Creating New Territory

By James Meola

Published on Sep 22, 2017



This work is copyrighted by the author, [EVILCATDOG], and commercial use is prohibited without permission in writing from the author. Personal or private copies are permitted only if they are complete and include this copyright notice. Placing this story on a website or reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of this copyright.

The story contains fictional consensual, psychological, rough, authoritarian sexual behaviour between adult males. It depicts unprotected sex as part of the fiction. Safe sex practices are always best in real life. Some parts of the story involve forced-sex, but it is not without a level of enjoyment by the other participant.

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CREATING NEW TERRITORY - PART 04 -------------------------------- Sunday Night --------------------------------

I was starving. I hadn't eaten since Saturday morning. The 2 minutes in the microwave seemed like an eternity as I watched the baked beans spin around slowly.

I felt like it was the universe that was spinning, and the bowl of beans was actually sitting still.

I saw myself reflected in the glass. I was naked. It felt amazing being fresh and clean, with the rank clothes I was wearing now tumbling around the washing machine and having showered. Also, Paul had no cameras in my kitchen - at least I thought so - so I was not self-conscious.

Paul had allowed me to leave the building site early - after I blew him off one last time. He left no instructions to keep the clothes on again, so I took the liberty and seized the opportunity on the technicality.

The events of the day played on my mind though. My relationship with Nick is over... I'm supposed to be with Paul now? It kept circling around my brain like the beans. Just because I told him YES, doesn't mean I needed to live up to it. I just needed to play along until I am in a better place.

As the microwave beeped, the Nokia went off on the kitchen bench.

"What you up to faggot?" Paul asked when I answered it. He sounded very relaxed. I hadn't heard this tone before.

"Cooking, and doing some washing." As soon as I said it, I knew he'd make a sarcastic joke about doing housework chores. I wasn't wrong. I just wanted to slip in the part about the washing in case he had an issue with it later.

"Get into the lounge room so I can see you." He asked.

"OK", I replied, walking over to the next room – shitting myself for being naked.

"Nice ass bitch. I can't wait to stick my dick in it. I bet you can't wait for that!" He said through the phone. I couldn't see him as the TV was off, but the computer and web camera stayed on all the time.

"I thought I would wash the clothes, since you didn't say anything..." I tried to change the subject from being fucked. The last thing I wanted.

He interrupted. "All good bitch, don't stress over it. I was going to tell you to wash them anyway. I want you naked at all times when you are at home from now on too."

I was fine with that, as I did that already, before this weekend.

"Good bitch. How does it feel being my own claimed faggot now?"

"It feels good sir." I lied, then wondered what made me call him sir. A knock at the door quickly changed my focus. "Hold on..." I said to Paul and put the phone down – half expecting it to be Paul at the door – here to fuck me.

Anxiously, I approached the useless front door, wedged shut by the heavy bookshelf I slid in place behind it to hold it closed, but still deadlocked to prevent closure. "Who is it?" I asked. The door was visibly ajar to the person outside.

"I'm here to see James." A voice responded. "Um, he isn't here... Who is it? What do you want?" I asked. "I was supposed to meet him here, he said he'd leave the door open." "No, he isn't here!" I said again.

"C'mon mate, let me in!" I saw his hand reach through the door, but the bookshelf stopped him. He could easily push it aside though if he wanted. "Go away or I'll call the cops." I shouted. I could see his shadow outside, and his face press up against the patterned glass next to the front door. "I can see that you're naked. Let me in. I don't like playing games!"

"Go now! I'm not interested!" I yelled. "Fucking Cocksucker!" He yelled back, as he kicked the door, startling me and turned away. I heard a vehicle start and watched it drive off a moment later.

I went back into the lounge room and grabbed the phone. "Who was that?" Paul asked.

"I was gonna ask you that! Another random guy. This is the second person now. You must know something about it."

"No, not anything to do with me bitch." He assured me. I wasn't convinced. Coincidences don't just happen. "What's he want?" Paul asked.

"Don't know... he just left." I said. "I need my keys so I can look the front door properly. Someone came in here last night too. I told you before." "Yeah..." Paul said in thought, "I will get them off Brad tomorrow. You can have them back in the morning." "What about my phone too? What if Nick is trying to call me?" "Not yet cunt." he said. "Don't get greedy. I'll sort something out. That shouldn't worry you anyway. You're mine now." "No, but you said we can be discreet around Nick. He will get suspicious if he can't reach me."

The Nokia beeped at me, indicating low battery. "This phone's dying." I said quickly. "Don't worry about it, " Paul said. "I'll bring the charger to the site tomorrow too. Hurry up and eat, then I want to see you in bed. We can talk more there through the camera." He hung up.

I went and made some toast to go with the beans and drank a glass of milk. As I put the plate into the dishwasher, I noticed the large kitchen knife in there. Picking it up, I walked over to the bedroom, glancing down the hall towards the front door on the way, feeling paranoid.

Sneaking a sideways glance at the open laptop screen on the dresser, I could see that Paul wasn't at his camera yet, so quickly hid the knife under my pillow. I got into bed, and despite what little sleep I had during the previous nights, I was not tired now. I laid there, waiting for Paul to arrive.

When this hadn't happened for about 30 minutes, I put on some Porn clips to watch on the laptop. I may as well remain horny for whatever Paul had in mind. About halfway through the fourth blowjob, I heard his voice calling me a faggot through the tinny speakers. I got up and closed the video and could see his face on the webcam feed window.

"Hey slut" he smiled. "Hey" I replied.

"Where's my boots?" I pointed to the floor. "Put them on cunt, hurry up."

I could feel my cock awaken as I stuck my feet into each boot.

"Do you have lube bitch?" "Yeah." I said wondering.

"Get it." He ordered. I noticed he appeared to be wanking. "I want you to jack off for me."

I hated jacking off in front of others, it takes me a while to cum, and usually it's only when I'm watching a porn clip. "You can be my personal faggot porn stream tonight. Live."

I retrieved the lube from my sex toy chest, causing Paul to notice all the other stuff in there. "Wait bitch - what's all that stuff in there? Show me!"

"It's just toys." I said. "Oh yeah? Show them to me!" he ordered.

I pulled out the things one by one. Leather cuffs, harnesses and hoods. Metal cuffs, clamps and spreader bars. Collars and Gags. Plugs, Dildos and Cock Cages. I had spent a lot of money on this stuff, once upon a time and now had at least one of everything.

Paul was wanking harder over the collection. "Put the collar on bitch." He said. "That's another thing I want you to wear when you are at home too from now on."

My own cock twinged. I had always wanted Nick to make me wear the collar at home, but he never got into the kinky side too much, except for a trial phase when all this was first bought. I had given up fighting with Paul too – it just made things worse. I just hoped I could obey and do whatever he wanted and hopefully get all my stuff back before Nick came home.

"The metal one or the leather one?" I asked. "Leather. Mmmm. You are a kinky cunt aren't ya?" he said.

I clipped the leather collar around my neck and did the buckle. "Does it have a lock?"

I nodded and grabbed a small padlock from the tub of various locks, then clicked it into place. He had moved and I could now see his cock. "I want the key to that tomorrow, and I want you to keep it on until you see me."

"Uh, OK" I said.

"Ok now get rid of that other shit boy. I want to see you cum for me."

I started pushing everything back into the chest, when he stopped me suddenly. "The clamps! Put those on too."

Dreading it, I fastened the nipple clamps to my nipples. I hadn't used them in years. At first the pain was tolerable but 20 seconds later I was consumed by it.

"Go. Get back in bed and wank for me. Show me how much you want to please me cuntface."

I started to touch myself, but I wasn't getting erect. I remembered the lube and began to use that. I never used lube to jack off. It seemed I was missing out - it felt awesome.

"I wish I was there right now!" Paul said. "I'd fuck that bitch throat to shreds. You'd like that, hey faggot?" "Yeah," I replied somewhat honestly.

"Yeah you would. You can suck on my hairy balls too. I can see you are getting hard now bitch. You can lick my balls for real in the morning."

"Yes sir!" I said, "You can fuck my ass too." Now - where the fuck did that come from. Maybe I was secretly wanting Paul to fuck me...

"Nah" he laughed, "Saving that for later, whore. Gonna be a special night when I mark your insides." "C'mon now faggot, show me how much you loved drinking my piss this morning."

My cock got fully hard at the memory. It seemed I was enjoying this more than my mind said I was.

"How's your nipples feeling? You're lucky I'm not there slut, or I would fuck them up more than those things. I'll show you that tomorrow too."

I didn't doubt, but the mention of them brought he pain back into my awareness. I could imagine his fingers squeezing them already.

"C'mon faggot, I don't have all night. Cum for me before my wife gets home."

I tried harder, but started to panic, as I realised I might be unable to right now and then I'd be in the shit again.

"If you don't cum for me now bitch, I'll lock that little cock of yours in the cage you got there for being completely useless and you won't cum again for a month."

I stated to jack off more vigorously, and closed my eyes, descending into the fantasy realm. Brad appeared in my vision, with his incredibly hot face and with his strong legs wrapped around my head as I tried to take in his thick cock that first day.

I altered the memory and this time was able to take his straight-man penis into my mouth. It tasted amazing. I began to suck him like an expert. I could hear him moaning as his dick pulsed in my mouth. His thick legs were ensuring that I stayed locked in place as he thrusted in and out, pushing with force directly into my throat like a piston.

His strong hands pushed my head at the right angles upon every thrust, as he used my hair as a lever to pull me back up. I could hear his grunting, like a wild animal and could sense the urgency for him to unleash himself. My teeth were being crushed against my lips every time I hit the base of his cock.

He became fixated on the overwhelming need to release all the forces now building up inside of him, the surging energies spreading through his nervous system and concentrating at the base of his spine. He just needed to push it all out with those rarely-used muscles.

I had given up trying to breathe now, there was no time for air and I didn't want to risk choking. The smallest interruption would cause this violent frenzy to fizzle and diminish. I needed it to happen now just as much. I could feel his muscles contracting, he was trying desperately to expel the pent up, yet imminent explosion.

All his energy was being spent on reaching the summit, only to find another, slightly higher one appear. This next one is it. Here it comes. Yes. Here it is. No, this one is it. He is almost there, applying more friction and more speed - it is so close. I can tell he is blaming me for the struggle. He no longer sees me as a person. Just a tool he is using to get off with. I can feel the heat rising from his core as his grunts become more aggressive. This time he knows it is coming. His manly face fills my vision.

In one instant, a spark ignites the air around me and engulfs the entire room in a fireball. I feel searing hot cum spurting from my cock like a volcano erupting lava. A shot lands above my head on the pillow and the next one lands in my eye, sizzling. My roar echoes through the cavern.

The mushrooming fireball has consumed all the oxygen and begins to dissipate away, dissolving back into fragments of reality. I lay on the bed panting hard and realised I had been holding my breath during the last few minutes. It takes a few more moments before feeling returns, followed by my hearing.

"Good boy bitch" I heard said from far away. "You really do love sucking my cock don't ya!"

I couldn't answer. I heard Paul grunting himself, but couldn't raise my head to watch. Mustering whatever strength was recovered from the last 6 seconds of rest, I propped my head up to see him ejaculating into a glass jar.

I assumed I'd be probably be drinking that in the morning as I fell back onto the pillow exhausted.

Without saying a word to me, Paul's camera turned off. I laid my head back down and dazed off into a deep sleep.

In my dream, I had just broken up with Nick and told him about my new relationship with Paul. He was livid. For some reason, I had told him that sex with Paul was more fun and that he was boring these days. I told him I was going to quit my job as an executive and become an apprentice.

Nick asked to see him. I showed him a photo of Paul on the Nokia. It was a large, heavyset - or ridiculously overweight man. Balding and with a vicious face. He was wearing a filthy white t-shirt, and black adidas tracksuit pants. He was wearing worn out trainers with holes in them.

Nick was yelling at me. "That's who you are going with?"

"No!" I replied angrily and woke up.

That wasn't Paul. I remembered those shoes from the man who had entered my house the previous night.

I got out of bed and wandered down the darkened hallway towards the front door. Everything was in place as I had left it.

I slid the heavy bookshelf across the floor tiles, and opened the door. The cool breeze hit me in the face, reminding me of my walk home from the dirt field after being kidnapped. I stepped out onto the porch and stared out into the street-lit, but deserted, cul-del-sac.

All these empty homes around me. Why had no one else moved in yet? I suddenly felt really small. I had always hated people and loved being on my own, yet now it seemed I was asking the universe for neighbours. After a few minutes of staring at nothing, I went back inside, pushed the books back against the door and went back to bed.

Out in the street, an unknown red car drove quietly past my house and into the neighbour's driveway opposite mine. The man got out and manually opened the large garage door, careful to remain quiet as he parked inside. In the garage were two other vehicles. Mine. And Nicks.

The man then entered the home through the internal door, which had it lock busted off earlier. He walked down the dark, empty hallway, up the ghostly staircase and into the barren master suite, which overlooked the street.

Specifically - my house.

An hour later I was awoken by a knock at the door to my bedroom. I sat up panicked and grabbed the knife. I stayed silent.

The handle turned and the door began to open. "Who are you?" I yelled quickly. "What do you want?"

An old man, probably about 70 entered my room smiling. A different person again. "I want you to suck my cock!" He said, quickly moving towards me. I noticed it was already sticking out of his pants and dripping.

I pointed the knife. He took a step back, frightened. "Did Paul send you?"

He left the room. "I'm s-sorry!" he said, staring at the knife. "I think I have the wrong house." "I'm leaving now. OK!" He stuck his cock back into his fly and quickly left the room.

"Wait!" I yelled. "Who are you?"

He kept pace and headed straight out the front door. I got up and followed a moment later. "Wait!" I yelled again.

He just got in his car and drove off, ignoring me. I watched the empty street again, standing out in the road, naked, and wearing a leather collar. A few minutes later, I went back inside.

This time I slid Nicks mattress from the master suite, where it was drying, into the hallway near the front door and made my bed right there. Ready. And I did fall asleep again. At least the mattress had no smell anymore.

At some point, I woke and heard a vehicle driving away from my street. When I peered outside, there was nothing to see. I wondered about it.

It was 4 am when the Nokia rang and awoke me again. I answered it quickly, "Yeah?"

"Hey sexy." It was Nick not Paul!

"I'm so happy to hear you!" I said excitedly – maybe too much so. "How'd you get this number?"

"It diverted me here when I rang yours...? What were you doing yesterday - there was no answer?"

"Nothing... I was asleep." I lied. I began to get paranoid and wonder if Nick was somehow involved in what was going on here with me.

"Why did you ring at 4am? What time is it there?" "its 7 - just had drinks with some friends from work. I figured you'd be getting ready for work now?"

"No - I called in sick today." - I hadn't but I was supposed to. But I had no phone to ring them with. "You alright - you sound weird?" "No, I was sleeping that's all." I lied again. The feeling of lying to Nick took me by surprise. I hadn't done it for nearly 10 years. "I miss you!" he said.

I suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to have him here and fuck the consequences! "Nick - you need to call the cops. Some guys have robbed the house and are threatening me if I don't blow them, and they have access to our bank account. You need to help me!"

There was nothing in response. The phone had died and I had no idea at which point. I dropped the phone nervously and looked at the knife sitting next to me.

How did it come to this? What had I just done?

--------------------------------------- To be continued.... ---------------------------------------

******************************************************************************* AUTHORS NOTE: I welcome any/all feedback, criticism, suggestions, thank you's, chats etc with readers taken by this story. It is my first attempt at finally transcribing some of my own fantasies and uploading them for others to read - having read many stores on NIFTY for years. James - *******************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 5

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