
By Gaco

Published on Nov 16, 2007


This story is fictional, I'm sorry (actually I'm jelous) if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself. However you're still welcome to read it!

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2007 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.

"I decided that we should greet each other properly for the first time, Braxton." First mentioned to me.

I looked around for the source of the voice but I could see nothing at all. Everything was still pitch black.

"Where are you?" I asked. "Am I dreaming?"

"You could say that." First said.

After a few seconds I appeared in a large room that very much resembled my living room. In that room was a male who looked about seventeen years old. The room had solid white walls which seemed to radiate light. There were no windows or doors, however, there were a couple couches and a flat screen TV. For a second I thought the guy looked exactly like James, but upon my thought of that he changed to a very attractive blonde male who had a great tan. He was just a tiny bit shorter than me and had beautiful glowing green eyes.

While I was still trying to figure out what was going on First spoke. "I decided that this would be the best way for us to get acquainted Braxton. This method is much more comfortable to your current style of thinking." First said while holding out his hand like he wanted me to shake it.

I stuck out my hand carefully and shook his. "Um... Hi?" I said dumbly.

"I understand that the first time meeting me 'face to face' if you will can be a little surprising." First said while grinning.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"This, for lack of a better term, is your unconscious mind. More precisely it's a program I made to run when you needed to talk to me face to face or need to think things out with me." First said informatively. "Inside this program we can seemingly pause time, fast forward time or make time go extremely slow."

"How does that work?" I asked not understanding how this could be possible.

"Due to the fact that a quantum processor is infinitely fast any task can be done instantly. Thus, a trillion years of thinking can be done instantly, or we could put your body into a dreamless sleep and set to wake up in a million years. The possibilities are truly limitless." First explained. "Of course your movements and actions can only be as fast or quick as your body allows. While you can think infinitely fast, your body is not. You can, however, achieve a level of slow motion with your body which will be more than adequate if the need arises."

Beginning to understand how things work an earlier event came back to my mind. "When I first got 'here' you didn't look as you look now. Was that James' appearance you used?" I asked testily.

"Yes it was. And after I noticed you elevated stress levels when you noticed this I changed it immediately." First told me.

"It had better not happen again." I said angrily. "It's just not polite."

"I understand. It will not happen again." First assured me.

"So are we done downloading all the information to the quantum processor?" I asked First.

"All transfer is complete and we are ready for you to test out some of your new abilities." First told me. "I have not yet had time to change your bone structure or any of the radical 'super hero' changes that I know you would like however I think it would be best for you to get to know how I work before we begin that."

"Alright." I said easily. "So how do I get back to... myself?" and upon that thought I woke up in bed.

I got up and decided to go driving. After getting dressed I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out the door. I sat down in my mustang and cranked up the engine.

First? I thought

Yes? I heard his voice inside my head.

Wow you're really here I thought

So what are we doing?

I'm not sure yet... We'll see

I put the gear into reverse and pulled out of the driveway. I drove around town for a bit with First commenting about how close cars were to me and how if one of the vehicles from the oncoming lane hit me how much pressure would hit me. After telling me the implications of a semi truck passing me hitting me I got tired of these facts.

Can you PLEASE shut the fuck up with the pointless facts that are making me nervous?

I just thought you should know how dangerous these things are.

I'm quite aware, thank you.

Fine then I'll only let you know about these in life and death situations.

I kept driving around town when I passed a gun shop. I slammed on brakes and slid around making a U-turn in the middle of the road. I nearly lost control of the vehicle when time sort of slowed down and everything around me began happening a lot slower.

I told you it was dangerous.

I know. We can have a conversation about it after we get out of traffic. Help me adjust the driving to stay on the road.

Without my asking time sped back up and I lost control of my hands for a split second. It was the most strange feeling I had ever had. After pulling into the parking lot of the sporting goods store and parking I turned off the car.

What the hell was that about!? I didn't ask you to take control!

The movements needed to be exact and if they hadn't been there would have been no pulling the vehicle out of a spin until you crashed into the SUV coming up behind you.

At that moment images of the SUV flashed into my mind.

It would have taken a virtual year for me to guide you through all the steps to do what I just did. Don't be so jumpy!

Alright, alright! I thought while getting out of the car.

I went into the gun shop and bought a 12 gauge shotgun, a Walther P99, a semi automatic Glock which First thought would be able to convert to full-auto, and also a semiautomatic rifle which First thought the same of.

When checking out the owner of the store did the background check on me and everything went through fine. He looked at me and wondered aloud "Why do you need so many different guns?"

"Me and my father are going to hunt wild boar and we hear they can be pretty aggressive." I temporized ignoring First's comments to tell him it's none of his business.

"That's very true. Smart thinking." The guy told me "You want some ammo?" He asked while punching all the amounts in the cash register.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot. They wouldn't do much good without it would they?" I laughed.

The guy also laughed and asked how much ammo I wanted.

"Better give me two thousand rounds for each weapon." I said.

He wistled about how much it was going to cost but I assured him I was good for it. After ringing everything up and paying with one of my credit cards he helped me pack everything in my car.

When the guy saw my car he must have realized I have 'new money.' "You must be that kid that just won the lottery around these parts. I read about you in the paper." He said.

"Yeah I'm trying to stay quiet and not get too much attention you know. I'm not really used to being in the spotlight." I said truthfully.

"I completely understand. Hell if I won the lottery I'd probably lock myself in my house and never come out for fear of all the people wanting my money." He laughed.

We said our goodbyes and I drove back home. On my way home First decided to bug me again.

I guess I do not need to remind you how dangerous all that live ammunition in the back of the car is to you right now?

Shut up First!* Was my only response.

Once home I unloaded all the guns from my car and took them inside. I laid them all out in the living room and looked over what I had. I decided to go into the back yard and play around with my P99. I walked out the door with a box of 9mm FMJ bullets and my pistol. I took my P99 out of the case and looked at the clip. I loaded it full of bullets and attached it to the gun. Once it snapped into place I pulled back the charging handle and looked down at it. This was the first time I ever had a loaded gun larger than a BB gun. I left the saftey on and set it on a patio table I had outside of my back door. I grabbed a few of the targets the guy from the store gave me for free after he noticed I was buying so much. I pinned three targets up to three different pine trees at various distances from me and various distances back.

I took my pistol and set the safety to off. I took aim to the target closest to me and after lining up the shot and slowly squeezing the trigger I managed to just barely nick the upper outside area of the target. At least I hit the damn thing I thought to myself. After firing a couple clips at the target I managed to get a bit better and decided to try one of the targets that were further back.

Help me out a bit First. I thought.

I aimed at one of the targets that were situated farther back than the first and lined up the shot. I began noticing things that were constantly around me that I had not noticed before. I took note of how the wind would affect the bullet, I noticed that the sight was just a little off and knew how to adjust for it. All of these things that can be figured out with a mathematical formula were instantly solved in my head and my hands knew exactly where to be and exactly the position of the gun to be at. I fired a single shot. The bullet was wizzing towards the target when it seemed to slow down nearly completely. Finally the bullet stopped all together, while hanging in mid air for a moment I wondered what the hell happened. It was then that I heard First's voice again.

I decided to show you what stopping time feels like. Or at least what seems like stopping time.

Weird. I thought. I looked to the bullet and realized I could see a line going from the bullet to the target. It was going to hit the bullseye!

So I can have a heads up display also? I asked First.

If you want to be so demeaning, yes. First sounded offended.

You can name it later... I said trying to keep him happy.

Time sped back up and the bullet hit the bullseye. Just then I heard a crack of thunder over head. The loud boom shook the ground and I decided it was time to head back inside. I wondered to myself what the weather was going to be like. Then suddenly, in a way that did not obstruct my vision, I could see a radar showing a strong thunderstorm heading towards my area. I packed up my pistol and ammo and headed inside. I turned on TV and decided to lounge around for a while and relax as I hadn't had the chance to do that in quite some time. I flipped through channels when I came across a movie which piqued my interest. About mid-way thorugh the movie the main group of people had to crack into a safe. It was a very large combination safe. The sight of a safe reminded me that I needed a safe to store things in of my own. I looked online without ever going to a computer! While still watching my movie I also browsed the web for a very strong and secure safe. I decided on a large safe that is said to be burglar proof. It consisted of a fingerprint scanner and a 10 number key pad. I placed an order for the safe and also checked the box to have the delivery service install it in my house. The receipt said it would be ten to fifteen days to arrive.

After ordering the safe First and I decided upon a 256 character passcode. We decided that the time it would take to decipher the code would be too long to be useful if even possible.

First, I need you to start creating me a few fake identities. Soon I may begin doing things I don't want to do under my name

No problem. I'll be ready by the time you are.

Good. Tonight I want you to strengthen my bones. Make them as durable but lightweight as possible. It would also be nice to have a satellite receiver and transmitter created.

Should be no problem. These upgrades will probably exhaust the last of our resources. You will have to consume more raw materials for any subsequent upgrades.


I decided to take a drive around town and look for a Karate or Judo school. I wanted to test my new skills in a challenging environment. After about ten minutes of driving First interrupted my thoughts of fighting.

You may get a fight sooner than you are hoping for. First said while showing me the car that had been following me since I left home.

With the images he sent sound of a cell phone or encoded radio signal. He decoded it and listened in. "Following subject out of residence. Again in the new Mustang."

First gave me instructions NOT to alert them that they've been spotted and to just act casual. At the next red light I put the car in park. I released the roof and soon had the car in convertible mode.

That should make it easier to keep visual track of them I thought to myself

Indeed your peripheral vision is much better now. First confirmed.

The light turned green and I slammed on the gas getting the RPMs into the red. I changed gears with my enhanced speed and senses. I sped up the onramp onto the freeway. After about ten minutes on the freeway First informed me we were still being followed. It was a different car and differently dressed people. However, definitely the same group.

I have detected a tracking device somewhere on your car. We need to disable it in such a manner that they do not suspect anything than they are already watching you for.

Can you jam the frequency it is operating on?

Easily. However this will alert them that you know about them.

Don't worry. I have it handled. I assured First.

I ran off the road being sure to make the car bounce a few times on the dirt and grass.

NOW! I sent.

First jammed the signal the device was operating on and I 'regained' control of the vehicle; or so our pursuers hopefully thought. I made sharp turns and slammed on breaks frequently trying to lose our followers. After about twenty minutes of sharp turns, break slams and making pointless loops around blocks First was sure we had lost them. I pulled up to a Karate school and got out.

Keep the jamming frequency up and be on alert for their activity. I notified First.

I went inside and looked for someone that worked there. It appeared a class was just getting out. A teenage student was behind what appeared to be a desk of sorts. I approached him and asked when the instructor would be free.

"Just now." the instructor said while coming around the corner.

"OSS" I greeted him with a short bow of my head. "I'm actually looking for a bit of practice. See, I'm out of shape in sorts when it comes to my Karate skills."

"I see." the instructor eyed me warily. "Advanced classes are Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. If you would like to register we can get you in as early as next week."

"Actually I was wondering if I could just practice right now?" I said more than asked while pulling out a wad of 100 dollar bills.

"I see." The instructor said. He looked around for a few moments then shoved the complaining teenage helper out the door and put up the closed sign. I noticed as I was going inside that they closed about this time.

"How much you willing to part with for sparring right now?" he asked me.

"Two grand." I said easily.

The guys eyes got big as saucers and he grinned. "Deal!" he said while putting out his hand. "The names Ken by the way."

"Braxton." I said while return his shake very strongly.

"The main training room is this way." He said while gesturing for me to walk into a big room with padded walls and one wall with mirrors. It was the same room where the class had just left.

Once in there he took off his jacket and I took off my bulky shirt. I only wore jogging shorts out of the house so the only other article of clothing I needed to remove was my sandals.

"So what level do you think you can fight at?" Ken asked me.

"Hachidan." I said indicating I felt I could fight at nearly the highest ranking available.

"I see." He said while turning. Nearly the time I saw his fist it was about ten inches from my face.

I batted it away like a fly thanks to my heightened senses and being able to slow things down when needed. I quickly launched an attack of my own, kicking him in the stomach sending him flying back several feet. He rolled on the ground a little before bouncing back up like I barely touched him. He grinned at me knowing I'd be a good fight. He kind of bounced around me trying not to get hit. We were both swinging pretty quickly at each other hitting nothing but blocks. After a few more seconds of examining his style First spotted a hole for me. I threw a punch to his face with the full force of my left arm which he blocked with both of his hands and I quickly followed up with a body shot with my right hand while his defenses were occupied. He went flying backwards coughing and sputtering. I grinned at him and helped him up. After catching his breath he grinned back up at me.

"You're good." he said simply.

"I'm just lucky." I said back.

"Lucky or not you sure punch hard. I'm gonna be sore for weeks!" he laughed. "Lets see how your are with weapons!" he grinned at me.

I grinned back and nodded at him. He went to the one wall that wasn't padded and pulled off two of the wooden training swords. He tossed one my way which I caught easily. The handle and guard were just like a regular sword however instead of sharp or having a blade it was just rounded.

"While I believe I'm good enough to do this without pads, I think I'll wear a bit of head protection." he said to me smiling again. He also tossed me some head gear and I put it on. It had a face guard so that we wouldn't have to wear a mouthpiece.

We tapped swords and backed away from each other. I could tell he was looking me over. Watching how I held my sword and how I stood. He definitely had more experience in this than I did. We circled for a few seconds then he came in with a slash that would have hit my right sholder had I not blocked it and tried the same on him. He easily deflected my attempt at a counter attack. I decided to see if my speed could catch him off guard. I went to jab him with the end of the sword and he tapped it away, quickly I tried to cut his intestines out with the blunt object which almost hit if it weren't for him pushing me back with one arm. He tried to swipe my feet out from under me which I quickly jumped over and swiped at his leg with the sword while it was passing. We both missed. A few more seconds passed when I tried to take a swipe at his ribs he smashed the sword so hard it flew out of my hand. I ran to pick up the sword but by the time I reached it he was right on top of me. As I was coming up with the sword in my left hand he swiped down to hit my abdomen very hard. Without thinking I raised my free arm to block the blow. The sword hit my arm right on the wrist area where the bone is the sharpest. The sword broke. As the end of the sword was falling to the ground my only thought was "Why didn't that hurt?"

"Are you alright!?" Ken asked worriedly after tossing the broken sword aside and ripping both our head protectors off.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said trying to figure out what had happened.

In the few moments you had to see the object moving on a collision course with your arm I deadened the specific nerves for pain in your right arm. Had I not done that you'd probably be crying right now. Your arm is uninjured as we did harden the bones a few days ago. Any damage to the skin is already being repaired.

"Wow dude that was awesome! I was totally sure you were going to sue me or something!" Ken laughed. Seeing the bruise and a bit of blood form on my arm he asked. "Are you sure you don't need to go to the emergency room or something. I know I hit you VERY hard."

"Nah, I'm alright." I said easily. "Must have just been a bad sword." I tried to play it off.

"Yeah..." He said looking like he was thinking deeply. "Doesn't that hurt though? Are you sure you don't need an x-ray or pain meds?" He continued

I made a big deal out of looking at the clock on the other side of the room. "Oh shit dude! I'm late for an appointment! I'll see you later! I'll be back around soon!" I said while running out the door.

"Later dude." He said in a confused voice.

I jumped in my mustang and floored it.

We made some mestakes back there bud. I thought to first.

Yeah your skills REALLY suck!

No genius. I did not sweat! That was totally unrealistic let's hope he didn't notice that. Most importantly though I didn't show any sign of pain from that hit which would have shattered anyone else's bones! I virtually acted like it didn't even happen. I know he definitely noticed that. Which is probably why he was so deep in thought.

You can bitch later. First said which extremely pissed me off until he continued. Our government friends are back.

PLEASE send feedback to me at! Feedback is the only ways I know if you like the story. Please include the title of the story in the subject, so that I don't delete it as spam. This story still has a LONG ways to go... This chapter was only semi-edited by my boyfriend. More to come!

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