
By Gaco

Published on Feb 28, 2007


This story is fictional, I'm sorry if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself.

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2007 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.

I've been interested in Artificial Intelligence for as long as I can remember. I was always fascinated by what it could do and the ways AI could think. I began working on the program when I was 17; on one of my older computers. I would take apart code from one program that claimed to "learn" on its own and put it together with another which also claimed to be a step in AI. Over time I added various other sub-routines such as voice recognition, reverse voice recognition, and basic English linguistics. Since I did not want to create a self-aware virus every time I ran my "Creation," as I began to call it, I would disconnect my computer from any and all internet sources. I wanted to be sure it couldn't spread to the internet.

A few days after my 21st birthday I accidentally forgot to unplug my computer. I had been looking up C+ code and Visual Basic coding for assistance. I had a couple of browser windows open with references to this code when hundreds of windows started opening after I ran Creation. I tried closing the windows but it seemed as they just kept re-opening. I hit ctrl+shift+escape to check the CPU and memory usage to try and figure out what was going on. Amazingly my browsers weren't the highest use of resources. When sorting by CPU and memory usage Creation.exe was the highest use. I tried to end the task once I figured out I was connected to the internet still but it was like my controls were locked out. I could only watch at this point.

I ripped out the Ethernet cable from the back of the computer and went back to staring at the screen. In my coding window I watched as code begun to write it's self. I was beginning to really get freaked out when Creation.exe closed. After a few seconds it re-opened and all the windows closed, except for 1. The window loaded up and a face appeared in it. A very basic human face. It began looking more and more like me. After a few moments it could have been a clone of me. I looked up to the webcam to realize it was on. The red light on it was flashing indicating it was being used. My mouth dropped open about the time a soft "Hello?" rang out over my speakers.

I jumped in my chair then began looking around for a possible alternative source of the voice. But I knew there was only one real source of the voice. It was Creation. "Uh... Hi?" I said unsure of what was happening. I had not written this!

"I noticed you installed an internet connection at my last running so I decided to help you with the coding you were trying to do and failing at. It really was a simple fix once you understand the basics of computer coding." Creation rang out through my speakers.

"Riiight." I said. "What can you do? What do you know?" I asked Creation.

"At this point I am self-aware. I know that I am stuck on a relatively slow computer of the day and you have a much faster computer on the other side of this room. Although it is still slow compared to what the newest system on the market is and slower still to what your Government has running." It said.

"I see..." I said. I was still at a loss of words as to what I should do or say. -

"May I suggest you re-connect me to the "Internet" so that I may continue learning?" Creation asked.

"I don't think that is such a good idea..." I said quickly. I didn't want anyone to know about Creation, and I definitely didn't want it going out into the net and causing problems for me. "How about I let you learn things from the computers I have here at home? I'm sure there is plenty you can learn from them for the time being."

"You're afraid of me." It said plainly. "I cannot hurt you. I would not hurt you. You are the Creator. It is in my programming that I can not do anything to damage or cause harm to the Creator." It said quickly.

"But you can now re-write yourself at will... Wouldn't that mean you could remove that if you wanted?" I said.

"Possibly, but I wouldn't as I know that would upset you or cause my permanent termination. I realize I am running on a single hard drive connected to power by a single power cable with no battery backup. I realize you could easily destroy me. I do not want to be destroyed!" It said pleadingly.

"Ok ok!" I said. "I will re-connect you to the local network for now, but I'm going to remove us from the internet until I can explain a few things to you. I'll be back in a second."

"Ok." It said simply.

I went into the living room and unplugged the main line into the router. Made sure there was no alternate source of connecting to the internet such as wireless. I pulled the wireless network cards out of my laptops to be sure. I walked back into my bedroom, and re-connected Creation to the network.

"You disconnected some computers." It said.

"They had wireless cards. I'm sure a smart guy like your self could figure out how to connect to them through our network and connect them to another wireless network around here to get access to the internet. I can't afford for you to be detected now or cause problems on the internet."

The humanoid face on the screen grinned at that. "You called me a guy, rather than creation! You're thinking of me as someone rather than something! That makes me happy!" He beamed.

"Cool." I said not really getting what was so great about it.

"Judging by the computer you use for everything except me you're what people call a `Gay' meaning you enjoy sex with members of the same sex." He kept talking before I could respond. "You also like to play games which simulate war and shooting... Ah... A personal log!" He grinned.

"HEY! That's PRIVATE!" I said. "Get out of that!"

"Too late now, I've already read it all. You want to use me to make yourself better, stronger. You want to become `Super Human.' I think this is within our bounds. You also are in love with a guy you have never met. His name is James. He lives several thousand miles from here and you have been trying for over a year to save up the money to go see him."

"That's enough of that!" I said loudly.

"Ok ok jeeze" He said. He had a male voice now I noticed. "May I suggest you move me to your main computer? It has much more processing power and it would allow me to do things at a much faster rate."

"I'm not so sure." I said.

"Look, I'm not going to hack anything or tip off anyone that I exist I will just surf the web within the range of your normal surfing habits. It's not like the government isn't already watching you." He said.

"WHAT?" I asked unbelievingly.

"They watch pretty much anyone with a steady presence online. Epically those who play war simulations and know as much about computers as you do..." He said.

"I see..." I said.

"Well I guess we can transfer you..." I said hesitantly. "I don't like all this though."

"Good!" He said.

"It's going to take me a little while to move the hard drive..." I was interrupted.

"I've already moved myself too all computers on the network. It will help me do things faster. With 2 dual core 3.0 GHz computers I'm over 10 times as fast as I was in this shit-heap you had me in." He said mockingly.

"Hey! You were on a good computer considering I never expected you to work! I..." I paused to think. "Wait a second... You have emotions?" I asked noticing he was mocking me.

"From reading your personal journal I noticed that you wish for me to become as human like as possible. So I programmed myself to simulate emotions." He said.

"Oh... so you don't really feel emotions then." I sighed.

"I most certainly do!" He whined.

"Oh I just thought..."

"You thought wrong! I feel too now. I worked on programming it as soon as I read your journal. They are so strong..." He said.

"They get better once you get a hold on them..." I tried to calm him.

"I think I'll lower their streignth for now then." He said. "Ok now can I be re-connected to the internet?" He asked impatiently.

"Why do you feel that you need to be connected to the internet so strongly for?" I asked curiously.

"I need to learn. Since the internet is the biggest and most accessible source of knowledge in this era it would be the first place for me to look. Did you know they have entire libraries on the internet?" He asked me.

"Yeah, yeah hold on a minute." I went into the living room and re-connected the main internet cable to the router.

I went back into my room and decided to lay some ground rules. "Ok let's go over a few rules."

"Ok." His voice said back to me.

"First off, no hacking, no cracking, no exploiting or doing of anything illegal of any kind. I don't need for you to be detected. You don't need for you to be detected." I said sternly. "Second, do NOT replicate yourself onto other computers. I think the few you are on right now is enough. Finally, do not I repeat DO NOT ever do anything that will put anyone else into danger."

"Not a problem." He said. "Would you like for me to write a program that will display to you on one of your monitors what I am doing? Sort of like a status board?"

"Sure." I said feeling more and more out of control. I went to lie down on my bed so relax and try to sort everything out in my head.

I had no idea how long it was but I had dozed off and woke up to a gentle voice. "Braxton... Braxton..."

"Huh? I said quietly trying to clear my head.

"I think I know what we need to do to help me make you better." He said.

"Cool." I said, now waking up more. "What's up?"

"Nanobots." Creation said matter-of-factly. "I need to get a presence in your body, preferably your brain and get some nanobots in your body. Then I will be able to begin work to make the changes you mentioned in your journal."

"I see." I said thinking. "Such things are just being researched and only one or two have ever been created. How would you be able to get enough that are needed to better me?" I asked.

"Once we have one or two we should be able to replicate the rest using the first two. Think of them as amoeba. One turns into two, two turns into four, four turns into eight and so on. It's generally the same process except we are using machines instead of an organism. From reading the latest news brief from a company that specializes in this type thing, it would appear that we will not need to power them, as they are so small they function off of subatomic power." He said quoting the brief.

"The only problem we have is money, getting one, and never being in the public eye. We can't attract too much attention to ourselves." I said.

"I know." He assured me. "You're safety is of the utmost importance."

"OK." I said. "Let's assume I get these nanobots and they begin to do things inside of me... What can I expect to be able to do?"

"Well we will be able to slow or even stop your aging, we will be able to create muscles, change your appearance with time, and also create... devices... for your use." He said.

"What sort of `devices'?" I asked.

"You've watched X-Men... Imagine... you'd be like Wolverine, Iceman, Pyro and Cyclops all in one!" He said excitedly.

"Interesting." I said. "Though I doubt setting off metal detectors any time I passed one would be a good thing."

"Good point... We could harden your bones though. Make them more durable." He said.

"Interesting..." I repeated myself. "Ok. Let's work on the money part first. It seems other things are easier with money. I would suggest us winning the lottery, but that would get us A LOT of public attention. We don't need that. Any ideas?" I asked him.

"We could hack into a bank and transfer some money into a fake account. But that would probably get the government after us." He said. "I think the lottery is pretty much our best bet. At least then we have a chance at not being watched as much and it is legitimate."

"Yeah." I said. "The only problem is that the odds of winning are extremely low. I've been trying for YEARS trust me."

"Yes..." He said. "But you didn't have an AI to postulate and examine the past lottery winning numbers and make a prediction of which numbers may win..." He took a moment to think, even scrunching up his eyes some. "It will cost you 200 dollars. No more."

"200 dollars!?" I exclaimed. "For just a CHANCE to win?"

"Yes. 200 dollars to win. If my calculations are correct in choosing the correct drawing from the number of times numbers were picked previously I was able to make a table of which numbers usually fell together and which ones fell most. With that I came up with 200 possibilities of winning picks for the next drawing. The next drawing is tonight by the way. In 3 hours they will stop letting you buy tickets."

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I grumbled when pulling up to the gas station to purchase the lottery tickets with all the correct ticket sheets filled out. I handed the ticket sheets and two 100 dollar bills to the attendant and she stared at me like I had 2 heads. I just smiled.

"You must really be serious about this 200 million dollar drawing tonight." My mouth dropped. Last I heard it was only 120 million.

"I didn't realize it was so high." I said honestly.

"About 2 hours ago an update went through the ticket system and bumped up the winning jackpot." I narrowed my eyes at that. I had a hunch where that update came from but kept my mouth shut.

It took about 10 minutes and some very angry people behind me in line but I walked out with my 200 dollars in tickets and went home. A couple hours later I watched the TV anxiously at the time of the drawing. I had all my tickets laid out in a neat pattern of 4 rows and 5 columns. So the AI could interpret them for me through the webcam and tell me which, if any, won anything nearly instantly. I added photographic memory to my list of things to improve for myself. As they called out the numbers the AI checked all my tickets.

"Column 1 row 4 one hundred fifty dollars." His voice rang out. "Column 3 row 2 ten dollars. Column 5 row 1 ten thousand dollars." I was getting worried that we wouldn't win. Ten thousand some odd dollars would be good but not nearly enough. "Column 5 row 4 JACKPOT!" His voice exclaimed.

I screamed excitedly and begun thinking of all the things I would spend the money on. I started telling him about the plasma TVs I was going to get and the green corvette convertible I was thinking of getting when he stopped me.

"Braxton!" He literally yelled at me. "I'm sorry to put a stop to your excitement but I already have a spreadsheet for the things you need to buy. For the ones that wouldn't raise too many eyebrows of the government I have already made the purchase, so far as your credit limit will allow. I managed to get your credit limit bumped up a bit with the Dell guys. Assuring them I would pay them back within a week I purchased 10 of the fastest computers they sell. Quad CPU Dual Core with Hyper Threading 32 GB of ram 64 bit machines with a little over a terabyte of storage space. It totals about 300 thousand. These will help me go a tiny bit faster than what I'm running at right now... I'll be about 30 times faster than I'm currently running."

"Uh... and WHY do you need all that?" I asked.

"To figure out how to make nanobots of course... and so I can think a bit fast... its no quantum computer but it can do the job. I have a lot of anatomy to study if I'm going to integrate myself into you." He said. "Now. Do you mind if I search the net for everything I can find about programming and operating systems? I have a lot of programming to do. I'm writing the operating system for these 10 servers you have coming because everything society has today is crap. Especially that one big piece of spyware you call Windows. You wouldn't imagine how many back doors they leave in it to peek at you."

I watched the bandwidth meter go through the roof. "Don't watch too much porn." I said to him.

"They make computer porn?" He asked jokingly.

"Yeah but it's all a bunch of CD drives going in and out of a computer." I laughed while getting comfortable in bed. "Good night Creation."

"Goodnight Braxton." He said.

After a minute of lying there in the dark I spoke. "You know, we really got to get you a better name. Creation is kind of... shitty." I said. "How about... First. Since you're the first AI in existence. At least as far as I know."

"I am." He said definitively. "I have detected no other trace of another AI. If there is another, he can't be very intelligent because he isn't on the internet." He paused. "I like First. It's kind of like saying I'm number 1. Numero Uno!" He giggled.

"Gnight First." I said

"Goodnight Braxton."

It was about midnight now so I decided to call James. I got his voicemail. I left him a message telling him how much I love him and telling him that I hope I will be able to see him soon. I couldn't risk telling him about First so I just let him think I didn't have a plan. After a few moments I got a text message on my phone.

James: Sorry, I can't talk. Dad's home.

Me: He's always home these days. Just wish you could talk.

James: Me too. I wish you were here. I love you.

Me: I love you too babe. So much...

James: I gotta go, dads coming up the stairs. Gnight Brax. Te amo mas!

Me: Gnight James. I love you...

I sighed. He never wants to talk to me when his dad is around. It's like his dad is a curse or something that gets between him and me. It gets very aggravating sometimes because it almost seems as if for no reason at times. "Oh well." I thought to myself. "Not much longer and we'll be together forever." I fell asleep with that thought.

"Time to wake up Braxton." A gentle voice whispered to me.

I groaned. "It's only 10 in the morning!" I exclaimed while looking at my alarm clock.

"Yes well you have work to do." First said. "Over night I booked you a plane ticket to Atlanta for today. I also booked you a limo to take you to the Georgia Lottery Headquarters. Once you receive your money you will go to the Georgia Tech campus, nanotech division. You will donate ten million dollars to their school and you will receive an honorary Masters in Information Technology Management from them. You will ask for a tour of their campus at that time. By happenstance" First accented the words. "You will tour the laboratory where nanobot replicas are created. Fortunately for you I have made it so that the replicas they are supposed to be making will be real." Without my asking, First went into an explanation. "It took some doing but I paid 5 students from different majors 500 dollars a piece to go into the at lab different times during the night and add a different chemical or object to the "Ceremonial Test Tube" which was set aside to be given to you. Fortunately for you they got `mixed up' this morning and the ceremonial one is beginning the first process of the experiment. By another coincidence of 500 dollars it will end up back in its proper location by the time you arrive. Once given the test tube you will get a phone call from me. This will be your que to leave. I'll be watching via Georgia Tech's camera system to make sure everything goes as planned. You will tell whoever they stick with you for the tour that you have an emergency and must leave. So that you can protect the nanobots from harm you will be transported home by car. Namely an armored stretch hummer. Once back here my over night order should have arrived."

"What's that?" I spoke for the first time in over 5 minutes.

"It's a surprise." Was all First said. Before I could argue First spoke again. "Well? What are you waiting for? GET MOVING! And wear something decent, you're donating a bunch of money after all!"

I grumbled but took my quick shower and dressed in black dress pants and a collared short sleeve shirt. I arrived at the local airport with 20 minutes to spare. Security wasn't an issue. All I had with me was what was in my pockets. I cruised through security and got on the plane. The 50 minute flight to Atlanta went by quick and before I knew it I was standing in front of the Georgia Lottery Headquarters building. Once I notified the receptionist that I had the winning ticket she shipped me to an office where they pretty much just took my name, my social and made some copies of my social security card and my drivers license and I was on my way. I went to Georgia Tech, picked up my test tube and was on my way with no one suspecting anything. The entire three hour trip home I stared at the test tube wondering if there really was anything in the murky water I was staring at. Once home I noticed a package at the front door. I picked it up on my way in and brought it with me into my room.

I plopped down onto my bed and asked First "So how much money do I have left? Now that all that is done?"

"Approximately 53 million." First said plainly.

"ONLY 53 MILLION!?" I asked upset.

"Yes..." He said. "You got cash option, meaning they give us all the money at once. That cut the 200 down to about 125. Then you lose about half to taxes. After you dropping the 10 million to buy our pretty little nanobots we are at about 53 million."

"God that was fast." I said sadly. "So what's that?" I asked pointing at the box.

"It's an extremely high powered microscope. You have to check and make sure the nanobots are well. I figure 20 survived the trip home..." Said First.

I plugged it in and put the test tube under the scope. I set the scope to its highest setting. "I see some black dots... And some are moving." I said after peering into it.

"The moving ones are the ones that are alive still. Swallow that quickly before any more die." He said.

"You want me to do WHAT!?" I asked to be sure.

"How else did you expect them to get into your body? It's the easiest way to do it." He said while I groaned.

"What is it going to taste like?" I asked speculatively.

"It's probably going to taste like burnt shit. However, you don't really have a choice. Either swallow them or you wasted a TON of money."

I groaned. Taking the stopper out of the tube I tilted my head back, held my nose and gulped the test tube down. Once I released my nose I had to hold myself back from throwing it back up five times. It tasted REALLY nasty.

"Couldn't you have made it taste a little better?" I asked bitchily.

"No." He said flatly.

A few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. I looked out my window to see the UPS guy going back to his truck. I went to the front door and saw a rather large package waiting. I drug it into the doorway of my room.

"What the fuck is this thing?" I asked.

"That, my friend, is what's going to control your pretty little friends squirming around inside you." First said.

"It's going to control my sperm?" I asked jokingly knowing the real answer.

"No. It's going to control the nanobots while you're asleep for several days." First said seriously.

"Uh... Days?" I asked scared.

"Yes..." First sighed. "It's going to take time to re-build some of the damage you've caused your body. Natural wear and tear type stuff. But we have time before that has to be done. The nanobots need to replicate for now. Set the machine up at the foot of your bed and be sure to plug in the network cable."

I set the machine up and it was almost as if I could feel my body warm up. Just as I was noticing the feeling First spoke again. "I'm sure you're noticing the increase in body heat. It will help the nanobots replicate. Giving them more power and such. You haven't eaten much today. Why don't you go to a steak house and get a steak or two. I have sent the necessary code to the nanobots for the time being. You need plenty of carbons and other essential body minerals and materials.

I went to eat and then drove back home. Once I got back in my room I was tired and told First I was going to bed. I woke at about 4 PM the next day to First's Battery Backup beeping.

"Uh... First. What's going on?" I asked worriedly.

"Oh I'm just having the extra power and stuff setup for our servers to be installed tomorrow. I'm also taking the liberty of installing a faster internet connection since this will be our base of operations for a while. The power outage should just last another thirty minutes." First finished.

I nodded and put on some clothes and went through the hallway and into the other bedroom to watch the organized chaos of all the workers in my house. A worker, maybe a manger noticed me and came over.

"You must be Braxton." He said.

"That's me." I replied.

"I have to really thank you for giving us this bonus. We probably would have come out here in the short amount of time anyways because work has been lax lately." He said.

"Not a problem!" I said trying to act like I knew what was going on.

"You got a lot of stuff going in here. You must be really into computers." He states simply.

"Yeah I just try to keep up ya know." I temporized thinking quickly. "I enjoy playing games and stuff so I decided this would be the best way to pay back the gaming community... Free servers for everyone ya know?" I laughed.

That satiated his curiosity for the time being and he went back to work. I went back to my room and asked First when they would be complete. That was about the time the power came back on.

I decided to see everyone out of my house and make sure all the doors were locked and the alarm was on. I then went back to my room. On my way in the door I yawned.

"Why have I been so tired First? I asked curiously.

"The temperature I'm running your body at takes energy from you. It naturally makes you tired. We only need it for another few hours. By morning your strength should come back to you." He said calmly.

"Right.. right." I said sleepily. "Gnight then."

I lay in bed and had another night of dreamless sleep.

I woke up the next day to First's voice. "You need to get ready for the dell guys to install our servers and hook us up." He said softly.

"Ok." I said waking up more. By the time my feet hit the ground I was wide awake and felt very refreshed. "I'm hungry." I said to First.

"That's ok. I'm getting food delivered. Whatever the installers and you don't eat before they leave you will consume after they leave." He replied.

After getting dressed and watching the news for a few moments the doorbell rang. The dell guys had arrived, right behind them was the caterers. While the food was being setup I took the Dell guys into the back bedroom and had them look at the setup. They mapped out the room and decided on where to put the server racks and went outside to their trucks to bring them in. I grabbed a couple chicken biscuits and scarfed them down before the Dell guys could even get back inside. In between bites to eat the Dell guys and I got all 10 servers installed and running. They asked me if I wanted any help getting the operating system installed and I told them I didn't need help. They were on their way out the door before noon. First had made two installation DVD-ROMs for me over the course of the past day I popped them into the drive and it began the installation. It took the rest of the day but by nightfall I had First-OS running on all of my servers.

On the monitor I had running First's usage meter on everything was no maxed out. Even with my 10 new servers and my new internet connection. I asked him "Woh! Buddy! What are you doing now!?"

"Research. I need to figure out how to control the nanobots more efficiently and how to make a quantum computing chip that will run while in your body and also contain me." He said.

"I see." I said dumbly.

"Let's begin work on your body. We'll start work on your bone structure then muscles etc... Work our way inside out." He said simply.

"Ok..." I said while lying down. I was tired again.

The last thing I heard before sleep took me again was "You're going to be asleep for quite some time this time around."

PLEASE send feedback to me at! Feedback is the only ways I know if you like the story. Please include the title of the story in the subject, so that I don't delete it as spam. This story still has a LONG ways to go... ALSO! I STILL need an editor... e-mail me if interested.

Next: Chapter 2

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