
By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Dec 22, 2003



CREEP by bawdypen

"Evening, Mr. Carter!" the building superintendent grinned.

"Hello, Mr. Bradshaw." He barely acknowledged the unkempt man, but tried to be somewhat civil. He found the fat little man repulsive.

Now that the elevator doors were closed, the man turned and gave him a leer. "I was up on the roof late last night fixin' some wiring. Came down the fire escape so's I could peek in some windows. Sometimes I get a real eyeful, you know?"

"That's a bit contemptible, don't you think?" Carter sneered, staring straight ahead.

"Sure. But I don't give a fuck. Seen some hot stuff that way. Course I don't gossip about it, but there's one scene I could mention."

"I'm not interested in your scurrilous tales. Besides, I thought you didn't gossip."

"Not normally, but you might find it personally amusing."

"Oh, and what might that be?" Carter asked, suspicious.

"Well...luckily I was peeking while you fucked that other feller."

"Y-you....saw...?" He finally turned his head, a bit shaken at the man's words.

"Damn betcha! Right from when you was pawin' each other with your pants still on. Woowie, you fellers sure got it on! Hot cocksuckin' 'n buttlickin' I ain't never seen! And when you wuz buggering his butt and I saw your undulatin' pale buns, I can't tell ya how much I wanted to sniff between those hairy orbs and suck your hole!"


"Aw, can it, buster. Hardly had that young man's trousers down before you had 'im bent over the bed with your face up his tail! Why you acting so shocked?"

"First at being spied on, you little creep! And while I always suspected you were a sneaky little pervert, I didn't think you..."

"Went for men? Don't, usually. Have though. Something about that hairy asscrack of yours reminded me of my wilder days... before I got married and had kids. Fat boys take their sex where they get it, and..." he got a hurt expression, "sometimes get cornered and beat up or...or made to do things, you know?"

"No. I'm sure I don't. But...I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Wasn't so bad as I made out to 'em. Sometimes I went by just so's they'd drag me into that old building and make me blow 'em and stuff. Got a taste for pricks that stayed with me. But seein' your asshole like that reminded me how they'd make me lick their butts and clean their holes as they laughed and poked me. So many times, they got wise that I was doin' it on purpose. That's when their assholes started gettin' dirtier and dirtier. When I'd still lick and lick, and complain no more'n usual to keep up the front, they got filthier. I knew they were taking shits and not wiping--knowing I'd come along--but I didn't let on that they tasted any worse. I didn't want the sex to end, I told myself. Actually, I was gettin' to enjoy it. Til they went overboard one day.

"I'd already sucked them all off and licked their holes. I was getting fucked up the ass when a guy grabbed me by the hair and twisted my face to the side--pushing it into his buddy's ass. Thing was, while I was blowin' that last prick, they were figuring out a dirty trick behind me. My jaw was being forced open cause that buddy of his was bending over taking a shit! My face was pushed right up so that turd went into my mouth! They laughed and laughed like crazy while he kept shitting. The turd fell out and the guy quickly pulled up his pants. They left me there spittin' and feeling like I wanted to barf. But I didn't. I felt disgusted, but I just wiped my lips off and crawled home. I never let them catch me again."

"That...that's a awful story, Mr. Bradshaw. They were reprehensible to treat you like that. But you don't hold that against me, do you? You realize those boys were not gay...just vicious?"

"Oh, sure. I knew that all along." He pushed the stop button. "Elseways they woulda been blowin' each other, too. I did all the queer stuff. Thing is, Mr. Carter, seeing you like that...well, your butt kinda reminded me of that fella who shit. I been jerkin' my meat for years reliving that. First, just the blowing. But eventually the rest until I'd spritz remembering how their shit tasted, and thinking that today I'd go ahead and suck his turd! He was the most handsome of the lot. Now it's like a missed opportunity, you know?"

"Uh, memories do strange things, Mr. Bradshaw. I'm sure you'd find it just as repulsive as you did then. Shall we start the elevator?"

"But I wasn't that disgusted, see? Any other guy would go out to kill the bastard. I didn't, see? Guess I peek in hopes of seeing somebody do something dirty like that. Then last night..."

"But...we did nothing like that! We're quite clean, believe..."

"Well, that other fella was sure nasty. He sucked your prick right after you fucked him. Licked his own shit offa there!"

"No, no. There was no...excrement on my speak of, anyway."

"Don't matter. I'm just askin' for half an hour, Mr. Carter."

"F-for what?"

"To lick your asshole. I'll blow ya, too, but I wanna lick your hairy ass like I didn't that time. As a favor? I won't bother you again, I swear. And you can give it to me any way you want. I know you don't like me, so why not make me do it when it's filthy? Ever had a fella lick your ass after you shit? I'll do it, and lick it all off! Heck, you can even..." he gulped, "do it in my mouth!"

"SHIT?!! Good god, man. Have you lost your mind?"

"No, don't you see? I can't get it out of my mind. For thirty years I've been wanting to suck that boy's turd! Maybe if I suck yours, I'll be over it. Won't cost ya nothing, and I won't tell the owner and other tenants about your little perversions."

"You little slimball! I knew you'd get around to blackmail. I'd like to shit in your face right now!"

The super was rubbing the front of his pants. "I'd letcha, but there's no place to put the turd. I don't plan on swallow- ing it!"

"Get on your knees anyway, you creep. Let's see how serious you are." He undid his belt and turned--dropping his pants and shorts. "No touching. Just sniff it. Put your nose up my crack and smell it and I might let you go all the way on one condition."

"Oh, Mr. Carter...that is sooo pretty!" He eagerly sniffed the young man's pungent asscrack--careful not to touch his flesh. "Smells just like his did. Any condition you want! You wanna fuck my hole?"

"GAWD NO! I wanna put the whole thing on video so you leave me alone afterwards. Nobody will see it unless you start gossip."

"You got a deal...if you'll make me a copy! Something to jerk off over for the next thirty years?"

"SHOVE YOUR TONGUE UP MY ASSHOLE!" Carter ordered. He allowed the man a quick taste of his hairy shithole because he was right on the verge of releasing a big fart. He hissed a nasty one into the man's face then straightened his clothing. "Now. In my place. But I warn you I need to shit badly and I do expect total obscenity from receive it between your lips and let me see you suck it!"

Seeing the young man was getting turned on, he readily agreed, smiling. Anything to explore that fragrant, lush bottom and smelly asshole!

Getting to his apartment, Carter put the key in and opened it. Glancing up and down the hallway, he practically pushed the little man through the doorway. Tossing his coat across a chair, he looked at the man disgustedly.

"Just park it right there and don't touch anything. I have to take a piss first."

"Uh..." the super uttered, mulling something over in his mind.

Stopping in his tracks, he turned and looked over his shoulder. "Don't tell me..."

"They, um, made me do that sometimes, too. Wasn't the greatest for me, but if you want to, I'll chug it down."

"My, you're just a barrel of fun, aren't you?" He scratched his chin then began to take his pants and jockeys off. Kicking off his shoes, looked at the floor. "Follow me," he said, heading for the kitchen. "Don't want you dribbling piss on my carpet."

"Not to worry. I said I didn't much care for it, not that I wasn't good at it."

"Liar. You didn't even have to offer. I can still go take a piss."

"No, I want it," he cried, eyeing the guy's nice hang. "At least it's not morning piss. You've been out drinking. It might even be good. Hell, it just wanna get my lips on that cock of yours, man. Gimme your piss so I can get my mouth on your turd!"

"Kneel!" He hurriedly approached the man, eager to get his cock into that mouth before it got too hard to piss. He could feel it erecting, but he wasn't sure why. Well, yes he did know. Dominating the creep was turning him on.

Slipping his cockhead into the open mouth, he held a finger beneath to pinch off, if necessary. He still didn't want a puddle all over the linoleum. He tried to relax, looking down at the man looking up at him expectantly.

"Wait a minute." His shirttail was blocking his view and he hurriedly whipped it off, leaving him naked but for his socks. This was the first time he'd ever pissed in a man's mouth and he wanted to watch it unhindered.

He put his hands on his hips. "You hold it. Pinch it if you need to."

The first gush caused some to dribble down his chin, but only from surprise. After that, the grubby little man gulped the rest down like a pro...sounding like a dog at his water bowl.

"Now I know why you always smell like a toilet, Bradshaw" he growled. "You are one!"

"Alright," he cried, wiping his mouth, "call me what you like. Just turn around so I can smell your ass!"

Carter turned and put his hands on the kitchen table, bending over and spreading his legs wide apart. He could hear the man fumbling with his zipper, then impatiently just ripping the front of his pants open so he could get his prick out and his nose up the hairy crack. Sitting on his ankles, the guy was rubbing his nose in there like crazy, sniffing like a demented fool. Up and down the crack like he wanted to get that smell all over his face. He could feel the hands on his buttocks wrenching them apart, exposing his asshole. He flinched at the first touch of the wet tongue lapping, lapping, cleaning the cheesy valley, nibbling his asshairs. He ducked his head and stole a peek below, a bit amazed at the thick, crimson, blood engorged cock sticking up from the man's groin, untouched, throbbing and jerking back and forth on its own. Then he raised his head and pushed his butt back, trying to glue it to the man's face.

Bradshaw was finally reliving all those pent-up nasty desires he'd been harboring all these years. He pried Carter's anus open and speared his tongue into the younger man's shithole. He wanted to get in there! He wanted to taste it! The stronger taste...the bitter taste. HE WANTED THE MAN'S TURD! And he wanted it before anything could stop it. Carter changing his mind. The roof crashing down. Lightning. His own heart attack.

Carter took another peek at the man's cock, then a deep breath, and rested his head on his arms and concentrated. He pushed. He needed to go and that tongue was definitely helping matters. Digging in there. Slowly opening him up. What did it was the hunger. The hunger of the man worshipping his ass. Begging with his tongue. And the moaning. Mosting the moaning. The desire. His ring flared. The man gasped, quickly attaching his mouth to receive what he could now see approaching. A big, round knot. Dark brown. Heady...oh, so heady. That dirty street punk was taking a shit in his mouth AND THIS TIME HE WAS GONNA SUCK IT!

Carter gasped, loving the feeling of pushing his turd into someone's open, willing mouth. His cock was rigid, leaking strings of pre-cum that hung there, getting longer.

The turd coming from Carter's asshole was getting longer, but Bradshaw didn't care. Only the inches he was able to move his mouth back and forth on as he sucked it were what counted. The only thing missing was having that cock pounding up his ass at the same time. But this was the main event. This was what he'd craved all this time. This was what made his cock begin spurting thunderous streams of jizz all over the linoleum and Carter's legs.

Feeling the wetness hit the back of his legs, Carter looked down the see the man's cock exploding. Suddenly, he pinched off and moved away to the side. Seeing the grubby creep deliriously sucking on his turd while still shooting his load, he suddenly felt disgusted.

Turning away, he gave the man only moments to finish coming as he raced into the living room to put his pants on. He felt almost sick as he went back into the kitchen and ordered the man to leave.

'GET THE FUCK OUT! NOW!" he growled, pointing to the door.

Bradshaw, coming out of his reverie, was startled. He began fumbling with his pants and getting to his feet. Feeling ashamed...or rather being made to feel ashamed...he rushed to make his exit. Okay, the guy's reaction wasn't totally unexpected. He sorta understood. Time to leave and let him calm down. Holding his pants up with one hand, he kept the man's turd in the other. Fuck it, he was taking it with him!

"Thanks," he managed to mutter, going out the door.

Laying in bed later, Carter tried to analyze why he'd reacted so negatively all of a sudden. It really wasn't the shitting and pissing. It was the creep's load splattering all over his skin. He found himself hard, masturbating while he went over it in his mind. It'd been exciting, he had to admit. Heavy duty erotic. If only the man didn't disgust him so much. If only he hadn't shot such a big load. Seeing it spurting from that fat cock. Wanting to have his mouth on it at that moment. What??! Can't be. No. Suck him off?!

He now blew a huge load himself that shot into the air. URRGH!

Dammit. That's what freaked him out...wanting to have that creep's cock in his mouth, having that tremendous ejaculation going down his throat! How many years would he fantasize about it? How many years would the missed opportunity obsess him?

Of course, that didn't have to happen. After all, the guy still lives here and he'd be quite willing.

The creep!

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