Creating New Territory

By James Meola

Published on Sep 23, 2017


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This work is copyrighted by the author, [EVILCATDOG], and commercial use is prohibited without permission in writing from the author. Personal or private copies are permitted only if they are complete and include this copyright notice. Placing this story on a website or reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of this copyright.

The story contains fictional consensual, psychological, rough, authoritarian sexual behaviour between adult males. It depicts unprotected sex as part of the fiction. Safe sex practices are always best in real life. Some parts of the story involve forced-sex, but it is not without a level of enjoyment by the other participant.

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CREATING NEW TERRITORY - PART 05 -------------------------------- Monday Evening --------------------------------

I was at home, naked, and wearing the locked collar still. Cooking again, carefully. It was Steaks and Veggies tonight! I was happy.

Paul was sitting at the dinner table waiting for me to serve, watching me quietly while drinking his beer. What a crazy day it had been.

The wind picked up outside and I saw dark shadows of trees swaying furiously outside the kitchen window. A few bangs from far away. Probably loose construction materials left on a building site blowing around everywhere.

Not at our site though. I had spent the entire day labouring for Paul to remove everything that was loose and bring it inside. A storm was coming - he said.

He was dead right.

-------------------------------- Monday Morning --------------------------------

Having secured the house as best I could, I set off on the walk over to the building site a few streets away to meet Paul. At least my leg was not hurting so bad anymore, which made walking almost enjoyable.

Today was looking to be a great day. The morning light was crystal clear and the air seemed to carry me along. I noticed there were many other workers in the area too, being a workday.

When I turned into the street of the building site – now called Acacia Way according to the new street sign - my heartrate increased. Nicks' car was parked in the driveway of the house, and so was Paul's blue ute.

Nicks' red curvy sedan looked gay sitting beside it, with Pauls' utes' overly large tyres and rims, metallic paint job covering the squarish panels and a bulge in the front bonnet. It looked like the ute was packing, like the bulge I stare at when guys wear tracksuit pants.

It could only mean one thing. Brad was here. I took a deep breath to muster my confidence and checked my reflection in the side mirror of the car before heading inside. The work clothes I had on were clean and I thought I looked hot.

Brad and Paul were sitting on upside down crates in the garage having breakfast. Brad was eating a bowl of cereal and Paul was drinking a coffee.

"You're early!" Paul said, smiling. Brad looked up to see me, I averted my eyes the very second, I met his.

"Yeah. Couldn't sleep." I said truthfully.

"What's he doing here?" Brad asked Paul, seemingly pissed off.

"I told him he could have his things back today, if he helps us out here." Paul said, looking at me earnestly. "Isn't that right?"

I knew I had to say yes.

"Well get to it then..." He said.

Unsure, I began to move towards them, and went to bend down to begin sucking Paul. I was extremely self-conscious with Brad here, and I wanted to suck him - but I knew I had better please Paul first.

Paul realised what was happening and immediately sprang into action to prevent it. "You need to ask me if you want a coffee faggot." He said, quickly standing up and grabbing the thermostat from the crate nearby. "Go and clean up the open rooms, there is a storm coming today and I want everything brought in here."

I remembered then, that he hadn't told Brad any of what has been going on. As far as Brad knew, Paul was straight.

I sneaked a glance at Brad on the way past, and was caught by his angry stare. "What the fuck you are looking at cocksucker?"

I just continued on my way and tried to avoid looking back. From the garage, I could hear them talking to each other as I picked up loose tools from all around the floor.

"No Brad, we already have all his accounts locked out and we have his pictures and data. He will do what we want. Did you bring the house keys and phone too?"

I wanted to know also, so strained to hear without seeming obvious.

"What if he calls or goes to the cops?" Brad asked Paul. "He won't. Trust me." Paul replied. "He has just as much to lose - we can fuck up his entire life!" "Yeah... I don't know though... I've got the keys but I, ah, I forgot the phone at home." Brad said.

"JAMES!" Paul yelled, giving me a heart attack. "Yeah?" I said, turning back to look that way. "Come here."

I walked back into the garage and again noticed Brad giving me the stink-eye. "Brad thinks you are going to run to the police, if we should give you your things back?" "No, I won't!" I said quickly looking at Brad.

"Shut up faggot!" he said to me. "How do we know you won't?" Paul asked looking at me carefully.

"Because I know you have all my account details and will send my bad gay pictures to all my family and workmates if I did?"

"You're fucked up pictures! Sicko!" Brad said. Admittedly, there were some pretty fucked up images on my phone, taken or sent to me from various guys over the years during chats. At least they would seem that way to a straight guy.

Brad asked Paul what was the point of taking all the stuff if they are just giving it stuff back. I already knew the answer to that. But what was in this for Brad?

Paul reached into his backpack on the floor next to his feet, and pulled out an envelope. "We don't need to sell his car or phone, which can be traced back to us. We just needed to give him a reason to stay silent."

He chucked the envelope to Brad, who began to open it. "The transfer didn't go through until this morning, because of the weekend. But there's your share."

I realised what he was talking about as soon as Brad pulled out the cash. "Emptied all the accounts and the credit cards, even the one he shares with his faggot friend!"

I lost my shit, and chucked the tools I was holding to the floor, yelling at Paul. I don't even remember what I was saying because the next thing I knew, Brad had punched me in the face causing me to black out for a few seconds.

Paul got up and pulled Brad back, as I spat blood out my mouth. "Leave him - go to work now mate. Don't want to give him any more incentive to report us. We have what we want, and I am certain he won't say anything."

"I'll fucking kill him if he does." Brad got up and grabbed his tool belt. On the way past me he hocked up a glob of spit and sent it flying towards my head, landing in my eye.

I looked at Paul angrily. He motioned for me to stand up properly and follow him.

Paul led me to the porta-potties along the edge of the house, and told me to get inside and sit as he pulled out his cock, checking to ensure Brad couldn't see.

"I know you can't blow me off right now," he said, "but I can wash the blood off your face." Paul aimed his cock at my face and began to piss. Once he had the full stream going, he circled it around my head, being sure to soak me as much as possible.

I was wondering what Nick was going to say about the missing money from the accounts. He would notice that straight away, and try to call me to ask about it. Maybe it didn't matter anyway. Maybe Nick heard my cry for help on the phone. But if he had, why were there no cops? It's been 5 hours since the call ended. Then again, what if Nick was involved in this? I started reliving some Forensic Files episodes I once watched and started to freak out.

As Paul did up his fly, he leaned towards me, grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips quickly. "Don't panic bitch! I haven't touched your money. It was mine that I gave Brad." He said. Then he pulled out my wallet from his pocket and stuck it in my pants pocket.

"C'mon now," he said walking off, "You have work to do. I'll give you the keys to your house and your ex's car at the end of the day."

I got up, soaked, and stepped outside. My ex's car? He was serious about this new relationship. It came out too naturally.

I went back to the site to continue the cleaning away of all the items, feeling really happy. I got my wallet, and Nick's car back today and all I had to do was take a punch and get pissed on. I couldn't complain. Brad was pissed at me still. But after noticing that Paul has pissed on me, he began to laugh and the rest of the day was bearable.

-------------------------------- Monday Evening --------------------------------

I watched Paul finish his plate, and then he asked me to bring him another beer. We had gone to the shops together earlier, after work was finished a bit early due to rain. He was pleased that I had done an excellent job cleaning up the site.

It was a surreal experience doing the shopping, which Paul warned me about before we got out the car, with so many people around. All I had to do was scream for help, and this would all be over - well sort of. There would be consequences, but it would be over.

I watched all the people in the supermarket as they stared at me, wondering why I had a swollen and bloody lip. I could easily mouth Help Me! to one of them.

But I didn't. I was succeeding in getting back my stuff, maybe this would work out OK if I kept my cool.

Because Paul had given Brad the ute to drive home with, since I got Nick's car back today, which meant I now needed to take Paul home tonight.

"Why don't you just stay here tonight?" I said. "No. I can't. The wife is home tonight. If you think you can blow me, that will be good enough, then you can take me home."

I'd blown Paul before with a swollen lip, and knew he wasn't asking anyway, so I was about to break another rule. Blowing someone at the house.

"Come into the lounge." I told Paul. He got up and walked to the leather recliner in the main living room, sat down and sprang it open.

I got on my knees in front of him, and went to grab his cock. Paul stuck his boot up in my face to stop me.

"Take `em off." He said.

I undid the laces of his boot, then pulled it off and placed it on the floor beside me. I did the same with the other one.

Paul shoves his damp sock on my face. "Smell it." He said. I breathed in the smell, and got dizzy from being so turned on. My cock sprang to life in my own pants. I did enjoy this part of what was going on. I wouldn't have chosen Paul, but the clothes, boots and relationship dynamics was way better than with Nick.

Paul punched the foot rest back down with his feet and was sitting upright again. "Take off my belt now."

I unfastened the belt, and struggled with the button of the pants for a second, before it popped open. I undid the fly, as Paul arched upwards, allowing me to slide the pants off his legs.

His black underwear was crusty at the front. He clearly had wanked off into them a few times before. I could smell them too. I was charged up.

He lifted off the seat again, so I could take them off. When I did, he grabbed them off his foot and placed them over my head, being sure to press the cock patch into my nose and mouth.

With his hand, he shoved them a little so my mouth was facing one of the leg-holes. Then he guided my head into his crotch. I could feel his erect cock through the fabric as he rubbed it around my face.

"Lick my balls bitch!" he ordered. I licked his sweaty balls, tasty from the work all day and being trapped in used jocks. Paul moaned in pleasure as I licked and sucked them clean. He was jerking himself off in the meantime.

At last, he pulled me up to his wet knob and let me take him in. I tasted the familiar knob. It was painful, but I could still manage. I couldn't create a nice vacuum for him, but I made up for it by letting him get in very deep then not letting back up.

I bobbed up and down, trying to get him off, but causing pain. Thankfully he took charge of this, and began his own thrusts.

Unexpectedly, I heard him grunting, and then realised he was cumming in my throat. I could feel the spurts clogging up inside. I kept him in there until I was certain he was empty then sucked hard as he pulled out, causing him to groan at the sensitivity.

I squeezed his cock from the base to the tip to be sure I got it all and licked out he last drop that I pushed out. "That was nice." I said, taking off the underwear from my head.

"That's only 1 faggot. I'll chat to you later tonight on the camera. Get my beer." He said.

I brought the beer back to him, then he took a large swig and asked me to dress him. I got back to my knees in front of him and began to dress him. "Keep them." He said, when I tried to put his underwear back on. I put them aside, and put his pants back on and did the belt. I then put each boot on, smelling them before I did.

"You love it bitch don't ya?" he asked. "Yeah" I said, and he smiled.

"Doesn't your wife ever blow you?" I asked suddenly. "No! She's fucking a younger guy. Thinks I don't know." He seemed angry so I shut up.

"But she is not as good as you faggot, if that's what you are worried about. You have clearly had a lot of practice." He said, getting up. "C'mon - take me home to the bitch."

I got up and followed Paul out the front door, grabbing Nick's keys from the bench. I remembered the collar. "Paul - can you take the collar off? I can't wear it to work tomorrow." He looked at me and considered it. "I'll leave the key here. You can take it off tomorrow morning, then put it back on when you get home." He fished the key from his pocket and placed it on the hall table. I nodded OK.

As I shut the front door - I was happy to finally be able to lock it, and felt safer as the deadbolt slotted in place.

We got in Nick's car, which was shockingly in perfect un-touched condition, and I asked where we needed to go. Paul gave the address, although I don't think it was the correct address - he must live close enough to it, walking distance I would expect.

The rain hit hard finally, as I pulled back in my driveway later that evening.

I didn't hear the front door open this time. It had already been opened earlier. Asleep in my bed, I never saw the same large heavyset man who had broken into my house on the first night of this ordeal creeping down the hall towards my bedroom. I also didn't notice the leather restraints and ball gag in his hands - my own toys - strategically placed in my letterbox earlier for him. Thanks to being totally exhausted and feeling a lot better about things and feeling safe, I was in a deep sleep. I didn't wake up when the leather restraints were being carefully placed around my wrists and ankles. I think I flinched a few times as he pulled my legs carefully to the edges of the bed to secure the cuffs to the hooks Nick and I had drilled around the wooden bed frame for our own play sessions. A few years back, Nick would do this exact same thing, and I would wake up to tied to the bed with his cock pushing against my ass, or as he tried to shove an o-ring gag in my mouth and tie it behind my head. This time I woke just as the intruder was securing the last wrist cuff to the bed. I jumped up and began to scream. "Shut up bitch!" he yelled, as his big sweaty arms grabbed my head and began to shove the ball gag in. My free hand tried hard to push him away, but he was too strong and too heavy sitting on top of me. "I see you are recording this." he said, looking at the laptop screen. "I'll give you a good show." Within a few seconds, I was secured face-down on my mattress, spread out to all four corners and had a ball gag in my mouth - much tighter than when Nick and I played. I couldn't speak at all. The man got up and began to undress. He chucked his oversized shirt to the floor and I saw his cock tenting through his worn sweatpants. I was still screaming and being quite loud, so he took off his soggy sock and shoved it in my mouth around the ball gag, being sure to pack it all in with his finger. It acted as a dampener, reducing the volume of my yelling. I could taste the saltiness of the sweat and could taste his scent. The wind got knocked out of me as he climbed back on top, fully naked. "Stop your crying bitch," he said puffed out already, "you asked for it, now you're gonna get it." I felt him straddle me, with both his thick thighs on either side of mine and his hands pulling apart my ass cheeks. "Gonna get it good, for pissing me off the other night too!" I heard him drooling, and felt the cool tickle as the saliva dripped onto my exposed hole. I was yelling NO as best I could, but it seemed to be making him hornier. I heard a huge slap before I felt the red-hot palm print on my ass cheek. I went dead silent, holding my breath as I felt the tip of his cock at my entrance and tensed up in anticipation. "Relax man or its gonna hurt!" "Fuck Off" I tried to yell, but it wasn't clear. "Get off me!" "OK then... ready or not." He said and began to push in with full force. His weight allowed his cock to drive right inside on the first push. I writhed around on the bed in agony trying to breathe between the stabs of pain and screams. His whole body now flattened against me, and he licked my ear as he invaded me. "You like it huh?" He grunted in my ear with his hot breath as he began to piston his cock. "Ohhhh fuck..." he groaned. "Aww fuck yeah." "You like raw cock huh? Faggot. Yeah - your ass is fucking tight. I'm gonna need to rape your hole again after tonight I think. Yeah - you want that huh? Yeah you do, You want me to cum in your ass dont you faggot?" With my ass on fire, I began to zone out while listening to him talk dirty and fuck me. I couldn't answer his questions anyway. I could feel his cock going in and out of me, as he used his hands to keep my cheeks spread apart. and wondered how long it would take for him to cum. It seemed I had just taken to dealing with my problems by accepting them and riding them out until they were over. I came back to reality as his sweaty body began to make fart noises against my back with each thrust. He got up on his knees between my stretched-out legs and then shoved one knee beneath me to prop me up better. Grabbing my thighs, he began to pull and push me onto his cock with incredible power. I could feel his cock banging against something painful inside of me with each thrust. He quickened the pace and I could feel his sweat running down my back and wetting the sheets around me. I didn't like his smell. I swallowed the spit building up in my mouth due to the gags and could taste him. He became very animalistic with his grunts and then started to signal he was getting close by getting louder and more aggressive. I felt as though his cock was plunging my insides, trying to pull them out. My ass felt completely torn apart, loose and opened wide, and I wondered how he could be feeling anything enjoyable anymore as he shouted out, "I'm getting close, uhhhhh, Fuckkkk, oh fuck,........, yeah, fuck yeah, YEAH." "OH! FUCK YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted, like a roar. I felt the hot spurts searing my insides as the cum fired into my gut. He was screaming and howling like a wolf, still fucking me like a worthless rag doll, despite having finished, until he was totally soft. He laughed, as he said, "That was fucking great man, fuck yeah." "You're a hot fucker!" He slapped my ass and pulled his now limp dick out. "Woooooah," he said catching his breath, "Holy fuck man!" He got off me and began to get dressed. "Oh fuck.....phewww" He said again, as he looked for his sock and then remembered where he put it. "You can keep that." He laughed. I was stunned, and scared - too shocked to respond to the situation in any way. So I remained still and quiet. He pulled his shirt back on and then asked, "You want me to leave you like that yeah?" Before I had time to comprehend what he said and respond, he said "Alright. Thanks man! That was hot – let's do it again sometime." Then he walked out the room and I heard him leave the house. Who the fuck just raped me? I struggled against the restraints. It was no use, I couldn't get free. I tried to push out his cum from my ass in fear of diseases and could feel something oozing out. I wasn't sure if it was blood or cum or both. It had been many years since I was fucked and this one was particularly rough. I began to lose it and get incredibly aggressive trying to free myself. Still with no luck, I wore myself out after trying for a while. Eventually, I fell asleep reliving the incident while my cock remained rock hard and begged to be able to cum. I could still feel him in me, and his presence laying on top of me. I awoke a short time later, maybe 20 minutes to a Chinese guy on top of me. I screamed again and again. He pulled the gag out my mouth, sensing something was wrong. "What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled. "Very sorry." He said, "You want me fuck you? You said?" "No! I didnt - Fuck Off Me!" "Sorry." He said and without saying another word he got up and left as though i'd scared him half to death. I stayed awake, and a short time later I heard another person coming down my hallway towards my room. I was already yelling at him to `Fuck Off' before I saw him. He was rubbing his cock through his sweat pants. "You slut." I recognised that voice. It was the same guy from the previous night that kicked my front door. "I don't know what's going on, please let me out. Untie me. Help me!" "No one's gonna be helping you tonight faggot." He said smiling. He jumped up onto the bed, then quickly began getting undressed. "You wanted it. And this time I'm getting what I came for!" He sat on my pillow and pointed his cock at my mouth. "Open Up." "I didn't..." I began to say. But his cock was in my mouth before I could finish. At least this man was attractive. I would have been happy any other time. I was happy now it seemed too - my cock was beginning to feel painful at how bad I wanted to cum. Once again, I tried to blow him off, but wasn't doing a good job, being stuck in position and with a swollen lip, while trying to understand what was going on. He got upset and pushed me off him, spitting into my face. "You suck for shit." he said. "I'm gonna fuck you instead." He stood up on my bed over me and repositioned himself to be able to fuck my ass. "Had some earlier visitors I see? You fucking dirty whore!" I felt his cock enter my hole, but thanks to the abuse from before, it was not that painful. I could feel him fucking away behind me. He picked up the ball of sock, wet with my saliva, wondered what it was and shoved it back in my mouth when he realised. I just wanted him to cum quick, he was not too bad looking and I wanted his cum in me, and I wanted to cum too, desperately. I could feel him getting close as he ramped up his efforts. He smelled amazing. His cock began to feel nice in my ass. At last I felt relief when he stopped pounding me, and I felt his sperm shooting through my stomach, mixing with the previous guys to form a powerful cocktail. He remained on top of me, motionless. And then I felt the warmth. He was pissing in my ass! I could feel the pressure building up inside, washing away the sperm coating my walls. It became too much and I felt it begin dribbling out. He wasn't moving though. "Oh yeah!" He said, squishing it all around, forcing more out. "You dirty fucker. I'm gonna cum in you again tonight. Make up for last time." I spat the sock out of my mouth, and suddenly felt his weight lift off me. This was followed by a huge crashing sound into my wardrobe, causing stuff to fall everywhere. I lifted my head back to see what had happened. The fright cause most of the piss in me to gush out onto my bed. Paul was here! He began to punch the random guy on the floor. He was begging something of Paul - I couldn't hear properly as Paul was shouting at him non-stop. Paul picked him up and pressed his face into the piss patch on my bed and held it there. I think he was struggling to breathe after a while, and Paul let him up. "What are you doing here?" Paul yelled. "He asked! Please stop!" The guy said in fear. "What!? What did he ask?" Paul demanded. "My phone!" The guy yelled, and pointed to his pants on the floor. Paul picked them up and took out the iPhone. The man grabbed the phone and did some nervous taps then handed it to Paul. Paul looked at it, then tapped himself. He stared at the phone for a while. Then he lost it and began kicking the wardrobe door until it splintered into pieces. The random guy asked Paul, "Can I go?" Paul looked at him for a long time. "Leave. I'm keeping the phone. You go to the cops and I'll report you for rape." The guy nodded and began to leave. "Get your clothes!" Paul said. The guy picked up his clothes and then began to get dressed in the hall. Paul walked outside with his shoes and shut the door to my bedroom, leaving me as I was. I could hear some more talking but couldn't hear the words. After a few minutes, Paul came back in. "I'm sorry." He said. "It's OK - Im OK" I replied. He shut the door to my room again, and began to get undressed. "Can you untie me?" I asked. He yelled at me. "NO!" Just as the thunder struck outside. The hail came right after it and then the power went out. --------------------------------------- To be continued.... --------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* AUTHORS NOTE: I welcome any/all feedback, criticism, suggestions, thank you's, chats etc with readers taken by this story. It is my first attempt at finally transcribing some of my own fantasies and uploading them for others to read - having read many stores on NIFTY for years. James - *******************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 6

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