a tapping at his door. Connor entered in a spare night shirt. He was visably excited as he sat on Jim's bed.

"I have something else to tell you." he said softly. Jim stirred, having not yet fallen asleep. "Yes, what is it?', he said. "I admire you and also feel pity for you. You seem strong and yet alone. " Connor said. Jim sat up and looked into the green eyes in front of him. He began to speak quietly. "My family and the business is my world. You are free from that responsibility. I have not let anything interrupt that all these years.", he said sadly. Connor reached up the the shoulder of Jim's thin sleeping gown. His hand rested ligthly there. "I know, I've watched you for these many months. You are dedicated to your chosen task. But you seem to have no friends outside of your family." Jim's head dropped down in thought. Connor was right,of course. Most men his age had friends and even mistresses. Jim had no one.

After a few minutes of silence,Connor spoke, " I want to at least be your friend. I too am alone but we could experience some of this wonderful city together." Jim looked into Connor's eyes and he saw honesty. He liked the idea of having someone to share with.

Over the next two months they worked closely together and on the weekends, saturday was a a half day at the office, they toured the sights, such as they were. During the week they would often share meals after working late. One Sunday, Jim showed up at connor's lodgings in his one horse buggy. Connor knew that some sundays Jim would ride out to his father's plantation. When he came outside, Jim motioned for him to get in. "Where are we going?", he asked. "To my father's, I have something I want to show you." was the short reply. They rode for an hour outside of the city, along the bayou roads. Finally, they turned off onto a small road that led to a great house,the plantation. Connor was nervous. he had never been to any of the grand houses in the country.

At the front door Jim was met by a servant who took the buggy. Inside was a small group of family. Jim introduced Connor to all those present. M. Herbert recognized Connor,to his great surprise. Jim made small talk for a while and then excused himself to show Connor "the farm". They mounted 2 fine horse and rode for an hour around the land,Jim explaining the function of the various buildings and the crops growing around them. Connor had never seen this side of the country. He was facinated by the self sufficient operation. Almost everything they needed was produced here on their own land.

When they returned to the house, they washed and went into the dining room for lunch. Sunday lunch was a grand affair at the house. Platter after platter of fine food was served. Smoked fish,fresh meats,fruits,breads,vegitables were all bountiful. As the meal ended Connor thanked his hosts for the wonderful meal. The men retired to the great veranda for brandy and cigars.The talk centered on buisness with Connor contributed what little he knew. Late in the afternoon, Jim motioned to Connor that it was time they headed back to the city. Connor again thanked everyone and left with Jim. The ride back was quiet,as the heavy meal settled Connor into a sleep. He awoke a they pulled up to Jim's house. The sun was beginning to go down. He thanked Jim for the wonderful day and then made his way to his own lodgings.

The next few weeks at work offered little chance for the men to talk extensively. Ships were coming in,crews exchanged, cargoes inventoried. Connor spent more and more time at the docks. Jim was busy at the markets,trading the excess goods that they had. Finally, the last river barges had transferred goods to the big ships and the cargo holds verified before the ships left. Saturday morning came and there was nothing to do. Jim called Connor to his office. He was smiling as he closed the last ledger. "What are you plans?",he asked. Connor had none. Old Jim had come round with the buggy loaded with fixed foods. Jim and Connor got in and Old Jim drove them to the lake dock. The three men loaded the food into a small sailboat. Connor looked up as old Jim got in the buggy to drive away. "Hey, where is he going?", he yelled at Jim. "Don't worry, just get in the boat" was Jim's response. They pushed off of the dock, Jim raised the sail, and maneuvered the boat out into the lake. They sailed for an hour to the opposite shore. Jim moved the boat into a small bayou and up to a tiny dock in front of a raised house. "Here we are, my refuge",he said.

Connor looked around. It was an isolated shack built in the fashion of most bayou houses,raised above the high tide level by four or five feet. They unloaded the supplies into the house,secured the boat,and went in. It was a simple one, room affair with a large bed,a table and chairs,wash basin, and chamber pot. The sleeping porch had a large hammock for 2 persons. It was surrounded by cloth to keep the insects out. Connor smiled, it was very comfortable looking. The men went out into the lake for a swim in the shallow water before getting down to the serious business of catching dinner- shrimp and crabs. Dinner was boiled in one outside pot with some potatoes. Old Jim had provided bread,coffee and a bottle of wine. After the fine meal, they settled on the porch,sitting on the floor with their wine. They watched the sun set over the lake. There was one oil lamp in the shack. Connor lit it. Finally,Connor was getting sleepy so he asked where he was to sleep. Jim looked at him intensely for a few moments. "well,you can take the bed inside, if you wish but I prefer the cool of the outside.

Connor realized that neither of them had brought any other clothes. He watched as JIm stripped down,removing everything. Jim had a fine body, built from working along side his men on the docks. Connor felt a strong urge down below. After he washed, Jim turned around. " I forgot about bringing anything to wear. I usually come here alone and stay naked" This brought Connor out of his daze. He fumbled for words. "That's fine with me.",he said, not wanting to appear upset. Jim, turned and went out to the porch. Connor quickly undressed,washed,and emptied the basin, off the porch. As he turned to go back in he saw Jim laying naked on the hammock with his wine glass. Connor went in,grabbed his own glass,and retuned to sit on the porch. He realized that it was very hot inside the shack. They talked for a while about various things. Finally, Jim said,"You could share the hammock out here if it's too warm inside. The breeze is cooler here." Connor thought for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. They finished the wine. Connor tried to get comfortable in the large hammock next to Jim. Finally he settled down and turned to speak to JIm. His motion drew both of them together. There was a tense moment between them before Connor let his hand move to Jim's shoulder. He shied as Jim shied also. He looked at Jim's face,his eyes were closed. He began to rub the shoulder he was holding. Jim moved his hand to Connor's hip and sqweezed it to show his appreciation. Both were showing signs of their excitement. Nothing was said, words were not needed at this point. The touching spoke volumes!

Jim opened his eyes and stared into Connor's green eyes. He saw the need and also the fear there. He moved his hand up to Connor's side. He rubbed his back for a minute and then spoke. "You needn't do anything. Being just like this is fine with me. Feeling your hand on mine,seeing your eyes is enough.",he whispered.

Connor panicked and spoke out, "No,it isn't, not for me. I've known that I had feelings for you for months now but was afraid to say or do anything about it." He leaned in to kiss Jim's shoulder. Jim pulled him into his own body, returning the kiss with one to Connor's neck. "If you want, I'll show you how men can love. But it won't be just sex, not for me.",Connor explained. He returned Jim's kiss but on his cheek.

As the night wore on Jim learned many things, most of all that he also had feelings for Connor. They slept in each other's arms. In the morning they were awakened by the sounds of the birds. Both men knew that it had not been a dream! They also knew that life was about to change for them. Later in the day they returned to the dock, Old Jim was thre waiting for them. How did he know to be there? He looked at Jim with questioning eyes. Jim smiled and pointed across the lake to the cabin. There, on top of the house was a small blue flag. A man with a telescope could see it from the shore clearly. Connor had not noticed it before.

Over the weeks Connor spent more and more time at Jim's house. After six months and many discussions it was decided that Connor should move next door to Jim. M. Herbert owned the other house which Connor rented. There was a connecting gate in the back. Old Jim moved into Connor's house so that he could take care of both places. Sundays at the plantation saw all 3 men there often. M. Herbert grew to appreciate Connor's skills in the office and also the new happiness of his son. Jim felt whole at last. Connor felt safe in Jim's arms.

Ok, this one was started in 2000 on a trip to visit my family in New Orleans and is just saw the light of day 15 years later. There is little overt sex as befits the time, plus you can let your imagination work that out. If you enjoyed it consider a donation to nifty at Comments welcomed at;

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