Creek Skinny Dipping


Published on Apr 4, 2008



I was working at my college over the summer, doing hot and sweaty work in the kitchens, so when my shift was over, a group of guys would often walk across campus and swim in the creek that flows through campus. Sometimes we would use old truck inner tubes and "tube" down the creek to a point a few hours downstream, where the creek wound back towards campus again and we could walk back through the woods to the campus. one especially hot 100-degree day Doug asked if I wanted to "go tubing" after work, and I agreed to meet him.

I met him at the path to the creek's stony bank, wearing just jean cutoffs. We floated and relaxed in the cool creek water, lazily drifting downstream for a while, and at one point not too far from campus there was a steep bank with a huge tree on the top where a rope swing was tied up high, giving an ideal spot for jumping, or swinging into the creek.

We snagged our tubes on the bank so they wouldn't float away, climbed up the bank to the tree and jumped a few times. It was great fun. Doug said that the narrow wooded trail we saw at the top of the bank led directly back to campus, coming out behind one of the dorms. I thought to myself this would be more fun naked, but wasn't sure what Doug would say, so we went back to our tubes after a while and resumed the slow creek's watery movement. I was secretly planing to come back alone and try it out.

The next evening after my shift, I walked across campus to the dorm Doug had mentioned to see if I could find the trail. I was about 6 p.m, the sun was still strong, still over 100 degrees and very humid. I found the entrance to the trail -- only a small gap in some bushes really, but I pushed my way past the branches and saw the trail winding through the woods. I went in a few yards, and since I was so hot and my cafeteria uniform was sticking to my skin, I stripped off the polyester shirt, and my pants, put them in a neat little pile under a large tree trunk nearby and continued the exploratory hike on the trial wearing only my boxers and sneakers.

It was easy enough to follow the trail, and I wasn't really worried about anyone seeing me in my boxers, because they looked enough like shorts, no one would really notice. I was listening for anyone who might be coming along the path, though, and only heard the evening peepers and crickets. As I got closer to the creek's high bank I did start to hear voices. It sounded like some other kids were using the rope swing, so I approached silently, hoping to see who was there before they saw me.

From behind a bend in the path, I saw three young guys, probably high school guys, taking turns on the swing. One was tall, blonde and built like a track star, wearing ripped jeans that showed his knees through the frayed edges, and a few rips in the back pockets. His pants were darkened by the water, and looked glued to his muscular legs and glutes. The second guy was dark, shorter, more average build, wearing white Umbro soccer shorts, which were wet and very transparent. You could see his plaid boxers beneath his umbros. The third guy was very tan, shaved almost bald, and looked like a wrestler, wearing surfer- style board shorts that were too large (of course) so they rode down low on his hips and showed off his ass crack.

I stayed hidden nearby but crept a little closer to the edge of the creek so I could see and hear better.

They were all talking and joking, soaking wet and showing off their acrobatic skills on the rope swing, and telling stories about how hot they were working today in the sun, apparently at some landscaping place. I could sympathize with them or working outside in the blazing heat all day and needing to cool off and wind down in the evening with their buds.

When one guy was up on the tree's wooden launch, he would have to reach all the way straight up to hold the handle-bars from an old bike before jumping out across the creek and letting go to land in the deeper part of the water. Sometimes the guy would hang on and swing back -- almost all the way back up to the tree trunk, and one of the other guys would grab at their shorts, or slap their backs in fun. Most of the guys avoided the second-swing for that reason, but when it happened you were almost asking for an attack.

While I was "spying" on them, the guy with the ripped jeans was swinging, and came back up to the tree, so Umbro guy got ahold of his back pocket and held on tight, so that the force of the guy swinging back away from him forced the seams in the back of his jeans to tear completely off. Umbro guy was left holding the back jeans pocket and a large section of the back of the pants. Ripped pants Guy held on for a third swing back up the bank, this time with a huge hole in his back side where it was clear now he wasn't wearing underwear. The other guys hollered and hooted in glee, calling him "Commando" as he finally jumped off the rope swing into the creek and climbed back up the bank to the launch point.

The guys laughed until they were hysterical and out of breath, while Commando looked not at all embarrassed, but actually pranced around flaunting his now-exposed ass, and you could see through his wet jeans his crotch was showing signs of arousal. Umbro took a turn on the swing, and Commando was waiting and ready when he came back up to the top of the bank. With both hands, he intentionally pulled down with all his might on Umbro guy's waistband, bringing them down to mid- thigh. Umbro guy jumped into the creek with his ass fully exposed, and the guys started another loud round of laughter.

The wrestler guy made it clear he didn't want his expensive surfer swimsuit ripped, so he took it off, tossed it aside and took a turn jumping butt naked. The other two almost choked from laughing so hard, especially when they saw wrestler guy's balls and now half-aroused cock when he climbed back up to the top of the bank. They decided to be fair they should all skinnydip, so the ripped jeans and shorts came off, and I sat there in amazement as these three hot young guys climbed, swam and jumped naked for another half-hour. There was nothing sexual going on between them that I could see, but I was so horny watching their fit young naked bodies enjoying cooling off in the creek after a hard day of sweaty work.

Eventually, they left the area and walked back to where they had parked their car just off the roadway that skirted the edge of the creek nearby. I left my hiding spot and followed them up the path to where I could observe where they had parked. They still didn't know I was there, so they stood behind the car, with the trunk open and toweled off, still naked. They didn't have dry clothes, so they jumped into the car with just their towels wrapped around their waists. They drove off leaving me alone in the jumping spot, so I left my boxers on the ground and spent a good hour jumping and cooling down.

I was standing at the top of the launch-pad, holding the handlebars and getting ready for another jump when I hear voices rapidly coming down the path. I panicked and jumped, dropped into the creek, and came up out of the water to see a young guy and two girls standing at the top of the bank right where my boxers were lying in the now-almost darkness. The guy was wearing only shorts, and the girls were wearing swim suits, so it seemed they had come to rope swing too.

I decided not to make a thing of it, and just swim across to the bank and climb up like there was nothing at all odd about my being naked, since I really had no other choice. I didn't recognize them, and thought if they were locals, then I'd probably never see them again. I arrived at the top of the bank where the tree trunk grew out at the perfect rope swing angle, with my "bits and pieces" in full view and glory. Since they didn't know what to say or do I acted like it was nothing and climbed back up the tree and jumped again.

When I landed in the water, which was still very refreshing, I swam to the opposite side of the creek and sat down so I was only exposed from the waist up. I rested and watched these newcomers jump and play for a while before leaving. I still had to go back to their side to retrieve my boxers, but it was getting darker, and I was getting aroused now, so I stayed on the far side and slowly jerked off. After spurting my cum load into the creek, I swam over, climbed up, got my shorts and casually walked down the trail back towards campus, not putting my boxer shorts back on until I had dried off completely. I felt so free to walk in the woods naked like that, the warm evening humidity gently caressing every bit of my skin.

I think I'll have to come back and do this again!

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